2,434 research outputs found

    Decennial comparison of changes in social vulnerability: a municipal analysis in support of risk management

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    The concept of Social Vulnerability (SV) is characterized and distinguished by its complexity and multidisciplinarity. This concept takes into account the specific characteristics of the individual and his social and economic relations, as well as the physical environment where he is inserted. These differentiating characteristics make Social Vulnerability (SV) an indispensable work tool in the process of characterizing and understanding the degree of exposure of communities, as well as evaluating their capacity for resilience and recovery from hazardous events. This paper presents a comparison between the SV performed in 2008 with the results obtained in 2017 for the 278 municipalities of mainland Portugal. The methodology was based on the work developed by the Center for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra, which is distinguished by the fact that SV is composed of two components: Criticity and Support Capability. The analysis of SV and its components was done using Principal Components Analysis (PCA) starting from an initial set of 235 variables (90 for Criticality and 145 for Support Capability). With respect to Criticality, the results point out the importance of factors related to the economic condition, employment and factors related to the disadvantaged population and risk groups. Support Capability is strongly influenced by the population density and the most relevant factors for the final results are those related to civil protection response, economic and environmental dynamism and logistic and service capacity. Regarding the SV spatial distribution, the highest values are located mainly in the central and northern parts of the country, with emphasis on the Douro river valley and surrounding municipalities; also a general decrease of SV was recorded in the southern regions from 2008 to 2017.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Theory Of Surface Effects In Binary Alloys. Iii. Stepped Surfaces

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    A theory of surface effects at stepped surfaces in binary ordering alloys is presented. The model is based on pairwise interactions between nearest neighbors and includes long- and short-range-order effects. An example of the [120] stepped surface with [110] monoatomic steps and terraces on the [110] plane of a body-centered-cubic alloy is presented. Results for the concentration at all the different sites on the stepped surface as well as for the short-range order parameters as functions of temperature are presented. © 1981 The American Physical Society.2362752275

    Diarrea vírica bovina: etiología, formas clínicas, distribución del virus y patogenia

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    El virus de la diarrea vírica bovina (vDVB) es un agente de distribución mundial y responsable de cuantiosas pérdidas económica a la cabaña bovina, estando clasificado dentro de la familia Flaviviridae junto a otros pestivirus como el virus de la peste porcina clásica, el virus de la enfermedad de la frontera de la oveja y el virus de la hepatitis C. Este virus se caracteriza por causar una amplia variedad de formas clínicas que van desde forma subagudas, que pasan desapercibidas, a formas caracterizadas por desarrollar una intensa leucopenia, trombocitopenia y hemorragias. Acorde con sus diferencias antigénicas y genéticas, los aislados del virus se pueden clasificar en 2 genotipos o especies: vDVB tipo 1 y vDVB tipo 2. El primero causa enfermedad leve pero en vacas preñadas, las infecciones fetales pueden inducir abortos y otras patologías reproductivas. El vDVB tipo 2 está asociado principalmente a la enfermedad respiratoria severa y a un cuadro hemorrágico agudo, caracterizado por trombocitopenia, diarrea hemorrágica, epistaxis, petequias, equimosis en mucosas, anemia, sangrado en zonas de inyección, pirexia, leucopenia y muerte.Independientemente del genotipo al que pertenezca, el vDVB puede ser clasificado en 2 biotipos acorde con su efecto sobre cultivos celulares: citopático (CP) y no citopático (NCP), siendo estos últimos los más comunes en la naturaleza. La infección del feto con cepas NCP entre los días 40 y 120 de la gestación, puede dar lugar al nacimiento de animales persistentemente infectados (PI). En estos animales el virus se distribuye ampliamente a través de todos los órganos, siendo el daño limitado, lo que permite que la gestación continúe. Estos animales están predispuestos a padecer infecciones secundarias, así como a desarrollar la denominada enfermedad de las mucosas cuando se infectan con cepas CP antigénicamente homólogas

    Gamma distribution function to understand anaerobic digestion kinetics: Kinetic constants are not constant

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    The Gamma model is a novel approach to characterise the complex degradation dynamics taking place during anaerobic digestion. This three parameters model results from combining the first-order kinetic model and the Gamma distribution function. In contrast to conventional models, where the kinetic constant is considered invariant, the Gamma model allows analysing the variability of the kinetic constant using a probability density function. The kinetic constant of mono-digestion and co-digestion batch tests of different wastes were modelled using the Gamma model and two common first-order models: one-step one-fraction model and one-step two-fraction model. The Gamma distribution function approximates three distinct probability density functions, i.e. exponential, log-normal, and delta Dirac. Specifically, (i) cattle paunch and pig manure approximated a log-normal distribution; (ii) cattle manure and microalgae approximated an exponential distribution, and (iii) primary sludge and cellulose approximated a delta Dirac distribution. The Gamma model was able to characterise two distinct waste activated sludge, one approximated to a log-normal distribution and the other to an exponential distribution. The same cellulose was tested with two different inocula; in both tests, the Gamma distribution function approximated a delta Dirac function but with a different kinetic value. The potential and consistency of Gamma model were also evident when analysing pig manure and microalgae co-digestion batch tests since (i) the mean k of the co-digestion tests were within the values of the mono-digestion tests, and (ii) the profile of the density function transitioned from log-normal to exponential distribution as the percentage of microalgae in the mixture increased

    Avaliação da atividade fenilalanina amônia liásica em folhas de bananeira inoculadas com o fungo Mycosphaerella fijiensis.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os atributos bioquímicos envolvidos na defesa da bananeira ao ataque do fungo M. fijiensis, notadamente avaliar o papel da enzima fenilalanina amônia liase nesta resposta, nas variedades Caprichosa, Garantida, FHIA-18, Prata Ken, Prata Anã, Maçã e Grande Naine, nos tempos: 0, 6h, 24h, 48h, 72h dias após a inoculação. Após a coleta, as folhas foram pesadas e obtidos os extratos totais por meio de maceração das folhas com tampão acetato de sódio 50 mM, pH 5,2, os quais foram utilizados nas determinações de proteínas e atividade enzimática

    Using discrete Ricci curvatures to infer COVID-19 epidemic network fragility and systemic risk

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    The damage of the novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is reaching unprecedented scales. There are numerous classical epidemiology models trying to quantify epidemiology metrics. Usually, to forecast epidemics, classical approaches need parameter estimations, such as the contagion rate or the basic reproduction number. Here, we propose a data-driven, parameter-free, geometric approach to access the emergence of a pandemic state by studying the Forman-Ricci and Ollivier- Ricci network curvatures. Discrete Ollivier-Ricci curvature has been used successfully to forecast risk in nancial networks and we suggest that those results can provide analogous results for COVID-19 epidemic time-series. We rst compute both curvatures in a toy-model of epidemic time-series with delays, which allows us to create epidemic networks. We also compared our results to classical network metrics. By doing so, we are able to verify that the Ollivier-Ricci and Forman-Ricci curvatures can be a parameter-free estimate for identifying a pandemic state in the simulated epidemic. On this basis, we then compute both Forman-Ricci and Ollivier-Ricci curvatures for real epidemic networks built from COVID-19 epidemic time-series available at the World Health Organization (WHO). This approach allow us to detect early warning signs of the emergence of the pandemic. The advantage of our method lies in providing an early geometrical data marker for the pandemic state, regardless of parameter estimation and stochastic modelling. This work opens the possibility of using discrete geometry to study epidemic networks. Keywords: COVID-19, SARS2, Forman-Ricci Curvature, Ollivier-Ricci curvature, Epidemiology, Topologi- cal Data Analysi

    Universality and scaling study of the critical behavior of the two-dimensional Blume-Capel model in short-time dynamics

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    In this paper we study the short-time behavior of the Blume-Capel model at the tricritical point as well as along the second order critical line. Dynamic and static exponents are estimated by exploring scaling relations for the magnetization and its moments at early stage of the dynamic evolution. Our estimates for the dynamic exponents, at the tricritical point, are z=2.215(2)z= 2.215(2) and θ=0.53(2)\theta= -0.53(2).Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Meanings attributed by family and patients to family presence in emergency rooms

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    Objective: to understand the process that leads adult and family patients to support family presence in emergency care. Method: a qualitative study that adopted Symbolic Interactionism as a theoretical reference and the Grounded Theory as a methodological framework. The theoretical sample consisted of 15 relatives and 15 patients assisted at two emergency units in the South of Brazil. Data were analyzed using open, axial and selective coding. Results: the central category ¿Convergence of ideas: family members and patients supporting family presence in emergency care? is supported by the categories: Affectionate relationship among family members?; Tacit obligation to care for the sick relative?; Benefits for the family?; Benefits for the patient?; and Benefits for the health team?. Conclusion: family presence in emergency care provides maintenance and strengthening of affectionate bonds among relatives and the experience of more sensitive and qualified care.Objetivo: comprender el proceso que lleva a pacientes adultos y familiares a apoyar la presencia de la familia en la atención de emergencia. Método: estudio cualitativo que adoptó el Interaccionismo Simbólico como referencial teórico y la Teoría Fundamentada en los Datos como referencial metodológico. El muestreo teórico fue compuesta por 15 familiares y 15 pacientes atendidos en dos unidades de emergencia en el sur de Brasil. Los datos fueron analizados por medio de codificación abierta, axial y selectiva. Resultados: la categoría central “Convergencia de ideas: familiares y pacientes apoyando la presencia de la familia en la atención de emergencia” es sostenida por las categorías: “Afetuosa relación entre los miembros de la familia”; “Obligación tácita de cuidar del familiar enfermo “; “Beneficios para la familia”; “Beneficios para el paciente”; y “Beneficios para el equipo de salud”. Conclusión: la presencia familiar en la atención de emergencia proporciona el mantenimiento y el fortalecimiento de los lazos afectivos entre los familiares y la vivencia de cuidados más sensibles y calificados.Objetivo: compreender o processo que leva pacientes adultos e familiares a apoiarem a presença da família no atendimento emergencial. Método: estudo qualitativo que adotou o Interacionismo Simbólico como referencial teórico e a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados como referencial metodológico. A amostragem teórica foi composta por 15 familiares e 15 pacientes atendidos em duas unidades emergenciais no Sul do Brasil. Os dados foram analisados por meio de codificação aberta, axial e seletiva. Resultados: a categoria central “Convergência de ideias: familiares e pacientes apoiando a presença da família no atendimento emergencial” é sustentada pelas categorias: “Afetuosa relação entre os membros da família”; “Obrigação tácita de cuidar do familiar enfermo”; “Benefícios para a família”; “Benefícios para o paciente”; e “Benefícios para a equipe de saúde”. Conclusão: a presença familiar no atendimento emergencial proporciona a manutenção e o fortalecimento dos laços afetivos entre os familiares e a vivência de cuidados mais sensíveis e qualificados

    Topological Charged Black Holes in High Dimensional Spacetimes and Their Formation from Gravitational Collapse of a Type II Fluid

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    Topological charged black holes coupled with a cosmological constant in R2×XD2R^{2}\times X^{D-2} spacetimes are studied, where XD2X^{D-2} is an Einstein space of the form (D2)RAB=k(D3)hAB{}^{(D-2)}R_{AB} = k(D-3) h_{AB}. The global structure for the four-dimensional spacetimes with k=0k = 0 is investigated systematically. The most general solutions that represent a Type IIII fluid in such a high dimensional spacetime are found, and showed that topological charged black holes can be formed from the gravitational collapse of such a fluid. When the spacetime is (asymptotically) self-similar, the collapse always forms black holes for k=0,1k = 0, -1, in contrast to the case k=1k = 1, where it can form either balck holes or naked singularities.Comment: 14 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.