66 research outputs found

    From Business model to Business model portfolio in the european biopharmaceutical industry

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    At the crossroad of firm's core competencies and of the anticipations of consumers' needs, the business model approach complements corporate and business strategy approaches. Firms combine several business models simultaneously to deliver value to different markets, building a portfolio of business model. For managers, business model and business model portfolio are particularly useful to address customer's needs and organisational capabilities of the firm. They also emphasise how the initial core competency of the firm can be extended or redeployed to increase the rent. Business model portfolio describes the firm's strategy to balance time-to-market, revenue stream, risk and interdependencies. It conceptualises firm diversification within the same industry to generate and capture rents. They finally describe two generic dimensions: core competence extension to enlarge the market and to address additional customers and core competence redeployment to serve similar market with the same core competence.Biopharmaceutical; portfolio; corporate strategy; business strategy; core competence; coherence; value chain

    Crone control of a nonlinear hydraulic actuator

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    The CRONE control (fractional robust control) of a hydraulic actuator whose dynamic model is nonlinear is presented. An input-output linearization under diffeomorphism and feedback is first achieved for the nominal plant. The relevance of this linearization when the parameters of the plant vary is then analyzed using the Volterra input-output representation in the frequency domain. CRONE control based on complex fractional differentiation is finally applied to control the velocity of the input-output linearized model when parametric variations occur

    Input-output linearization and fractional robust control of a non-linear system

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    This article deals with the association of a linear robust controller and an input-output linearization feedback for the control of a perturbed and non-linear system. This technique is applied to the control of a hydraulic system whose actuator is non-linear and whose load is time-variant. The piston velocity of the actuator needs to be controlled and a pressure-difference inner-loop is used to improve the performance. To remove the effect of the non-linearity, an input-output linearization under diffeomorphism and feedback is achieved. CRONE control, based on complex fractional differentiation, is applied to design a controller for piston-velocity loop even when parametric variations occu

    A nyquist criterion for time-varying periodic systems, with application to a hydraulic test bench

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    In this paper, stability results dedicated to sampled periodic systems are applied to a mechanical system whose stiffness exhibits quick variations: a hydraulic test bench used to achieve mechanical test on complex structures. To carry out this application, time-varying w transformation representation of sampled periodic systems are first introduced. An extension of the Nyquist Criterion to sampled periodic systems is then given. Finally, this theorem is applied to evaluate the stability degree of the hydraulic test bench controlled using CRONE control methodology

    From Business model to Business model portfolio in the european biopharmaceutical industry

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    International audienceAt the crossroad of firm's core competencies and of the anticipations of consumers' needs, the business model approach complements corporate and business strategy approaches. Firms combine several business models simultaneously to deliver value to different markets, building a portfolio of business model. For managers, business model and business model portfolio are particularly useful to address customer's needs and organisational capabilities of the firm. They also emphasise how the initial core competency of the firm can be extended or redeployed to increase the rent. Business model portfolio describes the firm's strategy to balance time-to-market, revenue stream, risk and interdependencies. It conceptualises firm diversification within the same industry to generate and capture rents. They finally describe two generic dimensions: core competence extension to enlarge the market and to address additional customers and core competence redeployment to serve similar market with the same core competence

    When technological discontinuities and disruptive business models challenge dominant industry logics: insights from the drugs industry

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    Working paper serie RMT (WPS 12-04) - 39 pInternational audienceAn industry's dominant logic is the general scheme of value creation and capture shared by its actors. In high technology fields, technological discontinuities are not enough to disrupt an industry's dominant logic. Identifying the factors that might trigger change in that logic can help companies develop strategies to enable them to capture greater value from their innovations by disrupting that logic. Based on analyzing the changes that biotechnologies and bioinformatics have brought to the drug industry, we identify and characterize three triggers of change that can create disruptive business models. We suggest that, in mature industries experiencing strong discontinuities and high technological uncertainty, entrants' business models initially tend to fit into the industry's established dominant logic and its value chains remain unchanged. But as new technologies evolve and uncertainty decreases, disruptive business models emerge, challenging dominant industry logics and reshaping established value chains


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    An industry's dominant logic is the general scheme of value creation and capture shared by its actors. In high technology fields, technological discontinuities are not enough to disrupt an industry's dominant logic. Identifying the factors that might trigger change in that logic can help companies develop strategies to enable them to capture greater value from their innovations by disrupting that logic. Based on analyzing the changes that biotechnologies and bioinformatics have brought to the drug industry, we identify and characterize three triggers of change that can create disruptive business models. We suggest that, in mature industries experiencing strong discontinuities and high technological uncertainty, entrants' business models initially tend to fit into the industry's established dominant logic and its value chains remain unchanged. But as new technologies evolve and uncertainty decreases, disruptive business models emerge, challenging dominant industry logics and reshaping established value chains.dominant logic; business model; industry life cycle; drug industry; technological discontinuities.

    Une géographie des espaces publics dans les pays intermédiaires

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    À la jonction de plusieurs enjeux fondamentaux pour les sociĂ©tĂ©s urbaines et leurs espaces, la thĂ©matique des espaces publics est en pleine expansion dans le domaine des Ă©tudes urbaines. Alors que le monde ne cesse de s'urbaniser, la ville semble s'Ă©loigner de son idĂ©al et de sa fonction de CitĂ© : les processus de fragmentation et de sĂ©grĂ©gation de l'espace urbain, les violences dont il est parfois le thĂ©Ăątre remettent en cause la mixitĂ© sociale, les rencontres imprĂ©vues, bref, l'urbanitĂ© telle qu'elle a Ă©tĂ© trĂšs largement analysĂ©e depuis Eugen Wirth et Max Weber. C'est dans ce cadre gĂ©nĂ©ral que les chercheurs ont attirĂ© l'attention sur l'espace public. Ces rĂ©flexions sont trĂšs largement interdisciplinaires puisque philosophie, sociologie et science politique y ont jouĂ© un rĂŽle moteur. ComplĂ©mentaire des prĂ©cĂ©dentes, la dĂ©marche gĂ©ographique permet de resituer les espaces en question dans un contexte urbain concret : loin d'ĂȘtre mĂ©taphorique, l'espace public des gĂ©ographes est un lieu prĂ©cis, avec des configurations spatiales particuliĂšres, une histoire, une appropriation par les diffĂ©rents groupes sociaux en prĂ©sence, un mode d'intĂ©gration dans la ville. Cependant, les travaux de recherche se sont largement limitĂ©s aux espaces publics des sociĂ©tĂ©s occidentales (Europe et Etats-Unis) pour y souligner des phĂ©nomĂšnes de violence, de communautarisation, de privatisation. Nous proposons de complĂ©ter ce tableau par l'Ă©tude des espaces publics dans des pays dits " intermĂ©diaires ", ni trĂšs riches, ni trĂšs pauvres, et ayant des niveaux de dĂ©veloppement industriel et tertiaire non nĂ©gligeable : le fonctionnement mĂȘme des espaces publics et leur Ă©volution divergent en partie de ce qui a Ă©tĂ© observĂ© ailleurs. Les villes des pays intermĂ©diaires et leur espaces publics sont le thĂ©Ăątre de tensions spĂ©cifiques : arrivĂ©e relativement rĂ©cente de populations d'origine rurale, clivages culturels, sociaux, Ă©conomiques voire " raciaux "... Nous choisirons Ă©galement des pays hors de la sphĂšre proprement occidentale pour confronter la thĂ©matique des espaces publics Ă  des villes de tradition et de modĂšle diffĂ©rents. Quelle hybridation y a lieu entre modernitĂ© et tradition ?Quels changements sociaux, politiques et culturels y sont visibles ? Comment parler d'espaces publics Ă  travers des aires culturelles aussi diffĂ©rentes

    Fractional robust control of a nonlinear plant : Control of a nonlinear testing bench using the singular perturbation technique and the CRONE approach

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    The control of a hydraulic testing bench is presented by using both singular perturbations technique and Crone control (fractional robust control). The testing bench is constituted of a hydraulic actuator which deforms, with a required velocity, the uncertain mechanical structures to be tested. Thanks to the singular perturbations techniques, the plant can be linearized despite the uncertainty by using a simplified input-output linearization under diffeomorphism and feedback. The Crone control is used to reject remaining nonlinearities considered as perturbations and to control the actuator velocity while taking into account the parametric variations of the mechanical structures

    Aide à la communication informatisée dans les TED

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    National audienceAprÚs avoir rappelé les symptÎmes de l'autisme comme pathologie neuro-développementale qui appartient aux Troubles Envahissants du Développement (TED), nous étudions les principes et les caractéristiques des supports visuels (classeurs traditionnels et tablettes électroniques) destinés aux enfants autistes afin qu'ils puissent communiquer avec leur entourage (famille et personnes chargées du suivi thérapeutique, éducatif ou pédagogique). Nous présentons les fonctionnalités d'un prototype innovant fonctionnant sur tablette électronique que nous avons développé (paramétrage des utilisateurs, du lexique, de la syntaxe des messages, mémorisation d'un journal des interactions, ...). Nous exposons les modalités de l'expérience que nous allons mener auprÚs de jeunes enfants autistes de moins de 6 ans dans le cadre de leur accueil au CATTP ISATIS (CH St-Jean-de Dieu) et dans leur cadre familial
