5,715 research outputs found

    Ancient tin production: Slags from the Iron Age Carvalhelhos hillfort (NW Iberian Peninsula)

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    Provenance and production of tin in the Ancient World has since long been a major topic of discussion among archaeologists. In Western Europe, where significant tin ore (cassiterite) deposits are known, only a few remains of ancient tin production, such as tin slags, have been detected. In the present work, elemental and microstructural analyses by WDXRF, SEM-EDS and XRD were performed on recently recognised tin slags from the Iron Age Carvalhelhos hillfort located in NW Iberia, a territory that represents the largest extension with tin mineralisation in Western Europe. Elemental and microstructural characterisation of cassiterite collected in a pilot field survey in the region of the hillfort are presented and discussed, as well as two ceramic fragments that could be part of a smelting structure and an iron slag from the settlement. Results show that the tin slags have variable but high contents in Sn, similarly to Pre-Medieval tin slags found in other Western European areas, but also high contents of Ta and Nb, which specifically distinguish them from other tin slags, such as those found in SW Britain. Tin ores from the hillfort region frequently have Ta and Nb in cassiterite solid solution or as inclusions of columbite group minerals, relating well with the Carvalhelhos tin slags. Up to present, the Carvalhelhos slags are amongst the very few ancient tin slags known in Western Europe, and their study can contribute to a better knowledge on ancient tin sources and trade routes

    Mathematical models to study the biological phosphorus flow in sheep fed increasing levels of mineral

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    Dois modelos compartimentais foram aplicados e comparados para avaliar o fluxo biológico de fósforo em ovinos que receberam dietas com níveis crescentes do mineral - 0, 2, 4 e 6g por dia. Foram utilizados 24 machos, da raça Santa Inês, com média de peso de 33,6kg. Foi utilizado fosfato bicálcico como fonte de fósforo e 32P como traçador. Avaliou-se o fluxo de fósforo entre os compartimentos: trato gastrintestinal, sangue, ossos e tecidos moles, além da ingestão, excreção e balanço do mineral. O incremento na ingestão de P aumentou a perda fecal do mineral. O fluxo de fósforo entre o trato gastrintestinal e o sangue e o fluxo contrário foram influenciados de forma quadrática pelo incremento na ingestão, diminuindo após a ingestão de 5,5g/dia, sem diferença entre os modelos avaliados. Os modelos estudados mostraram diferenças em relação ao fluxo entre sangue, ossos e tecidos moles, sem efeito dos tratamentos sobre o balanço geral do mineral, porém os níveis de ingestão praticados interferiram no fluxo biológico do fósforo. A disponibilidade biológica do fósforo ingerido diminuiu quando a ingestão superou a necessidade do animal, o que aumentou as excreções no ambiente. A quantificação do fluxo biológico de fósforo diferiu quando aplicados os modelos estudados em decorrência da sua estrutura.Two compartimental models were applied and compared to evaluate the biological flow of P in lambs fed diets containing increasing levels of P (0, 2, 4 and 6g per day). Twenty four Santa Inês lambs with liveweight of 33.6kg were used. Dicalcium phosphate was used as P source and 32P as a tracer. P flow between compartments (gastrointestinal tract, blood, bones and soft tissues), ingestion, excretion and the mineral balance were evaluated. The increase in P intake increased fecal P loss. P flow from gastrointestinal tract to blood stream and opposite flow were affected quadratically by increased P intake, decreasing after the ingestion of 5.5g/day, without a difference among models. The models studied showed differences regarding the P flow between blood, bone and soft tissues, however, the P balance was not affected by the treatments. The increased P levels interfered with the biological P flow in sheep. The bioavailability of P diet decreases when intake exceeds the animal requirement, increasing losses to the environment. The quantification of biological P flow was different between models due to the structure of each one.Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)CNPqFAPEMI

    Texture and colour kinetics of change in blanched carrots

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    Five Isothermal heating experiments, at different temperatures and at predetermined time intervals, were carried out on diced carrots. The objective of this study was to determine the degradation kinetics of colour (a and a/b parameters) and texture (work and maximum force) along blanching. The best model to fit the degradation kinetic data was the fractional conversion and the temperature effect was well described by the Arrhenius equation. The k 800c and Ea values were 0.2, 0.05, 0.5 and 0.05 min -1 and 12x103, 18x103, 49x103 and 192x103J/mol, respectively for a, a/b, maximum force and work

    Predictors for weight loss failure following roux-en-y gastric bypass

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    Weight loss failure is a widely recognized occurrence following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. This study aims to identify predictors associated with weight loss failure. It is a retrospective cohort which enrolled 187 subjects who underwent RYGB. Comparisons were made between patients' features at baseline and 24 months after surgery. A weight loss failure rate of 11.2% was found. Advanced age and diabetes were statistically associated with failure. The results found were close to previous reports. As weight loss failure represents an important concern, there is the possibility to perform revisional surgeries, which may emphasize the restrictive or malabsorptive characteristics of RYGB, leading to varied results. It is reinforced that weight loss cannot be used as the unique outcome to evaluate the success of surgery.Weight loss failure is a widely recognized occurrence following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. This study aims to identify predictors associated with weight loss failure. It is a retrospective cohort which enrolled 187 subjects who underwent RYGB. Comparisons514328330sem informaçãosem informaçã

    Архієпископ Кримський Лука про способи духовного оздоровлення Кримської єпархії

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    In the past decade, mass-spectrometry-based methods have emerged for the quantitative profiling of dynamic changes in protein phosphorylation, allowing the behavior of thousands of phosphorylation sites to be monitored in a single experiment. However, when one is interested in specific signaling pathways, such shotgun methodologies are not ideal because they lack selectivity and are not cost and time efficient with respect to instrument and data analysis time. Here we evaluate and explore a peptide-centric antibody generated to selectively enrich peptides containing the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) consensus motif. This targeted phosphoproteomic strategy is used to profile temporal quantitative changes of potential PKA substrates in Jurkat T lymphocytes upon prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) stimulation, which increases intracellular cAMP, activating PKA. Our method combines ultra-high-specificity motif-based immunoaffinity purification with cost-efficient stable isotope dimethyl labeling. We identified 655 phosphopeptides, of which 642 (i.e. 98%) contained the consensus motif [R/K][R/K/X]X[pS/pT]. When our data were compared with a large-scale Jurkat T-lymphocyte phosphoproteomics dataset containing more than 10,500 phosphosites, a minimal overlap of 0.2% was observed. This stresses the need for such targeted analyses when the interest is in a particular kinase. Our data provide a resource of likely substrates of PKA, and potentially some substrates of closely related kinases. Network analysis revealed that about half of the observed substrates have been implicated in cAMP-induced signaling. Still, the other half of the here-identified substrates have been less well characterized, representing a valuable resource for future research

    Discondroplasia da tíbia como modelo em estudos de mecanobiologia experimental

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    A discondroplasia da tíbia, consiste numa anomalia espontânea, ou induzida, nas placas de crescimento epifisárias dos ossos longos, das estirpes de rápido crescimento das espécies avícolas, caracterizada pelo aparecimento de uma massa cartilagínea avascular opaca, não calcificada, que se estende até à metáfise, numa zona em que, normalmente, existe osso trabecular. Do ponto de vista citológico, a discondroplasia reflecte alterações na homeostase celular no decurso normal da ossificação endocondral, ou seja, a cartilagem não calcifica e não é substituída por osso endocondral. Deste modo, os processos de proliferação dos condrócitos (que é normal) e de degradação da cartilagem (que não se verifica), não estão em equilíbrio, resultando numa acumulação de matriz extracelular. Com a presente linha de investigação pretende-se, com base em resultados obtidos por um dos autores [Capela e Silva, 2004], designadamente no que diz respeito à expressão das caderinas, e com base noutros trabalhos relativos à expressão de proteínas de stress [Ribeiro e tal., 2004], avaliar da possibilidade de utilização da discondroplasia em estudos de mecanobiologia experimental

    Interfaces, Confinement, And Resonant Raman Scattering In Ge/si Quantum Wells

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    We address the question of confinement of the Ge-Ge mode in five-monolayer-Ge single and multiple quantum wells. Using Raman scattering, our data show strong dependence of the interface quality on the number of quantum wells and thereby on the confinement of both the phonons and the electronic states in the Ge wells. The dependence of line shape and peak position of the Ge-Ge Raman line with laser photon energy gives a clear indication of the existence of terraces in the interfaces of the Ge/Si multiple quantum wells. © 1995 The American Physical Society.5124178001780