3,702 research outputs found

    Examining the extent of repeat and near repeat victimisation of domestic burglaries in Belo Horizonte, Brazil

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    Substantial research suggests that a burglary event is a useful predictor of burglaries to the same or nearby properties in the near future. To date, the research that has suggested this predictive quality has been based on studies that have focused on crime patterns in western industrialised countries, such as the UK, USA and Australia. These studies have in turn informed the design of effective burglary reduction programmes that have a specific focus towards countering the risk of repeats and near repeats. This current study adds to the existing research knowledge by examining whether patterns of burglary repeats and near repeats are evident in Belo Horizonte, a large Brazilian city. Domestic dwellings in Brazilian cities, as typified by those in Belo Horizonte, are quite different to dwellings in western countries—many city-dwelling Brazilians live in apartments in high rise buildings, most houses and apartment blocks are surrounded by high perimeter fencing, and a reasonable proportion of dwellings are irregular self-constructed houses. As a consequence, a different infrastructure of domestic living may result in differences in patterns of domestic burglary when compared to patterns in western countries. The research identifies that the extent of repeat and near repeat patterns in the city of Belo Horizonte are lower than those in comparable western urban contexts. We discuss the implications of these findings and how they impact on the translating of practice on crime prevention and crime prediction to the urban Latin American context


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    O presente artigo tem como escopo tratar o cinema como consequência das transformações proporcionadas pelo desencadeamento da Modernidade. Os elementos constituintes e capturados pelas lentes cinematográficas, além dos grandes e visibilizados fatos já apontados pelos estudos historiográficos, passam pelas relações do cotidiano, aqueles que muitas vezes são geridos pelas forças do controle do Tempo. Este, problematizado aqui como substancia de um capitalismo que se coloca como normatização daquela organicidade. Algumas obras fílmicas foram pensadas para fundamentar o estudo. Como: Metropolis (de Fritz Lang), e Tempos Modernos (de Charles Chaplin). Ambas trazem uma série de questões pertinentes para uma análise à luz daquela conjuntura. Procurei esquadrinhar as cenas que remetiam de forma direta ao Tempo como substância elementar daquela realidade, e suas conjunções ao que implica na alteração e consequência do homem moderno a partir da leitura iconográfica.Palavras-chave: Cinema. Modernidade. Tempo. HISTORY AND MOVIE THEATER:  AN ICONOGRAPHIC READING OF MODERNITYAbstract: This article has a scope deal with a movie theater as a consequence of changes by the development of modernity. The elements captured by cinematic lenses, beyond big facts shown by the historiographies studying, passing by daily relation, those which many times are managed by the time. This one, problematized here like capitalism substance placed as standardization about an organization. Some films were done to fund the study. For example Metropolis (Lang, Fritz), and Tempos Modernos (Chaplin, Charles). Both bring a lot of questions for an analysis of that conjuncture. Searched scan scenes that bring the direct form to Time as an elementary substance about that reality, and your conjunctions which implies in alternation and consequences of modernity man from iconographic reading.Keywords: Cinema. Modernity. Time.

    Relationship of Participation Pregnant Women in The Pregnant Classes with Anxiety in The Working Area of Oelolok Health Service Centre, North Central Timor Regency

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    Anxiety during pregnancy is caused by fear. Fear of increased pain, fear of damage or deformity such as episiotomy, rupture, stitches or cesarean section, and mothers fear injuring their babies. The mother's knowledge factor in dealing with childbirth is a very important factor affecting the smoothness of the birth process. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was a relationship between the participation of pregnant women in the pregnant class and the level of anxiety in facing childbirth among pregnant women in the working area of ​​the Oelolok Puskesmas. The study design used in this study was a quasi-experimental model. There is a relationship between the participation of pregnant women in pregnancy classes and the level of anxiety in facing childbirt

    Ética, direito e internet: desafios morais no espaço virtual

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    RESUMO: O artigo trata de considerações sobre ética na contemporaneidade nas suas relações com a internet. Adota-se a perspectiva de que os comportamentos éticos são necessários para estabelecer princípios sociais que orientam desde a elaboração de leis até as condutas individuais. Sendo assim, no espaço virtual, que é a extensão da vida social, deve-se buscar regras éticas mínimas para a convivência no ambiente online. Objetiva-se analisar alguns conceitos que envolvem a ética, bem como a internet e assuntos correlatos para estabelecer, na medida do possível, um mínimo de ‘dever ser’ ético no ambiente virtual. Optou-se pela pesquisa bibliográfica e documental e as considerações serão expostas pelo método dedutivo. Justifica-se a pesquisa pelo fato de estarmos em uma realidade social onde as relações humanas, físicas e virtuais, têm-se tornado cada vez mais globais pelo uso da internet. Neste sentido, surgem desafios éticos para regular o espaço virtual de maneira a aumentar o espectro de proteção da dignidade humana.PALAVRAS CHAVE: Ética; moral; internet; espaço virtual; inclusão digital.ABSTRACT: The article deals with considerations of ethics in contemporary society and its internet relations. It adopts the perspective that ethical behavior is needed to establish social principles that guide from drafting laws to individual behavior. So, in the virtual space, which is the extension of social life, a minimum of ethical rules must be seek for coexistence in the online environment. The objective is to analyze some concepts involving ethics, as well as the internet and related information to establish, as far as possible, a minimum of 'ought' ethical in the virtual environment. We opted for bibliographical and documentary research, and some considerations on the subject will be exposed by the deductive method. The research is justified by the fact the human relations, virtual and physical, are becoming strongly global by the internet use. In this way, ethical challenges arise to regulate the virtual space in order to increase the protection spectrum of human dignity.KEY WORDS: Ethics; moral; internet; virtual space; digital inclusion.Submetido em: 09-04-2017Aprovado em: 14-07-201

    Improving the Creation of Hot Spot Policing Patrol Routes: Comparing Cognitive Heuristic Performance to an Automated Spatial Computation Approach

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    Hot spot policing involves the deployment of police patrols to places where high levels of crime have previously concentrated. The creation of patrol routes in these hot spots is mainly a manual process that involves using the results from an analysis of spatial patterns of crime to identify the areas and draw the routes that police officers are required to patrol. In this article we introduce a computational approach for automating the creation of hot spot policing patrol routes. The computational techniques we introduce created patrol routes that covered areas of higher levels of crime than an equivalent manual approach for creating hot spot policing patrol routes, and were more efficient in how they covered crime hot spots. Although the evidence on hot spot policing interventions shows they are effective in decreasing crime, the findings from the current research suggest that the impact of these interventions can potentially be greater when using the computational approaches that we introduce for creating hot spot policing patrol routes

    Intermittent administration of parathyroid hormone improves the repairing process of rat calvaria defects: A histomorphometric and radiodensitometric study

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    BackgroundThe aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of intermittent treatment of parathyroid hormone (PTH (1-34)) on the bone regeneration of critically-sized rat calvarial bone defects.Material and MethodsThirty-two male rats were trephined (4mm fullthickness diameter), in the central part of the parietal bones and divided into 2 groups of 16. The PTH group received subcutaneous injections of PTH (1-34) at 40µg/kg, 3 times a week and the control (CTL) group received the vehicle in the same regimen. The rats were sacrificed at 4 weeks post-treatment regimen, the parietal bones were extracted and samples were evaluated through histomorphometry and radiodensitometry.ResultsThe histological observations showed that the PTH group presented more “island-like” new bone between the defect margins with fibrous tissues than did the CTL group. The PTH group significantly exhibited greater histologic bone formation than did the CTL group (1.5mm ±0.7; 1.9 mm ± 0.6, p<0.05/ for residual bone defect). The radiodensitometry analysis revealed significant differences among the PTH and CTL groups (2.1 Al eq. ±0.04; 1.8Al eq. ±0.06, p<0.05), demonstrating an increase in bone mineral density. The PTH treatment contributed to the bone formation with a higher amount of mineral and/or fibrous tissue when compared with the CTL group.ConclusionsThe results suggest that it was possible to increase the process of bone regeneration by accelerating the healing process in rat calvarial defects through intermittent administration of the PTH treatment. Key words: Bone, skull, rats, bone regeneration, bone density


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    Este artículo presenta el tema de la densidad de los números reales y discute las concepcionesde maestros de la enseñanza secundaria sobre esta propiedad. No describe solamente lasconcepciones, pero también las reacciones de los maestros frente a la proposición de dosprocedimientos para obtener un numero real entre otros dos: el procedimiento de la mediaaritmética de los números dados y un procedimiento inspirado en el método de ladiagonalización usado por Cantor para probar que el conjunto de los números reales entre ceroy uno, no es numerable. A partir del cuestionamiento sobre la posibilidad de comenzar losestudios ya en la enseñanza secundaria, que puedan contribuir para la comprensión de lapropiedad de densidad de los números reales, relata la disponibilidad manifestada por losparticipantes de la investigación en usar la intervención propuesta en sus clases, por juzgarlaadecuada y exequible.Palabras clave: números reales y irracionales, densidad de los números reales; representacióndecimal infinita; recta realResumoO artigo aborda o tema da densidade dos números reais e discute as concepções deprofessores do Ensino Médio sobre tal propriedade. Descreve não só as concepções, mastambém as reações dos professores frente à proposta de dois procedimentos para a obtenção deum número real entre dois outros: o procedimento da média aritmética dos números dados eum procedimento inspirado no método da diagonalização utilizado por Cantor para provar queo conjunto dos números reais entre zero e um, não é enumerável. A partir do questionamentosobre a possibilidade de se iniciar estudos, já na Educação Básica, que possam contribuir paraa compreensão da propriedade da densidade dos números reais, relata a disponibilidademanifestada por participantes da investigação em utilizar a intervenção proposta em suasaulas, por julgarem-na adequada e exeqüível.Palavras chave: números racionais e irracionais; densidade dos números reais; representaçãodecimal infinita; reta real.THE DENSITY OF REAL NUMBERS:CONCEPTIONS OF TEACHERS OF BASIC EDUCATIONAbstractThe paper discusses the density of real numbers and the conceptions of teachers of high schoolon this property. Describes not only the concepts but also the reactions of teachers against theproposed two procedures for obtaining a real number between two others numbers: theprocedure of the arithmetic mean of two supplied and a procedure based on the Cantor’sdiagonalization argument used to prove that the set of real numbers between zero and one,have no countable enumeration. From the question on the possibility to initiate studies, as inBasic Education, which may contribute to the understanding of the density property of realnumbers, reports the readiness expressed by participants in the research using the proposedintervention in their classes by judging if it is appropriate and feasible.Keywords: rational and irrational numbers; density of the real numbers; infinite decimalrepresentation; straight line which represents real numbers

    Stereology shows that damaged liver recovers after protein refeeding

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    Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate the putative effects of a low-protein diet on the three-dimensional structure of hepatocytes and determine whether this scenario could be reversed by restoring the adequate levels of protein to the diet. Methods: Using design-based stereology, the total number and volume of hepatocytes were estimated in the liver of mice in healthy and altered (by protein malnutrition) conditions and after protein renutrition. Results: This study demonstrated a 65% decrease in the liver volume (3302 mm3 for the control for undernourished versus 1141 mm3 for the undernourished group) accompanied by a 46% reduction in the hepatocyte volume (8223 μm3 for the control for undernourished versus 4475 μm3 for the undernourished group) and a 90% increase in the total number of binucleate hepatocytes (1 549 393 for the control for undernourished versus 2 941 353 for the undernourished group). Reinstating a normoproteinic diet (12% casein) proved to be effective in restoring the size of hepatocytes, leading to an 85% increase in the total number of uninucleate hepatocytes (15 988 560 for the undernourished versus 29 600 520 for the renourished group), and partially reversed the liver atrophy. Conclusions: Awareness of these data will add to a better morphologic understanding of malnutrition-induced hepatopathies and will help clinicians improve the diagnosis and treatment of this condition in humans and in veterinary practice

    2d Gauge Theories and Generalized Geometry

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    We show that in the context of two-dimensional sigma models minimal coupling of an ordinary rigid symmetry Lie algebra g\mathfrak{g} leads naturally to the appearance of the "generalized tangent bundle" TMTMTM\mathbb{T}M \equiv TM \oplus T^*M by means of composite fields. Gauge transformations of the composite fields follow the Courant bracket, closing upon the choice of a Dirac structure DTMD \subset \mathbb{T}M (or, more generally, the choide of a "small Dirac-Rinehart sheaf" D\cal{D}), in which the fields as well as the symmetry parameters are to take values. In these new variables, the gauge theory takes the form of a (non-topological) Dirac sigma model, which is applicable in a more general context and proves to be universal in two space-time dimensions: A gauging of g\mathfrak{g} of a standard sigma model with Wess-Zumino term exists, \emph{iff} there is a prolongation of the rigid symmetry to a Lie algebroid morphism from the action Lie algebroid M×gMM \times \mathfrak{g}\to M into DMD\to M (or the algebraic analogue of the morphism in the case of D\cal{D}). The gauged sigma model results from a pullback by this morphism from the Dirac sigma model, which proves to be universal in two-spacetime dimensions in this sense.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures; To appear in Journal of High Energy Physic