4,205 research outputs found

    A mesocosm experiment investigating the effects of substratum quality and wave exposure on the survival of fish eggs

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    In a mesocosm experiment, the attachment of bream (Abramis brama) eggs to spawning substrata with and without periphytic biofilm coverage and their subsequent survival with and without low-intensity wave exposure were investigated. Egg attachment was reduced by 73% on spawning substrata with a natural periphytic biofilm, compared to clean substrata. Overall, this initial difference in egg numbers persisted until hatching. The difference in egg numbers was even increased in the wave treatment, while it was reduced in the no-wave control treatment. Exposure to a low-intensity wave regime affected egg development between the two biofilm treatments differently. Waves enhanced egg survival on substrata without a biofilm but reduced the survival of eggs on substrata with biofilm coverage. In the treatment combining biofilm-covered substrata and waves, no attached eggs survived until hatching. In all treatments, more than 75% of the eggs became detached from the spawning substrata during the egg incubation period, an

    Correlation of Kondo effect and molecular conformation of the acceptor molecule in the TTF-TCNE charge transfer complex

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    A Kondo resonance has been observed on purely organic molecules in several combinations of charge transfer complexes on a metal surface. It has been regarded as a fingerprint of the transfer of one electron from the donor to the extended π orbital of the acceptor's LUMO. Here, we investigate the stoichiometric checkerboard structure of tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) and tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) on a Au(1 1 1) surface using scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopy at 4.8 K. We find a bistable state of the TCNE molecules with distinct structural and electronic properties. The two states represent different conformations of the TCNE within the structure. One of them exhibits a Kondo resonance, whereas the other one does not, despite of both TCNE types being singly charged

    Ab initio wavefunction based methods for excited states in solids: correlation corrections to the band structure of ionic oxides

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    Ab initio wavefunction based methods are applied to the study of electron correlation effects on the band structure of oxide systems. We choose MgO as a prototype closed-shell ionic oxide. Our analysis is based on a local Hamiltonian approach and performed on finite fragments cut from the infinite solid. Localized Wannier functions and embedding potentials are obtained from prior periodic Hartree-Fock (HF) calculations. We investigate the role of various electron correlation effects in reducing the HF band gap and modifying the band widths. On-site and nearest-neighbor charge relaxation as well as long-range polarization effects are calculated. Whereas correlation effects are essential for computing accurate band gaps, we found that they produce smaller changes on the HF band widths, at least for this material. Surprisingly, a broadening effect is obtained for the O 2p valence bands. The ab initio data are in good agreement with the energy gap and band width derived from thermoreflectance and x-ray photoemission experiments. The results show that the wavefunction based approach applied here allows for well controlled approximations and a transparent identification of the microscopic processes which determine the electronic band structure

    Analysis of the relationship between disease activity and damage in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus—a 5-yr prospective study

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    Objective. To determine whether initial damage, disease duration, age, initial health status, average disease activity over the 5 yr or an average medication score covering the follow-up period would predict an increase in damage in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) within the next 5 yr. Methods. A 5-yr prospective longitudinal study of a cohort of 141 consecutive patients with SLE attending a specialist lupus out-patient clinic in London from their first assessment between July 1994 and February 1995. Disease activity was assessed using the BILAG system, initial health status by the Medical Outcome Survey Short Form 20 with an extra question about fatigue (SF-20+) and damage by the SLICC/ACR Damage Index (SDI). Damage was reassessed 5 yr later. Statistical analysis was carried out using multiple logistic regression analysis (logXact). Results. One hundred and thirty-three female and eight male SLE patients (97 Caucasians, 16 Afro-Caribbeans, 22 Asians and 6 others) were included, their age at inclusion was 41.1 ± 12.5 yr and their disease duration 10.2 ± 6.3 yr. The mean measures at inclusion were: total BILAG 5.2 (range 0-17), total SDI 1.2 (0-7) and medication score 1.2 (0-3). Six patients were lost to follow-up because they had moved. Of the remaining 135 patients total damage had increased in 40 patients and 10 patients had died. At the end of the study, at 4.63 ± 0.19 yr, the total SDI had increased to 1.6 ± 1.7. Multiple logistic regression analysis revealed that death and increase in damage were strongly predicted by a high total disease activity over the entire study period (P<0.001) as we had hypothesized. When the total BILAG score was replaced by the average number of A-flares the prediction of accrual of damage during the study period was again highly significant (P = 0.004). Conclusions. In this first prospective study of its type a highly significant impact of total disease activity, as measured over 5 yr using the BILAG system, on the development of total damage was revealed. Moreover, these results provide further proof of the validity of the SDI and support the BILAG concept of the A-flare

    Correlation effects in MgO and CaO: Cohesive energies and lattice constants

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    A recently proposed computational scheme based on local increments has been applied to the calculation of correlation contributions to the cohesive energy of the CaO crystal. Using ab-initio quantum chemical methods for evaluating individual increments, we obtain 80% of the difference between the experimental and Hartree-Fock cohesive energies. Lattice constants corrected for correlation effects deviate by less than 1% from experimental values, in the case of MgO and CaO.Comment: LaTeX, 4 figure

    A Micromechanical INS/GPS System for Small Satellites

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    The cost and complexity of large satellite space missions continue to escalate. To reduce costs, more attention is being directed toward small lightweight satellites where future demand is expected to grow dramatically. Specifically, micromechanical inertial systems and microstrip global positioning system (GPS) antennas incorporating flip-chip bonding, application specific integrated circuits (ASIC) and MCM technologies will be required. Traditional microsatellite pointing systems do not employ active control. Many systems allow the satellite to point coarsely using gravity gradient, then attempt to maintain the image on the focal plane with fast-steering mirrors. Draper's approach is to actively control the line of sight pointing by utilizing on-board attitude determination with micromechanical inertial sensors and reaction wheel control actuators. Draper has developed commercial and tactical-grade micromechanical inertial sensors, The small size, low weight, and low cost of these gyroscopes and accelerometers enable systems previously impractical because of size and cost. Evolving micromechanical inertial sensors can be applied to closed-loop, active control of small satellites for micro-radian precision-pointing missions. An inertial reference feedback control loop can be used to determine attitude and line of sight jitter to provide error information to the controller for correction. At low frequencies, the error signal is provided by GPS. At higher frequencies, feedback is provided by the micromechanical gyros. This blending of sensors provides wide-band sensing from dc to operational frequencies. First order simulation has shown that the performance of existing micromechanical gyros, with integrated GPS, is feasible for a pointing mission of 10 micro-radians of jitter stability and approximately 1 milli-radian absolute error, for a satellite with 1 meter antenna separation. Improved performance micromechanical sensors currently under development will be suitable for a range of micro-nano-satellite applications

    Non-ancient solution of the Ricci flow

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    For any complete noncompact Ka¨\ddot{a}hler manifold with nonnegative and bounded holomorphic bisectional curvature,we provide the necessary and sufficient condition for non-ancient solution to the Ricci flow in this paper.Comment: seven pages, latex fil

    Deconstructing maternal sensitivity: Predictive relations to mother-child attachment in home and laboratory settings

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    Despite the well-documented importance of parental sensitivity for child development, there is a lack of consensus regarding how best to assess it. We investigated the factor structure of maternal caregiving behavior as assessed at 12 months by the Maternal Behavior Q-Sort (Pederson, Moran, & Bento, 1999) with 274 mother-infant dyads. Subsequently, we examined associations between these empirically-derived dimensions and child attachment, assessed in the home and laboratory (final N = 157). Three dimensions of maternal behavior were identified, corresponding fairly closely to Ainsworth’s original scales. They were labeled Cooperation/Attunement, Positivity, and Accessibility/Availability. Only Cooperation/Attunement consistently predicted home-based attachment at 15 months and 2 years, and at comparable strength to the overall sensitivity score, suggesting that this construct may be central to sensitivity. At 18 months, compared to their primarily secure counterparts, different types of laboratory-assessed insecure attachment were associated with different patterns of maternal behavior. Mothers in avoidant relationships (n = 18) were low on Cooperation/Attunement and Accessibility/Availability, but fairly high on Positivity. Mothers of disorganized infants (n = 11) were Cooperative/Attuned but somewhat less Positive toward, and less Accessible/Available to, their infants. A multi-dimensional approach to parental behavior may facilitate the identification of parenting precursors of insecure parent-child relationships
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