305 research outputs found

    CASALS, Jaume. El pou de la paraula. Una història de la saviesa grega

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    I’ll Try That, Too

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    The effect of variety on consumer choice has been studied extensively, with some stream of literature showing the positive effects on choice and others arguing that too many alternatives may result in negative consequences (i.e., choice deferral or no purchase at all), often referred to as choice overload. In a field experiment with a major chocolate brand conducted at a German retail chain, we test for variety during a price and display promotion. Participating stores either include the full variety of products on the display or a reduced selection (low variety). Contrary to the literature on choice overload, we find a significantly positive effect of the display promotion on unit sales, which is stronger for stores with high variety. Further findings show a stronger promotion uplift for less popular products in stores with high variety on the display. This suggests that more variety may increase consumers’ willingness to try new products, when the financial risk is low. We also test for the effect of product distribution on displays by analysing the number of facings. Additionally, we introduce an approach to determine an optimal space allocation of products on the display. Our findings suggest that an even distribution results in the highest profits for the retailer. We contribute to the literature on variety for consumer choices by offering insights from actual purchases with store-level scanner data of display promotions

    Eastern Asian emissions of anthropogenic halocarbons deduced from aircraft concentration data

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    The Montreal Protocol restricts production of ozone-depleting halocarbons worldwide. Enforcement of the protocol has relied mainly on annual government statistics of production and consumption of these compounds (bottom-up approach). We show here that aircraft observations of halocarbon:CO enhancement ratios on regional to continental scales can be used to infer halocarbon emissions, providing independent verification of the bottom-up approach. We apply this top-down approach to aircraft observations of Asian outflow from the TRACE-P mission over the western Pacific (March April 2001) and derive emissions from eastern Asia (China, Japan, and Korea). We derive an eastern Asian carbon tetrachloride (CCl ) source of 21.5 Gg yr , several-fold larger than previous estimates and amounting to 30% of the global budget for this gas. Our emission estimate for CFC-11 from eastern Asia is 50% higher than inventories derived from manufacturing records. Our emission estimates for methyl chloroform (CH ) and CFC-12 are in agreement with existing inventories. For halon 1211 we find only a strong local source originating from the Shanghai area. Our emission estimates for the above gases result in a 40% increase in the ozone depletion potential (ODP) of Asian emissions relative to previous estimates, corresponding to a 10% global increase in ODP

    Accumulation of endogenous free radicals is required to induce titan-like cell formation in Cryptococcus neoformans

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    Cryptococcus neoformans is an excellent model to investigate fungal pathogenesis. This yeast can produce "titan cells," which are cells of an abnormally larger size that contribute to the persistence of the yeast in the host. In this work, we have used a new approach to characterize them by identifying drugs that inhibit this process. We have used a repurposing off-patent drug library, combined with an automatic method to image and analyze fungal cell size. In this way, we have identified many compounds that inhibit this transition. Interestingly, several compounds were antioxidants, allowing us to confirm that endogenous ROS and mitochondrial changes are important for titan cell formation. This work provides new evidence of the mechanisms required for titanization. Furthermore, the future characterization of the inhibitory mechanisms of the identified compounds by the scientific community will contribute to better understand the role of titan cells in virulence.Oscar Zaragoza was funded by grant PID2020-114546RB by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by grant SAF2017-86912-R from the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation. Irene García-Barbazán was funded by the Ministry for Science and Innovation (contract FPI PRE2018-083436). Alba Torres-Cano was funded by the Ministry for Science and Innovation (contract FPI PRE2021-099486). Rocío García-Rodas was funded by a “Juan de la Cierva” Contract from the Spanish Ministry for Economics, Industry and Competitivity (reference: IJCI-2015-25683).S

    Metabolic Changes in Urine during and after Pregnancy in a Large, Multiethnic Population-Based Cohort Study of Gestational Diabetes

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    This study aims to identify novel markers for gestational diabetes (GDM) in the biochemical profile of maternal urine using NMR metabolomics. It also catalogs the general effects of pregnancy and delivery on the urine profile. Urine samples were collected at three time points (visit V1: gestational week 8–20; V2: week 28±2; V3:10–16 weeks post partum) from participants in the STORK Groruddalen program, a prospective, multiethnic cohort study of 823 healthy, pregnant women in Oslo, Norway, and analyzed using 1H-NMR spectroscopy. Metabolites were identified and quantified where possible. PCA, PLS-DA and univariate statistics were applied and found substantial differences between the time points, dominated by a steady increase of urinary lactose concentrations, and an increase during pregnancy and subsequent dramatic reduction of several unidentified NMR signals between 0.5 and 1.1 ppm. Multivariate methods could not reliably identify GDM cases based on the WHO or graded criteria based on IADPSG definitions, indicating that the pattern of urinary metabolites above micromolar concentrations is not influenced strongly and consistently enough by the disease. However, univariate analysis suggests elevated mean citrate concentrations with increasing hyperglycemia. Multivariate classification with respect to ethnic background produced weak but statistically significant models. These results suggest that although NMR-based metabolomics can monitor changes in the urinary excretion profile of pregnant women, it may not be a prudent choice for the study of GDM.The study was supported by grants from the University of Oslo and the Oslo Diabetes Research Centre. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Multiclass cancer classification in fresh frozen and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue by DigiWest multiplex protein analysis

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    Histomorphology and immunohistochemistry are the most common ways of cancer classification in routine cancer diagnostics, but often reach their limits in determining the organ origin in metastasis. These cancers of unknown primary, which are mostly adenocarcinomas or squamous cell carcinomas, therefore require more sophisticated methodologies of classification. Here, we report a multiplex protein profiling-based approach for the classification of fresh frozen and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) cancer tissue samples using the digital western blot technique DigiWest. A DigiWest-compatible FFPE extraction protocol was developed, and a total of 634 antibodies were tested in an initial set of 16 FFPE samples covering tumors from different origins. Of the 303 detected antibodies, 102 yielded significant correlation of signals in 25 pairs of fresh frozen and FFPE primary tumor samples, including head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSC), lung squamous cell carcinomas (LUSC), lung adenocarcinomas (LUAD), colorectal adenocarcinomas (COAD), and pancreatic adenocarcinomas (PAAD). For this signature of 102 analytes (covering 88 total proteins and 14 phosphoproteins), a support vector machine (SVM) algorithm was developed. This allowed for the classification of the tissue of origin for all five tumor types studied here with high overall accuracies in both fresh frozen (90.4%) and FFPE (77.6%) samples. In addition, the SVM classifier reached an overall accuracy of 88% in an independent validation cohort of 25 FFPE tumor samples. Our results indicate that DigiWest-based protein profiling represents a valuable method for cancer classification, yielding conclusive and decisive data not only from fresh frozen specimens but also FFPE samples, thus making this approach attractive for routine clinical applications

    Low heritability in pharmacokinetics of talinolol: a pharmacogenetic twin study on the heritability of the pharmacokinetics of talinolol, a putative probe drug of MDR1 and other membrane transporters

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    Abstract Background Efflux transporters like MDR1 and MRP2 may modulate the pharmacokinetics of about 50 % of all drugs. It is currently unknown how much of the variation in the activities of important drug membrane transporters like MDR1 or MRP2 is determined by genetic or by environmental factors. In this study we assessed the heritability of the pharmacokinetics of talinolol as a putative probe drug for MDR1 and possibly other membrane transporters. Methods Talinolol pharmacokinetics were investigated in a repeated dose study in 42 monozygotic and 13 same-sex dizygotic twin pairs. The oral clearance of talinolol was predefined as the primary parameter. Heritability was analyzed by structural equation modeling and by within- and between-subject variance and talinolol clearance was correlated with polymorphisms in MDR1, MRP2, BCRP, MDR5, OATP1B1, and OCT1. Results Talinolol clearance varied approximately ninefold in the studied sample of healthy volunteers. The correlation of clearances between siblings was not significantly different for the monozygotic and dizygotic pairs. All data analyses consistently showed that variation of talinolol pharmacokinetics was mainly determined by environmental effects. Structural equation modeling attributed 53.5 % of the variation of oral clearance to common environmental effects influencing both siblings to the same extent and 46.5 % to unique environmental effects randomly affecting individual subjects. Talinolol pharmacokinetics were significantly dependent on sex, body mass index, total protein consumption, and vegetable consumption. Conclusions The twin study revealed that environmental factors explained much more of the variation in pharmacokinetics of talinolol than genetic factors. Trial registration European clinical trials database number: EUDRA-CT 2008-006223-31. Registered 26 September 2008. ClinicalTrials.gov number: NCT01845194

    Sources and Chemistry of NOₓ in the Upper Troposphere Over the United States

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    The origin of NOx in the upper troposphere over the central United States is examined using aircraft observations obtained during the SUCCESS campaign in April–May of 1996. Correlations between NOy (sum of NOx and its oxidation products) and CO at 8–12 km altitude indicate that NOx originates primarily from convective transport of polluted boundary layer air. Lightning and aircraft emissions appear to be only minor sources of NOx. Chemical steady state model calculations constrained by local observations of NO underestimate the measured NOx/NOy concentration ratio at 8–12 km altitude by a factor of two on average. The magnitude of the underestimate is correlated with concentrations of condensation nuclei, which we take as a proxy for the age of air in the upper troposphere. We conclude that the NOx/NOy ratio is maintained above chemical steady state by frequent convective injections of fresh NOx from the polluted boundary layer and by the long lifetime of NOx in the upper troposphere (5–10 days). In contrast to previous studies, we find no evidence for fast heterogeneous recycling from HNO3 to NOx in the upper troposphere