11 research outputs found

    Projekt SAKE – verejná správa využívajúca manažment znalostí

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    Informatizácia spoločnosti rýchlo napreduje a preniká aj do verejnej správy. Je to proces prirodzený vzhľadom na prechod k znalostnej ekonomike. Organizácie verejnej správy patria medzi organizácie založené na (právnych, ekonomických a pod.) znalostiach, a teda ich pracovníci majú štatút znalostných pracovníkov. Zároveň v rámci verejnej správy často dochádza k zmenám (legislatívy, kompetencií, organizačnej štruktúry a pod.). Elektronizácia verejnej správy (e-government) dokáže vyriešiť niektoré z týchto problémov. Jeden z prístupov prezentuje projekt SAKE financovaný v rámci 6. Rámcového programu EÚ, ktorého cieľom je vytvoriť jednotný priestor na uchovávanie znalostí namiesto súboru izolovaných zdrojov a systém manažmentu zmien.Information Society is progressing and is “penetrating” also public administration. This process is correlated with development of the knowledge-based economy. Public administration organizations are knowledge-based institutions and thus public servants have the status of knowledge workers. Knowledge within PA is subject of frequent changes, what can cause several problems . E-government can contribute to solution to some of these problems. One of possible approaches is presented by the EU funded SAKE project, which is aimed at development of an integrated knowledge space, instead of a set of isolated and heterogeneous knowledge resources. The project will also create a suitable change management system

    Usage of LiDAR data for leaf area index estimation

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    Leaf area index (LAI) can be measured either directly, using destructive methods, or indirectly using optical methods that are based on the tight relationship between LAI and canopy light transmittance. Third, innovative approach for LAI measuring is usage of remote sensing data, especially airborne laser scanning (ALS) data shows itself as a advisable source for purposes of LAI modelling in large areas. Until now there has been very little research to compare LAI estimated by the two different approaches. Indirect measurements of LAI using hemispherical photography are based on the transmission of solar radiation through the vegetation. It can thus be assumed that the same is true for the penetration of LiDAR laser beams through the vegetation canopy. In this study we use ALS based LiDAR penetration index (LPI) and ground based measurement of LAI obtained from hemispherical photographs as a reference in-situ method. Several regression models describing the corellation LAI and LPI were developed with various coefficients of determination ranging up to 0,81. All models were validated and based on the tests performed, no errors were drawn that would affect their credibility


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    This paper describes application-specific and technology specifications related to ICT-based approach for the support of policy modelling as proposed in the EU funded FP7 ICT OCOPOMO project. In this particular approach strategic planning is supported by a combination of narrative scenarios, agent-based modelling, and e-Participation tools (all integrated via an ICT e-Governance platform). The policy model for a given domain is created iteratively using cooperation of several stakeholder groups (decision makers, analysts, companies, civic society, and the general public). In this paper we will provide principles and key concepts of collaborative policy modelling, but the main focus is on the discussion of high-level architecture of ICT tools and software components, envisioned platform functionality and preliminary view of detailed architecture and technological details for implementation and integration of software components. An overall approach is presented also from the view of a particular pilot application, built around development of a strategy of renewable energy use. The process of development of a new strategy is described using standard BPMN. The process models correspond to AS-IS and TO-BE (i.e. after incorporation of scenario generation and policy modelling) situations

    Spolehlivostní analýza metalurgického zařízení

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta metalurgie a materiálového inženýrství. Katedra (638) automatizace a počítačové techniky v metalurgi

    Analysis of bonds with embedded options

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    This paper deals with the price sensitivity of fixed-income securities to the interest rate changes, expressing a dominant source of financial risk the financial institutions or other market participants manage. The most common modelling technique used by practitioners for measuring and managing the bond price sensitivity is the Macaulay's duration normally expressed in the modified duration form, also known as weighted average maturity of the bond, or the bond price sensitivity to the interest rate changes. Taking into account the fact that the standard concept of the duration has its limitations as the accuracy for small yield changes, a nonparallel shift in the yield curve or option-free bond assumption, we derive and describe the effective duration and convexity models for determining the expected theoretical price of the bonds with embedded options enabling the bond redemption prior to the maturity. To demonstrate computation and effect of the embedded option in a bond contract we use fun- damental characteristic of an option-free bond and two most common types of embedded options - call option and put options giving the issuer the right to call or prepay the debt obligation prior to the scheduled principal payment date (call option) or giving the investor the right to require the issuer to purchase the bond at a specified price (put option). To determine the theoretical price of the embedded option rights we use these two methods coupled with the modified Black model to cope with limitation of the traditional Macaulay's dura- tion approach. The results show a significant impact of the embedded options on the effective duration and convexity of fixed income securities

    Some ideas for improving quality of the index tracking based on cointegration

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    Cointegration approach to the passive portfolio management enables to replicate the selected stock index and to construct a portfolio with profitability and risk similar to market. This paper analyzes several options for improving this method. It focuses on one of the key tasks, which is an estimate of long-run equilibrium relationship. Five different methods were proposed and compared. The results confirmed the relevance of using the Engle-Granger methodology in all previous surveys, but it also suggested some interesting properties related to the estimate of regression coefficients based on different variants of the Minkowski metric or to estimate regression equation without intercept