2,901 research outputs found

    Objeto de desejo e estratégia de marketing: um estudo do valor de uso da natureza na publicidade televisiva de dois canais portugueses

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    Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão e Conservação da Natureza, 12 de Junho de 2014, Universidade dos Açores.Assiste-se actualmente a uma visibilidade crescente dos problemas ambientais, da mesma forma que as problemáticas da sustentabilidade e da protecção da biodiversidade começam a afirmar-se nas agendas políticas nacionais e internacionais. Mas que papel têm desempenhado os media nesta consciencialização ambiental? A audibilidade conquistada pelos media junto da generalidade dos portugueses e, em particular da televisão, bem como o seu estatuto de opinion makers – documentados por diversas sondagens nacionais do OBSERVA – vêm sublinhar a relevância de procurar perceber que papel têm desempenhado na sensibilização ambiental dos cidadãos. No entanto, o presente estudo não se debruça sobre o papel dos media na divulgação explícita desta agenda, mas sobre as representações sociais da relação dos seres humanos com a Natureza que são disseminadas através da publicidade, uma vez que para promover a proximidade dos consumidores ela veicula representações e estereótipos dominantes na sociedade, ao mesmo tempo que o seu poder de persuasão a torna um poderoso instrumento pedagógico. Esta pesquisa procura descortinar que modelos de intereacção entre seres humanos e natureza são veiculados pelos anúncios televisivos de modo a dar resposta a uma questão essencial relativa à caraterização das actuais representações sociais da Natureza, pelo carácter constintuinte que estas podem desempenhar na promoção da sustentabilidade na nossa relação com o ambiente. Por meio de revisão de literatura, pesquisa documental, e análise de conteúdo de uma amostra da publicidade emitida em dois canais nacionais, este estudo permitirá, também, reflectir sobre as concepções de natureza existentes, visando contribuir com esta desconstrução crítica para uma tomada de consciência do papel que um dos principais veículos de comunicação social está a desempenhar em prol da protecção e respeito pela Natureza. No nosso estudo foram analisados 284 anúncios, de entre os quais 40 manifestaram a presença da natureza. A sua presença na maior parte dos anúncios, reverte-se para segundo plano, uma vez que a intenção é promover um determinado produto recorrendo a esta temática como contexto ou como meio para o subsidiar. Numa percentagem inferior, a natureza aparece como protagonista da narrativa, em anúncios de turismo cujo objectivo é "vendê-la" como um destino de férias, ou em anúncios que a focam como algo a respeitar e a proteger.ABSTRACT: Nowadays there is visible increase of environmental problems, the same way that problems in sustainability and biodiversity protection are beginning to assert themselves in national and international political agendas. But what role has the media played in this environmental awareness? The audibility conquered by the media with the majority of Portuguese people and in particular in television, as well as their status as opinion makers - documented by several national polls from OBSERVA - have come to underline the importance awareness of citizens. Meanwhile, this present study does not address the role of the media in explicitly disseminating on this topic/agenda, but rather on the social representations of the relationships between humans and nature which are disseminated through advertising, since in order to foster the proximity in consumers it conveys representations and stereotypes that are dominant in society, while its power of persuasion has become a powerful educational tool. This research seeks to uncover the social representations of how humans actually relate to nature, so one answer a key question: what models of interaction are broadcast by television ads? By way of literary revision, document research and content analysis I’m speaking of a sample of publicity that involves nature on two national channels, this study will also replete on the existing concepts of nature, to contribute to this critical deconstruction to an awareness of the role that a major media landscape is playing for the protection and respect of nature. Our study analyzed 284 commercials, including 40 showed the presence of nature. His presence in most advertisement’s, returns to the background, since the objective is to promote a product using this question as a context of an action or as a way to subsidize this product. In a smaller percentage, nature appears as the protagonist of the narrative in tourist advertisements whose goal is to "sell" a holiday destination, or ads that focus on nature as something to be respected and to protect

    Salmonella e os ovos um perigo real?

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    Perigo Salmonella associado ao consumo de ovo

    Identification of robust strain designs via tandem pFBA/LMOMA phenotype prediction

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    The past two decades have witnessed great advances in the computational modeling and systems biology fields. Soon after the first models of metabolism were developed, methods for phenotype prediction were put forward, as well as strain optimization methods, within the field of Metabolic Engineering. Evolutionary computation has been on the front line, with the proposal of bilevel metaheuristics, where EC works over phenotype simulation, selecting the most promising solutions for bioengineering tasks. Recently, Schuetz and co-workers proposed that the metabolism of bacteria operates close to the Pareto-optimal surface of a three-dimensional space defined by competing objectives. Albeit multi-objective strain optimization approaches focused on bioengineering objectives have been proposed, none tackles the multiobjective nature of the cellular objectives. In this work, we propose multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for strain optimization, where objective functions are defined based on distinct phenotype prediction methods, showing that those can lead to more robust designs, allowing to find solutions in more complex scenarios.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    COVID-19 y el aprendizaje en línea en la educación superior. Un estudio de caso de alumnos de los Institutos Politécnicos de Portalegre y Beja

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    Since the early spring of 2020, Portuguese higher education institutions, as well as other education institutions around the world, have been experiencing an unprecedented massive “migration” from traditional in‐class face‐to‐face education to online education. The massive changing models of teaching and learning brings out different perceptions from various parties. There are some advantages and disadvantages in this kind of learning model. The purpose of this study is to investigate the learners’ perception on online learning in a scenario of a COVID-19 pandemic. The subject of this research are students of two Portuguese Polytechnic Institutes (Portalegre and Beja) The instrument used is an online survey questionnaire, anonymous and voluntary, sent to undergraduate engineering students of the two institutions. This study not only report that online learning is good during COVID-19 pandemic, but also spotted the light on the availability of internet access and computers or cell phones. The main conclusions show that the impact was manly negative from the learners’ perception perspective, having mostly referred the workload and also the difficulty in clarifying doubts in time as major factors that had a very negative influence on their academic performance. Also, the social distancing from colleagues was mentioned as a negative aspect. Finally, most respondents expressed a clear preference for face-to-face education for the next academic year.Desde principios de la primavera de 2020, las instituciones de educación superior portuguesas, así como otras instituciones educativas de todo el mundo, han experimentado una “migración” masiva sin precedentes de la educación presencial tradicional a la educación en línea. El cambio masivo de modelos de enseñanza y aprendizaje saca a relucir diferentes percepciones de varias partes. Hay algunas ventajas y desventajas en este tipo de modelo de aprendizaje. El propósito de este estudio es investigar la percepción de los estudiantes sobre el aprendizaje en línea en un escenario de una pandemia de COVID-19. El sujeto de esta investigación son estudiantes de dos Institutos Politécnicos Portugueses (Portalegre y Beja). El instrumento utilizado es un cuestionario de encuesta en línea, anónimo y voluntario, enviado a estudiantes de licenciatura en ingeniería de las dos instituciones. Este estudio no solo informa que el aprendizaje en línea es bueno en medio de la pandemia de COVID-19, sino que también destacó la disponibilidad de acceso a Internet y computadoras o teléfonos celulares. Las principales conclusiones muestran que el impacto fue varonilmente negativo desde la perspectiva de la percepción de los educandos, habiendo referido principalmente la carga de trabajo y también la dificultad para aclarar dudas en el tiempo como factores importantes que influyeron muy negativamente en su rendimiento académico. Asimismo, se mencionó como aspecto negativo el distanciamiento social de los compañeros. Finalmente, la gran mayoría de los encuestados expresó una clara preferencia por la educación presencial para el próximo año académico. &nbsp

    A avaliação das aprendizagens dos alunos do 2º ciclo

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    O estudo realizado tem como principal objectivo conhecer o processo de avaliação das aprendizagens. Conjugaram-se então duas necessidades: conhecer a forma como é concebida e aplicada a avaliação no 2.º ciclo na óptica do professor e encontrar numa escola com a valência de 2.º ciclo um campo de trabalho para o presente estudo. Consideramos que a avaliação é um processo do qual depende o bom desempenho do aluno e como tal deve ser uma resposta a todos os actores que fazem parte desse processo. O tema é contextualizado por um enquadramento histórico acerca do mesmo; pela explicitação do conceito; dimensões; tipos; instrumentos, critérios; e divulgação da avaliação; bem como se pretende fazer uma resenha sobre a legislação em vigor que rege o processo de avaliação

    Desfronteirização organizacional: o domínio da relação tempo e espaço pelas organizações transnacionais

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    This work paper aims to discuss the new time and space orientations imposed by transnational companies, mostly supported by the advances of remote communication technologies which has been developed towards to better control new production systems and industrial partnerships. On the other hand, these technologies make new labor forms and relationships possible. In the background of the changes are the efforts to control the variability of the whole organizational environment towards the control of the individual space through global markets. The methodology approach is based on qualitative analysis and bibliografic research related to the taylorist industrial model, organizational culture and employee’s management tools. The conclusion indicates that labor relations are changing and also the individual organizational spaces and roles, previously defined by scientific management. Globalization and a new economic global order, controlled by transnational companies, lead to the rapid rebuilding of organizational reality and competitiveness model, and also interfere with the political and social space of the new industrial localities.O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir as novas orientações espaço-temporais impostas pelas organizações transnacionais, as quais se valem dos avanços na tecnologia de comunicação remota e dos sistemas telemáticos para estabelecer novos sistemas de produção e de relações de trabalho, configurando uma forma contemporânea de exploração econômica. O pano de fundo das mudanças é o controle da variabilidade no macroambiente organizacional para domínio dos espaços individuais, por meio da globalização dos mercados. Este trabalho foi baseado em pesquisa bibliográfica relacionada ao debate sobre o modelo organizacional mecanicista, à cultura organizacional e aos instrumentos de gestão de recursos humanos. A pesquisa aponta para a transformação das relações de trabalho e dos espaços dos indivíduos, antes definidos pelo gerenciamento científico. A globalização e a nova ordem econômica mundial, sob o controle das organizações transnacionais, impõem rápidas reconstruções da realidade e do modelo competitivo empresarial, interferindo nos espaços sociais e políticos das localidades

    Intercultural science education and 'late modernity' : a comparative study between Portugal and England

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    Abstract\ud With this thesis, the researcher hopes to contribute to the understanding of the role\ud of `the' ideology of modern science in the promotion and transmission of\ud understandings of cultural difference, which can empower Western culture, via\ud science education. Ultimately, she aims to contribute to the debate on the nature\ud of intercultural science education.\ud The thesis involves a comparative discussion of specific aspects of science\ud education in Portugal and England. It is mainly centred on compulsory science\ud educationc urricula. It is supportedb y analyseso f state understandingso f cultural\ud difference and modem science in these two countries. The comparative study\ud derives from a general discussion, within the Western European context, of state\ud education and of the role of `the' ideology of modern science in the definition and\ud promotion of understandings of cultural difference, which developed in a parallel\ud form to processes of nation-state formation. This discussion is historically\ud oriented. The research questions and comparative principles that orient the\ud comparative study derive from it.\ud In the thesis, the author argues that science education in both Portugal and\ud England also developed as a socialising means regarding issues of cultural\ud difference. State science education has been oriented by economic aims.\ud Generally, these depend on a positive acceptance of scientific knowledge. The\ud promotion of `the' ideology of modem science seems to have been basic for that.\ud However, this ideology tends to have associatedt he support for understandingso f\ud cultural difference, which can empower Western culture. This being the case, it\ud can have profound negative implications in and for culturally diverse societies. In\ud terms of the nature of intercultural science education, questions relate to the\ud possibility of teaching modern science apart from its ideology, or of teaching a\ud different subject, defined by a broader, more inclusive concept of science, of\ud which modem science is only one element


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    There are about 330 species of bees that use oil collected from flowers to feed the larvae and to surface the brood cells, they belong to the Melittinae (Melittidae), Ctenoplectrini, Centridini, Tapinostapidini and Tetrapediini (Apidae). From these groups the last three tribes are exclusively from the west hemisphere and especially diverse in the Neotropical region. Oil-bees have modifications on the legs or sternum (Tapinotaspoides) to sample, manipulate and transport the oil. These structures are usually correlated with the different type of elaiophores (the oil secreting glands): epithelial or trichomatic. It is estimated that more then 1800 plant species of 9 families offer floral oil as resource, being Malpighiaceae the most important. In this study we organized a revision about the nesting process of some oil collecting bees as well their association to the oil plants. The oilbees are most solitary, but some nest aggregated. The ground nesting species use flat soil or banks (like Epicharis, Monoeca, Lanthanomelissa), and there are some that use nest of termites and ants (like Ptilotopus), or wood pre-existing cavities (like Tetrapedia). Parasites are usually cleptoparasite bees like Coelioxys, Coelioxoides, Mesoplia, Mesocheira, Protosiris, Paraepeolus that oviposite inside the brood cell and their larvae (with sharp mandibles) kill the host egg or larvae. Besides all the knowledge accumulated about the oil-colleting bees some questions remain open about the use of this product.  Existem cerca de 330 espécies de abelhas que usam óleo coletado em flores para alimentar as larvas e revestir as células de cria, e pertencem aos grupos Melittinae (Melittidae), Centridini, Tapinostapidini e Tetrapediini (Apidae). As últimas três tribos são exclusivamente do hemisfério oeste e especialmente diversas na região Neotropical. Abelhas coletoras de óleo possuem modificações nas pernas ou esterno (Tapinotaspoides) para coletar, manipular e transportar o óleo. Essas estruturas normalmente são relacionadas aos diferentes tipos de elaióforos (as glândulas secretoras de óleo): epitelial ou em tricomas. Estima-se que mais de 1800 espécies de plantas de nove famílias ofereçam óleo floral como recurso, sendo Malpighiaceae a mais importante. Neste trabalho organizamos uma revisão sobre o processo de nidificação de algumas abelhas coletoras de óleo, bem como sobre associação com as plantas produtoras de óleo. As abelhas coletoras de óleo são de vida solitária, mas algumas espécies nidificam em agregação. As espécies que fazem ninho no solo usam superfícies planas ou barrancos (como Epicharis, Monoeca, Lanthanomelissa). Existem espécies que utilizam ninhos de cupins e formigas (como Ptilotopus) ou cavidades pré-existentes (como Tetrapedia). Os parasitas geralmente são abelhas cleptoparasitas como Coelioxys, Coelioxoides, Mesoplia, Mesocheira, Protosiris, Paraepeolus, que ovipositam dentro da célula de cria e suas larvas (com mandíbulas afiadas) matam o ovo ou larva da hospedeira. Apesar de todo avanço no conhecimento sobre as abelhas coletoras de óleo ainda restam questões a serem desvendadas sobre a utilização deste produto pelas abelha

    Patterns of enzymatic activity of cell wall-modifying enzymes during growth and ripening of apples

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    Fruit softening is thought to result from extensive cellwall modifications that occur during ripening. These modifications are the result, at least in part, of the activity of members of cell wall-modifying enzymes from the same families involved in the cell wall loosening which promote tissue extension and growth. In this work, the activities of a set of pectolytic and non-pectolytic cell wall-modifying enzymes, namely polygalacturonase (PG; endo-and exo-acting), pectin methylesterase (PME), pectate lyase (PL), b-galactosidase (b-Gal), a-l-arabinofuranosidase (AFase), endo-1,4-b-glucanase (EGase), xyloglucan endotransglycosylase (XET) and expansin, were monitored during growth and ripening of ‘Mondial Gala’ apple (Malus×domestica Borkh.) fruit. After optimisation of extraction protocols and standard activity assays, activity could be detected in all the assays, except for endo-PG. The overall results suggest that fruit growth and ripening are possibly coordinated by members of the same families of cell wall-modifying enzymes, although different isoforms may be involved in distinct developmental processes. Based on the trend of total activity measured in vitro using equal amounts of protein per developmental stage, the role of EGase seems to be more prominent during growth than during ripening, and XET activity is most important only after the fruit stopped growing and is maintained throughout ripening. b-Gal and AFase activities increased after harvest as the fruit became over-ripe. On the other hand, exo-PG, PL and expansin activities increase from that in unripe fruit to fruit at harvest but are maintained at similar levels thereafter, throughout the over-ripe stages. The patterns of activity observed are discussed in relation to published information about ripening of apples and to results reported using other species