182 research outputs found

    Análise de politicas públicas rurais

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    Philippe Bonnal e Sérgio Leite (Orgs.) Análise Comparada de Políticas Públicas: uma agenda emtransformação. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Mauad X e Cirad, 2011. 387p. ISBN: 978-85-7478-367-3. Gráficos,Bibliografia, Notas

    MULTIFUNCIONALIDADE E RELAÇÕES NÃO-MERCANTIS: manejo de recursos comuns no Nordeste

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    O artigo analisa alternativas de reconhecimento e valorização do caráter multifuncional da agricultura no Nordeste semiárido. Examina as funções associadas à produção agropecuária em termos de manejo de recursos naturais comuns e de produção de bens públicos, definidas como práticas não-mercantis de manejo de recursos naturais comuns, mobilizadas pelos agricultores por meio de diversas formas de ação coletiva fundadas em relações de reciprocidade. Defende a ideia de que tais dispositivos coletivos asseguram a sustentabilidade das funções produtivas, ambientais e sociais, a permanência ou a modernização das estruturas sociais e das instituições que regulam essas práticas de reciprocidade. O apoio a essas práticas e seu reconhecimento institucional ou jurídico contribuem para sua reprodução ou sua adaptação ao contexto atual. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: recursos naturais comuns, multifuncionalidade, bens públicos, dispositivos comuns, reciprocidade MUTIFUNCTIONALITY AND NO-MARKET RELATIONSHIP: management of common resource in the Brazilian Northeast Eric Sabourin This paper analyzes alternatives for recognition and appreciation of the multifunctional character of agriculture in the semiarid Brazilian Northeastern region. In it, the functions associated with agricultural production in terms of management of shared natural resources and production of public assets are examined. These functions are defined as non-market practices for management of shared natural resources mobilized by farmers through various forms of collective action based on relations of reciprocity. The idea is defended that such collective devices ensure the sustainability of social, environmental and productive functions, permanence or modernization of social structures and institutions that regulate these reciprocity practices. The support for these practices and their legal or institutional recognition contributes to their reproduction or their adaptation to the current context. KEY WORDS: common natural resources, multifunctionality, public assets, common devices, reciprocity. MULTIFONCTIONNALITÉ ET RELATIONS NON MARCHANDES: gestion des ressources communes dans le Nord-est Eric Sabourin Cet article analyse les alternatives de reconnaissance et de mise en valeur du caractère multifonctionnel de l’agriculture dans le Nord-est semi-aride. On y examine les fonctions associées à la production agricole et à l´élevage en termes de gestion des ressources naturelles partagées et de la production de biens publics, fonctions définies comme des pratiques non-marchandes de la gestion des ressources naturelles communes et mises en oeuvre par les agriculteurs grâce à diverses formes d’action collective fondées sur des relations de réciprocité. L’idée qui est défendue est que ces dispositifs collectifs assurent la durabilité des fonctions productives, environnementales et sociales, la continuation ou la modernisation des structures sociales et des institutions qui régissent ces pratiques de réciprocité. Le soutien à ces pratiques et à leur reconnaissance institutionnelle ou juridique contribue à leur reproduction ou à leur adaptation dans le contexte actuel. MOTS-CLÉS: ressources naturelles communes, multifonctionnalité, biens publics, dispositifs communs, réciprocité. Publicação Online do Caderno CRH: http://www.cadernocrh.ufba.br

    Review of the current status of RAS mutation testing in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC): Flash-RAS study

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    Présentation PosterInternational audienceOBJECTIVES: In 2013, it was shown that mutations in KRAS exons 3 and 4, or NRAS exons 2 to 4 had a similar effect. The primary objective was to assess the practices in conducting RAS testing in 2014. The secondary objectives were to describe the evolution of the RAS testing prescription rates from 2011, the process and time required to obtain the results, and to analyze their impact on the therapeutic strategy. METHODS: FLASH-RAS is an observational retrospective French multicenter study. RESULTS: 375 mCRC patients diagnosed and initiating a 1st line treatment (L1) between March and June 2014 were analyzed. For 90.1% of the patients (IC95%= [87.1%; 93.2%]), a genotyping request for RAS biomarkers was made in L1, i.e. a significantly increased rate compared to 2011 (81.1% in 2011, p<0.001). For 75% of the patients, the request was made before or at least one month after the diagnosis of the first metastases (1st M). No increase was observed in the median and mean times to obtain the test results between 2011 and 2014 despite the increased number of exons tested. CONCLUSIONS: In 2014, the rate of RAS genotyping requests has been increasing since 2011. For a majority of patients, the request is made before or at the latest one month after 1st M diagnosis. Nevertheless, for 24.5% of the patients, the request is made more than one month after 1st M diagnosis, which is not compatible with an informed treatment decision in L1

    Abordagem metodológica das diversas dimensões da sustentabilidade em projetos de uma rede interamericana

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    Since its creation in 2004 this South American network of researchers (Strategic Monitoring of South American Regional Transformations - SMART) has been trying to face the challenges brought about the expectations ofimprovement on farmers' performance, the concerns on natural resources preservation and the legitim desires of social justice and equity In this sense, the network has chosen the analysis of the movements and their links (the territorial dynamics, regional transformations, mobility). This paper analyzes the approaches and tools used in the network's researches to deal with different dimensions of sustainability: the transdisciplinary approach, participative methods associated to modelling (simulation, multi agent models) and the political analysis based on the construction of scenarios. (Résumé d'auteur

    A trajetória brasileira de construção de políticas públicas para a agroecologia

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    This article analyzes the construction of public policies for agroecology in Brazil focusing on: (a) the economic, political and institutional context and the processes of social organization that enabled the emergence of this public agenda; (b) the creation of networks to promote agroecology with capacity to influence public action; (c) the incorporation of the agroecological approach in public policies considering the coexistence of different conceptions of agroecology. Results come from an interinstitutional research that involved several researchers and organizations linked to the Public Policy and Rural Development Network in Latin America (PP-AL). They point out that the construction of policies in favor of agroecology gained space after 2002, when the election of President Lula took to the structure of the State actors with direct interface with social movements and unions. In the broad political coalition that was formed in the new government and especially in the Ministry of Agrarian Development (MDA), agrarian movements predominated, as well as their traditional demands of rural credit and agrarian reform. However, they faced an increasingly expressive and organized agroecological movement, which forced the gradual incorporation of socio-environmental references in differentiated agricultural policies for rural development. In addition, this convergence was strengthened by the food and nutritional security agenda, which played a decisive role in the dissemination of agroecology as a reference for public policy.Este artículo analiza la construcción de políticas públicas para la agroecología en Brasil enfocando: (a) el contexto económico, político e institucional y los procesos de organización social que posibilitaran la emergencia de esa agenda pública; (b) la constitución de redes de promoción de la agroecología y su capacidad de influir en la acción pública; (c) la incorporación del enfoque agroecológico en las políticas públicas considerando la coexistencia de distintas concepciones de agroecología. Los resultados provienen de una investigación interinstitucional que involucró a diversos investigadores y organizaciones vinculadas a la Red Políticas Públicas y Desarrollo Rural en América Latina (PP-AL). Los mismos apuntan que la construcción de políticas a favor de la agroecología ganó espacio a partir de 2002, cuando la elección del presidente Lula llevó a dentro de la estructura del Estado actores con interfaces directas con movimientos sociales y sindicales. En la amplia coalición política que se formó en el nuevo gobierno y, sobre todo, en el Ministerio de Desarrollo Agrario (MDA), predominaron movimientos agrarios con sus tradicionales pautas en torno al crédito rural y la reforma agraria. Sin embargo, estos pasaron a convivir con un movimiento agroecológico cada vez más expresivo y organizado, lo que llevó a la incorporación gradual de referencias socioambientales en las políticas agrícolas diferenciadas. Además, esta convergencia fue potenciada por la agenda de la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional, la cual cumplió un papel decisivo en la diseminación de la agroecología como referencial de política pública.Este artigo analisa a construção de políticas públicas para a agroecologia no Brasil focalizando: (a) o contexto econômico, político e institucional e os processos de organização social que possibilitaram a emergência dessa agenda pública; (b) a constituição de redes de promoção da agroecologia e sua capacidade de influenciar a ação pública; (c) a incorporação do enfoque agroecológico nas políticas públicas considerando a coexistência de distintas concepções de agroecologia. Os resultados são provenientes de uma pesquisa interinstitucional que envolveu diversos pesquisadores e organizações vinculadas à Rede Políticas Públicas e Desenvolvimento Rural na América Latina (PP-AL). Os mesmos apontam que a construção de políticas a favor da agroecologia ganhou espaço a partir de 2002, quando a eleição do presidente Lula levou para dentro da estrutura do Estado atores com interface direta com movimentos sociais e sindicais. Na ampla coalizão política que se formou no novo governo e, sobretudo, no Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA), predominaram movimentos agrários com suas tradicionais pautas em torno do crédito rural e da reforma agrária. No entanto, eles passaram a conviver com um movimento agroecológico cada vez mais expressivo e organizado, o que levou à incorporação gradual de referenciais socioambientais nas políticas agrícolas diferenciadas. Além disso, esta convergência foi potencializada pela agenda da segurança alimentar e nutricional, a qual cumpriu um papel decisivo na disseminação da agroecologia como referencial de política pública