169 research outputs found

    La Sombra de Gobernación. Vida recobrada de José Lorente Sanz (1902-2001)

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    La organización de la represión y la administración local durante el franquismo son dos de los temas centrales de la historiografía dedicada a dicho período pero, por el contrario, el Ministerio de la Gobernación no ha sido objeto principal de una investigación completa que lo estudie desde el punto de vista institucional y de sus actores políticos más determinantes

    Manuel Ortiz Heras (coord.): ¿Qué sabemos del franquismo? Estudios para comprender la dictadura de Franco, Granada, Comares Historia, 2018, 287 págs.

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    La obra coordinada por Manuel Ortiz Heras surge a modo de reconocimiento profesional a la doctora María Encarna Nicolás Marín, una de las más destacadas investigadoras sobre franquismo recientemente homenajeada con motivo de su jubilación como catedrática de Historia Contemporánea de la Universidad de Murcia. En ese sentido, en la presentación se incluye una breve semblanza profesional donde se destaca su capacidad para «cuestionar las narrativas del pasado […] a impulsar un análisis crítico de la historia mítica que ha prevalecido siempre» (pág. XVII), haber defendido una de las primeras tesis doctorales en este ámbito, sus referenciales estudios sobre los poderes locales en relación con la consolidación de la dictadura o el exilio español y su capacidad para señalar aspectos que quedaban aún por descubrir. Tras ello, el volumen se articula en doce capítulos donde otros tantos historiadores sintetizan sus investigaciones en relación a los principales campos de interés sobre el franquismo para, prácticamente, cubrir la mayoría de líneas y su evolución durante las dos últimas décadas. En el primer capítulo, «Violencia y dictadura franquista, 1936-1976», Julio Prada Rodríguez plantea una reflexión desde varios puntos de vista que comienzan con su conceptualización como elemento estructural del régimen a través de sus diferentes manifestaciones para, después, preguntarse por el momento en que se institucionaliza. Para ello incide sobre la enorme complejidad entre el ejercicio de la violencia desde arriba con las prácticas cotidianas a través de un repaso de las medidas legales y unidades de control sociopolítico en función de los cambios producidos en la población..

    Ensanchamiento y elevación del suelo sinusal maxilar con osteotomos compresivos

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    Objetivo: El objetivo de este artículo es evaluar la eficacia de la técnica del ensanchamiento alveolar posterior y elevación del reborde alveolar del maxilar superior mediante el uso de los osteótomos compresivos ( Quirurgical Bontempi, España) especialmente diseñados para los implantes Osseotite NT y Osseotite NT Certain de 3i ( Implants Innovations, USA). Material y métodos: En el estudio se incluyeron 24 pacientes (16 mujeres y 8 hombres) siguiendo los criterios de inclusión y exclusión de Albrektsson, que presentaban un déficit óseo en anchura y altura del maxilar superior. Se colocaron 48 implantes Osseotite ( cuatro Osseotite Standard, seis Ossoetite NT y treinta y ocho NT Certain (3i, Implantes Innovations, CA, USA). El diámetro de los implantes fueron 44 de 4 mm y 4 de 5 mm con longitudes que variaban entre 11.5 (n=4) y 13 mm (n= 44). La cresta alveolar inicial tenía una anchura que variaba de 1.5mm a 5 mm y una altura que oscilaba entre 5 mm y 13 mm en los 24 pacientes. Resultados: Los datos obtenidos fueron analizados con el programa SPSS 11.0. En los 48 sitios tratados donde se colocaron los implantes inmediatos se obtuvo un aumento de altura ósea de 6.75 mm ± 1.25 mm. En el ensanchamiento alveolar de los 48 sitios implantados la media fue de 3.2 mm ± 0.15 mm. Conclusiones: La técnica de ensanchamiento y elevación alveolar del maxilar superior con osteótomos compresivos permite obtener un porcentaje de éxito de un 100 % a los 9 meses de seguimiento en los implantes y prótesis colocadas. Es un procedimiento quirúrgico con alta predictibilidad y además permite la colocación los implantes en el mismo acto quirúrgico reduciendo el número de cirugías, devolviendo la estética y función del paciente perdidas.Aim: The aim of this article is to assess the efficiency of the technique for the posterior alveolar expansion and elevation of the upper maxillary alveolar ridge through the use of compressive osteotomes (Quirurgical Bontempi, España) which have been specifically designed for Osseotite NT and Osseotite NT Certain of 3i implants (Implants Innovations, USA). Materials and Methods: 24 adult patients (16 female and 12 male), who were selected according to Albrektsson's inclusion and exclusion criteria, took part in the study. All the patients presented bone deficiency in the width and height of the upper maxilla. 48 Osseotite implants were performed (four Osseotite Standard; six Osseotite NT; 38 NT Certain (3i, Implants Innovations, CA, USA)). Implant diameters were 4 mm in 44 cases and 5 mm in 4 cases with lengths varying between 11.5 (n = 4) and 13 mm. (n = 44). The alveolar ridges of the 24 patients had initial widths from 1.5 mm to 5 mm and heights between 5 and 13mm. Results: The data obtained were analysed using the SPSS 11.0 program. In the 48 areas treated with immediate implants, an increase in bone height of 6.75 mm ± 1.25 mm. was achieved. In the case of the alveolar expansion for the 48 implants, the average was 3.2 mm. ± 0.15 mm. Conclusions: The technique for alveolar expansion and elevation of the upper maxilla with compressive osseotomes can lead to a 100% success rate after a 9-month follow-up of the implants and insertion of prostheses. It is a highly predictable surgical procedure which allows implants to be performed at the same time as surgery, thus reducing the number of such interventions while recovering aesthetic and functional losses in the patient

    Compressive osteotomes for expansion and maxilla sinus floor lifting

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    Aim: The aim of this article is to assess the efficiency of the technique for the posterior alveolar expansion and elevation of the upper maxillary alveolar ridge through the use of compressive osteotomes (Quirurgical Bontempi, España) which have been specifically designed for Osseotite NT and Osseotite NT Certain of 3i implants (Implants Innovations, USA). Materials and methods: 24 adult patients (16 female and 12 male), who were selected according to Albrektsson?s inclusion and exclusion criteria, took part in the study. All the patients presented bone deficiency in the width and height of the upper maxilla. 48 Osseotite implants were performed (four Osseotite Standard; six Osseotite NT; 38 NT Certain (3i, Implants Innovations, CA, USA)). Implant diameters were 4 mm in 44 cases and 5 mm in 4 cases with lengths varying between 11.5 (n = 4) and 13 mm (n = 44). The alveolar ridges of the 24 patients had initial widths from 1.5 mm to 5 mm and heights between 5 and 13 mm. Results: The data obtained were analysed using the SPSS 11.0 program. In the 48 areas treated with immediate implants, an increase in bone height of 6.75 mm ± 1.25 mm was achieved. In the case of the alveolar expansion for the 48 implants, the average was 3.2 mm ± 0.15 mm. Conclusions: The technique for alveolar expansion and elevation of the upper maxilla with compressive osseotomes can lead to a 100% success rate after a 9-month follow-up of the implants and insertion of prostheses. It is a highly predictable surgical procedure which allows implants to be performed at the same time as surgery, thus reducing the number of such interventions while recovering aesthetic and functional losses in the patien

    Seismic deformation of the Sierra de Pie de Palo, San Juan Province

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    En este trabajo se estudia la actividad sísmica en la sierra de Pie de Palo durante enero 2008 a diciembre 2009. Los datos utilizados fueron registrados por 52 estaciones sismológicas de los experimentos SIEMBRA y ESP. En ese período, 149 sismos corticales fueron localizados con magnitudes locales entre 0,8<M<3,7 y profundidades de hasta 40 km. Los resultados indican que la sismicidad se encuentra principalmente distribuida en la sierra de Pie de Palo con una ausencia en el sector centro occidental de la sierra y valle de Tulum. Además, se observa una distribución de sismos diferente para la corteza situada al norte con respecto al sur de la sierra: en el bloque norte, 52 hipocentros ocurrieron a niveles de corteza media a inferior mientras que en el boque sur, 73 sismos se concentraron principalmente en niveles corticales intermedios. Se observa una buena correlación de la sismicidad con el modelo de corteza local propuesto por Perarnau et al. (2010) posicionándose la mayor ocurrencia de actividad sísmica a profundidades de corteza media a inferior y ninguna determinación sísmica en el nivel más inferior sugiriendo un comportamiento probablemente más dúctil. Un total de 128 mecanismos focales fueron determinados utilizando primeros arribos de ondas P que indican soluciones principalmente de tipo inverso e inverso con componente de rumbo. Los resultados están de acuerdo con un acortamiento cortical en dirección aproximada este-oeste. Además, el estudio de las fuentes sísmicas realizado sugiere una deformación asociada diferente para los bloques que componen a la sierra, tanto en su extensión areal como en profundidad cortical.In this paper we study the seismic activity in the Sierra de Pie de Palo during January 2008 to December 2009 using data recorded by 52 seismic stations from the SIEMBRA and ESP experiments. In this paper 149 crustal earthquakes were located with local magnitudes between 0.8 <M <3.7 and depths down to 40 km. The results indicate that the seismicity is mainly distributed in the Sierra de Pie de Palo with a gap in the central western part of the range and the Tulum Valley. There is a different seismic pattern for the crust located to the north and that one to the south of the range: in the northern block, 52 hypocenters have occurred at middle to lower crust levels while in the southern block, 73 earthquakes are mainly concentrated at intermediate crustal levels. There is a good correlation between the seismicity with the local crust model proposed by Perarnau et al. (2010), observing most of the seismic activity located at middle-to-lower crustal levels. The absence of seismic activity in the lowermost part of crust suggests a more ductile behavior. We constrain 128 focal mechanisms using P-wave first motions which mainly indicate reverse type solutions and secondly reverse with strike-slip components in their solutions; this agrees well with a crustal shortening in an approximate east-west direction. In addition, this seismic source study suggests a different behavior for the basement blocks whose movements and associated deformation are different, both in terms of epicentral clustering as well as in crustal depth seismic levels.Fil: Monsalvo, Guillermo. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Alvarado, Patricia Monica. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico San Juan. Centro de Investigaciones de la Geosfera y Biosfera; ArgentinaFil: Saez, Mauro. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico San Juan. Centro de Investigaciones de la Geosfera y Biosfera; ArgentinaFil: Linkimer, Lepolt. University Of Arizona; Estados UnidosFil: Bilbao, Inés. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales; Argentin

    Estudio de soluciones para los problemas de precipitación incontrolada en la línea de fangos de la Edar Murcia-este

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    [ES] Una de las mayores preocupaciones relacionada con las aguas tratadas en una estación depuradora es la concentración de nutrientes, en particular nitrógeno y fósforo. Los nutrientes estimulan el crecimiento de microorganismos, también de las algas, en las aguas receptoras, provocando la disminución de los niveles de oxígeno de las mismas. Los tratamientos llevados a cabo en la actualidad están dirigidos a implementar procesos que reduzcan la concentración de nutrientes en los efluentes, a niveles que no resulten perjudiciales para el medio ambiente. La eliminación de fósforo puede realizarse tanto por medios químicos como biológicos y puede tener consecuencias negativas para el funcionamiento de la planta debido a los procesos de precipitación incontrolada. El principal precipitado formado es un fosfato hidratado con amonio y magnesio, que recibe el nombre de estruvita. Los depósitos de estruvita en las plantas de tratamiento crean problemas de explotación y mantenimiento al reducir la sección libre de los conductos y dificultar el funcionamiento de las válvulas. Las soluciones que tradicionalmente se han dado a los problemas de precipitación surgidos se basan en la aplicación de productos químicos y la sustitución de los equipos dañados, pero los costes económicos derivados resultan muy importantes. La formación de estruvita se puede controlar por dos medios básicos: disminución del pH y reducción de las concentraciones de los constituyentes de la estruvita (magnesio, amonio y fosfato). En este estudio se presentarán propuestas que ayuden a reducir los problemas de precipitación derivados de la eliminación biológica de fósforo en la línea de fangos de una planta con digestión anaerobia. Para ello, utilizando el software adecuado se simularán diversas alternativas que, modificando algunos elementos de la planta permitan diseñar un sistema que reduzca el contenido de los componentes que participan en la precipitación[EN] One of the biggest worries related to the water processed in a water treatment plant is the concentration of nutrients, in particular that of nytrogen and phosphorus. The nutrients stimulate the growth of microorganisms, and also that of seaweed, in the receiving waters, thereby causing a reduction in the level of oxygen. Treatments currently being carried out are directed to implementing processes that reduce the concentration of nutrients in effluents, at levels that are not harmful to the environment. The elimination of phosphorus can be managed both by chemical as well as biological means, and can have negative consequences for the workings of the plant, due to uncontrolled precipitation. The main precipitate formed is hydrate phosphate with ammonium and magnesium, which goes by the name of struvite. Deposits of struvite in wastewater treatment plants create problems of exploitation and maintenance by reducing the ducts and impeding the functioning of the valves. The solutions that have traditionally been given to precipitate problems are based on the application of chemical products and replacement of the damaged equipment, but the economic cost of this solution is a problem Formation of struvite can be controlled in two ways: reduction of pH and reduction of concentration of the constituents of struvite (magnesium, ammonium and phosphate). This study will present proposals to help reduce the problems of precipitate derived from the biological elimination of phosphorus in the mud pipes of a plant with anaerobic digestion. To this end, using the appropriate software, diverse alternatives will be simulated which, when modifying particular elements of the plant, will allow for the design of a system which reduces the content of the components causing precipitate[CA] Una de les majors preocupacions relacionada amb les aigües tractades en una estació depuradora és la concentració de nutrients, en particular nitrogen i fòsfor. Els nutrients estimulen el creixement de microorganismes, també de les algues, en les aigües receptores, provocant la disminució dels nivells d'oxigen de les mateixes. Els tractaments duts a terme en l'actualitat estan dirigits a implementar processos que reduïsquen la concentració de nutrients en els efluents, a nivells que no resulten perjudicials per al medi ambient L'eliminació de fòsfor pot realitzar-se tant per mitjans químics com biològics i pot tindre conseqüències negatives per al funcionament de la planta degut als processos de precipitació incontrolada. El principal precipitat format és un fosfat hidratat amb amoni i magnesi, que rep el nom d'estruvita Els depòsits d'estruvita en les plantes de tractament creguen problemes d'explotació i manteniment al reduir la secció lliure dels conductes i dificultar el funcionament de les vàlvules. Les solucions que tradicionalment s'han donat als problemes de precipitació sorgits es basen en l'aplicació de productes químics i la substitució dels equips danyats, però els costos econòmics derivats resulten molt importants. La formació d'estruvita es pot controlar per dos mitjans bàsics: disminució del pH i reducció de les concentracions dels constituents de l'estruvita (magnesi, amoni i fosfat) . En este estudi es presentaran propostes que ajuden a reduir els problemes de precipitació derivats de l'eliminació biològica de fòsfor en la línia de fangs d'una planta amb digestió anaeròbia. Per a això, utilitzant el programari adequat se simularan diverses alternatives que, modificant alguns elements de la planta permeten dissenyar un sistema que reduïsca el contingut dels components que participen en la precipitació.Manrique Saez De Asteasu, G. (2012). Estudio de soluciones para los problemas de precipitación incontrolada en la línea de fangos de la Edar Murcia-este. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/27383Archivo delegad

    Different Impacts of Cardiovascular Risk Factors on Oxidative Stress

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    The objective of the study was to evaluate oxidative stress (OS) status in subjects with different cardiovascular risk factors. With this in mind, we have studied three models of high cardiovascular risk: hypertension (HT) with and without metabolic syndrome, familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) and familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCH) with and without insulin resistance. Oxidative stress markers (oxidized/reduced glutathione ratio, 8-oxo-deoxyguanosine and malondialdehide) together with the activity of antioxidant enzyme triad (superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase) and activation of both pro-oxidant enzyme (NAPDH oxidase components) and AGTR1 genes, as well as antioxidant enzyme genes (CuZn-SOD, CAT, GPX1, GSR, GSS and TXN) were measured in mononuclear cells of controls (n = 20) and patients (n = 90) by assessing mRNA levels. Activity of some of these antioxidant enzymes was also tested. An increase in OS and pro-oxidant gene mRNA values was observed in patients compared to controls. The hypertensive group showed not only the highest OS values, but also the highest pro-oxidant activation compared to those observed in the other groups. In addition, in HT a significantly reduced antioxidant activity and mRNA induction of antioxidant genes were found when compared to controls and the other groups. In FH and FCH, the activation of pro-oxidant enzymes was also higher and antioxidant ones lower than in the control group, although it did not reach the values obtained in hypertensives. The thioredoxin system was more activated in patients as compared to controls, and the highest levels were in hypertensives. The increased oxidative status in the presence of cardiovascular risk factors is a consequence of both the activation of pro-oxidant mechanisms and the reduction of the antioxidant ones. The altered response of the main cytoplasmic antioxidant systems largely contributes to OS despite the apparent attempt of the thioredoxin system to control it

    Traffic Density Exposure, Oxidative Stress Biomarkers and Plasma Metabolomics in a Population-Based Sample: The Hortega Study

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    Exposure to traffic-related air pollution (TRAP) generates oxidative stress, with downstream effects at the metabolic level. Human studies of traffic density and metabolomic markers, however, are rare. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the cross-sectional association between traffic density in the street of residence with oxidative stress and metabolomic profiles measured in a population-based sample from Spain. We also explored in silico the potential biological implications of the findings. Secondarily, we assessed the contribution of oxidative stress to the association between exposure to traffic density and variation in plasma metabolite levels. Traffic density was defined as the average daily traffic volume over an entire year within a buffer of 50 m around the participants' residence. Plasma metabolomic profiles and urine oxidative stress biomarkers were measured in samples from 1181 Hortega Study participants by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and high-performance liquid chromatography, respectively. Traffic density was associated with 7 (out of 49) plasma metabolites, including amino acids, fatty acids, products of bacterial and energy metabolism and fluid balance metabolites. Regarding urine oxidative stress biomarkers, traffic associations were positive for GSSG/GSH% and negative for MDA. A total of 12 KEGG pathways were linked to traffic-related metabolites. In a protein network from genes included in over-represented pathways and 63 redox-related candidate genes, we observed relevant proteins from the glutathione cycle. GSSG/GSH% and MDA accounted for 14.6% and 12.2% of changes in isobutyrate and the CH2CH2CO fatty acid moiety, respectively, which is attributable to traffic exposure. At the population level, exposure to traffic density was associated with specific urine oxidative stress and plasma metabolites. Although our results support a role of oxidative stress as a biological intermediary of traffic-related metabolic alterations, with potential implications for the co-bacterial and lipid metabolism, additional mechanistic and prospective studies are needed to confirm our findings.This research was funded by the State Agency for Research (PID2019-108973RB-C21 and C22), by Strategic Action for Research in Health Sciences (PI15/00071 and PI22CIII/00029) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and co-funded with European Funds for Regional Development (FEDER), and IDIFEDER/2021/072, CIAICO/2022/181 and INVEST/2023/180 from the Generalitat Valenciana of Spain.S

    Use of Alkylarsonium Directing Agents for the Synthesis and Study of Zeolites

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25, 16390 16396 , which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.201904043. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.[EN] Expanding the previously known family of -onium (ammonium, phosphonium, and sulfonium) organic structure-directing agents (OSDAs) for the synthesis of zeolite MFI, a new member, the arsonium cation, is used for the first time. The new group of tetraalkylarsonium cations has allowed the synthesis of the zeolite ZSM-5 with several different chemical compositions, opening a route for the synthesis of zeolites with a new series of OSDA. Moreover, the use of As replacing N in the OSDA allows the introduction of probe atoms that facilitate the study of these molecules by powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR), and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). Finally, the influence of trivalent elements such as B, Al, or Ga isomorphically replacing Si atoms in the framework structure and its interaction with the As species has been studied. The suitability of the tetraalkylarsonium cation for carrying out the crystallization of zeolites is demonstrated along with the benefit of the presence of As atoms in the occluded OSDA, which allows its advanced characterization as well as the study of its evolution during OSDA removal by thermal treatments.Program Severo Ochoa SEV-2016-0683 and Maria de Maeztu MDM-2015-0538 are gratefully acknowledged. S.S-F. thanks MEC for his Severo Ochoa Grant SPV-2013-067884, P.O.-B. and G.M.E. thank MEC for his Ramon y Cajal contracts (RYC-2014-16620 and RYC-2013-14386). The authors thank the financial support by the Spanish Government (RTI2018-096399-A-I00, RTI2018-101784-B-I00 and CTQ2017-89528-P) and the Generalitat Valeciana (PROMETEO/2017/066). The Electron Microscopy Service of the UPV is acknowledged for their help in sample characterization. We gratefully acknowledge ESRF synchrotron for allocating beamtime (proposal CH-5193), the Italian CRG beam-line at ESRF (LISA-BM08), and Alessandro Puri for the help and technical support during our experiment. C.W.L. (Science without Frontiers-Process no. 13191/13-6) thanks CAPES for a predoctoral fellowship.Saez-Ferre, S.; Lopes, CW.; Simancas-Coloma, J.; Vidal Moya, JA.; Blasco Lanzuela, T.; Agostini, G.; Mínguez Espallargas, G.... (2019). Use of Alkylarsonium Directing Agents for the Synthesis and Study of Zeolites. Chemistry - A European Journal. 25(71):16390-16396. https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.201904043S16390163962571Sun, J., Bonneau, C., Cantín, Á., Corma, A., Díaz-Cabañas, M. J., Moliner, M., … Zou, X. (2009). The ITQ-37 mesoporous chiral zeolite. Nature, 458(7242), 1154-1157. doi:10.1038/nature07957Jiang, J., Yu, J., & Corma, A. (2010). Extra-Large-Pore Zeolites: Bridging the Gap between Micro and Mesoporous Structures. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 49(18), 3120-3145. doi:10.1002/anie.200904016Jiang, J., Yu, J., & Corma, A. (2010). Zeolithe mit sehr großen Poren als Bindeglied zwischen mikro- und mesoporösen Strukturen. Angewandte Chemie, 122(18), 3186-3212. doi:10.1002/ange.200904016Shayib, R. M., George, N. C., Seshadri, R., Burton, A. W., Zones, S. I., & Chmelka, B. F. (2011). Structure-Directing Roles and Interactions of Fluoride and Organocations with Siliceous Zeolite Frameworks. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 133(46), 18728-18741. doi:10.1021/ja205164uInternational Zeolite Association Website http://www.iza-online.org/(accessed October 4 2018).Pinar, A. B., McCusker, L. B., Baerlocher, C., Hwang, S.-J., Xie, D., Benin, A. I., & Zones, S. I. (2016). Synthesis and structural characterization of Zn-containing DAF-1. New Journal of Chemistry, 40(5), 4160-4166. doi:10.1039/c5nj02897cDorset, D. L., Kennedy, G. J., Strohmaier, K. G., Diaz-Cabañas, M. J., Rey, F., & Corma, A. (2006). P-Derived Organic Cations as Structure-Directing Agents:  Synthesis of a High-Silica Zeolite (ITQ-27) with a Two-Dimensional 12-Ring Channel System. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 128(27), 8862-8867. doi:10.1021/ja061206oCorma, A., Diaz-Cabanas, M. J., Jorda, J. L., Rey, F., Sastre, G., & Strohmaier, K. G. (2008). A Zeolitic Structure (ITQ-34) with Connected 9- and 10-Ring Channels Obtained with Phosphonium Cations as Structure Directing Agents. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 130(49), 16482-16483. doi:10.1021/ja806903cCorma, A., Diaz-Cabanas, M. J., Jiang, J., Afeworki, M., Dorset, D. L., Soled, S. L., & Strohmaier, K. G. (2010). Extra-large pore zeolite (ITQ-40) with the lowest framework density containing double four- and double three-rings. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(32), 13997-14002. doi:10.1073/pnas.1003009107Hernández-Rodríguez, M., Jordá, J. L., Rey, F., & Corma, A. (2012). Synthesis and Structure Determination of a New Microporous Zeolite with Large Cavities Connected by Small Pores. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134(32), 13232-13235. doi:10.1021/ja306013kSimancas, J., Simancas, R., Bereciartua, P. J., Jorda, J. L., Rey, F., Corma, A., … Mugnaioli, E. (2016). Ultrafast Electron Diffraction Tomography for Structure Determination of the New Zeolite ITQ-58. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138(32), 10116-10119. doi:10.1021/jacs.6b06394Jo, C., Lee, S., Cho, S. 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    Off-label use of rituximab for systemic lupus erythematosus in Europe

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    Objectives: Rituximab (RTX) is a biological treatment used off-label in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). This survey aimed to investigate the off-label use of RTX in Europe and compare the characteristics of patients receiving RTX with those receiving conventional therapy. Methods: Data on patients with SLE receiving RTX were taken from the International Registry for Biologics in SLE retrospective registry and complemented with data on patients with SLE treated with conventional therapy. For nationwide estimates of RTX use in patients with SLE, investigators were asked to provide data through case report forms (CRFs). Countries for which no data were submitted through CRFs, published literature and/or personal communication were used, and for European countries where no data were available, estimates were made on the assumption of similarities with neighbouring countries. Results: The estimated off-label use of RTX in Europe was 0.5%-1.5% of all patients with SLE. In comparison with patients with SLE on conventional therapy, patients treated with RTX had longer disease duration, higher disease activity and were more often treated with immunosuppressives. The most frequent organ manifestations for which either RTX or conventional therapy was initiated were lupus nephritis followed by musculoskeletal and haematological. The reason for treatment was, besides disease control, corticosteroid-sparing for patients treated with conventional therapy. Conclusions: RTX use for SLE in Europe is restrictive and appears to be used as a last resort in patients for whom other reasonable options have been exhausted