14 research outputs found

    Propriedades físicas do solo e sistema radicular do cacaueiro, da pupunheira e do açaizeiro na Amazônia oriental

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    O conhecimento das relações entre raízes das culturas e propriedades físicas do solo é de grande importância para o manejo adequado. Esta pesquisa avalia a distribuição das raízes das culturas do cacaueiro, da pupunheira e do açaizeiro, relacionando com as propriedades físicas do solo. O estudo foi desenvolvido em Latossolo Amarelo álico, e as amostras de raízes e de solos foram retiradas a cada 10 cm até 40 cm. O delineamento experimental utilizado para cada cultura foi em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial (quatro profundidades e três classes de raízes), com quatro repetições. As amostras de raízes foram obtidas em monólitos e em dois pontos de distância entre as fileiras das plantas, separadas em três classes de diâmetro: < 1,0 mm, 1,0-3,0 mm e > 3,0 mm. O açaizeiro apresentou o dobro de raízes da pupunheira e 10 vezes mais que do cacaueiro. Entre as distâncias das plantas não houve diferença na quantidade de raízes da pupunheira. Houve correlação direta entre a quantidade de raízes, das três culturas, e o teor de areia grossa, e inversa com a densidade do solo e o teor de argila. O volume de poros grandes teve correlação direta com a quantidade de raízes do cacaueiro e do açaizeiro nas três classes de diâmetro. O açaizeiro, além de possuir o sistema radicular mais abundante, apresenta o maior número de correlações entre a quantidade de raízes e as propriedades físicas do solo, envolvendo as três classes de diâmetro de raízes

    Root hairs improve root penetration, root-soil contact, and phosphorus acquisition in soils of different strength

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    Root hairs are a key trait for improving the acquisition of phosphorus (P) by plants. However, it is not known whether root hairs provide significant advantage for plant growth under combined soil stresses, particularly under conditions that are known to restrict root hair initiation or elongation (e.g. compacted or high-strength soils). To investigate this, the root growth and P uptake of root hair genotypes of barley, 'Hordeum vulgare' L. (i.e. genotypes with and without root hairs), were assessed under combinations of P deficiency and high soil strength. Genotypes with root hairs were found to have an advantage for root penetration into high-strength layers relative to root hairless genotypes. In P-deficient soils, despite a 20% reduction in root hair length under high-strength conditions, genotypes with root hairs were also found to have an advantage for P uptake. However, in fertilized soils, root hairs conferred an advantage for P uptake in low-strength soil but not in high-strength soil. Improved root-soil contact, coupled with an increased supply of P to the root, may decrease the value of root hairs for P acquisition in high-strength, high-P soils. Nevertheless, this work demonstrates that root hairs are a valuable trait for plant growth and nutrient acquisition under combined soil stresses. Selecting plants with superior root hair traits is important for improving P uptake efficiency and hence the sustainability of agricultural systems

    Macropore effects on phosphorus acquisition by wheat roots – a rhizotron study

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    Background and aimsMacropores may be preferential root pathways into the subsoil. We hypothesised that the presence of macropores promotes P-uptake from subsoil, particularly at limited water supply in surface soil. We tested this hypothesis in a rhizotron experiment with spring wheat (Triticum aestivum cv. Scirocco) under variation of fertilisation and irrigation.MethodsRhizotrons were filled with compacted subsoil (bulk density 1.4 g cm−3), underneath a P-depleted topsoil. In half of these rhizotrons the subsoil contained artificial macropores. Spring wheat was grown for 41 days with and without irrigation and 31P–addition. Also, a 33P–tracer was added at the soil surface to trace P-distribution in plants using liquid scintillation counting and radioactive imaging.ResultsFertilisation and irrigation promoted biomass production and plant P-uptake. Improved growing conditions resulted in a higher proportion of subsoil roots, indicating that the topsoil root system additionally promoted subsoil nutrient acquisition. The presence of macropores did not improve plant growth but tended to increase translocation of 33P into both above- and belowground biomass. 33P–imaging confirmed that this plant-internal transport of topsoil-P extended into subsoil roots.ConclusionsThe lack of penetration resistance in macropores did not increase plant growth and nutrient uptake from subsoil here; however, wheat specifically re-allocated topsoil-P for subsoil root growth