8,005 research outputs found


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    Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar, sob a ótica da administração, a Gestão Estratégica aplicada ao cooperativismo solidário como alternativa de fortalecimento organizacional. A intenção é conhecer as controvérsias a respeito da aplicação de ferramentas de gestão estratégica nos empreendimentos dessa natureza, mantendo suas características essenciais de cooperação, solidariedade e auto-gestão. Para isto buscou-se identificar um modelo de gestão capaz de facilitar o ganho de competitividade ao mesmo tempo em que mantenha as características de solidariedade e cooperação nos empreendimentos solidários. Utilizou-se o estudo de caso como método de pesquisa, tendo como objeto de análise uma pequena cooperativa de agricultores familiares. Onde se fez uma análise de como estão sendo aplicados na prática os princípios e valores dos Empreendimentos de Economia Solidária (EES) na Cooperativa de Agricultores Familiares de Itapuranga – COOPERAFI, bem como de seu modelo de gestão e estrutura organizacional. Analisou-se a aplicabilidade de instrumentos de gestão estratégica nas pequenas cooperativas, concluindo que os mesmos ajudam no desenvolvimento dos cooperados e da organização, sem necessariamente descaracterizar a cooperativa como empreendimento solidário.----------------------------------------------This study it had as objective to investigate, under the optics of the administration, the applied Strategical Management to the solidary cooperativism as an alternative to strengthen organizational. The intention is to know the controversies regarding the application of tools of strategical management in the enterprises of this nature, keeping its essential characteristics of cooperation, solidarity and self management. For this one searched to identify a model of management capable to facilitate the competitiveness profit at the same time where it keeps the characteristics of solidarity and cooperation in the solidary enterprises. The case study was used as research method, having as analysis object a small cooperative of familiar agriculturists. Where if it made an analysis of as they are being applied in practical the principles and values of the Enterprises of Economia Solidária (EES) in the Cooperative of Familiar Agriculturists of Itapuranga - COOPERAFI, as well as of its model of management and organizacional structure. It was analyzed applicability of instruments of strategical management in the small cooperatives, concluding that the same ones help in thedevelopment of the cooperated ones and the organization, without necessarily depriving of characteristics the cooperative as solidary enterprise.Gestão Estratégica, Solidariedade, Agronegócio, Cooperativismo, trategic Management, Solidarity, Agribusiness, Cooperativism, Agribusiness, Industrial Organization,

    Allowable Load Assessment in Metal-Composite Double-Lap Joint / Avaliação de Carga Permitida em Junta de Dupla Folga Metal-Composto

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    This work consists of evaluating the tensile and compression static allowable stress of a hybrid (metal-composite) riveted joint. The analyzed joint is composed by two sheets of 2014 – T6 aluminium alloy and a T300/5208 Graphite/Epoxy quasi-isotropic laminate, which were joined by twelve Lockbolt Swaged Collar rivets titanium alloy Ti–6Al–4V annealed. The joint was analyzed through a computational model developed using the Finite Element Method (FEM), with the fasteners modelled through the Multi - Springs technique. This method was widely used to simulate the mechanical behaviour metal-metal and composite-composite parts of the joint. It is validated comparing its results with analytical results of metallic joints available in the literature. Through this model, both the allowable load and its distribution in the fasteners of the joint were determined. Since the evaluated joint is subjected to double shear and, therefore, has no eccentricities, the presence of secondary bending was not observed, the bearing and bypass loads were the most relevant in evaluating the allowable loads of the joint. The load distribution in the joint and its components’ safety margin was determined, with the laminate being the limiting component of the allowable load

    Potential use of rhizobium for vegetable crops growth promotion

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    The system of vegetable crops production required large amounts of mineral fertilizers. One of the possible alternatives to assure the economic and environmental sustainability of this production system would be the use of promoting growth plant rhizobacteria (PGPR). However, care is needed to select a microorganism to be used in crops that are usually consumed raw, so human health is not at risk. It was important to search for PGPR, as rhizobium, that already were broadly used as inoculants for leguminous plants for several decades, without risks to human health. PGPR can promote growth and development of plants through direct and indirect mechanisms, by production and secretion of chemical substances in the rhizosphere. The direct mechanisms were involved with the uptake of nutrients by the plants (nitrogen, phosphorus and essential minerals) through phosphate solubilization, production of siderophores and growth regulators. The indirect mechanisms were involved with the decrease of inhibitory effects from various pathogenic agents related with biological pest control, thereby favoring plant growth. Nevertheless, due to its ability to promote beneficial effects to plants, effective bacterial colonization was extremely important. Some bacteria that colonized the rhizoplane may penetrate the plant roots and some strains may move to the aerial part, with decreased bacterial density, compared with colonizing populations in the rhizosphere or roots. It can be concluded that Rhizobia promotes plant growth using different mechanisms as biological nitrogen fixation and production of different plant growth regulators (e.g. auxins). Therefore, new studies with Rhizobia characterization and observation about its different mechanisms of promoting plant growth should be performed. Such information would be useful for the identification of plants with potential to increase agricultural production due to the benefits of using plant growth promoter’s rhizobia

    Comportamento silvicultural e custos de implantação de sumaúma (Ceiba penthandra (L.) Gaertn) em diferentes espaçamentos.

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    Os plantios homogêneos de espécies autóctones são, em geral, limitados a ensaios de pequena escala ou plantações estabelecidas em função de exigências legais, não obstante o seu potencial silvicultural. Por outro lado, observa-se, em função de características físicas, mecânicas e estéticas das madeiras tropicais, uma tendência sobretudo da indústria de compensados à utilização de poucas espécies, ocasionando uma pressão de exploração seletiva quando pouco se conhece sobre sua autoecologia e estrutura genética. Novos cenários para o setor florestal criados em decorrência da queda de incentivos fiscais à pecuária, bem como o aumento de restrições à conversão de novas áreas, de forma conjugada o mais evidente impacto ambiental sobre florestas, o fim da reposição florestal, e a diminuição dos estoques asiáticos, com crescentes exigências do mercado consumidor quanto à sustentabilidade da matéria prima, fazem com que o manejo florestal sustentado e sistemas de alta produção com espécies e métodos adequados tornem-se elementos fundamentais ao desenvolvimento do setor. Espera-se que os plantios homogêneos de espécies autóctones de rápido crescimento, por produzirem madeira em ciclos de corte menores e a custos mais baixos, reduzam a pressão de exploração seletiva sobre florestas primárias. Neste contexto, a Embrapa-Acre vem desenvolvendo, em parceria com o setor privado, ensaios silviculturais, visando avaliar o comportamento silvicultural da espécie em diferentes espaçamentos, a viabilidade econômica dos plantios e estudar a sua biologia reprodutiva em plantios homogêneos.bitstream/item/117390/1/1007.pd

    Effects of supervised practice on the accuracy of observers for manual segmentation of simulated electromyograms

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    Visual interpretation of electromyograms is common, but its accuracy is unknown. This study compared the accuracy curves of inexperienced observers in detecting muscular contractions from variable, simulated surface electromyogram signals. Accuracy was assessed both without feedback (unsupervised practice) and with feedback (supervised practice) to determine whether a training effect existed. Six observers performed manual segmentation in 300 simulated waveforms using a phenomenological model with a variable number of contractions (n=1, 2 or 3), smooth changes in amplitude, marked on-off timing, and a variable signal-to-noise ratio (0-39 dB). Segmentation was organized in two one-day sessions with 15 blocks of 20 signals each for the unsupervised and supervised practices, respectively. Supervised practice was provided by an immediate visual feedback on the manual segmentation. The accuracy curve showed no significant linear regressions for either unsupervised (R2=.104, p=.241) or supervised practices (R2=.153, p=.150). No significant difference in accuracy was observed between the unsupervised and supervised practices (85% [77; 99] and 88% [73; 97], respectively; p=.295). Unsupervised practice yielded low accuracy for one muscular contraction (AUC=.43; cut-off=12.8 dB) and increased with supervised practice (AUC=.63; cut-off=9.5 dB). Unsupervised practice resulted in high accuracy for two contractions (AUC=.88; cut-off=6.9 dB) and was similar to the supervised practice (AUC=.81; cut-off=6.3 dB). Supervised practice using visual feedback improved the accuracy of inexperienced observers in the segmentation of one muscular contraction in simulated electromyograms and did not influence the accuracy of two muscular contractions

    Expressão comportamental das diferenças sexuais no campo aberto e na atividade da colinesterase plasmática de ratos machos, fêmeas e fêmeas masculinizadas

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    Sexual differences in behaviour and metabolism are well recognized. While some of these differences are related to testosterone exposure during neonatal life, others do not depend on the organizational action of androgens during early development. The objective of the following experiments was to study the development of sexual differences in plasma cholinesterase activity and to determine if these differences were related to testosterone exposure postnatally. Open-field activity was also recorded as a behavioral indicator of the actions of testosterone on sexual differentiation of the central nervous system. Three treatment groups of animals were used: normal male, normal female, and masculinized female rats (1 mg testosterone, SC, on day 2 of postnatal life). Open-field behaviour was measured on three consecutive days just after weaning (21 -23 days of age), in association with the onset of puberty (30 - 36 days of age), or as adults (90 - 110 days of age); plasma cholinesterase activity was measured at 22, 30 - 36, and 90 - 110 days of age. As expected a sex difference in open-field activity was found between normal males and females. Postnatal androgen treatment in females decreased open-field activity in adulthood to levels similar to those found in normal males. Similar differences were observed just after weaning, but not at 30-36 days of age. In contrast, significant differences in cholinesterase activity were observed in adult animals, but not at days 22 and 30 - 33 of age. Masculinized female rats showed no differences in plasma cholinesterase activity when compared to normal female rats, both groups differing from males. These data suggest that sexual differences in plasma cholinesterase activity in adult rats, unlike differences in open-field behaviour, are not dependent on testosterone exposure during postnatal life. In addition, the results have shown that under stress (weaning) sex differences in open-field behaviour can be observed as early as at 21 -23 days of age.Sabe-se que algumas diferenças sexuais no metabolismo e no comportamento estão relacionadas com o efeito neonatal da testosterona e outras não sofrem esse tipo de influência. O objetivo desses experimentos foi estudar o desenvolvimento das diferenças sexuais na atividade da colinesterase plasmática e de determinar se essas diferenças seriam relacionadas com a exposição pós-natal à testosterona em ratos. A atividade geral no campo aberto foi também verificada como um indicador comportamental das ações da testosterona na diferenciação sexual do sistema nervoso central. Foram usados três grupos de animais: machos normais, fêmeas normais e fêmeas masculinizadas (1 mg testosterona. SC, no 2º. dia de vida pós-natal). A atividade geral no campo aberto foi medida durante três dias consecutivos logo após o desmame (21 - 23 dias de idade), durante o início da puberdade (30 - 36 dias de idade) e nos adultos (90 - 110 dias de idade); a atividade da colinesterase plasmática foi medida aos 22, 30 - 36 e 90 - 110 dias de idade. Como esperado, foi encontrada uma diferença sexual no campo aberto entre machos e fêmeas normais. O tratamento pós-natal com andrógeno nas fêmeas diminuiu a atividade no campo aberto na idade adulta a padrões similares àqueles observados para machos normais. Foram observadas diferenças similares logo após o desmame, mas não aos 22 e aos 30 - 36 dias de idade. Em contraste, foram observadas diferenças significantes na atividade da colinesterase de animais adultos mas não nos dias 22 e 30 - 33 de idade. Quando comparadas às fêmeas normais, as fêmeas masculinizadas não apresentaram diferenças na atividade da colinesterase plasmática, sendo que esses dois grupos foram diferentes dos machos. Esses resultados sugerem que as diferenças sexuais na atividade da colinesterase plasmática de ratos adultos não são dependentes de exposição a testosterona durante o início da vida pós-natal. Além disso os resultados demonstram que sob estresse (desmame) as diferenças sexuais no comportamento no campo aberto podem ser observadas já aos 21-23 dias de idade

    Elderly Patients Undergone Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: Body Composition and Engraftment

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    Univ Fed Sao Paulo, Endocrinol, Sao Paulo, BrazilHosp Israelita Albert Einstein, Oncol & Hematol, Sao Paulo, BrazilHosp Israelita Albert Einstein, Sao Paulo, BrazilHosp Israelita Albert Einstein, Dept Hematol & Oncol, Sao Paulo, BrazilHosp Israelita Albert Einstein, BMT, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Endocrinol, Sao Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc