271 research outputs found

    Irrigation alternatives for avocado (Persea Americana Mill.) in the Mediterranean Subtropical region in the context of climate change: a review

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    Due to congenital features, avocado (Persea Americana Mill.) trees are substantial water users relative to other fruit trees. The current growing deficiency of water resources, especially in arid and semi-arid avocado-producing areas, has led to the demand for more sustainable water-saving measures. The objective of this review was to analyze the role of deficit irrigation as a strategy to face climate change and water scarcity through achieving efficiency, saving water, and maximizing the benefits that could be achieved at the level of the irrigated agricultural system. Particular attention is devoted to studies performed in the subtropical Mediterranean climate, in which irrigated avocado orchards are common. These studies analyzed irrigation demand, deficit irrigation, and determination of water status through physiological parameters, leading to possible sustainable irrigation programs for avocado in the context of water shortage scenarios. Through these insights, we conclude that under the current climatic circumstances with respect to available water resources, avocado farming requires sustainable resilience strategies to reduce irrigation water consumption without affecting the yield and quality of the fruits. Water stress inevitably affects the physiological processes that determine yield. Therefore, an admissible yield loss is required with smaller fruits and water savings made through deficit irrigation strategies. In addition, modern consumers tend to prefer foods based on sustainability, i.e., there is a high demand for socially responsible and environmentally friendly products

    The "Multimat" experiment at CERN HiRadMat facility: advanced testing of novel materials and instrumentation for HL-LHC collimators

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    The increase of the stored beam energy in future particle accelerators, such as the HL-LHC and the FCC, calls for a radical upgrade in the design, materials and instrumentation of Beam Intercepting Devices (BID), such as collimators Following successful tests in 2015 that validated new composite materials and a novel jaw design conceived for the HL-LHC collimators, a new HiRadMat experiment, named “HRMT36-MultiMat”, is scheduled for autumn 2017. Its objective is to determine the behaviour under high intensity proton beams of a broad range of materials relevant for collimators and beam intercepting devices, thin-film coatings and advanced equipment. The test bench features 16 separate target stations, each hosting various specimens, allowing the exploration of complex phenomena such as dynamic strength, internal damping, nonlinearities due to anisotropic inelasticity and inhomogeneity, effects of energy deposition and radiation on coatings. This paper details the main technical solutions and engineering calculations for the design of the test bench and of the specimens, the candidate target materials and the instrumentation system

    Novel utility-scale photovoltaic plant electroluminescence maintenance technique by means of bidirectional power inverter controller

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    Nowadays, photovoltaic (PV) silicon plants dominate the growth in renewable energies generation. Utility-scale photovoltaic plants (USPVPs) have increased exponentially in size and power in the last decade and, therefore, it is crucial to develop optimum maintenance techniques. One of the most promising maintenance techniques is the study of electroluminescence (EL) images as a complement of infrared thermography (IRT) analysis. However, its high cost has prevented its use regularly up to date. This paper proposes a maintenance methodology to perform on-site EL inspections as efficiently as possible. First, current USPVP characteristics and the requirements to apply EL on them are studied. Next, an increase over the automation level by means of adding automatic elements in the current PV plant design is studied. The new elements and their configuration are explained, and a control strategy for applying this technique on large photovoltaic plants is developed. With the aim of getting on-site EL images on a real plant, a PV inverter has been developed to validate the proposed methodology on a small-scale solar plant. Both the electrical parameters measured during the tests and the images taken have been analysed. Finally, the implementation cost of the solution has been calculated and optimised. The results conclude the technical viability to perform on-site EL inspections on PV plants without the need to measure and analyse the panel defects out of the PV installation

    Epidemiology and molecular characterization of Carnivore protoparvovirus-1 infection in the wild felid Leopardus guigna in Chile

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    Landscape anthropization has been identified as one of the main drivers of pathogen emergence worldwide, facilitating pathogen spillover between domestic species and wildlife. The present study investigated Carnivore protoparvovirus-1 infection using molecular methods in 98 free-ranging wild guignas (Leopardus guigna) and 262 co-occurring owned, free-roaming rural domestic cats. We also assessed landscape anthropization variables as potential drivers of infection. Protoparvovirus DNA was detected in guignas across their entire distribution range, with observed prevalence of 13.3% (real-time PCR) and 9% (conventional PCR) in guignas, and 6.1% (conventional PCR) in cats. Prevalence in guigna did not vary depending on age, sex, study area or landscape variables. Prevalence was higher in juvenile cats (16.7%) than in adults (4.4%). Molecular characterization of the virus by amplification and sequencing of almost the entire vp2 gene (1, 746 bp) from one guigna and five domestic cats was achieved, showing genetic similarities to canine parvovirus 2c (CPV-2c) (one guigna and one cat), feline panleukopenia virus (FPV) (one cat), CPV-2 (no subtype identified) (two cats), CPV-2a (one cat). The CVP-2c-like sequence found in a guigna clustered together with domestic cat and dog CPV-2c sequences from South America, suggesting possible spillover from a domestic to a wild species as the origin of infection in guigna. No clinical signs of disease were found in PCR-positive animals except for a CPV-2c-infected guigna, which had haemorrhagic diarrhoea and died a few days after arrival at a wildlife rescue centre. Our findings reveal widespread presence of Carnivore protoparvovirus-1 across the guigna distribution in Chile and suggest that virus transmission potentially occurs from domestic to wild carnivores, causing severe disease and death in susceptible wild guignas

    Management of Patients with Suspected or Confirmed Antibiotic Allergy. Executive Summary of Guidance from the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (SEIMC), the Spanish Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (SEAIC), the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy (SEFH) and the Spanish Society of Intensive Medicine and Coronary Care Units (SEMICYUC)

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    Suspected or confirmed antibiotic allergy is a frequent clinical circumstance that influences antimicrobial prescription and often leads to the avoidable use of less efficacious and/or more toxic or costly drugs than first-line antimicrobials. Optimizing antimicrobial therapy in patients with antibiotic allergy labels has become one of the priorities of antimicrobial stewardship programs in several countries. These guidelines aim to make recommendations for the systematic approach to patients with suspected or confirmed antibiotic allergy based on current evidence. An expert panel (11 members of various scientific societies) formulated questions about the management of patients with suspected or confirmed antibiotic allergy. A systematic literature review was performed by a medical librarian. The questions were distributed among panel members who selected the most relevant references, summarized the evidence, and formulated graded recommendations when possible. The answers to all the questions were finally reviewed by all panel members. A systematic approach to patients with suspected or confirmed antibiotic allergy was recommended to improve antibiotic selection and, consequently, clinical outcomes. A clinically oriented, 3-category risk-stratification strategy was recommended for patients with suspected antibiotic allergy. Complementary assessments should consider both clinical risk category and preferred antibiotic agent. Empirical therapy recommendations for the most relevant clinical syndromes in patients with suspected or confirmed ss-lactam allergy were formulated, as were recommendations on the implementation and monitoring of the impact of the guidelines. Antimicrobial stewardship programs and allergists should design and implement activities that facilitate the most appropriate use of antibiotics in these patients

    Multihost experimental evolution of a plant RNA virus reveals local adaptation and host specific mutations

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    [EN] For multihost pathogens, adaptation to multiple hosts has important implications for both applied and basic research. At the applied level, it is one of the main factors determining the probability and the severity of emerging disease outbreaks. At the basic level, it is thought to be a key mechanism for the maintenance of genetic diversity both in host and pathogen species. Using Tobacco etch potyvirus (TEV) and four natural hosts, we have designed an evolution experiment whose strength and novelty are the use of complex multicellular host organism as hosts and a high level of replication of different evolutionary histories and lineages. A pattern of local adaptation, characterized by a higher infectivity and virulence on host(s) encountered during the experimental evolution was found. Local adaptation only had a cost in terms of performance on other hosts in some cases. We could not verify the existence of a cost for generalists, as expected to arise from antagonistic pleiotropy and other genetic mechanisms generating a fitness trade-off between hosts. This observation confirms that this classical theoretical prediction lacks empirical support. We discuss the reasons for this discrepancy between theory and experiment in the light of our results. The analysis of full genome consensus sequences of the evolved lineages established that all mutations shared between lineages were host specific. A low degree of parallel evolution was observed, possibly reflecting the various adaptive pathways available for TEV in each host. Altogether, these results reveal a strong adaptive potential of TEV to new hosts without severe evolutionary constraints.We thank Francisca de la Iglesia and Angels Prosper for excellent technical assistance and Mark Zwart and two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on a previous version of the manuscript. This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation grant BFU2009-06993 to S. F. E. S. B. was supported by the JAE-doc program from Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas and G. L. was supported by the Human Frontier Science Program, grant RGP0012/2008.Bedhomme, S.; Lafforgue, G.; Elena Fito, SF. (2012). Multihost experimental evolution of a plant RNA virus reveals local adaptation and host specific mutations. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 29(5):1481-1492. https://doi.org/10.1093/molbev/msr314S1481149229

    Genetic Drift of HIV Populations in Culture

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    Populations of Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1) undergo a surprisingly large amount of genetic drift in infected patients despite very large population sizes, which are predicted to be mostly deterministic. Several models have been proposed to explain this phenomenon, but all of them implicitly assume that the process of virus replication itself does not contribute to genetic drift. We developed an assay to measure the amount of genetic drift for HIV populations replicating in cell culture. The assay relies on creation of HIV populations of known size and measurements of variation in frequency of a neutral allele. Using this assay, we show that HIV undergoes approximately ten times more genetic drift than would be expected from its population size, which we defined as the number of infected cells in the culture. We showed that a large portion of the increase in genetic drift is due to non-synchronous infection of target cells. When infections are synchronized, genetic drift for the virus is only 3-fold higher than expected from its population size. Thus, the stochastic nature of biological processes involved in viral replication contributes to increased genetic drift in HIV populations. We propose that appreciation of these effects will allow better understanding of the evolutionary forces acting on HIV in infected patients

    Studying kinetochore kinases

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    Mitotic kinetochores are signaling network hubs that regulate chromosome movements, attachment error-correction, and the spindle assembly checkpoint. Key switches in these networks are kinases and phosphatases that enable rapid responses to changing conditions. Describing the mechanisms and dynamics of their localized activation and deactivation is therefore instrumental for understanding the spatiotemporal control of chromosome segregation
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