40 research outputs found

    Defying grand narratives of ‘being an international student’: finding ‘home’ in the Other

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    The PhD students in this study create a sense of being at home as part of their own way of being themselves. Their programme requires and allows considerable autonomy in how they choose to be with the people around them. Different to common expectations of the ‘international student’, their nationality and its ‘culture’ being apart from the ‘culture’ they find is not the major factor. Instead they draw resources from their personal cultural trajectories within which their lives in Britain form another stage in a lifelong journey of identity construction. They do not ‘assimilate’ in the expected sense. Their friends are not mainly ‘British’. Their brought multilingualism is characteristic of a natural hybridity that prepares them to be different selves in diverse social locations and with people of diverse origin on and off campus through an ongoing negotiation process of small culture formation on the go

    Defying grand narratives of ‘being an international student’: finding ‘home’ in the Other

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    The PhD students in this study create a sense of being at home as part of their own way of being themselves. Their programme requires and allows considerable autonomy in how they choose to be with the people around them. Different to common expectations of the ‘international student’, their nationality and its ‘culture’ being apart from the ‘culture’ they find is not the major factor. Instead they draw resources from their personal cultural trajectories within which their lives in Britain form another stage in a lifelong journey of identity construction. They do not ‘assimilate’ in the expected sense. Their friends are not mainly ‘British’. Their brought multilingualism is characteristic of a natural hybridity that prepares them to be different selves in diverse social locations and with people of diverse origin on and off campus through an ongoing negotiation process of small culture formation on the go

    Skyrme effective pseudopotential up to the next-to-next-to-leading order

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    The explicit form of the next-to-next-to-leading order ((NLO)-L-2) of the Skyrme effective pseudopotential compatible with all required symmetries and especially with gauge invariance is presented in a Cartesian basis. It is shown in particular that for such a pseudopotential there is no spin-orbit contribution and that the D-wave term suggested in the original Skyrme formulation does not satisfy the invariance properties. The six new (NLO)-L-2 terms contribute to both the equation of state and the Landau parameters. These contributions to symmetric nuclear matter are given explicitly and discussed

    Breaking and restoring symmetries within the nuclear energy density functional method

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    We review the notion of symmetry breaking and restoration within the frame of nuclear energy density functional methods. We focus on key differences between wave-function- and energy-functional-based methods. In particular, we point to difficulties to formulate the restoration of symmetries within the energy functional framework. The problems tackled recently in connection with particle-number restoration serve as a baseline to the present discussion. Reaching out to angular-momentum restoration, we identify an exact mathematical property of the energy density ELM(R⃗)E^{LM}(\vec{R}) that could be used to constrain energy density functional kernels. Consequently, we suggest possible routes towards a better formulation of symmetry restorations within energy density functional methods.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, contribution to the "Focus issue on Open Problems in Nuclear Structure", Journal of Physics

    The nuclear energy density functional formalism

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    The present document focuses on the theoretical foundations of the nuclear energy density functional (EDF) method. As such, it does not aim at reviewing the status of the field, at covering all possible ramifications of the approach or at presenting recent achievements and applications. The objective is to provide a modern account of the nuclear EDF formalism that is at variance with traditional presentations that rely, at one point or another, on a {\it Hamiltonian-based} picture. The latter is not general enough to encompass what the nuclear EDF method represents as of today. Specifically, the traditional Hamiltonian-based picture does not allow one to grasp the difficulties associated with the fact that currently available parametrizations of the energy kernel E[g′,g]E[g',g] at play in the method do not derive from a genuine Hamilton operator, would the latter be effective. The method is formulated from the outset through the most general multi-reference, i.e. beyond mean-field, implementation such that the single-reference, i.e. "mean-field", derives as a particular case. As such, a key point of the presentation provided here is to demonstrate that the multi-reference EDF method can indeed be formulated in a {\it mathematically} meaningful fashion even if E[g′,g]E[g',g] does {\it not} derive from a genuine Hamilton operator. In particular, the restoration of symmetries can be entirely formulated without making {\it any} reference to a projected state, i.e. within a genuine EDF framework. However, and as is illustrated in the present document, a mathematically meaningful formulation does not guarantee that the formalism is sound from a {\it physical} standpoint. The price at which the latter can be enforced as well in the future is eventually alluded to.Comment: 64 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Euroschool Lecture Notes in Physics Vol.IV, Christoph Scheidenberger and Marek Pfutzner editor

    Infinite matter properties and zero-range limit of non-relativistic finite-range interactions

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    We discuss some infinite matter properties of two finite-range interactions widely used for nuclear structure calculations, namely Gogny and M3Y interactions. We show that some useful informations can be deduced for the central, tensor and spin-orbit terms from the spin-isospin channels and the partial wave decomposition of the symmetric nuclear matter equation of state. We show in particular that the central part of the Gogny interaction should benefit from the introduction of a third Gaussian and the tensor parameters of both interactions can be deduced from special combinations of partial waves. We also discuss the fact that the spin-orbit of the M3Y interaction is not compatible with local gauge invariance. Finally, we show that the zero-range limit of both families of interactions coincides with the specific form of the zero-range N3LO Skyrme interaction and we emphasize from this analogy the benefits of N3LO.Comment: 30 page

    Full Length Research Paper Thermal oxidative alteration of sunflower oil

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    Ecole nationale supérieure agronomique (ENSA, Ex. INA). Département de Technologie alimentaire et de Nutritio

    Embedded Genesio-Tesi chaotic generator for ciphering communications

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    Modèle aléatoire de l'intermittence pour les cinétiques de remise en suspension des aérosols

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    One put forward a theory of particle resuspension by a gas flow. Based on the assumption that particle ejection originates in intermittency, this study relies on a description a near wall turbulence in chaotic dynamic terms. A random model finally leads to the resuspension process kinetics, which agrees with previous experimental results.On propose une théorie de la remise en suspension de particules par un écoulement gazeux. Basée sur l'hypothèse que l'intermittence est à l'origine de l'éjection des particules, cette étude s'appuie sur une description en terme de dynamique chaotique de la turbulence à proximité de la paroi. Un modèle aléatoire permet en fin de compte d'accéder à la cinétique du processus de remise en suspension, qui s'avère en accord avec des résultats expérimentaux antérieurs