9 research outputs found

    Asian monsoon hydrometeorology from TES and SCIAMACHY water vapor isotope measurements and LMDZ simulations: Implications for speleothem climate record interpretation

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    International audienceObservations show that heavy oxygen isotope composition in precipitation (delta O-18(p)) increases from coastal southeastern (SE) China to interior northwestern (NW) China during the wet season, contradicting expectations from simple Rayleigh distillation theory. Here we employ stable isotopes of precipitation and vapor from satellite measurements and climate model simulations to characterize the moisture processes that control Asian monsoon precipitation and relate these processes to speleothem paleoclimate records. We find that delta O-18(p) is low over SE China as a result of local and upstream condensation and that delta O-18(p) is high over NW China because of evaporative enrichment of O-18 as raindrops fall through dry air. We show that delta O-18(p) at cave sites over southern China is weakly correlated with upstream precipitation in the core of the Indian monsoon region rather than local precipitation, but it is well-correlated with the delta O-18(p) over large areas of southern and central China, consistent with coherent speleothem delta O-18(p) variations over different parts of China. Previous studies have documented high correlations between speleothem delta O-18(p) and millennial timescale climate forcings, and we suggest that the high correlation between insolation and speleothem delta O-18(p) in southern China reflects the variations of hydrologic processes over the Indian monsoon region on millennial and orbital timescales. The delta O-18(p) in the drier part (north of similar to 30 degrees N) of China, on the other hand, has consistently negative correlations with local precipitation and may capture local hydrologic processes related to changes in the extent of the Hadley circulation

    Inverse modeling of CH4 emissions for 2010 - 2011 using different satellite retrieval products from GOSAT and SCIAMACHY

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    Beginning in 2009 new space-borne observations of dry-air column-averaged mole fractions of atmospheric methane (XCH4) became available from the Thermal And Near infrared Sensor for carbon Observations - Fourier Transform Spectrometer (TANSO-FTS) instrument onboard the Greenhouse Gases Observing SATellite (GOSAT). Until April 2012 concurrent CH4 measurements were provided by the SCanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric CartograpHY (SCIAMACHY) instrument onboard ENVISAT. The GOSAT and SCIAMACHY XCH4 retrievals can be directly compared during their circa 32-month period of overlap. We estimate monthly average CH4 emissions between January 2010 and December 2011, using the TM5-4DVAR inverse modeling system. Additionally, high-accuracy measurements from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Earth System Research Laboratory (NOAA ESRL) global air sampling network are used, providing strong constraints of the remote surface atmosphere. We discuss five inversion scenarios that make use of different GOSAT and SCIAMACHY XCH4 retrieval products, including two sets of GOSAT proxy retrievals processed independently by the Netherlands Institute for Space Research (SRON) / Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), and the University of Leicester (UL), and the RemoTeC "Full-Physics" (FP) XCH4 retrievals available from SRON/KIT. 2-year average emission maps show a good overall agreement among all GOSAT-based inversions, but also compared to the SCIAMACHY-based inversion, with consistent flux adjustment patterns, particularly across Equatorial Africa and North America. The inversions are validated against independent shipboard and aircraft observations, and XCH4 measurements available from the Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON). All GOSAT and SCIAMACHY inversions show very similar validation performance.JRC.H.2-Air and Climat

    Carbon monoxide total column retrievals from TROPOMI shortwave infrared measurements

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    In 2016, the Sentinel 5 Precursor mission will be launched, with the TROPOMI instrument as its single payload. It will deliver daily global measurements of carbon monoxide for air quality monitoring as part of the Copernicus atmospheric services. In this paper, we focus on the operational data processing of the CO product from TROPOMI measurements of the shortwave infrared spectral range, and we discuss the algorithm's maturity

    On the Seasonal Variation of Stable Isotopic Composition of Precipitation over Asian Monsoon Region

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    Precipitation is the excess water the atm cannot hold delta18Op records the life history of water: ET source of vapor. variations of delta18Ov during transport. T and delta18Ov at condensation. Post-condensation exchange with vapor. Models relatively mature to aid interpretation of paleoclimate proxies

    Asian monsoon hydrometeorology from TES and SCIAMACHY water vapor isotope measurements and LMDZ simulations: Implications for speleothem climate record interpretation

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    International audienceObservations show that heavy oxygen isotope composition in precipitation (delta O-18(p)) increases from coastal southeastern (SE) China to interior northwestern (NW) China during the wet season, contradicting expectations from simple Rayleigh distillation theory. Here we employ stable isotopes of precipitation and vapor from satellite measurements and climate model simulations to characterize the moisture processes that control Asian monsoon precipitation and relate these processes to speleothem paleoclimate records. We find that delta O-18(p) is low over SE China as a result of local and upstream condensation and that delta O-18(p) is high over NW China because of evaporative enrichment of O-18 as raindrops fall through dry air. We show that delta O-18(p) at cave sites over southern China is weakly correlated with upstream precipitation in the core of the Indian monsoon region rather than local precipitation, but it is well-correlated with the delta O-18(p) over large areas of southern and central China, consistent with coherent speleothem delta O-18(p) variations over different parts of China. Previous studies have documented high correlations between speleothem delta O-18(p) and millennial timescale climate forcings, and we suggest that the high correlation between insolation and speleothem delta O-18(p) in southern China reflects the variations of hydrologic processes over the Indian monsoon region on millennial and orbital timescales. The delta O-18(p) in the drier part (north of similar to 30 degrees N) of China, on the other hand, has consistently negative correlations with local precipitation and may capture local hydrologic processes related to changes in the extent of the Hadley circulation

    HDO and H2O total column retrievals from TROPOMI shortwave infrared measurements

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    The TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) on board the European Space Agency Sentinel-5 Precursor mission is scheduled for launch in the last quarter of 2016. As part of its operational processing the mission will provide CH<sub>4</sub> and CO total columns using backscattered sunlight in the shortwave infrared band (2.3 µm). By adapting the CO retrieval algorithm, we have developed a non-scattering algorithm to retrieve total column HDO and H<sub>2</sub>O from the same measurements under clear-sky conditions. The isotopologue ratio HDO ∕ H<sub>2</sub>O is a powerful diagnostic in the efforts to improve our understanding of the hydrological cycle and its role in climate change, as it provides an insight into the source and transport history of water vapour, nature's strongest greenhouse gas. Due to the weak reflectivity over water surfaces, we need to restrict the retrieval to cloud-free scenes over land. We exploit a novel 2-band filter technique, using strong vs. weak water or methane absorption bands, to prefilter scenes with medium-to-high-level clouds, cirrus or aerosol and to significantly reduce processing time. Scenes with cloud top heights <i>≲</i>1 km, very low fractions of high-level clouds or an aerosol layer above a high surface albedo are not filtered out. We use an ensemble of realistic measurement simulations for various conditions to show the efficiency of the cloud filter and to quantify the performance of the retrieval. The single-measurement precision in terms of <i>δ</i>D is better than 15–25 ‰ for even the lowest surface albedo (2–4 ‰ for high albedos), while a small bias remains possible of up to  ∼ 20 ‰ due to remaining aerosol or up to  ∼ 70 ‰ due to remaining cloud contamination. We also present an analysis of the sensitivity towards prior assumptions, which shows that the retrieval has a small but significant sensitivity to the a priori assumption of the atmospheric trace gas profiles. Averaging multiple measurements over time and space, however, will reduce these errors, due to the quasi-random nature of the profile uncertainties. The sensitivity of the retrieval with respect to instrumental parameters within the expected instrument performance is  &lt; 3 ‰, which represents only a small contribution to the overall error budget. Spectroscopic uncertainties of the water lines, however, can have a larger and more systematic impact on the performance of the retrieval and warrant further reassessment of the water line parameters. With TROPOMI's high radiometric sensitivity, wide swath (resulting in daily global coverage) and efficient cloud filtering, in combination with a spatial resolution of 7 × 7 km<sup>2</sup>, we will greatly increase the amount of useful data on HDO, H<sub>2</sub>O and their ratio HDO ∕ H<sub>2</sub>O. We showcase the overall performance of the retrieval algorithm and cloud filter with an accurate simulation of TROPOMI measurements from a single overpass over parts of the USA and Mexico, based on MODIS satellite data and realistic conditions for the surface, atmosphere and chemistry (including isotopologues). This shows that TROPOMI will pave the way for new studies of the hydrological cycle, both globally and locally, on timescales of mere days and weeks instead of seasons and years and will greatly extend the HDO ∕ H<sub>2</sub>O datasets from the SCIAMACHY and GOSAT missions

    Atmospheric CH4 in the first decade of the 21st century: Inverse modeling analysis using SCIAMACHY satellite retrievals and NOAA surface measurements

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    The causes of renewed growth in the atmospheric CH4 burden since 2007 are still poorly understood and subject of intensive scientific discussion. We present a reanalysis of global CH4 emissions during the 2000s, based on the TM5-4DVAR inverse modeling system. The model is optimized using high-accuracy surface observations from NOAA ESRL’s global air sampling network for 2000–2010 combined with retrievals of column-averaged CH4 mole fractions from SCIAMACHY onboard ENVISAT (starting 2003). Using climatological OH fields, derived global total emissions for 2007–2010 are 16–20 Tg CH4/yr higher compared to 2003–2005. Most of the inferred emission increase was located in the tropics (9–14 Tg CH4/yr) and mid-latitudes of the northern hemisphere (6–8 Tg CH4/yr), while no significant trend was derived for Arctic latitudes. The atmospheric increase can be attributed mainly to increased anthropogenic emissions, but the derived trend is significantly smaller than estimated in the EDGARv4.2 emission inventory. Superimposed on the increasing trend in anthropogenic CH4 emissions are significant inter-annual variations (IAV) of emissions from wetlands (up to 10 Tg CH4/yr), and biomass burning (up to 7 Tg CH4/yr). Sensitivity experiments, which investigated the impact of the SCIAMACHY observations (versus inversions using only surface observations), of the OH fields used, and of a priori emission inventories, resulted in differences in the detailed latitudinal attribution of CH4 emissions, but the IAV and trends aggregated over larger latitude bands were reasonably robust. All sensitivity experiments show similar performance against independent shipboard and airborne observations used for validation, except over Amazonia where satellite retrievals improved agreement with observations in the free troposphere.JRC.H.2-Air and Climat