222 research outputs found

    Exploring perceptions of vulnerability among women facing psychosocial adversity before, during and after pregnancy:A qualitative interview-study using thematic analysis

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    Objective: The term ‘vulnerable’ is often used to describe women facing psychosocial adversity during pregnancy, implying a heightened risk of experiencing suboptimal pregnancy outcomes. While this label might facilitate the pathway to appropriate care, it can be perceived as stigmatizing by the women it intends to help, which could deter their interaction with healthcare services. This study explores how women facing psychosocial adversity before, during and after pregnancy perceive the concept of vulnerability and experience being labeled as such. Methods: We conducted a thematic analysis of semi-structured, in-depth interviews. Through purposive sampling targeting maximum variation, ten women of diverse backgrounds were included. Results: Three central themes emerged: defining vulnerability, embracing vulnerability and the feeling of being stigmatized. Women perceived vulnerability as an inability to adequately care for themselves or their children, necessitating additional support alongside routine antenatal care. Acceptance of the ’vulnerable’ label came when it also acknowledged their proactive efforts and strengths to improve their situation. Conversely, if discussions surrounding vulnerability failed to recognize women's agency – specifically, their personal journeys and the courage needed to seek support – the label was perceived as stigmatizing. Conclusions: Addressing vulnerability effectively in maternity care requires a nuanced, patient-centered approach, acknowledging both the challenges and strengths of women facing psychosocial adversities. Emphasizing personal narratives and their courage in seeking support can mitigate the stigmatizing effects of the ’vulnerable’ label. Integrating these narratives into maternal healthcare practices can foster deeper connections with the women involved, enhancing the overall quality of care.</p

    Motion-Based Technical Skills Assessment in Transoesophageal Echocardiography

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    This paper presents a novel approach for evaluating technical skills in Transoesophageal Echocardiography (TEE). Our core assumption is that operational competency can be objectively expressed by specific motion-based measures. TEE experiments were carried out with an augmented reality simulation platform involving both novice trainees and expert radiologists. Probe motion data were collected and used to formulate various kinematic parameters. Subsequent analysis showed that statistically significant differences exist among the two groups for the majority of the metrics investigated. Experts exhibited lower completion times and higher average velocity and acceleration, attributed to their refined ability for efficient and economical probe manipulation. In addition, their navigation pattern is characterised by increased smoothness and fluidity, evaluated through the measures of dimensionless jerk and spectral arc length. Utilised as inputs to well-known clustering algorithms, the derived metrics are capable of discriminating experience levels with high accuracy (>84 %)

    Моделювання процесу обробки на фрезерному верстаті 6Р13Ф3 та прогнозування показників процесу стружкоутворення

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    Розроблено методологію побудови раціональної з точки зору витрат ресурсів обчислювальної системи скінчено-елементної сітки складної технологічної системи, що включає елементи різної маси, жорсткості та розмірів, а також рухомі та нерухомі з’єднання зі скінченою величиною контактної жорсткості. Проведені пошукові розрахунки процесу стружкоутворення у абсолютно жорсткій та податливій технологічній системах, результати яких показали, що переміщення у технологічній системі в момент врізання призводять до запізнення початку сталого стружкоутворення, додаткового тертя зубів о заготовку без різання та активації вібрацій. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2685

    Gall-bladder dysmotility - A risk factor for gall-stone formation in hypertriglyceridaemia and reversal on triglyceride-lowering therapy with bezafibrate and fish oil

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    Doel: Onderzoeken van de pathofysiologische mechanismen die de kans op galstenen verhogen bij hypertriglyceridemie (HTG) en het vergelijken van de effecten van triglycerideverlagende therapie met bezafibraat en visolie op determinanten van cholelithiasis (biliaire lipidesamenstelling en galblaasmotoriek) bij HTG-patiënten.Opzet: Gekruiste opzet met ‘random’-volgorde.Patiënten en methoden: De galblaasmotoriek werd postprandiaal en tijdens cholecystokinine(CCK)-infusie echografisch onderzocht. De determinanten van cholelithiasis en de serumlipiden werden vergeleken tussen 9 HTG-patiënten en 10 normolipidemische controlepersonen van hetzelfde geslacht, dezelfde leeftijd en ‘body mass’-index. Bij de HTG-patiënten werden de effecten van bezafibraat en gezuiverde omega-3-olie (‘visolie’) bepaald.Resultaten: De serumtriglyceride(TG)-spiegel van de HTG-patiënten was 14-voudig verhoogd, vergeleken met de controlepersonen. De lipidesamenstelling van de gal, de nuchtere galblaasvolumen en de serum-CCK-spiegels verschilden niet tussen HTG-patiënten en controlepersonen. De galblaaslediging was verminderd bij HTG-patiënten versus controlepersonen tijdens CCK-infusie (–22) en ook na een maaltijd (–37; beide p &lt; 0,001). De postprandiale serum-CCK-spiegels waren significant hoger bij HTG-patiënten. Zowel bezafibraat als visolie verlaagde de serum-TG-spiegel (–68 en –51 ten opzichte van de uitgangswaarde; beide: p &lt; 0,01). Nuchtere CCK-spiegels verschilden niet, terwijl de CCK-geïnduceerde galblaaslediging onder bezafibraat toenam met 29 (p &lt; 0,001) en met visolie met 13 (p = 0,07). De postprandiale galblaasmotoriek verbeterde tijdens zowel bezafibraat- (+47) als visoliebehandeling (+25; beide: p &lt; 0,02), waarschijnlijk gedeeltelijk door een toegenomen gevoeligheid van de galblaas voor CCK (voor beide: p &lt; 0,05 vergeleken met de uitgangsfase). Bezafibraat, in tegenstelling tot visolie, verhoogde de molaire cholesterol-galzuurratio (+40; p ≤ 0,05), terwijl beide behandelingen geen effect hadden op de cholesterolsaturatie-index.Conclusies: De verminderde galblaasmotoriek bij HTG-patiënten lijkt het gevolg te zijn van verminderde gevoeligheid voor CCK, wat kan bijdragen aan het verhoogde risico op galsteenvorming. Bij HTG-patiënten verbetert triglycerideverlagende therapie met visolie of bezafibraat de verminderde galblaasmotoriek zonder nadelig effect op de biliaire cholesterolverzadiging.Objective. To unravel the mechanisms responsible for the increased risk of gall-stone disease in hypertriglyceridaemia (HTG) and to compare the effects of triglyceride-lowering therapy with bezafibrate and fish oil on determinants of cholelithiasis (biliary-lipid composition and gall-bladder motility) in HTG patients. Design. Randomised cross over. Patients and methods. Gall-bladder motility (ultrasonography) was studied postprandially and during infusion of cholecystokinin (CCK). Determinants of cholelithiasis and serum lipids were compared between 9 HTG patients and 10 age, sex and body-mass index matched normolipidaemic controls. The effects of bezafibrate and purified omega-3-oil ('fish oil') in HTG patients were studied. Results. HTG patients showed 14-fold higher serum-triglyceride (TG) levels than controls. Biliary-lipid composition, fasting gall-bladder volumes, and CCK levels did not differ between HTG patients and controls. Gall-bladder emptying was reduced in HTG patients compared with controls during CCK infusion (-22%) as well as in response to a meal (-37%; both p &lt; 0.001). Postprandial CCK levels were significantly higher in HTG patients. Both bezafibrate and fish oil reduced serum TG levels (-68 and -51% versus baseline, respectively; both p &lt; 0.01). Fasting CCK levels were not affected whereas CCK-induced gall-bladder emptying increased during bezafibrate (+29%; p &lt; 0.001) and tended to increase upon fish-oil therapy (+13%; p = 0.07). Postprandial gall-bladder motility improved at least partly with bezafibrate and fish oil (+47 and +25% versus baseline, respectively; both p &lt; 0.02) due to increased gallbladder sensitivity to CCK (both p &lt; 0.05 versus baseline). Bezafibrate but not fish oil increased the molar ratio of cholesterol to bile acids (+40%; p ≤ 0.05), but no effects on the cholesterol-saturation index were seen with either treatment. Conclusions. We suggest that impaired gall-bladder motility occurs in HTG patients due to decreased sensitivity to CCK, which may add to the enhanced risk of gall-stone disease in HTG patients. Triglyceride-lowering therapy by both fish oil and bezafibrate improves gall-bladder dysmotility without adversely affecting biliary-cholesterol saturation.</p

    Gall-bladder dysmotility - A risk factor for gall-stone formation in hypertriglyceridaemia and reversal on triglyceride-lowering therapy with bezafibrate and fish oil

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    Doel: Onderzoeken van de pathofysiologische mechanismen die de kans op galstenen verhogen bij hypertriglyceridemie (HTG) en het vergelijken van de effecten van triglycerideverlagende therapie met bezafibraat en visolie op determinanten van cholelithiasis (biliaire lipidesamenstelling en galblaasmotoriek) bij HTG-patiënten.Opzet: Gekruiste opzet met ‘random’-volgorde.Patiënten en methoden: De galblaasmotoriek werd postprandiaal en tijdens cholecystokinine(CCK)-infusie echografisch onderzocht. De determinanten van cholelithiasis en de serumlipiden werden vergeleken tussen 9 HTG-patiënten en 10 normolipidemische controlepersonen van hetzelfde geslacht, dezelfde leeftijd en ‘body mass’-index. Bij de HTG-patiënten werden de effecten van bezafibraat en gezuiverde omega-3-olie (‘visolie’) bepaald.Resultaten: De serumtriglyceride(TG)-spiegel van de HTG-patiënten was 14-voudig verhoogd, vergeleken met de controlepersonen. De lipidesamenstelling van de gal, de nuchtere galblaasvolumen en de serum-CCK-spiegels verschilden niet tussen HTG-patiënten en controlepersonen. De galblaaslediging was verminderd bij HTG-patiënten versus controlepersonen tijdens CCK-infusie (–22) en ook na een maaltijd (–37; beide p &lt; 0,001). De postprandiale serum-CCK-spiegels waren significant hoger bij HTG-patiënten. Zowel bezafibraat als visolie verlaagde de serum-TG-spiegel (–68 en –51 ten opzichte van de uitgangswaarde; beide: p &lt; 0,01). Nuchtere CCK-spiegels verschilden niet, terwijl de CCK-geïnduceerde galblaaslediging onder bezafibraat toenam met 29 (p &lt; 0,001) en met visolie met 13 (p = 0,07). De postprandiale galblaasmotoriek verbeterde tijdens zowel bezafibraat- (+47) als visoliebehandeling (+25; beide: p &lt; 0,02), waarschijnlijk gedeeltelijk door een toegenomen gevoeligheid van de galblaas voor CCK (voor beide: p &lt; 0,05 vergeleken met de uitgangsfase). Bezafibraat, in tegenstelling tot visolie, verhoogde de molaire cholesterol-galzuurratio (+40; p ≤ 0,05), terwijl beide behandelingen geen effect hadden op de cholesterolsaturatie-index.Conclusies: De verminderde galblaasmotoriek bij HTG-patiënten lijkt het gevolg te zijn van verminderde gevoeligheid voor CCK, wat kan bijdragen aan het verhoogde risico op galsteenvorming. Bij HTG-patiënten verbetert triglycerideverlagende therapie met visolie of bezafibraat de verminderde galblaasmotoriek zonder nadelig effect op de biliaire cholesterolverzadiging.Objective. To unravel the mechanisms responsible for the increased risk of gall-stone disease in hypertriglyceridaemia (HTG) and to compare the effects of triglyceride-lowering therapy with bezafibrate and fish oil on determinants of cholelithiasis (biliary-lipid composition and gall-bladder motility) in HTG patients. Design. Randomised cross over. Patients and methods. Gall-bladder motility (ultrasonography) was studied postprandially and during infusion of cholecystokinin (CCK). Determinants of cholelithiasis and serum lipids were compared between 9 HTG patients and 10 age, sex and body-mass index matched normolipidaemic controls. The effects of bezafibrate and purified omega-3-oil ('fish oil') in HTG patients were studied. Results. HTG patients showed 14-fold higher serum-triglyceride (TG) levels than controls. Biliary-lipid composition, fasting gall-bladder volumes, and CCK levels did not differ between HTG patients and controls. Gall-bladder emptying was reduced in HTG patients compared with controls during CCK infusion (-22%) as well as in response to a meal (-37%; both p &lt; 0.001). Postprandial CCK levels were significantly higher in HTG patients. Both bezafibrate and fish oil reduced serum TG levels (-68 and -51% versus baseline, respectively; both p &lt; 0.01). Fasting CCK levels were not affected whereas CCK-induced gall-bladder emptying increased during bezafibrate (+29%; p &lt; 0.001) and tended to increase upon fish-oil therapy (+13%; p = 0.07). Postprandial gall-bladder motility improved at least partly with bezafibrate and fish oil (+47 and +25% versus baseline, respectively; both p &lt; 0.02) due to increased gallbladder sensitivity to CCK (both p &lt; 0.05 versus baseline). Bezafibrate but not fish oil increased the molar ratio of cholesterol to bile acids (+40%; p ≤ 0.05), but no effects on the cholesterol-saturation index were seen with either treatment. Conclusions. We suggest that impaired gall-bladder motility occurs in HTG patients due to decreased sensitivity to CCK, which may add to the enhanced risk of gall-stone disease in HTG patients. Triglyceride-lowering therapy by both fish oil and bezafibrate improves gall-bladder dysmotility without adversely affecting biliary-cholesterol saturation.</p

    Choice of tracers for the evaluation of spray deposits

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    Tracer substances, used to evaluate spraying effectiveness, ordinarily modify the surface tension of aqueous solutions. This study aimed to establish a method of using tracers to evaluate distribution and amount of spray deposits, adjusted to the surface tension of the spraying solution. The following products were tested: 0.15% Brilliant Blue, 0.15% Saturn Yellow in 0.015% Vixilperse lignosulfonate, and 0.005% sodium fluorescein, and mixtures of Brilliant Blue plus Saturn Yellow and Brilliant Blue plus sodium fluorescein at the same concentrations. Solutions were deposited on citrus leaves and stability was determined by measuring fluorescence and optical density of solutions without drying, dried in the dark and exposed to sunlight for 2, 4 and 8 h. These values were compared to those obtained directly in water. The static surface tension of the tracer solution was determined by weighing droplets formed during a period of 20 to 40 seconds. The Brilliant Blue and Saturn Yellow mixture at 0.15% was stable under all conditions tested. It was not absorbed by the leaves and maintained the same surface tension as that of water, thus permitting concentration adjustment to the same levels used for agrochemical products, and allowing the development of a qualitative method based on visual evaluation of the distribution of the pigment under ultraviolet light and of a quantitative method based on the determination of the amount of the dye deposited in the same solution. Spray deposition could be evaluated at different surface tensions of the spraying solution, simulating the effect of agrochemical formulations