369 research outputs found

    Mode NASA blade used to calculate the power generator for (VAWT) by drag and lift coefficients

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    One of the confrontations with increasing demand on power in the entire world the methodologies of provided power divided into traditional methods against renewable methods. This article presents a simulation model to estimate the integrated power from vertical access wind turbine (VAWT) stages of development of a simulation model of local power supply system (LPSS) with (VAWT). However, wind power is one of the quickest developing advances for the sustainable power age. Disturbingly, in the ongoing years a few instances of corruption on telecommunication systems frameworks have emerged because of the presence of wind ranches, and costly and in fact complex restorative estimations needed. The grade of variation of power verified according to the grid size. The parameters were taken in the study through the preparation of the model are (efficiency, cost, and system response) compared to the benefits against disadvantages when combining the two systems to achieve a high performance of the power stability


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    Contaminated soil samples were collected from the Al-Kasak refinery and Al-Qayyarah refinery in western and southern Nineveh, at specific distances in six dimensions (0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300) meters from the source of pollution, to study the concentrations of heavy metals Pb, Mn, Ni, Cd and the effect of oil refinery pollutants on some soil pollution standards, in addition to some physical and chemical properties of the soil and their concentrations. The results showed an increase in the concentration of heavy metals in the soil near the sources of pollution, with cadmium significantly superior to the Al-Qayyarah site over Al-Kasak site (491.744 mg kg-1) and lead, nickel and manganese recorded a higher concentration at Al-Kasak site compared to Al-Qayyarah site (166.356, 114.687, 36.487 mg kg-1), respectively. The order of mineral elements in the two study sites was Cd>Pb>Ni>Mn. As for the Contamination Factor (CF), it was Cd > Pb > Ni > Mn with values of 684.50, 9.91, 5.13, and 0.1701, where the concentration factor was highly polluted for cadmium and lead, and with significant contamination for nickel, while manganese was low in contamination, cadmium recorded severe pollution at Al-Qayyarah site compared to Al-Kasak site. In contrast, lead, nickel, and manganese were significantly contaminated at the Al-Kasak site compared to Al-Qayyarah. In addition, the pollution load index (PLI) was at the level of 5.81, 4.67, highly polluted at D1 and D2, while the rest of the percentages were at the level of 2, moderate pollution, Al-Kasak site had the highest pollution (PLI) value of (6.28). At the same time, the ecological risk (ER) averaged (20534.88, 16896.71, 19867.11, 19063.14, 18721.07, 18888.61), which indicates that all the sites had very high pollution. The ecological risk index was also within the limits of very high pollution, with the highest value on D1 recorded (20568.45). The potential ecological risk of cadmium was very high at the Al-Qayyarah site, with a value of (19410.95) compared to the Al-Kasak site, where the ecological risk of lead, nickel, and manganese was very high. The ecological risk indices for the Al-Qayyarah site were higher than the Al-Kasak site. The study aims to estimate the concentration of heavy metals according to environmental indices and the impact of oil refineries on the ecosystem in raising the level of heavy metal concentration. Keywords: soil pollution; contamination factor; pollution load index; ecological risk.   Concentração de metais pesados em solo contaminado com petróleo bruto em duas localidades iraquianas de acordo com índices ambientais de poluição   RESUMO: Amostras de solo contaminado foram coletadas da refinaria Al-Kasak e da refinaria Al-Qayyarah no oeste e sul de Nínive, nas distâncias específicas de 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 e 300 metros da fonte de poluição. Estudou-se as concentrações dos metais pesados Pb, Mn, Ni, Cd e os seus efeitos em alguns padrões de poluição do solo e em propriedades físicas e químicas do solo. Os resultados mostraram um aumento na concentração de metais pesados no solo próximo às fontes de poluição, com cádmio significativamente superior em Al-Qayyarah quando comparado com Al-Kasak (491.744 mg kg-1); chumbo, níquel e manganês apresentaram concentrações mais elevadas em Al-Kasak (166,356, 114,687, 36,487 mg kg-1, respectivamente). A ordem dos elementos minerais nos dois locais de estudo foi Cd>Pb>Ni>Mn. Quanto ao Fator de Contaminação (FC), a ordem observada foi Cd > Pb > Ni > Mn com valores de 684,50, 9,91, 5,13 e 0,1701; o fator de concentração indica alta poluição para cádmio e chumbo, e com contaminação significativa para níquel; manganês apresentou baixos fatores de contaminação, e, cádmio gerou o grau de poluição severa em Al-Qayyarah quando comparado com Al-Kasak. Em contraste, chumbo, níquel e manganês foram significativamente contaminados no local de Al-Kasak em comparação com Al-Qayyarah. Além disso, o índice de carga poluente (PLI) ficou no nível 5,81, 4,67, altamente poluído em D1 e D2, enquanto o restante dos percentuais ficou no nível 2, poluição moderada, o local de Al-Kasak teve a maior poluição (PLI) valor de (6,28). Ao mesmo tempo, o risco ecológico (ER) foi médio (20.534,88, 16.896,71, 19.867,11, 19.063,14, 18.721,07, 18.888,61), o que indica que todos os locais apresentavam poluição muito elevada. O índice de risco ecológico também esteve dentro dos limites de poluição muito elevada, tendo sido registado o valor mais elevado no D1 (20568,45). O risco ecológico potencial do cádmio era muito elevado no local de Al-Qayyarah, com um valor de (19410,95) em comparação com o local de Al-Kasak, onde o risco ecológico de chumbo, níquel e manganês era muito elevado. Os índices de risco ecológico para o sítio Al-Qayyarah foram mais elevados do que para o sítio Al-Kasak. O estudo tem como objetivo estimar a concentração de metais pesados de acordo com índices ambientais e o impacto das refinarias de petróleo no ecossistema na elevação do nível de concentração de metais pesados. Palavras-chave: poluição do solo; fator de contaminação; índice de carga poluente; risco ecológico.Contaminated soil samples were collected from the Al-Kasak refinery and Al-Qayyarah refinery in western and southern Nineveh, at specific distances in six dimensions (0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300) meters from the source of pollution, to study the concentrations of heavy metals Pb, Mn, Ni, Cd and the effect of oil refinery pollutants on some soil pollution standards, in addition to some physical and chemical properties of the soil and their concentrations. The results showed an increase in the concentration of heavy metals in the soil near the sources of pollution, with cadmium significantly superior to the Al-Qayyarah site over Al-Kasak site (491.744 mg kg-1) and lead, nickel and manganese recorded a higher concentration at Al-Kasak site compared to Al-Qayyarah site (166.356, 114.687, 36.487 mg kg-1), respectively. The order of mineral elements in the two study sites was Cd>Pb>Ni>Mn. As for the Contamination Factor (CF), it was Cd > Pb > Ni > Mn with values of 684.50, 9.91, 5.13, and 0.1701, where the concentration factor was highly polluted for cadmium and lead, and with significant contamination for nickel, while manganese was low in contamination, cadmium recorded severe pollution at Al-Qayyarah site compared to Al-Kasak site. In contrast, lead, nickel, and manganese were significantly contaminated at the Al-Kasak site compared to Al-Qayyarah. In addition, the pollution load index (PLI) was at the level of 5.81, 4.67, highly polluted at D1 and D2, while the rest of the percentages were at the level of 2, moderate pollution, Al-Kasak site had the highest pollution (PLI) value of (6.28). At the same time, the ecological risk (ER) averaged (20534.88, 16896.71, 19867.11, 19063.14, 18721.07, 18888.61), which indicates that all the sites had very high pollution. The ecological risk index was also within the limits of very high pollution, with the highest value on D1 recorded (20568.45). The potential ecological risk of cadmium was very high at the Al-Qayyarah site, with a value of (19410.95) compared to the Al-Kasak site, where the ecological risk of lead, nickel, and manganese was very high. The ecological risk indices for the Al-Qayyarah site were higher than the Al-Kasak site. The study aims to estimate the concentration of heavy metals according to environmental indices and the impact of oil refineries on the ecosystem in raising the level of heavy metal concentration. Keywords: soil pollution; contamination factor; pollution load index; ecological risk.   Concentração de metais pesados em solo contaminado com petróleo bruto em duas localidades iraquianas de acordo com índices ambientais de poluição   RESUMO: Amostras de solo contaminado foram coletadas da refinaria Al-Kasak e da refinaria Al-Qayyarah no oeste e sul de Nínive, nas distâncias específicas de 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 e 300 metros da fonte de poluição. Estudou-se as concentrações dos metais pesados Pb, Mn, Ni, Cd e os seus efeitos em alguns padrões de poluição do solo e em propriedades físicas e químicas do solo. Os resultados mostraram um aumento na concentração de metais pesados no solo próximo às fontes de poluição, com cádmio significativamente superior em Al-Qayyarah quando comparado com Al-Kasak (491.744 mg kg-1); chumbo, níquel e manganês apresentaram concentrações mais elevadas em Al-Kasak (166,356, 114,687, 36,487 mg kg-1, respectivamente). A ordem dos elementos minerais nos dois locais de estudo foi Cd>Pb>Ni>Mn. Quanto ao Fator de Contaminação (FC), a ordem observada foi Cd > Pb > Ni > Mn com valores de 684,50, 9,91, 5,13 e 0,1701; o fator de concentração indica alta poluição para cádmio e chumbo, e com contaminação significativa para níquel; manganês apresentou baixos fatores de contaminação, e, cádmio gerou o grau de poluição severa em Al-Qayyarah quando comparado com Al-Kasak. Em contraste, chumbo, níquel e manganês foram significativamente contaminados no local de Al-Kasak em comparação com Al-Qayyarah. Além disso, o índice de carga poluente (PLI) ficou no nível 5,81, 4,67, altamente poluído em D1 e D2, enquanto o restante dos percentuais ficou no nível 2, poluição moderada, o local de Al-Kasak teve a maior poluição (PLI) valor de (6,28). Ao mesmo tempo, o risco ecológico (ER) foi médio (20.534,88, 16.896,71, 19.867,11, 19.063,14, 18.721,07, 18.888,61), o que indica que todos os locais apresentavam poluição muito elevada. O índice de risco ecológico também esteve dentro dos limites de poluição muito elevada, tendo sido registado o valor mais elevado no D1 (20568,45). O risco ecológico potencial do cádmio era muito elevado no local de Al-Qayyarah, com um valor de (19410,95) em comparação com o local de Al-Kasak, onde o risco ecológico de chumbo, níquel e manganês era muito elevado. Os índices de risco ecológico para o sítio Al-Qayyarah foram mais elevados do que para o sítio Al-Kasak. O estudo tem como objetivo estimar a concentração de metais pesados de acordo com índices ambientais e o impacto das refinarias de petróleo no ecossistema na elevação do nível de concentração de metais pesados. Palavras-chave: poluição do solo; fator de contaminação; índice de carga poluente; risco ecológico

    Estimating the Concentration of Cadmium in the Qayyarah and Kasak Sites and its Impact on the Environment

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    Cadmium recorded a significant superiority in the soil of the Qayyarah site with a peak of (491.744) mg/kg compared to the Kasak site, which showed its highest concentration in the soil of (D1) at (0) metres. The highest value was recorded at (520.217) mg/kg, which indicates high pollution. Compared to the rest of the dimensions, the lowest concentration of cadmium was in the soil (D2) at a distance of (50) meters, amounting to (428,050) mg/kg. While we note that the Qayyarah site recorded the lowest values of cadmium at the distance (S2D2) (50 metres), with a concentration rate of (450.867) mg/kg. As for cadmium, its highest concentration was at the distance (S2D3) (100 metres) and (S2D5). It reached (521.867) mg/kg. While the Kasak site recorded the highest value of cadmium at a distance of (S1D1) (0 metres) with a concentration of (527.667) mg/kg, while the lowest concentration of cadmium was at point (S1D2) (50 metres) with a value of (405.233) mg/kg

    Effect of Omega-3 Drug and Virgin Coconut Oil in Histopathological and Molecular Changes in Liver of Experimentally Obese Pregnant Albino Rats

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    The study aimed to evaluate the role of omega-3 and coconut oil in the histological changes caused by obesity in the liver of pregnant obese female rats and to evaluate the molecular change by estimating the gene expression of the insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and insulin-like growth factor binding protein (IGFBP-1) genes. The study used 50 albino female rats aging (90-110) and weighting (185-200gr). The experiment included two stages. First stage was to induce obesity by adding (45% fat) to the standard diet, except for the control group. In the second stage, female rats were left to mate and were divided into 5 groups (10 for each group) as follows: G1 was the Control group that remained on a standard diet, G2 was fed a high-fat diet only, G3 was orally dosed with Omega-3 (260 g/kg), G4 was orally dosed with coconut oil (200 mg/kg), G5 was orally dosed with both Omega 3 and coconut oil with the same doses. Animals were sacrificed on the 18th day of pregnancy. Histological examination of the G2 liver showed severe steatosis in hepatocytes, cellular swelling, and congestion in the central portal vein; lipid profile results showed a reduction in total Cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL-C in the blood serum of groups treated with both omega3 and Coconut oil. Liver in the group treated with Omega 3 alone or with coconut oil showed the normal histological features of the liver tissue. The liver of the G4 group, treated with coconut oil, showed slight cloudy degeneration of some hepatocytes with individual necrosis of some of the others and congestion in the portal vein. Groups treated with omega-3 and coconut oil separately or together showed an increase in the gene expression of IGF-1 and IGFBP-1

    Antioxidant and Free Radical-Scavenging Activity of Tulipa Systola Roots, Leaves and Flowers Collected in the Kurdistan Region of Iraqz

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    We report the first investigation on the antioxidant and antiradical properties of extracts of roots, leaves, and flowers of Tulipa systola Stapf, which is used as a pain-relief in the traditional medicine of the Kurdistan region of Iraq. The study has revealed that all parts of the plant contain significant amounts of phenolics and other antioxidant metabolites; In the Folin-Ciocalteu assay the total antioxidant capacity of the ethanol extract of flowers was even higher than that of ascorbic acid. The DPPH radical scavenging activity, the hydrogen peroxide and Fe (III) reducing powers have also been measured. The values were different for the different extracts, clearly reflecting the great variety of contents of secondary metabolites. These compounds possibly have different redox properties and radical quenching properties in vitro, and exert their effects through different mechanisms. Results are in great subtend to become a starting point for in vivo investigation in the next steps, isolation and characterization of the responsible antiradical and antioxidant secondary metabolites. Keywords: Tulipa systola, Polyphenols, Flavonoids, Antioxidant and antiradical scavenging activities

    Estrogen receptor modulatory effects of germinated brown rice bioactives in the uterus of rats through the regulation of estrogen-induced genes

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    PURPOSE: The expression of genes regulated by estrogen in the uterus was studied in ovariectomized (OVX) rats treated with germinated brown rice (GBR) bioactives, and compared to Remifemin or estrogen at different doses to identify the regulation of these genes in the uterus and their molecular mechanisms. METHODS: Rats were treated orally with GBR bioactives (phenolics), acylated steryl glucosides (ASG), γ-amino butyric acid (GABA), and γ-oryzanol (ORZ) at 100 and 200 mg/kg, Remifemin (REM) at 10 mg/kg and 20 mg/kg, or estrogen (EST) at 0.2 mg/kg. Ribonucleic acid (RNA) was extracted from the uterus, and messenger (m)RNA expression of selected genes encoding estrogen receptor-beta (ER-β), calcium-binding protein (CaBP9k), complement protein (C3), heat shock protein 70 kDa (HSP70), and interleukin (IL)-4 receptor were quantified. Similarly, serum steroid hormone concentration was monitored at 2, 4, and 8 weeks after treatments. ER-β antibody binding to the uterus sections was also studied using immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: The group treated with EST (0.2 mg/kg) upregulated ER-β, C3, and IL-4 receptor genes compared to other groups (P0.05) in the progesterone levels in the OVX untreated group compared to the sham and other treated groups. There was a significant increase at 8 weeks in the level of FSH (P0.05) in serum luteinizing hormone (LH) between the OVX untreated group and other groups. The sham and GBR phenolics treated group showed ER-β reactivity at the glandular epithelium, while the group treated with EST showed immunoreactivity at the glandular, luminal, and stromal epithelium. CONCLUSION: GBR phenolics moderately regulate the expression of ER-β, HSP70, and IL-4 receptor genes, and gave a positive immunoreaction to ER-β antigen in the uterus. ASG regulates the expression of CaBP9k and IL-4 receptor genes, and ORZ regulates the expression of the CaBP9k gene, while GABA at 100 mg/kg regulates the expression of the HSP70 gene. GBR and its bioactives might have an effect on estrogen-regulated genes in the uterus of rats

    Assessment of Knowledge Among the Physicians Regarding Dental Screening Prior to Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy

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    Objective: To evaluate the physicians\u27 knowledge regarding the referral for dental screening prior to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Material and Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study using simple random sampling among 468 physicians from various specialties with diverse experience levels from different regions in Saudi Arabia. A self-reporting questionnaire was distributed among the physicians, which consisted of questions assessing the physicians\u27 knowledge about oral health and complications in patients prior to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Statistical analysis was done after the data was collected employing SPSS, and p<0.05 was taken as significant. Results: Residents were more as expected (39.3%), followed by specialists (2.31%). The majority had a practice experience for more than five years (67.8%). The scores for the knowledge assessment showed that 51.3%, nearly half of the participants, had lower scores. The scores were statistically significant (p<0.05). Conclusion: General physicians and specialists should be aware of the dental complications and associated diseases in patients with malignancies and those undergoing chemo and radiotherapy. It is proposed that more awareness should be raised among physicians to rectify this lapse

    Impact of diabetes continuing education on health care professionals’ attitudes towards diabetes care in a Yemeni city

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    Purpose: To evaluate the impact of a continuing education (CE) program on the attitudes of health care professionals (HCPs) towards diabetes care in Yemen.Methods: A pre- and post-intervention study was carried out in Mukalla City, Hadramout, Yemen and was offered to all physicians, pharmacists, and nurses registered in the Health Office in the Mukalla City. The HCPs were invited to attend a CE program. All participants filled out a questionnaire before the intervention (pre-test) that measured the attitudes of the participants towards diabetes. An interventional program was given in the form of a seminar, and participants were requested to complete the same questionnaire after the seminar.Results: A total of 73 HCPs attended the CE, including 19 pharmacists (26 %), 37 physicians (50.7 %), and 17 (23.3 %) nurses. The pre- and post-intervention changes in the questionnaire responses were significant only for attitude toward the values of blood glucose levels (p = 0.009) and attitude toward autonomy of diabetes patients (p = 0.023).Conclusion: HCPs in Mukalla City have positive attitudes toward diabetes. Physicians were more aware of the sequelae of diabetes than other healthcare professional groups with nurses showing the least understanding. Therefore, more emphasis should be placed upon designing education programs for diabetes specifically tailored for nurses and pharmacists.Keywords: Diabetes, Continuing education, Attitude, Health care professional

    Role of Stem Cells in Orthopaedic Surgery: Theoretical Survey

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    This study aims at analyzing the Stem cell application is a burgeoning field of medicine that is likely to influence the future of orthopaedic surgery. Stem cells are associated with great promise and great controversy. For the orthopaedic surgeon, stem cells may change the way that orthopaedic surgery is practiced and the overall approach of the treatment of musculoskeletal disease. Stem cells may change the field of orthopaedics from a field dominated by surgical replacements and reconstructions to a field of regeneration and prevention. This review will introduce the basic concepts of stem cells pertinent to the orthopaedic surgeon and proceed with a more in depth discussion of current developments in the study of stem cells in orthopaedic surgery. Keywords: Stem cell, orthopaedic, surgery