8 research outputs found

    Does ethnic ancestry play a role in smoking?

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    The higher proportion of smokers among Black people in Brazil has been attributed to socioeconomic disparities, but genetic factors could also contribute for this finding. This study aimed at investigating associations between smoking status with genetically defined ethnic ancestry and socioeconomic features in Brazilians. Blood samples were collected from 448 volunteers (66.7% male; age: 37.1±11.4 years) classified as current smokers (CS: 60.9%), former smokers (FS: 8.9%) and never smokers (NS: 30.1%). Individual interethnic admixtures were determined using a 48 insertion-deletion polymorphisms ancestry-informative-marker panel. CS showed a lower amount of European ancestry than NS (0.837±0.243 X 0.883±0.194, p≤0.05) and FS (0.837±0.243 X 0.864±0.230, p≤0.05), and a higher proportion of African Sub-Saharan ancestry than FS (0.128±0.222 X 0.07±0.174, p≤0.05) and NS (0.128±0.222 X 0.085±0.178, p≤0.05). NS reported a higher number of years in school than CS (11.2±3.7 X 8.9±3.8, p≤0.001). CS were less common in economic Class A (30%) and more common in Class B (56.8%). In multivariate analysis, only lower number of school years and lower economic class were associated with higher chances for CS. The use of genetic molecular markers for characterizing ethnic background confirmed that socioeconomic disparities are the main determinants of higher smoking rates among Blacks in Brazil

    Mitochondrial Population Genomics Supports a Single Pre-Clovis Origin with a Coastal Route for the Peopling of the Americas

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    It is well accepted that the Americas were the last continents reached by modern humans, most likely through Beringia. However, the precise time and mode of the colonization of the New World remain hotly disputed issues. Native American populations exhibit almost exclusively five mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups (A–D and X). Haplogroups A–D are also frequent in Asia, suggesting a northeastern Asian origin of these lineages. However, the differential pattern of distribution and frequency of haplogroup X led some to suggest that it may represent an independent migration to the Americas. Here we show, by using 86 complete mitochondrial genomes, that all Native American haplogroups, including haplogroup X, were part of a single founding population, thereby refuting multiple-migration models. A detailed demographic history of the mtDNA sequences estimated with a Bayesian coalescent method indicates a complex model for the peopling of the Americas, in which the initial differentiation from Asian populations ended with a moderate bottleneck in Beringia during the last glacial maximum (LGM), around ∼23,000 to ∼19,000 years ago. Toward the end of the LGM, a strong population expansion started ∼18,000 and finished ∼15,000 years ago. These results support a pre-Clovis occupation of the New World, suggesting a rapid settlement of the continent along a Pacific coastal route

    Incorporating different proportions of exotic maize germplasm into two adapted populations

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    Maize breeders frequently wish to use exotic germplasm in their breeding programs without losing specific characteristics of their adapted material. The objective of this study was to determine the optimal proportions of exotic germplasm to incorporate into adapted populations (F2 = 50% exotic, BC1 = 25% exotic, BC2 = 12.5% exotic and BC3 = 6.25% exotic) to form the initial foundation population and to determine the heterosis between adapted x exotics. We used six exotic populations of different origins and two adapted populations representing a Brazilian heterotic pattern. In 1993-94 and 1994-95, the parents, F1, F2, BC1, BC2, BC3 and four checks were evaluated in six environments in central Brazil using an 8 x 9 simple rectangular lattice design. Higher mean values for yield were obtained as the proportion of exotic germplasm decreased. Some backcrosses produced more than the adapted populations BR 105 (7.59 ton/ha) and BR 106 (8.43 ton/ha). The best results were obtained when incorporating 6.25 or 12.5% of exotic genes. This trend was true for root lodging, stalk lodging and ear diseases but not for plant and ear height. The midparent heterosis for yield varied from -16.1 to 40.3%. Midparent heterosis with positive and negative values were also found for the other traits. The results indicate the potential of exotic germplasm for developing good hybrids. After choosing the best exotic source, some recurrent selection might be appropriate in order to adapt and improve the exotic populations.<br>Os melhoristas de milho que utilizam germoplasmas exóticos nos programas de melhoramento têm a preocupação de não perder as características desejáveis dos materiais adaptados. Buscando atender esta demanda, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo determinar a proporção ideal de germoplasma exótico que deve ser incorporado em populações melhoradas (F2 = 50% exótico; RC1 = 25% exótico; RC2 = 12,5% exótico; RC3 = 6,25% exótico), para formar as populações base para seleção e determinar a heterose entre os germoplasmas exóticos e adaptados. Em 1993/94 e 1994/95, os parentais, F1, F2, RC1, RC2, RC3 e quatro testemunhas foram avaliados em seis ambientes da região central do Brasil, utilizando-se o delineamento em látice simples 8 x 9. De um modo geral, à medida que a proporção de germoplasma exótico decresceu, valores médios mais altos foram obtidos para o caráter peso de espigas. Alguns retrocruzamentos produziram mais que as populações melhoradas BR 105 (7.500 kg/ha) e BR 106 (8.430 kg/ha). Os melhores resultados foram obtidos quando houve a incorporação de 6,25 ou 12,5% de genes exóticos. Esta tendência foi observada para acamamento, quebramento e espigas doentes, mas não para altura de planta e de espiga. A heterose média para peso de espiga variou de -16,1 a 40,3%. Heteroses médias com valores positivos e negativos também foram encontradas para outros caracteres. Os resultados obtidos mostraram o potencial em se utilizar germoplasmas exóticos para a obtenção de híbridos. Sugere-se, após a escolha dos germoplasma, algum esquema de seleção recorrente para adaptar e melhorar as populações exóticas