358 research outputs found

    Nobody Is Perfect: ERP Effects Prior to Performance Errors in Musicians Indicate Fast Monitoring Processes

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    Background: One central question in the context of motor control and action monitoring is at what point in time errors can be detected. Previous electrophysiological studies investigating this issue focused on brain potentials elicited after erroneous responses, mainly in simple speeded response tasks. In the present study, we investigated brain potentials before the commission of errors in a natural and complex situation. Methodology/Principal Findings: Expert pianists bimanually played scales and patterns while the electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were computed for correct and incorrect performances. Results revealed differences already 100 ms prior to the onset of a note (i.e., prior to auditory feedback). We further observed that erroneous keystrokes were delayed in time and pressed more slowly. Conclusions: Our data reveal neural mechanisms in musicians that are able to detect errors prior to the execution of erroneous movements. The underlying mechanism probably relies on predictive control processes that compare the predicted outcome of an action with the action goal

    Current challenges in software solutions for mass spectrometry-based quantitative proteomics

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    This work was in part supported by the PRIME-XS project, grant agreement number 262067, funded by the European Union seventh Framework Programme; The Netherlands Proteomics Centre, embedded in The Netherlands Genomics Initiative; The Netherlands Bioinformatics Centre; and the Centre for Biomedical Genetics (to S.C., B.B. and A.J.R.H); by NIH grants NCRR RR001614 and RR019934 (to the UCSF Mass Spectrometry Facility, director: A.L. Burlingame, P.B.); and by grants from the MRC, CR-UK, BBSRC and Barts and the London Charity (to P.C.

    Detection of Genetically Altered Copper Levels in Drosophila Tissues by Synchrotron X-Ray Fluorescence Microscopy

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    Tissue-specific manipulation of known copper transport genes in Drosophila tissues results in phenotypes that are presumably due to an alteration in copper levels in the targeted cells. However direct confirmation of this has to date been technically challenging. Measures of cellular copper content such as expression levels of copper-responsive genes or cuproenzyme activity levels, while useful, are indirect. First-generation copper-sensitive fluorophores show promise but currently lack the sensitivity required to detect subtle changes in copper levels. Moreover such techniques do not provide information regarding other relevant biometals such as zinc or iron. Traditional techniques for measuring elemental composition such as inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy are not sensitive enough for use with the small tissue amounts available in Drosophila research. Here we present synchrotron x-ray fluorescence microscopy analysis of two different Drosophila tissues, the larval wing imaginal disc, and sectioned adult fly heads and show that this technique can be used to detect changes in tissue copper levels caused by targeted manipulation of known copper homeostasis genes

    Engineering T cells for cancer therapy

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    It is generally accepted that the immune system plays an important role in controlling tumour development. However, the interplay between tumour and immune system is complex, as demonstrated by the fact that tumours can successfully establish and develop despite the presence of T cells in tumour. An improved understanding of how tumours evade T-cell surveillance, coupled with technical developments allowing the culture and manipulation of T cells, has driven the exploration of therapeutic strategies based on the adoptive transfer of tumour-specific T cells. The isolation, expansion and re-infusion of large numbers of tumour-specific T cells generated from tumour biopsies has been shown to be feasible. Indeed, impressive clinical responses have been documented in melanoma patients treated with these T cells. These studies and others demonstrate the potential of T cells for the adoptive therapy of cancer. However, the significant technical issues relating to the production of natural tumour-specific T cells suggest that the application of this approach is likely to be limited at the moment. With the advent of retroviral gene transfer technology, it has become possible to efficiently endow T cells with antigen-specific receptors. Using this strategy, it is potentially possible to generate large numbers of tumour reactive T cells rapidly. This review summarises the current gene therapy approaches in relation to the development of adoptive T-cell-based cancer treatments, as these methods now head towards testing in the clinical trial setting

    Probabilistic fire spread forecast as a management tool in an operational setting

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    Background: An approach to predict fire growth in an operational setting, with the potential to be used as a decision-support tool for fire management, is described and evaluated. The operational use of fire behaviour models has mostly followed a deterministic approach, however, the uncertainty associated with model predictions needs to be quantified and included in wildfire planning and decision-making process during fire suppression activities. We use FARSITE to simulate the growth of a large wildfire. Probabilistic simulations of fire spread are performed, accounting for the uncertainty of some model inputs and parameters. Deterministic simulations were performed for comparison. We also assess the degree to which fire spread modelling and satellite active fire data can be combined, to forecast fire spread during large wildfires events. Results: Uncertainty was propagated through the FARSITE fire spread modelling system by randomly defining 100 different combinations of the independent input variables and parameters, and running the correspondent fire spread simulations in order to produce fire spread probability maps. Simulations were initialized with the reported ignition location and with satellite active fires. The probabilistic fire spread predictions show great potential to be used as a fire management tool in an operational setting, providing valuable information regarding the spatial–temporal distribution of burn probabilities. The advantage of probabilistic over deterministic simulations is clear when both are compared. Re-initializing simulations with satellite active fires did not improve simulations as expected. Conclusion: This information can be useful to anticipate the growth of wildfires through the landscape with an associated probability of occurrence. The additional information regarding when, where and with what probability the fire might be in the next few hours can ultimately help minimize the negative environmental, social and economic impacts of these firesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Improving Cry8Ka toxin activity towards the cotton boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The cotton boll weevil (<it>Anthonomus grandis</it>) is a serious insect-pest in the Americas, particularly in Brazil. The use of chemical or biological insect control is not effective against the cotton boll weevil because of its endophytic life style. Therefore, the use of biotechnological tools to produce insect-resistant transgenic plants represents an important strategy to reduce the damage to cotton plants caused by the boll weevil. The present study focuses on the identification of novel molecules that show improved toxicity against the cotton boll weevil. <it>In vitro </it>directed molecular evolution through DNA shuffling and phage display screening was applied to enhance the insecticidal activity of variants of the Cry8Ka1 protein of <it>Bacillus thuringiensis</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Bioassays carried out with <it>A. grandis </it>larvae revealed that the LC<sub>50 </sub>of the screened mutant Cry8Ka5 toxin was 3.15-fold higher than the wild-type Cry8Ka1 toxin. Homology modelling of Cry8Ka1 and the Cry8Ka5 mutant suggested that both proteins retained the typical three-domain Cry family structure. The mutated residues were located mostly in loops and appeared unlikely to interfere with molecular stability.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The improved toxicity of the Cry8Ka5 mutant obtained in this study will allow the generation of a transgenic cotton event with improved potential to control <it>A. grandis</it>.</p

    Revisiting the Effect of Acute P. falciparum Malaria on Epstein-Barr Virus: Host Balance in the Setting of Reduced Malaria Endemicity

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    Burkitt's lymphoma (BL), an EBV-associated tumour, occurs at high incidence in populations where malaria is holoendemic. Previous studies in one such population suggested that acute P.falciparum infection impairs EBV-specific T-cell surveillance, allowing expansion of EBV infected B-cells from which BL derives. We re-examined the situation in the same area, The Gambia, after a reduction in malaria endemicity. Cellular immune responses to EBV were measured in children with uncomplicated malaria before (day 0) and after treatment (day 28), comparing EBV genome loads in blood and EBV-specific CD8+ T-cell numbers (assayed by MHC Class I tetramers and IFNγ ELISPOTS) with those seen in age- and sex-matched healthy controls. No significant changes were seen in EBV genome loads, percentage of EBV-specific CD8+ T-cells and IFNγ producing T-cells in acute versus convalescent samples, nor any difference versus controls. Regression assays performed also no longer detected any impairment of EBV-specific T-cell surveillance. Acute uncomplicated malaria infection no longer alters EBV-specific immune responses in children in The Gambia. Given the recent decline in malaria incidence in that country, we hypothesise that gross disturbance of the EBV-host balance may be a specific effect of acute malaria only in children with a history of chronic/recurrent malaria challenge

    Impact of comorbid psychiatric disorders on the outcome of substance abusers: a six year prospective follow-up in two Norwegian counties

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    BACKGROUND: Most help-seeking substance abusers have comorbid psychiatric disorders. The importance of such disorders for the long-term course of substance abuse is, however, still unclear. The aim of this paper is to describe six-year outcomes regarding death and relapse among alcoholics and poly-substance abusers and to analyse the predictive value of lifetime psychiatric disorders on relapse. METHODS: A consecutive sample of substance-dependent patients who received treatment in two counties in Norway (n = 287) was followed up after approximately six years. Information on socio-demographics, Axis I (CIDI) and II disorders (MCMI-II) and mental distress (HSCL-25) was gathered at baseline. At follow-up, detailed information regarding socio-demographics, use of substances (AUDIT and DUDIT) and mental distress (HSCL-25) was recorded (response rate: 63%). RESULTS: At six-year follow-up, 11% had died, most often male alcoholics (18%). Among the surviving patients, 70% had drug or alcohol related problems the year prior to follow-up. These patients were, classified as "relapsers". There were no significant differences in the relapse rate between women and men and among poly-substance abusers and alcoholics. The relapsers had an earlier onset of a substance use disorder, and more frequently major depression and agoraphobia. Multivariate analysis indicated that both psychiatric disorders (major depression) and substance use factors (early onset of a substance use disorder) were independent predictors of relapse. CONCLUSION: For reducing the risk of long-term relapse, assessment and treatment of major depression (and agoraphobia) are important. In addition, we are in need of a comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation program that also focuses on the addictive behaviour