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    The possibility of the use of cobalt (III) oxyhydroxide as an electrode modifier for electrochemical detection of complex-forming compounds was evaluated by means of mechanistic investigation. The corresponding mathematical model has been developed and analyzed, by means of linear stability theory and bifurcation analysis. It was detected, that the steady-state stability topological region for this case is wider, than for cases, in which the complex-forming compound interferes the analysis of another compound. The possibility of oscillatory and monotonic instabilities for this system has also been evaluate

    The mathematical stability study for the system of the CoO(OH) – overoxidized polypyrrole composite synthesis in the presence of fluor ions

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    The potentiostatic synthesis of CoO(OH) – Overoxidized polypyrrole composite in the presence of fluor ions has been investigated mathematically. The corresponding mathematical model was described and analyzed by means of linear stability theory and bifurcation analysis. The steady-state stability requirements, like also oscillatory and monotonic instability conditions are derived.Mongolian Journal of Chemistry 16 (42), 2015, 13-1

    O impacto da revascularização carotídea sobre a função cognitiva

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    The concept that carotid disease may compromise cognitive function was initially proposed by Fisher in 1951, based on an autopsy case. However, some topics involving cognitive function remain controversial, such as its correlation with carotid obstructive disease. So, the authors of this review evaluate the impact of carotid revascularization on cognitive function and the repercussions of the revascularization technique (carotid stenting vs. endarterectomy) chosen. It was clear from the literature reviewed that carotid stenosis is related to a decline in cognitive function over time. However, controversy still remains over the impact of carotid revascularization on cognitive function. With elation to the technique employed (carotid stenting vs. endarterectomy), the majority of studies found no difference between the two techniques in terms of overall cognitive outcome.The concept that carotid disease may compromise cognitive function was initially proposed by Fisher in 1951, based on an autopsy case. However, some topics involving cognitive function remain controversial, such as its correlation with carotid obstructive132116122sem informaçãosem informaçãoLal, B.K., Cognitive function after carotid artery revascularization (2007) Vasc Endovasc Surg, 41 (1), pp. 5-13. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1538574406297253, PMid:17277237Fisher, C., Senile dementia - A new explanation of its causation (1951) Arch Neurol, 65, pp. 1-7Carrea, R., Molins, M., Murphy, G., Surgery of spontaneous thrombosis of internal carotid in the neckcarotid-carotid anastomosiscase report and analysis of the literature on surgical cases (1955) Medicina (B. 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Porém, alguns tópicos envolvendo a função cognitiva permanecem controversos, tais como sua correlação

    Development of molecular biology techniques for the detection of genetically modified organisms in maize food products

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    In the last years, the increase in the cultivated area of genetically modified (GM) maize has become a reality. GA21, MON810 and MON 863 maize crops are some of the authorized maize events for food and feed under the European Union (EU) regulations. These crops of transgenic maize bring profit towards the conventional ones, as they confer resistence to some plagues and/or herbices. Concerning the raise of production and consumption of foodstuffs derived from genetically modified organisms (GMO), the EU has established new demand levels, including the labeling requirements when the product has GMO in proportion higher than 0.9% (Regulation (EC) Nº. 1829/2003)

    'Just Little Things': Nurses' perceptions of quality of life for people with severe multiple impairments.

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    ABSTRACT Notions of quality of life dictate philosophies and policies for services for people with developmental disabilities. There is an abundance of research on quality of life, much of which has influenced the significant amount of study of quality of life for people with developmental disabilities. According to specialist developmental disability nurses, however, this research has little meaning for one group of people with developmental disabilities with whom they work - people with severe multiple impairments. Nevertheless, judgements and decisions about the lives of this group continue to be driven by the idea of quality of life. While the literature review found that researchers are urged to seek the perceptions of people regarding their own quality of life by asking them, some authors have noted the difficulty in pursuing such a method with people, such as people with severe multiple impairments, who are unable to communicate in the usual ways. Given, then, that it is difficult to directly determine the views of people with severe multiple impairments, this study sought the perceptions of nurses about the quality of life of the people with whom they work. In order to discover and conceptualise nurses' views, a symbolic interaction perspective was chosen to guide this study and data were analysed using the grounded theory approach. The study was conducted in two stages. Stage One consisted of semi-structured indepth interviews with expert nurses to explore their perceptions of quality of life for the people with whom they worked. A significant finding in these interviews was that perceptions of quality of life are mediated by interaction. Consequently, Stage Two involved a participant observation study in which the interactions of nurses and people with severe multiple impairments were examined. Specialist developmental disability nurses have a unique view of quality of life for people with severe multiple impairments. They refer to it as 'just little things', a phrase which masks complex nursing knowledge and skills, and which can be described by four interrelated categories which emerged from the data: humans being, supporting, becoming intimate, and situated belonging. As nurses become more intimate with individuals, they perceive that people with severe multiple impairments are humans being as they wish, and that quality resides in supporting their everyday lives in a context of situated belonging. This thesis represents a new conceptualisation of quality of life for people with severe multiple impairments, a conceptualisation which may have significance for other groups and, indeed, for the whole quality of life enterprise. This conceptualisation draws on knowledge not usually related to quality of life, that is, knowledge of the body, of the emotions, of identity and of humanness. Such findings demonstrate the power of an interpretive approach in explicating the meanings nurses have regarding quality of life. Further, these findings have implications for how the question of quality of life is approached, for how different ways of thinking about people impact on quality of life, and for the importance of the life in quality of life

    Degradation of the insecticide propoxur by electrochemical advanced oxidation processes using a boron-doped diamond/air-diffusion cell

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    A solution with 0.38 mM of the pesticide propoxur (PX) at pH 3.0 has been comparatively treated by electrochemical oxidation with electrogenerated H2O2 (EO-H2O2), electro-Fenton (EF) and photoelectro-Fenton (PEF). The trials were carried out with a 100 mL boron-doped diamond (BDD)/air-diffusion cell. The EO-H2O2 process had the lowest oxidation ability due to the slow reaction of intermediates with ¿OH produced from water discharge at the BDD anode. The EF treatment yielded quicker mineralization due to the additional ¿OH formed between added Fe2+ and electrogenerated H2O2. The PEF process was the most powerful since it led to total mineralization by the combined oxidative action of hydroxyl radicals and UVA irradiation. The PX decay agreed with a pseudo-first-order kinetics in EO-H2O2, whereas in EF and PEF it obeyed a much faster pseudo-first-order kinetics followed by a much slower one, which are related to the oxidation of its Fe(II) and Fe(III) complexes, respectively. EO-H2O2 showed similar oxidation ability within the pH range 3.0-9.0. The effect of current density and Fe2+ and substrate contents on the performance of the EF process was examined. Two primary aromatic products were identified by LC-MS during PX degradation
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