9 research outputs found

    The evaluation of short-term nutrition education on the nutrition habits of university students

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    Nutrition education provision during adolescence and its continuation in university have high impact for sustaining physically, mentally and socially healthy societies. Moreover, when a positive manner in nutrition habits is achieved following this activity, it is considered as a successful prosperity that continues lifelong. Because each age groups nutrition differs than other. The study was undertaken with the participation 395 students out of which 250 were female and 145 were. Questionnaires were undertaken for assessing any change in students’ nutritional habits following 20 hours of nutrition education. Results revealed 83.3% change in students’ nutrition habits following education program. Female students had internalized healthy food choice than male students by consuming more fruit and decreasing fast food preferences along with taking more care on controlling food label and expire dates of foods. These behaviors found statistically important with p<0.05 and effect of even a short period education was manifested. The next step would be to provide information that will increase the continuity and traceability of the nutrition training to course content planners in educational institutions. Because permanent habit development should be the main target for achieving successful results following nutritional education

    The Importance of the Occupational Factors in Local Food Consumption Behavior

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    In the context of tourism and regional development, local food consumption has become one of the popular research topics in recent years. Despite this importance, there are no studies specifically addressing the impact of the occupational factors on local food purchasing behavior, while the role of age, gender, education, income and belief in purchasing behaviors is among the demographic components of most of the researches. In this study, local food consumption behaviors of individuals from different occupations were investigated and results were evaluated from the perspectives of tourism, sustainability, regional identity and development. The research was conducted in Adıyaman province of Turkey, where the traditional production continues and the consumption of local food is widespread. As the results of the research, occupation have been influential on the local food purchasing behaviors of participants in the fields of housewifery, healthcare, agriculture and food. Moreover, the income also has been influential factor on the purchasing behavior of local food of self-employed and workers

    Seasonal BMI Changes of Rural Women Living in Anatolia

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    Today, obesity is one of the most evident public health problems in many parts of the World and it is more common among women. Several factors are affecting women’s obesity, among these short term weight fluctuations, either gain or loss, cause severe health disorders, particularly in rural areas where seasonal activity differs significantly throughout the year. Since this case has not been studied in detail, our research focused on prevalence and probable causes of seasonal rural obesity among women in two rural areas of Turkey. The study was undertaken with 100 participants. One-way ANOVA and one-way repeated ANOVA tests were utilized for categorical, continuous and repeated variables as study contains groups with more than one and repeated variables. Overweight is more common in the 18–30 years and 50+ years groups, whereas the absence of obesity, except during winter of 2010 in the 50+ years of age group, is most probably due to the widespread occurrence of diabetes for this age group. The highest BMI values for all groups, which were 25.2 ± 3.39 for 2009 and 26.1 ± 3.40 for 2010, were determined in winter, because of minimum physical activity, while summer BMIs were 24.1 ± 3.39 in 2009 and 25.1 ± 3.35 in 2010. This decrease was most probably due to intense agricultural field work in both regions. The majority of the women claimed that their weight is balanced in summer but results revealed that participants did not lose all the weight which was gained during winter months although BMI showed a significant fall from spring to autumn

    Nutrition behaviours of rural and urban mothers on 0-24 month childrenKent ve kırsalda annelerin 0-24 aylık çocukları besleme davranışları

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    AbstractThe research was conducted to compare urban and rural mothers child nutrition habits and determine precaution methods against malpractices if exists. Study was undertaken with a total of 103 mothers who have children aged 0-24 months living in Adıyaman town center, Kahta Town and Çaltılı village.  A questionnaire, interview, comprising 24 questions, was prepared by examining national and international studies. The interview was applied by face-to-face questioning. Result obtained was evaluated by SPSS 17.0 software. The data interpretation was undertaken by using distribution percentages of data (%), chi-square test and multi-response test.In the study, which the rural and urban mothers’ child nutrition treatment was compared,   majority of the mothers at three settlement site started breastfeeding of their babies following first hour of delivery. However, although breastfeeding should continue in first 4 months mothers stop feeding in this period. Most of the mother’s at urban areas started additional foods in 6th month, and the ones at towns and rural areas started between 1st and 3rd months. The major problems faced with the start of additional food in city were constipation, diarrhea in town and gas pain in urban. When babies who are familiar with additional foods, did not intake additional foods, urban mothers commonly used force for feeding, town mothers played games and urban mothers stopped feeding instead of without any effort ÖzetAraştırma kent ve kırsaldaki annelerin çocuk beslenmesindeki davranışlarını karşılaştırarak varsa yanlış uygulamalar konusunda önlem yöntemlerini belirlemek amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Çalışma,  Adıyaman Merkez, Kâhta İlçesi ve Çaltılı köyünde yaşayan 0-24 ay arasında çocuk sahibi olan toplam 103 anne ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ulusal ve uluslararası kaynaklar araştırılarak 24 sorudan oluşan bir anket formu  hazırlanmıştır. Anket annelerle yüz yüze görüşülerek uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler SPSS 17.0 istatistik programında değerlendirilmiştir. Verilerin yorumu yüzde dağılım (%), khi-kare testi ve çoklu yanıt testi kullanılanarak yapılmıştır.Çalışma da, her üç yerleşim yerinde de annelerin çoğunluğu doğumdan sonraki ilk bir saat içinde bebeklerini emzirmeye başlamıştır. Ancak ilk 4 ay sadece anne sütü verilmesi gerekirken annelerin bu dönemde süt vermeyi kestikleri görülmektedir. Şehir merkezinde ki annelerin çoğu 6, ilçe ve köydekiler ise 1-3 aylıkken ek gıdalara başladıklarını belirtmiştir. Ek gıdalara başlanması ile en çok karşılaşılan sorunlar şehir merkezinde kabızlık, ilçede ishal, köyde ise gaz sancısı olmuştur. Ek gıdaya alışık olmayan çocuk yemek yemediğinde annelerin en çok yaptığı uygulamalar zorla yemek yedirmek (şehir merkezinde), oyun oynatarak yedirme (ilçede) olmuştur. Köydeki anneler ise hiç uğraşmayarak yemek yedirmeyi bıraktığını belirtmiştir

    Consumo alimentar de mulheres durante as férias: em forma, saudável ou relaxado?

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    During holidays, what, why, and how do women consume? Women’s attitudes and thoughts about food consumption should be researched in terms of their social roles. However, the important role of women in holiday planning process makes women's food consumption preferences and also behaviours an important data source especially for tourism managers. This study focused on the impact of holidays on women’s food consumption. For this purpose, face-to-face interviews were carried out with 15 women participants, who spent two holiday periods during the previous year – summer and winter – in Adıyaman, Turkey. According to the results of the survey, women’s food consumption preferences and behaviours change during the summer and winter holiday periods.Durante las vacaciones, ¿qué, por qué y cómo consumen las mujeres? Las actitudes y pensamientos de las mujeres sobre el consumo deben investigarse en términos de sus roles sociales. Este estudio se centró en el impacto de las vacaciones y días festivos en el consumo de alimentos de las mujeres. Para este propósito, se llevaron a cabo entrevistas personales con 15 mujeres participantes, que pasaron dos períodos de vacaciones durante el año anterior, verano e invierno, en Adiyaman, Turquía. Según los resultados de la encuesta, las preferencias de consumo de alimentos de las mujeres cambian durante los períodos de vacaciones de verano e invierno.Durante as férias, o que, por que e como as mulheres consomem? As atitudes e pensamentos das mulheres sobre o consumo devem ser pesquisadas em termos de seus papéis sociais. Este estudo se concentrou no impacto de férias e feriados no consumo de alimentos das mulheres. Para esse fim, entrevistas presenciais foram realizadas com 15 mulheres participantes, que passaram dois períodos de férias no ano anterior - verão e inverno - em Adıyaman, Turquia. De acordo com os resultados da pesquisa, as preferências de consumo de alimentos das mulheres mudam durante os períodos de férias de verão e inverno

    Determination of phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity of virgin olive oil obtained from cv. Gemlik (olea europaea)

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    Bu çalışmada, Gemlik zeytin çeşidinden elde edilen zeytinyağının fenol bileşikleri içerikleri ve antioksidan kapasiteleri incelenmiştir. Fenol bileşiklerinin analizleri zıt fazlı, diyot array detektörlü HPLC cihazıyla ve tanımlamaları ise sıvı kromatografisi-kütle spektrometrisi (LC-MS) ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada, hidroksitirozol, 4-hidroksibenzoik asit, tirozol, 2,3-dihidroksibenzoik asit, kafeik asit, vanilik asit, vanilin, sirinjik asit, p-kumarik asit, ferulik asit, sinamik asit, apigenin ve luteolin olmak üzere toplam 13 adet fenol bileşiği tanımlanmıştır. Tirozolün (9.85 mg/kg) zeytinyağında en baskın olan fenol bileşiği olduğu ve bunu sırasıyla apigenin (5.40 mg/kg) ve hidroksitirozol’ün (3.21 mg/kg) izlediği saptanmıştır. Antioksidan kapasite analizleri DPPH ve ABTS yöntemleri kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Fenol bileşikleri ile antioksidan kapasite analizleri (DPPH ve ABTS) arasında (R2 = 0.657-0.817) ve kullanılan yöntemler arasında (R2 = 0.933) korelasyonlar saptanmıştır.In this study, phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of olive oil obtained from cv. Gemlik were investigated. Phenolic composition was detected by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with diode array detector and characterized by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). A total of 13 different phenolic compounds, including hydroxytyrosol, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, tyrosol, 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid, caffeic acid, vanillic acid, vanilin, syringic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, cinnamic acid, apigenin and luteolin were identified. Tyrosol (9.85 mg/kg) determined as the main phenols found in olive oil and followed by apigenin (5.40 mg/kg) and hydroxytyrosol (3.21 mg/kg) respectively. Antioxidant activity of olive oil was measured by using the DPPH and ABTS assays. A high correlation between total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity (R2 = 0.657-0.817) along with applied methods (R2 = 0.933) were determined