190 research outputs found

    Distributive Nd-to-Yb Energy Transfer within Pure [YbNdYb] Heterometallic Molecules

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    Facile access to site-selective hetero-lanthanide molecules will open new avenues in the search of novel photophysical phenomena based on Ln-to-Ln′ energy transfer (ET). This challenge demands strategies to segregate efficiently different Ln metal ions among different positions in a molecule. We report here the one-step synthesis and structure of a pure [YbNdYb] (1) coordination complex featuring short Yb···Nd distances, ideal to investigate a potential distributive (i.e., from one donor to two acceptors) intramolecular ET from one Nd3+ ion to two Yb3+ centers within a well-characterized molecule. The difference in ionic radius is the mechanism allowing to allocate selectively both types of metal ion within the molecular structure, exploited with the simultaneous use of two β-diketone-type ligands. To assist the photophysical investigation of this heterometallic species, the analogues [YbLaYb] (2) and [LuNdLu] (3) have also been prepared. Sensitization of Yb3+ and Nd3+ in the last two complexes, respectively, was observed, with remarkably long decay times, facilitating the determination of the Nd-to-Yb ET within the [YbNdYb] composite. This ET was demonstrated by comparing the emission of iso-absorbant solutions of 1, 2, and 3 and through lifetime determinations in solution and solid state. The comparatively high efficiency of this process corroborates the facilitating effect of having two acceptors for the nonradiative decay of Nd3+ created within the [YbNdYb] molecule

    The Conformational Equilibrium of the Neuropeptide Y2 Receptor in Bilayer Membranes

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    Dynamic structural transitions within the seven-transmembrane bundle represent the mechanism by which G-protein-coupled receptors convert an extracellular chemical signal into an intracellular biological function. Here, the conformational dynamics of the neuropeptide Y receptor type 2 (Y2R) during activation was investigated. The apo, full agonist-, and arrestin-bound states of Y2R were prepared by cell-free expression, functional refolding, and reconstitution into lipid membranes. To study conformational transitions between these states, all six tryptophans of Y2R were(13)C-labeled. NMR-signal assignment was achieved by dynamic-nuclear-polarization enhancement and the individual functional states of the receptor were characterized by monitoring(13)C NMR chemical shifts. Activation of Y2R is mediated by molecular switches involving the toggle switch residue Trp281(6.48)of the highly conserved SWLP motif and Trp327(7.55)adjacent to the NPxxY motif. Furthermore, a conformationally preserved "cysteine lock"-Trp116(23.50)was identified

    Structures of active melanocortin-4 receptor−Gs-protein complexes with NDP-α-MSH and setmelanotide

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    The melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R), a hypothalamic master regulator of energy homeostasis and appetite, is a class A G-protein-coupled receptor and a prime target for the pharmacological treatment of obesity. Here, we present cryo-electron microscopy structures of MC4R–Gs-protein complexes with two drugs recently approved by the FDA, the peptide agonists NDP-α-MSH and setmelanotide, with 2.9 Å and 2.6 Å resolution. Together with signaling data from structure-derived MC4R mutants, the complex structures reveal the agonist-induced origin of transmembrane helix (TM) 6-regulated receptor activation. The ligand-binding modes of NDP-α-MSH, a high-affinity linear variant of the endogenous agonist α-MSH, and setmelanotide, a cyclic anti-obesity drug with biased signaling toward Gq/11, underline the key role of TM3 in ligand-specific interactions and of calcium ion as a ligand-adaptable cofactor. The agonist-specific TM3 interplay subsequently impacts receptor–Gs-protein interfaces at intracellular loop 2, which also regulates the G-protein coupling profile of this promiscuous receptor. Finally, our structures reveal mechanistic details of MC4R activation/inhibition, and provide important insights into the regulation of the receptor signaling profile which will facilitate the development of tailored anti-obesity drugs

    Neuropeptide Y as a risk factor for cardiorenal disease and cognitive dysfunction in chronic kidney disease: translational opportunities and challenges

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    Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a 36-amino-acid peptide member of a family also including peptide YY and pancreatic polypeptide, which are all ligands to Gi/Go coupled receptors. NPY regulates several fundamental biologic functions including appetite/satiety, sex and reproduction, learning and memory, cardiovascular and renal function and immune functions. The mesenteric circulation is a major source of NPY in the blood in man and this peptide is considered a key regulator of gut-brain cross talk. A progressive increase in circulating NPY accompanies the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD) toward kidney failure and NPY robustly predicts cardiovascular events in this population. Furthermore, NPY is suspected as a possible player in accelerated cognitive function decline and dementia in patients with CKD and in dialysis patients. In theory, interfering with the NPY system has relevant potential for the treatment of diverse diseases from cardiovascular and renal diseases to diseases of the central nervous system. Pharmaceutical formulations for effective drug delivery and cost, as well as the complexity of diseases potentially addressable by NPY/NPY antagonists, have been a problem until now. This in part explains the slow progress of knowledge about the NPY system in the clinical arena. There is now renewed research interest in the NPY system in psychopharmacology and in pharmacology in general and new studies and a new breed of clinical trials may eventually bring the expected benefits in human health with drugs interfering with this system

    Dynamics of amino acid metabolism of primary human liver cells in 3D bioreactors

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    The kinetics of 18 amino acids, ammonia (NH3) and urea (UREA) in 18 liver cell bioreactor runs were analyzed and simulated by a two-compartment model consisting of a system of 42 differential equations. The model parameters, most of them representing enzymatic activities, were identified and their values discussed with respect to the different liver cell bioreactor performance levels. The nitrogen balance based model was used as a tool to quantify the variability of runs and to describe different kinetic patterns of the amino acid metabolism, in particular with respect to glutamate (GLU) and aspartate (ASP)

    Transcription Factor Binding Site Polymorphism in the Motilin Gene Associated with Left-Sided Displacement of the Abomasum in German Holstein Cattle

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    Left-sided displacement of the abomasum (LDA) is a common disease in many dairy cattle breeds. A genome-wide screen for QTL for LDA in German Holstein (GH) cows indicated motilin (MLN) as a candidate gene on bovine chromosome 23. Genomic DNA sequence analysis of MLN revealed a total of 32 polymorphisms. All informative polymorphisms used for association analyses in a random sample of 1,136 GH cows confirmed MLN as a candidate for LDA. A single nucleotide polymorphism (FN298674:g.90T>C) located within the first non-coding exon of bovine MLN affects a NKX2-5 transcription factor binding site and showed significant associations (ORallele = 0.64; −log10Pallele = 6.8, −log10Pgenotype = 7.0) with LDA. An expression study gave evidence of a significantly decreased MLN expression in cows carrying the mutant allele (C). In individuals heterozygous or homozygous for the mutation, MLN expression was decreased by 89% relative to the wildtype. FN298674:g.90T>C may therefore play a role in bovine LDA via the motility of the abomasum. This MLN SNP appears useful to reduce the incidence of LDA in German Holstein cattle and provides a first step towards a deeper understanding of the genetics of LDA