52 research outputs found

    Stężenie interleukiny-6, receptora dla interleukiny-6 i glikoproteiny 130 oraz cytokin zależnych od limfocytów Th17 u pacjentek z cukrzycą ciążową

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    Introduction: Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a pleiotropic cytokine which signals through a cell surface receptor complex consisting of a cognatereceptor subunit (IL-6R) and glycoprotein 130 (gp130), which is considered an antagonist to the IL-6R/IL-6 pathway. The aim of the present study was to assess IL-6/IL-6R/gp130 system and Th17 associated cytokines in different time points during and after pregnancy in women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and normal glucose tolerance (NGT).Material and methods: Serum levels of IL-6, sIL6R, sgp130, IL-17 and IL-23 were measured in 91 women divided into three groups: GDMin the 24th–28th week of gestation (visit 1), NGT at the 1st visit and GDM in the 29th-32nd week, and NGT at both visits.Results: The patients with GDM recognised at the 1st visit had significantly higher IL-6 (p = 0.02) and sgp130 (p = 0.03) concentrations than had the women with NGT, whereas the women with GDM diagnosed at the 2nd visit had elevated sIL-6R concentrations (p = 0.03). The patients with low sIL-6R but high sgp130 concentration had significantly higher glucose levels (p = 0.04) and lower IL-6 values (p = 0.04) than had the patients with low sIL-6R and sgp130 concentrations. IL-17 and IL-23 were detected in approximately one-third of the population studied. A trend towards higher IL-17 levels was observed in the subjects with GDM, but the differences were not significant.Conclusions: Our results suggest that an increased serum sgp130 concentration in the patients with GDM might represent a compensatory mechanism, controlling intracellular IL-6 signalling and preventing the activation of the IL-6/IL-6R pathway.Wstęp: Interleukina-6 (IL-6) jest plejotropową cytokiną, która przekazuje sygnał do wnętrza komórki za pośrednictwem receptora błonowego złożonego z właściwej podjednostki receptorowej (Il-6R) i glikoproteiny 130 (gp130), uważanej za antagonistę kompleksu IL-6R//IL-6. Celem pracy była analiza szlaku IL-6/IL-6R/gp130 i cytokin zależnych od limfocytów Th17 w II i III trymestrze ciąży oraz po porodzie u pacjentek z cukrzycą ciążową i prawidłową tolerancją glukozy.Materiał i metody: Dokonano pomiaru stężenia IL-6, IL6R, gp130, IL-17 i IL-23 w surowicy 91 kobiet podzielonych na 3 podgrupy: pacjentki z cukrzycą ciążową zdiagnozowaną w 24.–28. tygodniu ciąży (wizyta 1), pacjentki z prawidłową tolerancją glukozy w trakcie 1 wizyty i cukrzycą ciążową rozpoznaną w 29.–32. tygodniu ciąży oraz pacjentki z prawidłową tolerancją glukozy w trakcie obu wizyt.Wyniki: U pacjentek z cukrzycą ciążową rozpoznaną w trakcie 1 wizyty wykazano istotnie wyższe stężenia IL-6 (p = 0,02) i gp130(p = 0,03) w porównaniu z kobietami z prawidłową tolerancją glukozy, podczas gdy pacjentki z cukrzycą ciążową rozpoznaną w trakcie 2 wizyty charakteryzowały się wyższym stężeniem IL-6R (p = 0,03). U pacjentek z niskim stężeniem IL-6R i wysokim stężeniem gp130 obserwowano znamiennie wyższe wartości glikemii (p = 0,04) i niższe stężenia IL-6 (p = 0,04) w porównaniu z kobietami z niskimi stężeniami IL-6R i sgp130. Obecność krążących IL-17 i IL-23 stwierdzono u około 1/3 spośród badanych kobiet. Wykazano również tendencję do wyższych stężeń IL-17 u pacjentek z cukrzycą ciążową, różnice nie były jednak istotne statystycznie.Wnioski: Wyniki sugerują, że podwyższone stężenie gp130, obserwowane u kobiet z cukrzycą ciążową, może stanowić mechanizm kompensacyjny, zapobiegający nadmiernej aktywacji szlaku IL-6/IL-6R

    Selective Condensation Drives Partitioning and Sequential Secretion of Cyst Wall Proteins in Differentiating Giardia lamblia

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    Controlled secretion of a protective extracellular matrix is required for transmission of the infective stage of a large number of protozoan and metazoan parasites. Differentiating trophozoites of the highly minimized protozoan parasite Giardia lamblia secrete the proteinaceous portion of the cyst wall material (CWM) consisting of three paralogous cyst wall proteins (CWP1–3) via organelles termed encystation-specific vesicles (ESVs). Phylogenetic and molecular data indicate that Diplomonads have lost a classical Golgi during reductive evolution. However, neogenesis of ESVs in encysting Giardia trophozoites transiently provides basic Golgi functions by accumulating presorted CWM exported from the ER for maturation. Based on this “minimal Golgi” hypothesis we predicted maturation of ESVs to a trans Golgi-like stage, which would manifest as a sorting event before regulated secretion of the CWM. Here we show that proteolytic processing of pro-CWP2 in maturing ESVs coincides with partitioning of CWM into two fractions, which are sorted and secreted sequentially with different kinetics. This novel sorting function leads to rapid assembly of a structurally defined outer cyst wall, followed by slow secretion of the remaining components. Using live cell microscopy we find direct evidence for condensed core formation in maturing ESVs. Core formation suggests that a mechanism controlled by phase transitions of the CWM from fluid to condensed and back likely drives CWM partitioning and makes sorting and sequential secretion possible. Blocking of CWP2 processing by a protease inhibitor leads to mis-sorting of a CWP2 reporter. Nevertheless, partitioning and sequential secretion of two portions of the CWM are unaffected in these cells. Although these cysts have a normal appearance they are not water resistant and therefore not infective. Our findings suggest that sequential assembly is a basic architectural principle of protective wall formation and requires minimal Golgi sorting functions

    Da fotografia como arte à arte como fotografia: a experiência do Museu de Arte Contemporânea da USP na década de 1970

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    Este ensaio visa sistematizar os primeiros resultados de uma pesquisa, ainda em curso, sobre o processo de legitimação da fotografia pelo sistema de arte no Brasil, cujo foco principal é o museu. Os museus de arte da cidade de São Paulo foram escolhidos para dar início a essa investigação. Primeiramente, será abordada, em linhas gerais, a presença da fotografia no Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo e na Bienal de São Paulo, dada a vinculação de origem do Museu de Arte Contemporânea com essas duas instituições paulistanas. Na seqüência será analisada a formação do acervo fotográfico do Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo durante a década de 1970. Por fim, esse percurso permitirá observar que a atuação de Walter Zanini, o primeiro diretor do Museu, e as particularidades da posição do MAC-USP no sistema de arte no Brasil naquele período resultaram no entendimento da fotografia prioritariamente no âmbito da arte contemporânea de caráter experimental e não como obra de arte autônoma, segundo os princípios da chamada fotografia artística.This article presents the first findings of a research still under development about the process of legitimation of photography as a kind of art by the artistic scene in Brazil. The art museums of the city of São Paulo were chosen for starting that research. Initially, we will be investigating the presence of photography at the Contemporary Art Museum of São Paulo and at the Biennial of São Paulo, as the origin of the Contemporary Art Museum is tided to those two institutions. Following, the arrangement of the photographic technical reserve of the Contemporary Art Museum in the 1970s will be analyzed. This study will be focusing on the work of Walter Zanini, as the first director of the museum, and on the particularities of MAC-USP position in the art system in Brazil which resulted in the understanding of photography as belonging to the sphere of contemporary art in an experimental way and not as an autonomous work of art, according to the principals of the so called artistic photography

    Vegetation type is an important predictor of the arctic summer land surface energy budget

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    Despite the importance of high-latitude surface energy budgets (SEBs) for land-climate interactions in the rapidly changing Arctic, uncertainties in their prediction persist. Here, we harmonize SEB observations across a network of vegetated and glaciated sites at circumpolar scale (1994-2021). Our variance-partitioning analysis identifies vegetation type as an important predictor for SEB-components during Arctic summer (June-August), compared to other SEB-drivers including climate, latitude and permafrost characteristics. Differences among vegetation types can be of similar magnitude as between vegetation and glacier surfaces and are especially high for summer sensible and latent heat fluxes. The timing of SEB-flux summer-regimes (when daily mean values exceed 0 Wm(-2)) relative to snow-free and -onset dates varies substantially depending on vegetation type, implying vegetation controls on snow-cover and SEB-flux seasonality. Our results indicate complex shifts in surface energy fluxes with land-cover transitions and a lengthening summer season, and highlight the potential for improving future Earth system models via a refined representation of Arctic vegetation types.An international team of researchers finds high potential for improving climate projections by a more comprehensive treatment of largely ignored Arctic vegetation types, underscoring the importance of Arctic energy exchange measuring stations.Peer reviewe

    Vegetation type is an important predictor of the arctic summer land surface energy budget

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    Despite the importance of high-latitude surface energy budgets (SEBs) for land-climate interactions in the rapidly changing Arctic, uncertainties in their prediction persist. Here, we harmonize SEB observations across a network of vegetated and glaciated sites at circumpolar scale (1994–2021). Our variance-partitioning analysis identifies vegetation type as an important predictor for SEB-components during Arctic summer (June-August), compared to other SEB-drivers including climate, latitude and permafrost characteristics. Differences among vegetation types can be of similar magnitude as between vegetation and glacier surfaces and are especially high for summer sensible and latent heat fluxes. The timing of SEB-flux summer-regimes (when daily mean values exceed 0 Wm−2) relative to snow-free and -onset dates varies substantially depending on vegetation type, implying vegetation controls on snow-cover and SEB-flux seasonality. Our results indicate complex shifts in surface energy fluxes with land-cover transitions and a lengthening summer season, and highlight the potential for improving future Earth system models via a refined representation of Arctic vegetation types

    Otwarte pole interpretacji dokumentu w nowych mediach

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    Open Field of Interpretation of Documents in New MediaSince the mid-20th century, there is a noticeable strengthening of the creative functions of everyday documents, which are contained in the photographs and films. Previously, culture was dominated by the opposition of documentary and artistic functions. One of the earlier attempts to compromise these areas was photographic pictorialism. Avant-garde tendencies led eventually to balancing the status of photography considered in the context of category of the document, as well as the context of creation. It was the harbinger of conceptual art, where each visualization was understood as art document. Collections of existing images are treated today as a global archive where we can find material for new narratives. They are constructed on the basis of traditional narratives, their transformations, technical systems and any logical sequences. They contribute to the creation of a new visual culture of communication.Open Field of Interpretation of Documents in New MediaSince the mid-20th century, there is a noticeable strengthening of the creative functions of everyday documents, which are contained in the photographs and films. Previously, culture was dominated by the opposition of documentary and artistic functions. One of the earlier attempts to compromise these areas was photographic pictorialism. Avant-garde tendencies led eventually to balancing the status of photography considered in the context of category of the document, as well as the context of creation. It was the harbinger of conceptual art, where each visualization was understood as art document. Collections of existing images are treated today as a global archive where we can find material for new narratives. They are constructed on the basis of traditional narratives, their transformations, technical systems and any logical sequences. They contribute to the creation of a new visual culture of communication

    Wydziedziczenie w prawie polskim i prawie stanu Luizjana

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    Disinheritance in the Polish Civil Codeand the Louisiana Civil CodeThe paper presents the institution of disinheritance in Polish civil law by comparing it with a corresponding institution set forth in the law of Louisiana the USA. The comparative method applied allows the disinheritance examination from a completely different point of view. It is worth mentioning that the mixed legal system is in force in Louisiana, comprising the elements of the continental and common law. The mixed legal systems are nowadays perceived as examples for any codifications in the world. The paper leads to the conclusion that Polish regulation of the disinheritance in the light of rules of proper legislation leaves much to be desired. Polish provisions on disinheritance are misplaced in the Civil Code without separate chapter, their content is insufficient and their application in practice raises many doubts. In this respect, the corresponding provisions of the Louisiana Civil Code outmatch the Polish provisions both in quality and quantity, providing more comprehensive and precise regulation. Comparing these two legal systems, it is desirable to provide a separate chapter in the Civil Code for the institution of disinheritance as well as introduce more detailed and precise provisions— in particular on the reasons for disinheritance.Disinheritance in the Polish Civil Codeand the Louisiana Civil CodeThe paper presents the institution of disinheritance in Polish civil law by comparing it with a corresponding institution set forth in the law of Louisiana the USA. The comparative method applied allows the disinheritance examination from a completely different point of view. It is worth mentioning that the mixed legal system is in force in Louisiana, comprising the elements of the continental and common law. The mixed legal systems are nowadays perceived as examples for any codifications in the world. The paper leads to the conclusion that Polish regulation of the disinheritance in the light of rules of proper legislation leaves much to be desired. Polish provisions on disinheritance are misplaced in the Civil Code without separate chapter, their content is insufficient and their application in practice raises many doubts. In this respect, the corresponding provisions of the Louisiana Civil Code outmatch the Polish provisions both in quality and quantity, providing more comprehensive and precise regulation. Comparing these two legal systems, it is desirable to provide a separate chapter in the Civil Code for the institution of disinheritance as well as introduce more detailed and precise provisions— in particular on the reasons for disinheritance