481 research outputs found


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    Menstruasi merupakan pendarahan yang disebabkan dari luruhnya dinding rahimsebelah dalam. Menstruasi terjadi pada saat ovum tidak dibuahi oleh sperma sehinggakorpus luteum menghentikan dalam memproduksi hormon esterogen dan progesteron.Dalam proses luruhnya endometrium sering terjadinya nyeri, dimanan nyeri ini seringdikenal dengan dismenorea, yakni nyeri pada saat sebelum dan sesudah menstruasi.Nyeri haid (dismenorea) disebabkan dari kontraksi dinding rahim ketika terjadipeningkatan pada hormon prostaglandin yang membantu dalam proses pelepasandinding rahim sehingga menimbulkan nyeri yang sering dirasakan dibagian perutbawah dan nyeri pinggang. Terapi pelvic rocking ini bertujuan untuk mengurangitingkat nyeri dismenore yang sering terjadi pada wanita saat haid. Metode yangdigunakan meliputi sosialisasi, demonstrasi, dan evaluasi. Remaja Desa Leuwimalangtelah memahami bagaimana cara melakukan pelvic rocking. Remaja DesaLeuwimalang juga telah mempraktikkan teknik pelvic rocking secara mandiri untukmengatasi nyeri yang mereka rasakan ketika haid.Kata Kunci : Pelvic Rocking, Nyeri, Dismenor

    Pemanfaatan Susu Kambing (Capra aegagrus) Dan Susu Kedelai (Glycine max) Pada Keju Tradisional Khas Indonesia Berkadar Protein Tinggi

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    Dadih adalah keju tradisional khas Indonesia, salah satu makanan khas Sumatera Barat, terbuat dari susu kerbau dan difermentasi dalam tabung bambu selama 2 hari. Kelangkaan susu kerbau dapat diganti dengan susu kambing dan susu kedelai, karena komposisi susu kambing dan susu kedelai lebih baik daripada susu sapi dan tidak menyebabkan lactose intolerance. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh macam bahan dasar dari campuran susu kambing dan susu kedelai pada dadih terhadap kadar protein, lemak, asam total, organoleptik, dan daya terima masyarakat. Metode penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) satu faktor dengan kombinasi 5 perlakuan adalah E0 (susu kambing 100%), K0 (susu kedelai 100%), E8K2 (susu kambing 80% dan susu kedelai 20%), E2K8 (susu kambing 20% dan susu kdelai 80%), dan E5K5 (susu kambing 50% dan susu kedelai 50%). Teknik penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif untuk mengetahui kualitas dadih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa macam bahan dasar berpengaruh terhadap kadar protein, lemak, dan asam total. Kandungan protein dan lemak tertinggi pada perlakuan E8K2 (susu kambing 80% dan susu kedelai 20%) masing-masing sebesar 18,88 g dan 15,78 % sedangkan kadar protein dan lemak terendah yaitu pada perlakuan K0 (susu kedelai 100%) masing-masing sebesar 10,25 g dan 13,36%. Kadar asam total tertinggi pada dadih pada perlakuan E0 (susu kambing 100%) sebesar 6,32 %, kadar asam total terendah pada perlakuan K0 (susu kedelai 100%) yaitu 1,73 %. Sifat organoleptik pada dadih dari semua perlakuan mempunyai rasa asam, beraroma asam dan tidak bau khas kambing atau langu, dan bertekstur lembut dan kenyal. Hasil uji daya terima masyarakat, rata-rata panelis menyukai puding yang terbuat dari susu kambing dan memberikan penilaian netral pada puding yang menggunakan susu kedelai


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    ABSTRACT Ratna Dewi Safitri, 8105133169. The Correlation of Parenting, Self Concept and Self Directed Learning at Educational Student Faculty Of Economics 2016. Scripts, Jakarta: Education of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Jakarta State University, 2017. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between Parenting and Self Concept with Self-Directed Learning to Educational Students Faculty of Economics 2016 in State University of Jakarta. This research was conducted for 5 months starting from March 2017 until July 2017. This research use survey method with quantitative approach, population in this research is educational student of Faculty of Economics 2016, with population of student of Economics Education and Commerce Education 2016 amounted 311 people. The research sampling technique used random sample proportional with the number of samples counted 167 people. Technique of collecting data using questionnaire technique. Data analysis techniques using IBM SPSS Statistic 21 program started by looking for test requirements analysis that is technical normality test by using Komolgrov Smirnov Z method and in can X1 of 0.151, X2 of 0.178, and Y of 0.149 are all greater than significant 0.05 then Data is normally distributed. Possible searches for classical assumption assays include multicolinearity tests, and heteroscedasticity tests. From the multicolinearity test result of tolarance value of 0,506 which is bigger than 0,01 and VIF less than 10 that is 1,977, it can be concluded that there is no multicollinearity problem. Looking for heteroscedasticity test that yields significant value X1 0,720 and X2 0,699, because significant value more than 0,05 hence there is no problem of heteroscedasticity. The regression equation in can is Y = 4,573 + 0.543 X1 + 0.633 X2. Hypothesis test consist of partial correlation coefficient test of Y and X1 when X2 constant give 0,965 value, partial correlation coefficient test Y and X2 if X1 constant give 0,972. multiple test results X1, X1 with Y yields a value of 0.943. Test F in ANOVA table is known Fcount 16.024> Ftable 3.05. Test t produces tcount 7,149 from parenting> t table 1,654 and t count 20,332 from self concept> t table 1,654. Determination coefficient test obtained results of 89%, the rest of 11% influenced by other factors not examined. The conclusion of this study is there is a significant relationship between parenting and self-concept of learning independence in the students of the Faculty of Economics class of 2016 at the State University of Jakarta. Suggestion students are given guidance and training (tasks) to improve learning independence in lectures. Keywords: Parenting Patterns, Self Concept, Self-Directed Learnin


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    The objectives of study were to find out: (1) which one provides better mathematic learning achievement, TGT-PS, MM-PS, or K-PS. (2) which one has better mathematic learning achievement, student at high reasoning ability, student at medium reasoning ability, or student at low reasoning ability. (3) in each learning model (TGT-PS, MM-PS, K-PS), which one provides better mathematic learning achievement in the students, student at high reasoning ability, student at medium reasoning ability, or student at low reasoning ability. (4) in each reasoning ability, which one has better mathematic learning achievement in TGT-PS, MM-PS, or K-PS model. This study was a quasi-experimental research. The population of research was the seven graders of Public Junior High Schools throughout Sragen Regency in the school year of 2014/2015. The sample of research was the students of SMP N 1 Gemolong, SMP N 1 Masaran, and SMP N 1 Kalijambe, taken with stratified cluster random sampling. The instruments used for collecting the data were mathematic learning achievement test and reasoning ability test. Technique of analyzing data used was hypothesis test using a two-way anova with different cell. The conclusions of the study were as follows. (1) The mathematics learning achievement of students treated with TGT-PS learning model was better than that of those treated with MM-PS learning model and K-PS learning model. the mathematics learning achievement of students treated with learning model was as good as that of those treated with K-PS learning model. (2) The mathematics learning achievement of students with high reasoning ability was better than that of those with medium reasoning ability and low reasoning ability. The mathematics learning achievement of students with medium reasoning ability was better than that of those with low reasoning ability. (3) In TGT-PS learning model, the learning achievement of students with high reasoning ability was as good as that of those with medium reasoning ability, and that of those with high reasoning ability was better than that of those with low reasoning ability, and that of those with medium reasoning ability was as good as that of those with low reasoning ability. In MM-PS and K-PS learning models, the learning achievement of students with high reasoning ability was better than that of those with medium reasoning ability and low reasoning ability. And that of those with medium reasoning ability was as good as that of those with low reasoning ability. (4) In students with high reasoning ability and low reasoning ability, the students treated with TGT-PS model had the same learning achievement to those treated with MM-PS model, the students treated with TGT-PS model had the same learning achievement to those treated with K-PS model, the students treated with MM-PS model had the same learning achievement to those treated with K-PS model. In students with medium reasoning ability, the students treated with TGT-PS model had better learning achievement to those treated with K-PS model. The students treated MM-PS model had the same learning achievement to those treated with K-PS learning model. Keywords: Cooperative Learning, Teams Games Tournament, Make a Match, Classical Learning, Scientific Approach, Reasoning ability


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    ABSTRACT        The container transportation sector seems to have a tight level of competition, given the large number of private freight companies and there are not many obstacles to entering this sector and there are many service providers.        Transportation in people's lives is a very important role, because by transporting almost all economic activities and community activities, it can generally run smoothly. The role of transportation in the economic sector as from the economic activities themselves.         One form of implementation of the Samarinda Mayor Regulation Number 23 of 2010 concerning the Determination of Goods Transport Trajectories in the City of Samarinda Area is a Prohibition against every driver of freight transporting between 06:00 to 18:00 in the City of Samarinda enclosed in PERWALI Samarinda No. 23 of 2010.         The rules for limiting the trajectory of freight vehicles which are grouped with the class of road and the heaviest axle load (MST) must be obeyed by service users and drivers of vehicles because the roads in the area of Samarinda City are not intended for freight vehicles, especially the type of container trucks that are overloaded . Keywords: PERWALI Samarinda No. 23 of 2010, Containe


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    Dampak pandemi Covid-19 saat ini telah berimbas pada hampir semua aspek kehidupan termasuk pada Dunia Peradilan. Praktek persidangan konvensional harus beralih kepada Persidangan online (E-Litigasi). Penulis memandang perlu untuk diadakannya kajian mengenai perkembangan regulasi serta optimalisasi Pemberlakuan Peradilan Pidana Secara Elektronik Selama Masa Pandemi Covid-19. Tipe penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dikeluarkanya Peraturan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 4 Tahun 2020 Tentang Administrasi Dan Persidangan Perkara Pidana Di Pengadilan Secara Elektronik  merupakan terobosan sekaligus komitmen oleh para penegak hukum dalam mewujudkan reformasi di dunia peradilan Indonesia yang mensinergikan peran teknologi informasi dengan hukum acara di masa pandemi seperti sekarang ini, dalam rangka optimalisasi kebijakan sistem peradilan pidana secara elektronik perlu diadakannya pembaharuan hukum melalui revisi kitab undang-undang hukum acara pidana (KUHAP) menjadi suatu norma baru bersifat permanen bagi lembaga peradilan dalam mewujudkan peradilan yang agung dan  Modern berbasis teknologi

    Penerapan Media Loose Part untuk Kreativitas Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya kemampuan anak dalam berkreasi menuangkan ide gagasannya secara mandiri tanpa bantuan guru. Hal ini terlihat dari kurangnya anak dalam menyelesaikan keterampilan dalam membuat suatu karya bebas. Karena pembelajaran masih terdominasi pada buku panduan atau LKA. Tujuan penelitian akan menguraikan secara deskriptif kualitatif  pembelajaran dalam penerapan media loose parts terhadap kreativitas anak usia 5-6 tahun.. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif dengan jumlah subjek penelitian 24  anak yang terdiri dari 9 anak perempuan dan 15 anak laki-laki. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan melalui observasi dan dokumentasi, sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif Miles & Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa melalui media loose parts dapat meningkatkan kreativitas anak. Dari hasil penelitian ini disarankan kepada guru PAUD dalam meningkatkan kreativitas anak dapat mengunakan media media loose parts menggunakan bahan dari lingkungan sekitar ana