49 research outputs found

    Isolation and identification of lactic acid bacteria from abalone (Haliotis asinina) as a potential candidate of probiotic

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengisolasi, menyeleksi dan mengkarakterisasi Bakteri Asam Laktat (BAL) dari induk abalon yang berpotensi sebagai kandidat probiotik pada sistem budidaya abalon. Isolasi selektif BAL dilakukan menggunakan media de Man Rogosa Sharpe Agar. Isolat BAL yang berpotensi sebagai probiotik diskrining. Pemilihan ini didasarkan atas kemampuannya dalam menekan pertumbuhan bakteri patogen, resistensi terhadap kondisi asam, resistensi terhadap bile salt (empedu). Selanjutnya dilakukan karakterisasi dan identifikasi untuk mengetahui spesiesnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 2 di antara 10 isolat yang berhasil diisolasi dari abalon berpotensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi bakteri probiotik karena mempunyai kemampuan menghambat beberapa bakteri patogen yaitu Eschericia coli, Bacillus cereus dan Staphylococus aureus, mampu tumbuh pada kondisi asam dan toleran terhadap cairan empedu selama inkubasi 24 jam. Berdasarkan uji API Kit, kedua isolat teridentifikasi sebagai anggota spesies Lactobacillus paracasei ssp. paracasei

    Perancangan Interior Hotel Resort Sari Ater Subang Jawa Barat

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    Marketing is a major force in business and society that began and ended the needs of consumers. The concept of marketing is a whole system of business activities to plan, determine pricing, promoting and distributing goods or services that can satisfy consumer needs, analysis of the results of the implementation of the strategy is important for the Promotion Mix done to see how far the influence of these promotion strategies in increasing the value company's sales. The results of this analysis will be useful as guidelines for the management of companies, especially companies Ciroyom market developers to take steps appropriate policies and targeted. The data analysis process to organize and sort the data into patterns, categories and units so that the basic outline can be found in the theme and can be formulated as a working hypothesis based on the data, the authors analyzed the data using the method of calculating the average (mean), mode, and median             Implementation of the Promotion Mix PT.Anugrah Parahyangan Plaza is on the radio ads, billboard installation in strategic places, distributed brochures places crowded with ads consumers are expected to know more about PT.Anugrah Parahyangan Jaya so that companies can reap the results of purpose of the advertising that is increasing demand for early, developing the options on the company and the last to convince buyers of the products offered by PT.Anugrah Parahyangan Jaya can be enjoyed by consumers             Sales promotions conducted in PT.Anugrah Parahyangan Jaya using time rebate form discount if consumers buy a kiosk or shop at a specific time and is proven effective to stimulate sales in a short time and in the long term the company can attract new customers, sales personnel in PT . Anugrah Jaya Parahyangan by direct communication between the SPG to the consumer, usually PT.Anugrah Parahyangan Jaya following property trade show organized by Event Orgazer resulting in direct contacts between the SPG PT.Anugrah Parahyangan Jaya with consumers and this usually occurs when the consumer transaction fits with the bid offered by the compan

    The benefits of classroom observation for Pre-Service English Teachers at English Teacher Education Department of UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

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    In practice teaching class (PPL 1), pre-service English teachers are required to be able to create good lesson plan and manage classroom well in their practice teaching. But in many cases, pre-service English teachers are still difficult to do that. So, they conducted classroom observation to observe real teachers. In this study, classroom observation is aimed for pre-service English teachers to learn how to create good lesson plan and learn how to manage the class in teaching practice class. This research used qualitative approach to find out the research question; What are the benefits of classroom observation for pre-service English teachers in creating lesson plan and classroom management techniques. In this study, there was twelve pre-service English teachers who passed the first teaching practice. Interview guideline is used to obtain the data of this research. Based on the result about the benefit of classroom observation towards creating lesson plan, pre-service English teachers could learn to determine connected learning objectives, learn to create organized learning sequences, learn to determine learning media used, learn to determine communicative practice, learn to determine appropriate teaching strategy in teaching practice class, and learn how to make good rubric assessment. Additionally, the benefits classroom observation, it helped them to learn and determine sitting-arrangement appropriately for small class and it influenced them to determine activities to facilitate interactions. To sum up, this research showed that classroom observation benefits for pre-service English teachers to create good lesson planning and managing the class as well

    Developing an International Standardized Arabic Language Education Curriculum: Introducing a Conception-Focused Design and Outcome

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    This research aimed to explore the concept of developing an international standard Arabic curriculum in universities. This curriculum development concept focused on curriculum design and graduate profiles. This study used a library research approach. The data analysis technique used the interactive data analysis model proposed by Miles et al including data collection, data reduction, data display, and concluding. The study's results showed that the development of an international standard curriculum viewed consisted of 10 steps, namely research and collection, planning, developing initial products, conducting preliminary tests in the field, revising products, conducting field tests, revising operational products, conducting operational testing in the field, final product revision, and deployment and implementation. Meanwhile, the profile of Arabic education program graduates formulated consisted of three aspects: graduates with competence as teachers, employability skills, and 21st-century skills. Based on the results of this study, it is expected to bring enlightenment and academic horizons to education providers in higher education in developing an international standard Arabic curriculum


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    This study aimed at investigating the problems of Arabic teachers’ professional competence in improving the quality of the graduates at MA Al-Musdariyah 2 Cimahi. Phenomenology, scientific approach, and a formal juridical approach were used as the method in this study. This study belonged to a case study. The result of this study showed that the main problems related to the teacher’s professional competence in teaching and learning Arabic were an unsuitable academic qualification, the lack of teachers’ welfare, teachers’ discipline and awareness, tutoring, and training. The implication of this study indicated that teachers’ professional competence to improve the quality of the graduates had been implemented. However, the implementation of teachers’ professional competence was considered less than optimal. It influenced the quality of the graduates. In other words, the objectives of teaching and learning activities were not achieved. Therefore, in this case, teachers as the most important factor in teaching and learning processes should improve their competences as a manifestation to improve the quality of the graduates

    Inovasi Administratif: Fungsi Dan Metode Organisasi PT PWD Insurance Bandung

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    This study aims to determine the magnitude of the effect of organizational functions and methods on administrative innovation. This study adopted a quantitative method, adopted a non-experimental and horizontal design. Through transaction research on the sample of PT PWD Insurance Bandung. Sampling of PT PWD Insurance Bandung is for convenience. The results of this research on organizational functions and methods are predictive of administrative innovation. As long as PT PWD Insurance Bandung encourages the development of training and knowledge methods, development of independent methods for employees, and when PT PWD Insurance Bandung conducts performance evaluations, the new method will be able to formulate and standardize management procedures and procedures, distribution of responsibilities and benefits among employees, and to develop new structural concepts for the workplace, organizational practices, and external relations


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    This study aims to describe the procedure for developing flat-sided geometry learning tools with the Project Based Learning model to improve students' mathematical problem solving abilities and to find out the validity of flat-sided geometry learning devices with Project Based Learning models to improve students' mathematical problem solving abilities. The tools developed in this research are Student Project Worksheets and evaluation tools using a project based learning model. The research on the development of this learning device uses the Research and Development (RnD) type of research. To produce these learning tools, development research refers to the Plomp development model which consists of three phases, namely the Preliminary Phase, the Development or Prototyping Phase, and the Assessment Phase. development research produces learning tools for flat-sided shapes with a project based learning model to improve students' mathematical problem solving abilities and produce valid learning tools with the results of validating learning tools in the form of LKPS getting an average result of 4,33 including in the very valid category and for learning tools in the form of an evaluation tool got an average result of 4.24 included in the very valid categor


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    Penelitian ini mengkaji dan menganalisis fenomena tawuran antarpelajar SMK swasta di Kabupaten Purwakarta yang meliputi empat aspek, yakni faktor penyebab terjadinya tawuran antarpelajar SMK, program yang dilakukan dalam upaya mengatasi tawuran antarpelajar SMK, nilai-nilai yang dikembangkan dalam membentuk karakter siswa SMK, serta hambatan yang muncul dan upaya yang dilakukan dalam proses pembentukan karakter sebagai upaya mengatasi tawuran antarpelajar SMK di Kabupaten Purwakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Data yang dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi, studi dokumentasi dan angket kemudian dianalisis menggunakan analisis kualitatif serta analisis kuanitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan; Pertama, tawuran antarpelajar SMK di disebabkan adanya saling ejek antar siswa, kuatnya rasa solidaritas antar kawan, adanya dendam turunan, kondisi remaja yang mudah terprovokasi, kuatnya kecintaan terhadap almamater, saling ejek antar sekolah yang membudaya, pemalakan serta dominasi pengaruh teman sebaya terhadap perilaku negatif siswa. Kedua, program dalam mengatasi tawuran antarpelajar SMK di Kabupaten Purwakarta dilakukan melalui program kurikuler, program ekstrakurikuler dan program sekolah. Ketiga, nilai yang dikembangkan dalam meminimalisir terjadinya tawuran antar pelajar, meliputi; nilai keagamaan (religiusitas), nilai kemanusiaan, ketekunan, kerja keras, disiplin, nilai gotong-royong dan tanggungjawab. Keempat, hambatan yang ditemui terbagi menjadi hambatan internal (emosi siswa masih labil, masih terpeliharanya kebiasaan saling ejek antar siswa, dan rendahnya minat belajar siswa) dan hambatan eksternal (sulitnya memutus mata rantai alumni dan senior yang secara massif menularkan informasi-informasi negatif, sulitnya mengajak seluruh elemen pendidik untuk melaksanakan pendidikan karakter serta sulitnya membangun komunikasi dengan orang tua dan aparat kepolisian. Upaya dilakukan adalah dengan membentuk mindset siswa terhadap realitas nilai, kemudian dilakukan tindakan (action) sehingga menjadi sebuah kebiasaan (habit) dan kemudian menjadi karakter yang semua itu dilaksanakan secara terus-menerus serta dengan memperkuat fungsi PKn dalam mengembangkan kompetensi warganegara. Rekomendasi yang ditawarkan meliputi; perlunya meningkatkan pengawasan terhadap aktivitas keseharian siswa ketika berada di sekolah, perlu dirancang program sekolah yang secara spesifik bertujuan mencegah tawuran antarpelajar SMK (pembaretan pada awal siswa masuk sekolah, dll), meningkatkan kerjasama dengan pihak-pihak terkait, perlu pengembangan pembelajaran yang terintegrasi dengan muatan pendidikan anti tawuran, perlunya orang tua meningkatkan jalinan komunikasi dengan sekolah dalam penumbuhkembangan karakter baik (good character), peningkatan kuantitas razia bagi siswa oleh kepolisian


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    Keputusan untuk membeli suatu produk sangat dipengaruhi oleh penilaian akan bentuk kualitas produk tersebut. Tuntutan permintaan akan sebuah produk barang yang semakin berkualitas membuat perusahaan yang bergerak diberbagai bidang usaha berlomba-lomba meningkatkan kualitas produk yang mereka miliki demi mepertahankan Brand Image (citra merek) produk yang mereka miliki. Merek mempunyai sifat khas, dan sifat khas inilah yang membedakan produk yang satu berbeda dengan produk yang lainnya.Salah satu industri yang tumbuh pesat sampai saat ini adalah industri otomotif, perkembangannya ditunjang dengan bertambah luasnya sarana jalan, peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat yang meningkat menempatkan mobil bukan lagi untuk golongan menengah keatas.Kenyataan ini merupakan peluang yang dimanfaatkan oleh produsen mobil dengan mengeluarkan berbagai jenis dan merek yang dikeluarkan di Indonesia.dengan sendirinya kendaraan yang dipasarkan mampu menarik minat konsumen.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Auto 2000 Cabang Bandung.Model penelitian yang digunakan yakni dengan metode deskriptif dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara, kuesioner dan studi kepustakaan yang dilakukan secara sistematik berdasarkan tujuan penelitian. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah dengan metode analisis regresi linear sederhana, dengan menggunakan uji hipotesis yaitu uji t. Kemudian menggunakan perhitungan korelasi untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh dan signifikansi citra merek (brand image)terhadap pengambilan keputusan pembelian mobil Toyota Avanza pada Auto 2000 Cabang Bandung.Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa seluruh item pertanyaanmenunjukkan hasil yang valid dimana semua nilai R kritis-nya berada di atas nilai titik kritis yaitu >0.273. Sedangkan hasil uji reliabilitas pada variabel tersebut menunjukkan hasil yang reliabel dimana semua nilai R kritis-nya berada di atas nilai titik kritis yaitu > 0.600 dengan rincian : R kritis variabel citra merek sebesar 0.927 serta R kritis variabel keputusan pembelian sebesar 0.722.Koefisien determinasi merupakan koefisien yang digunakan untuk mengetahui besarnya kontribusi variabel citra merek terhadap perubahan variabel keputusan pembelian, sesuai dengan hasil perhitungan diperoleh 85,4% dengan demikian kontribusi 14,6% merupakan kontribusi variabel lain yang tidak diteliti.Citra merek Mobil Toyota Kijang Avanza Pada Auto 2000 Cabang Bandung cukup baik menurut baik menurut persepsi konsumen. Adapun keputusan pembelian Mobil Toyota Avanza pada Auto 2000 Cabang Bandung cukup baik menurut persepsi konsumenCitra merek berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian Mobil Toyota Avanza pada Auto 2000 Cabang Bandung