3,814 research outputs found

    Aurelio Saffi, Alessandro Fortis e l'ereditĂ  mazziniana

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    ItIl saggio ricostruisce le modalitĂ  con cui la tradizione mazziniana fu tramandata da Aurelio Saffi e Alessandro Fortis, entrambi interessati, tra l'altro, alla soluzione del problema di Roma Capitale. Saffi assorbĂŹ autonomamente e gradualmente il pensiero di Mazzini, rielaborandolo in una variante meno intransigente. Da parte sua, anche Fortis venne influenzato dal mazzinianesimo, partecipando all'ultima campagna militare del Risorgimento e interfacciandosi poi con Saffi, ma, a causa delle sue ambizioni politiche e istituzionali, fu costretto a lenire gli ideali democratici mazziniani, che comunque riecheggiarono in varie occasioni durante la sua attivitĂ  politica.EnThe essay analyses how Mazzinian tradition was passed on by Aurelio Saffi and Alessandro Fortis, particularly interested in the problem of Roma Capitale too. Saffi approached Mazzini's thought autonomously and progressively and he managed to rework it into a less intransigent variant. On the other hand, Fortis was influenced by Mazzinianism, taking part in the last military campaign of the Risorgimento and subsequently approaching Saffi. Because of his political and institutional ambitions, Fortis was forced to dampen Mazzini's ideals. However, these democratic ideals echoed on several occasions during his political experience

    In Aid of Removal: Due Process Limits on Immigration Detention

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    In this Article, I seek to demonstrate the radical consequences that taking due process seriously would have for immigration detention as currently practiced. Part I lays out the general principles that apply to civil preventive detention, which establish that substantive due process is violated without an individualized showing after a fair adversarial hearing that there is something to prevent, namely danger to the community or flight. Part II applies this general framework to immigration detention. It first demonstrates, by a review of Supreme Court decisions, that the Court has applied the same due process principles to immigration detention that it has to other forms of civil detention; in other words, this is not a subject on which immigration exceptionalism, or the plenary power doctrine, has played much of a role. Second, I apply these general principles to several immigration law developments since 1996, illustrating that significant aspects of the INS\u27s current detention policy and practice violate due process. Finally, I take up the issue of detention of entering aliens, and argue that cases holding that due process does not limit entering aliens\u27 detention are predicated on an erroneous conflation of the decision to exclude and the decision to detain

    Toxicological Study Employing Repeated Doses of Garcinielliptone FC, a Polyisoprenylated-Benzophenone Isolated from Seed of Platonia Insignis Mart

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    The major constituent from the hexane extract of the seeds of P. insignis is GFC (garcinielliptone FC). Doses of 25, 50and 75 mg/kg of GFC were aseptically suspended in 0.05% Tween 80 dissolved in 0.9% saline (vehicle) and orally administered for30, 90 and 120 consecutive days to adult Swiss mice. In this work, the repeated oral administration, in animals of both sexes,demonstrates that this compound is not able to induce mortality and/or behavioral changes in adult mice. In addition, body weightgain, feed intake and disposal of excreta were not altered by the administration of this compound with repeated doses. Furthermore,no differences in weight and macroscopic structure of the brain, liver, kidney, lung, heart and spleen between groups of male andfemale adult mice were observed after treatment. During the periods of treatment, GFC produced no significant changes onhaematological and biochemical parameters in male and female mice treated with all doses used. The aim of this study was toinvestigate the toxicological potential of GFC through behavioral, hematological, biochemical and morphological parameters inanimals in order to ensure the safe use of Platonia insignis in folk medicine.Fil: Silva, Ana P.. Federal University of PiauĂ­; BrasilFil: Filho, JosĂ© Carlos C. L. S.. North Union of Parana; BrasilFil: da Costa JĂșnior, Joaquim S.. Federal Institute of PiauĂ­; BrasilFil: PelĂĄez, Walter JosĂ©. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - CĂłrdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en FĂ­sico-quĂ­mica de CĂłrdoba. Universidad Nacional de CĂłrdoba. Facultad de Ciencias QuĂ­micas. Instituto de Investigaciones en FĂ­sico-quĂ­mica de CĂłrdoba; ArgentinaFil: Faillace, MartĂ­n SebastiĂĄn. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - CĂłrdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones en FĂ­sico-quĂ­mica de CĂłrdoba. Universidad Nacional de CĂłrdoba. Facultad de Ciencias QuĂ­micas. Instituto de Investigaciones en FĂ­sico-quĂ­mica de CĂłrdoba; ArgentinaFil: FalcĂŁo Ferraz, Alexandre de B.. Lutheran University of Brazil; BrasilFil: David, Jorge M.. Institute Of Chemistry, Federal University Of Bahia; Brasil. Universidade Federal da Bahia; BrasilFil: Freitas, Rivelilson M.. Federal University of Bahia; Brasi

    Transnational Nationalists: Cosmopolitan Women, Philanthropy, and Italian State-Building, 1850-1890

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    “Transnational Nationalists: Cosmopolitan Women, Philanthropy and Italian State-Building, 1850-1890” is a study of Protestant and Jewish transnational reforming women who took advantage of a period of fluidity to act as non-state actors and impact Italian unification and liberation, a process known as the Risorgimento, and subsequent Italian state-building. Inspired by Giuseppe Mazzini’s spiritual brand of romantic cosmopolitan nationalism, as well as Giuseppe Garibaldi’s military campaigns, and believing that women had a god-given duty to provide education, morality, and uplift to oppressed groups, they worked to provide Italy not only with physical unification but also moral regeneration. Through an examination of their published and private works, I analyze how they publicized, fundraised, and conspired for the Risorgimento, and how they later worked to continue its legacy through biographical works, early childhood education, and the campaign against state-regulated prostitution. Through this, I challenge the boundaries between national and transnational, between the charitable and the political, and between public and private

    Genere, numeri e spazialitĂ  nell'espressione di una totalitĂ  in italiano, francese e rumeno.

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    International audienceLe pluriel interne en –a italien (le mura, le braccia, le labbra), le pluriel collectif en –e et le duel uns/unes de l’ancien français (brace « le braccia », doie « le ditta » ; uns dras « panni, vestiti » , unes levres « le labbra ») illustrent une conception globalisante de la notion. Nous nous proposons d’expliquer la disparition de ce pluriel interne globalisant, presque aboutie en français (seuls amours, dĂ©lices et orgues change de genre au pluriel) et en cours en italien (rĂ©duction du paradigme des notions auxquelles s’applique le pluriel en –a de Machiavel Ă  aujourd’hui) en la mettant en relation avec l’évolution des reprĂ©sentations de l’espace, de la perception du discontinu, des catĂ©gories du genre et du nombre, dans le cadre des solutions romanes de dĂ©flexion et d'antĂ©position de la morphologie. Notre Ă©tude s’appuiera sur les principes thĂ©oriques de la psychomĂ©canique du langage. Nous prĂ©senterons l'Ă©laboration psychique du nombre et du genre ainsi que celle des Ă©tapes de l'individualisation de la personne. Nous proposerons un parallĂšle entre la genĂšse des catĂ©gories sĂ©miologiques du genre et du nombre, d'une part, et, d'autre part, l'acquisition de l'intersubjectivitĂ©.Il plurale italiano in -a, l'espressione del collettivo in rumeno, iquantificatori di contenuto francesi in -Ă©e, sono altrettanti esempi dellegame tra espressione di una totalitĂ , rappresentazione spazialedell'interno, genere femminile. Il nostro contributo si fonda suiprincipi teorici della psicomeccanica del linguaggio. Dopo avermostrato l'interdipendenza tra genere, numero, animazione espazialitĂ , presentiamo l’elaborazione psichica del genere e delnumero cosĂŹ come quella delle tappe che portano al processod’individualizzazione della persona nel suo spazio. Proponiamo unparallelo fra la genesi delle categorie semiologiche di genere e dinumero, da una parte, e, l’acquisizione dell’intersoggettivitĂ ,dall’altra. Proponiamo una correlazione tra la riduzione delparadigma del plurale interno (sg. masc. – pl. fĂ©m.), dei quantificatoridi contenuto (it. -ata, fr. -Ă©e) e l'evoluzione delle rappresentazionispaziali e la deflessione in corso nelle lingue romanze

    Unexpected Architectures. Restorations in Romagna Between the Two World Wars

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    The research here presented is a critical appraisal of some restoration works carried out between the two World Wars in a particular geographic context, which is the Romagna district, in the Northeast of Italy. Starting from two case studies (the Casa del Fascio in Forl\uec and the Malatesta Library in Cesena) and thanks to the analysis of bibliographical sources, archival documents, and drawings, this research aims at understanding how broader and major theories about architectural restoration are articulated in peripheral background. What emerges are unexpected results: Late and deeply contextualized operations, strongly linked with the national panorama but at the same time chasing for the revival of their own history

    Space shuttle orbiter leading-edge flight performance compared to design goals

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    Thermo-structural performance of the Space Shuttle orbiter Columbia's leading-edge structural subsystem for the first five (5) flights is compared with the design goals. Lessons learned from thse initial flights of the first reusable manned spacecraft are discussed in order to assess design maturity, deficiencies, and modifications required to rectify the design deficiencies. Flight data and post-flight inspections support the conclusion that the leading-edge structural subsystem hardware performance was outstanding for the initial five (5) flights

    Liquid institutions’ response to the presence of short sellers in the market

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    The aim of this study is to examine the influence of institutions' liquidity on the level of lending supply, short sale constraints and future stock returns, after an increase in shorting demand. By considering the interaction between outward demand shocks and the level of institutions’ liquidity we find that, in times of increasing shorting demand, the level of institutions’ liquidity is not responsible for either restricting the entrance of novel short sellers in the market or hurting existing ones; in addition, we do not find evidence of any decrease in lending supply or future returns, nor increases in loan fees or arbitrage risk
