460 research outputs found

    An Extrapolation Procedure to Shorten Time Domain Simulations

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    Time-domain simulation algorithms are widely used in the anaylsis and design of electromagnetic systems. Many of them are characterized by high Q\u27s. Thus, the simulations have to employ many time steps in order to achieve a complete characterization of these systems. This time-consuming computational effort can be avoided if the late instants of time are extrapolated by applying a parametric estimation algorithm. An optimized implementation of a time-domain extrapolation method and a stop criterion are discussed in this paper. The latter criterion is based upon a normalized squared difference between the waveforms extrapolated from two different sets of initial data and it will be used as a means to stop the time domain simulation algorithm

    Complex Power Distribution Network Investigation Using SPICE Based Extraction from First Principle Formulations

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    The modeling and the analysis of the power distribution networks (PDN) within multi-layer printed circuit board is crucial for the investigation of the performance of PCB systems. Carrying out such analyses in SPICE based tools has the advantage of being faster than the corresponding full-wave modeling and it allows obtaining both frequency and time domain results

    Transportation and Its Ethical Problems

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    Transportation problem is a common problem in modern life. The impact of increasingly severe traffic congestion, for example, shows the transport problems are inevitable. However, when the problem is transformed into an ethical problem, it can be said that the ethos of the nation is in danger of experiencing a slump. Phenomenological method of research through language is used with the basis of the speech act theory of communication, after tracing automotive advertising published by newspaper in Jakarta (from March 2013 to March 2014), the result shows that Indonesian transportation latest ethical problem leads to a conspiracy carried out by the newspapers and the advertisers

    C-MYC, HIF-1α, ERG, TKT, and GSTP1: an Axis in Prostate Cancer?

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    To analyze putative biomarkers for prostate cancer (PCA) characterization, the second leading cause of cancer-associated mortality in men. Quantification of the expression level of c-myc and HIF-1α was performed in 72 prostate cancer specimens. A cohort of 497 prostate cancer patients from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) database was further analyzed, in order to test our hypothesis. We found that high c-myc level was significantly associated with HIF-1α elevated expression (p = 0.008) in our 72 samples. Statistical analysis of 497 TCGA prostate cancer specimens confirmed the strong association (p = 0.0005) of c-myc and HIF-1α expression levels, as we found in our series. Moreover, we found high c-myc levels significantly associated with low Glutatione S-transferase P1 (GSTP1) expression (p = 0.01), with high Transketolase (TKT) expression (p < 0.0001). High TKT levels were found in TCGA samples with low GSTP1 mRNA (p < 0.0001), as shown for c-myc, and with ERG increased expression (p = 0.02). Finally, samples with low GSTP1 expression displayed higher ERG mRNA levels than samples with high GSTP1 score (p < 0.0001), as above shown for c-myc. Our study emphasizes the notion of a potential value of HIF-1α and c-myc as putative biomarkers in prostate cancer; moreover TCGA data analysis showed a putative crosstalk between c-myc, HIF-1α, ERG, TKT, and GSTP1, suggesting a potential use of this axis in prostate cancer

    Early Time Charge Replenishment of the Power Delivery Network in Multi-Layer PCBs

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    The investigation of decoupling issues has been extensively treated in the literature in both the frequency and the time domain [1-9]. The two domains describe from different perspectives the same physical phenomenon, being related by a Fourier transform. In this article, well known decoupling issues usually addressed in the frequency domain [1,2] are discussed in the time domain. Moreover, some modeling issues related to the cavity model approach are discussed and, in particular, the circuit extraction feature associated with this methodology is utilized throughout the article to carry out the time domain simulations within a SPICE based-tool. The depletion of charges stored between the power bus is investigated in the time domain as a function of the plane thickness, SMT decoupling closeness and interconnect inductance values

    Dysthanasia: nursing professionals' perception

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    Dysthanasia means slow and painful death without quality of life. This study aimed to know whether nurses identify dysthanasia as part of the final process of the lives of terminal patients hospitalized at an adult ICU. This is an exploratory-qualitative study. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with ten nurses with at least one year of experience in an ICU, and interpreted through content analysis. Results indicate that nurses understand and identify dysthanasia, do not agree with it and recognize elements of orthonasia as the adequate procedure for terminal patients. We conclude that nurses interpret dysthanasia as extending life with pain and suffering, while terminal patients are submitted to futile treatments that do not benefit them. They also identify dysthanasia using elements of orthonasia to explain it.Distanasia significa muerte lenta, con sufrimiento y sin calidad de vida. En esta investigación se buscó conocer si los enfermeros identifican la distanasia como parte del proceso final de la vida de personas en estado terminal, internadas en una UTI para adultos. El estudio es de naturaleza exploratoria, con abordaje cualitativo. Los datos fueron recolectados por medio de entrevista semiestructurada con 10 enfermeros con un mínimo de un año de experiencia en UTI; los datos fueron interpretados por el análisis de contenido. Se obtuvo como resultado que los enfermeros comprenden e identifican la distanasia y se oponen a la misma, presentando elementos de ortotanasia como procedimiento adecuado para pacientes en estado terminal. Se concluye que los enfermeros interpretan la distanasia como el prolongamiento de la vida con dolor y sufrimiento, en el cual los pacientes terminales son sometidos a tratamientos fútiles que no traen beneficios. También identifican la distanasia, usando elementos de la ortotanasia para hacerla explicita.Distanásia significa morte lenta, sofrida e sem qualidade de vida. Nesta pesquisa buscou-se conhecer se os enfermeiros identificam a distanásia como parte do processo final da vida de pessoas em terminalidade, internadas em UTI adulto. O estudo é de natureza exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada com 10 enfermeiros com, no mínimo, um ano de experiência em UTI, e interpretados pela análise de conteúdo. Teve-se como resultado que os enfermeiros compreendem e identificam a distanásia e se opõem à mesma, trazendo elementos da ortotanásia como procedimento adequado para pacientes em terminalidade. Conclui-se que os enfermeiros interpretam a distanásia como o prolongamento de vida com dor e sofrimento, onde os pacientes terminais são submetidos a tratamentos fúteis que não trazem benefícios. E também identificam a distanásia, usando elementos da ortotanásia para explicitá-la

    Validation of Circuit Extraction Procedure by Means of Frequency and Time Domain Measurement

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    Aim of this paper is the validation in both frequency and time domain of the procedure to extract fully H-Spice compatible equivalent circuits of structures on printed circuit boards. The procedure is initiated by standard measurement of scattering parameters between 40MHz to 20GH. After the extraction of the equivalent circuit, the computed scattering parameters are compared with those measured. The same equivalent circuit is also used for transient analysis in order to compare TDR measurement and eye-pattern to a pseudo-random bit sequence with those coming from the simulations

    Power Integrity Investigation of BGA Footprints by Means of the Segmentation Method

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    The engineering of the power delivery network is becoming a fundamental issue in the design of high speed digital systems on PCB\u27s. In fact, providing the required power to the different IC\u27s at the specified noisefree voltage levels allows a correct functioning of the overall PCB systems. More over, the ongoing trend of replacing active devices with peripherally located I/O and PWR/GND pins with areally located I/O and PWR/GND pins (BGA packaged) increases the complexity of the models, when power delivery issues need to be studied in a larger contest, such as the overall PCB\u27s. The employment of the powerful, but simple, concept of the segmentation method allows investigation of the power delivery network of the PCB systems in two fundamental stages. During the first stage, a small cut out of the board corresponding to the BGA footprint is modelled with a 3D full wave simulation tool. During the second stage the equivalent impedance network representation corresponding to this cut out is combined, by means of the segmentation method [1-5], with larger pieces of a board, whose network representations can be extracted from the closed form expression of the cavity model approach [6-9]

    Innovative photoelectrocatalytic water remediation system for ammonia abatement

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    Ammonia, produced by human and animal activities, contributes to water and soil pollution because it is toxic for aquatic flora and fauna, and responsible for eutrophication. In this work, the photoelectrocatalytic (PEC) oxidation of ammonia is investigated employing a stainless-steel PEC reactor, consisting of a central UV Hg-vapor lamp surrounded by a metallic Ti mesh coated with a photoactive TiO2 film, directly grown by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO). The so prepared TiO2 film is characterized by XRD, SEM, UV–vis DRS and IPCE. The PEC reactor operates at 4 V potential drop between the TiO2 coated mesh (photoanode) and the body of the reactor (cathode). The effect of the operating parameters (recirculation flowrate and air bubbling) and type of electrolyte solution (KCl or K2SO4) on the PEC performance are investigated in terms of ammonia conversion and selectivity to nitrite, nitrate and molecular nitrogen. Full ammonia conversion (XNH3) with a selectivity to molecular nitrogen up to 67 % are attained after 12 h in 5 mM KCl electrolyte solution. Nitrite is produced within the first 6 h irradiation and then fully converted into nitrate. By contrast, only a slight XNH3 (ca. 10 %) is observed in K2SO4 electrolyte solution. These results suggest that chlorine has a crucial role in the ammonia PEC oxidation process: photo-generated holes on the photoanode surface can oxidize Cl− to Cl• (electro-induced process), which is a reactive radical able to oxidase ammonia

    Kelainan Ginjal pada Artritis Idiopatik Juvenil: Laporan Kasus

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    Abstrak Artritis idiopatik juvenil merupakan salah satu penyakit rematik tersering pada anak, dan merupakan penyakit kompleks yang dapat mengenai berbagai organ. Keterlibatan ginjal pada orang dewasa telah dilaporkan, sedangkan pada anak jarang ditemukan. Didapatkan kasus seorang anak perempuan berusia 10 tahun dengan keluhan nyeri sendi disertai tanda peradangan sendi dan gangguan gerak sendi berulang sejak lima bulan yang lalu. Pada pemeriksaan laboratorium selalu ditemukan hematuria dan proteinuria. Pasien didiagnosis sebagai glomerulonefritis kronik dengan artritis idiopatik juvenil, dan diterapi dengan metilprednisolon, metotreksat, losartan dan lisinopril. Setelah pengobatan dengan metilprednisolon dosis tinggi selama satu bulan, yang dilanjutkan dengan penurunan dosis metilprednisolon bertahap, tidak terdapat lagi hematuria maupun proteinuria. Direncanakan biopsi ginjal pada pasien untuk menentukan lesi ginjal namun orangtua tidak bersedia.Kata kunci : artritis idiopatik juvenil, hematuria, proteinuria, glomerulonefritis Abstract Juvenile idiopathic arthritis is a frequent rheumatic disease among rheumatic diseases in children and is a complex disease which influence many body organs. Kidney influence in adult has been reported but it is very rare in children. We reported a 10 years old girl case with a joint pain, a joint inflammation, and joint movement disorder since 5 months ago. Laboratorium results always showed hematuria and proteinuria. The patient was diagnosed as chronic glomerulonephritis on juvenile idiopathic arthritis, and was treated with methylprednisolone, methotrexate, losartan, and lisinopril. After a high dose methylprednisolone administration for one month which was continued with reducing dose slowly, the patient showed no hematuria and proteinuria any more. Kidney biopsy was not performed because the parent did not agree with this procedure.Key words: juvenile idiopathic arthritis, hematuria, proteinuria, glomerulonephriti
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