318 research outputs found

    Optimal design of pipes in series: An explicit approximation

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    This paper introduces a new methodology for the optimum design of pipes in series, named Optimum Hydraulic Grade Line (OHGL). This methodology is explicit and is based on the knowledge of the series topology and the geometrical distribution of water demands on nodes, i.e. the way in which the pipe in series delivers water mass as function of the distance from the entrance. OHGL consists in the pre-determination of that hydraulic grade line which gives the minimum construction cost, in an explicit way. Once this line has been established, calculation of the pipe’s continuous diameters is direct; after a round up to commercial diameters is developed. To validate the proposed methodology, several pipes in series were designed both using GA and OHGL. Four hundred series were used in total, each with different topological characteristics and demands. Keywords: Pipe in series, optimum design, genetic algorithms, optimum hydraulic grade line

    Propiedades Psicométricas del Inventario Psicológico de Ejecución Deportiva (IPED) en deportistas peruanos de Alto Rendimiento

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    To measure athlete's success and his sports performance, it is required to quantify the maximum performance developed during seasons of trainings and championships; using a valid, reliable, and adapted to peruvian context instrument. However, caution is urged when considering there is no psychometric evidence to support the use of any scale related to peruvian high performance athletes' sample. The current study was designed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Sports Performance Psychological Inventory (IPED) in the mentioned sample. Method: Participated 255 peruvian athletes with ages between 14 and 38 years (N:23; SD: 4.29); who actively represents the country and in sports modalities affiliated with the Peruvian Sports Institute (IPD). For the collection of information, a sociodemographic record, Sports Performance Psychological Inventory (IPED) and the Mental Toughness Questionnaire (MTQ) were used. Results: IPED model demonstrated, that the seven-dimensional model had an acceptable fit (SBx2 = 2243.096 / df = 798; CFI=. 955; SRMR=. 095; RMSEA=. 084 [IC90%:. 080 -. 069] and reliability analyses revealed high internal consistency (ω =. 841 > ω =. 754). In addition, scores correlated positively between IPP and MTQ dimensions (AC=. 678; CAN=. 557; CAT=. 457; CVI=. 328; NM=. 425; CAP=. 641; CAC=. 662) and Control (AC=. 558; CAN=. 733; CAT=. 682; CVI=. 171; NM=. 272; CAP=. 432; CAC=. 563) Conclusion: The IPED provides adequate evidence of validity and reliability to measure sports performanc

    Creencias sexistas y actitudes de violencia de género. Situación de estudiantes universitario del área de la salud. Cartagena - Colombia

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    Introduction: Violence towards women is a problem that attempts towards equalness, the development of social peace. Situation that is acknowledged as a factor associated with the deterioration in the quality of life of the individuals as it is constituted a violation of human rights. Target: To describe the degree of agreement and disagreement between the sexist beliefs and those that lead students in the health area of superior education institution of Cartagena. Materials and methods: Descriptive study, cross-sectional the calculated sample was of 509 students, selected through convenience sampling, the questionnaire of attitudes towards gender and violence was used. (C.A.G.V), the questionnaire was divided in two sections, the first one, deals with social demographics the second, sexist beliefs and violance.Results: The factor with the most disagreement and rejected to sexist beliefs it is factor 1 with 79% of participants in disagreement, the factors 2,3,4 a high percentage is shown of disagreement and indifference in men and women to the evaluated beliefs. Conclusion: It is concluded that exists behaviors that promote violence, and this study was evidenced domination, isolation and conducts that pass unnotified, this is how violence against women done by the partner or ex-partner opens fields to important health issues; problems that have shown an unbalanced and well-being psychosocial in long and short term.Introducción: La violencia contra la mujer es un problema que atenta contra la igualdad, el desarrollo y la paz social. Situación que se reconoce como factor asociado al deterioro en la calidad de vida de los individuos en la medida que se constituye en violación de los Derechos Humanos. Objetivo: Describir el grado de acuerdo o desacuerdo entre las creencias sexistas y las que conducen a la violencia en estudiantes del área de la salud de una Institución de Educación Superior de Cartagena. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal, la muestra calculada fue de 509 estudiantes, seleccionados mediante muestreo por conveniencia, se utilizó el cuestionario de Actitudes hacia el Género y la Violencia (C.A.G.V), el cuestionario se dividió en dos secciones, la primera, aborda datos sociodemográficos, la segunda, las creencias sexistas y violencia. Resultados: El factor con mayor desacuerdo y/o rechazo a las creencias sexistas es el factor 1 con un 79% de participantes en desacuerdo, los factores 2, 3 y 4 tiene presentan un alto porcentaje de desacuerdo y actitud indiferente en hombres y mujeres ante las creencias evaluadas. Conclusión: Se concluye que existen comportamientos que promueven la violencia, en este estudio se evidenció dominación, aislamiento y conductas que suelen pasar inadvertidas, es así como la violencia contra las mujeres ejercidas por sus parejas o ex parejas abre campos a importantes problemas de salud, problemas que han demostrado un desequilibrio del bienestar psicosocial a corto y/o a largo plazo

    The Mitochondrial Genome and Transcriptome of the Basal Dinoflagellate Hematodinium sp.: Character Evolution within the Highly Derived Mitochondrial Genomes of Dinoflagellates

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    The sister phyla dinoflagellates and apicomplexans inherited a drastically reduced mitochondrial genome (mitochondrial DNA, mtDNA) containing only three protein-coding (cob, cox1, and cox3) genes and two ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes. In apicomplexans, single copies of these genes are encoded on the smallest known mtDNA chromosome (6 kb). In dinoflagellates, however, the genome has undergone further substantial modifications, including massive genome amplification and recombination resulting in multiple copies of each gene and gene fragments linked in numerous combinations. Furthermore, protein-encoding genes have lost standard stop codons, trans-splicing of messenger RNAs (mRNAs) is required to generate complete cox3 transcripts, and extensive RNA editing recodes most genes. From taxa investigated to date, it is unclear when many of these unusual dinoflagellate mtDNA characters evolved. To address this question, we investigated the mitochondrial genome and transcriptome character states of the deep branching dinoflagellate Hematodinium sp. Genomic data show that like later-branching dinoflagellates Hematodinium sp. also contains an inflated, heavily recombined genome of multicopy genes and gene fragments. Although stop codons are also lacking for cox1 and cob, cox3 still encodes a conventional stop codon. Extensive editing of mRNAs also occurs in Hematodinium sp. The mtDNA of basal dinoflagellate Hematodinium sp. indicates that much of the mtDNA modification in dinoflagellates occurred early in this lineage, including genome amplification and recombination, and decreased use of standard stop codons. Trans-splicing, on the other hand, occurred after Hematodinium sp. diverged. Only RNA editing presents a nonlinear pattern of evolution in dinoflagellates as this process occurs in Hematodinium sp. but is absent in some later-branching taxa indicating that this process was either lost in some lineages or developed more than once during the evolution of the highly unusual dinoflagellate mtDNA

    Diabetes y enfermedad cardiovascular, aspectos actuales de su manejo: la visión del cardiólogo

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    La diabetes es una enfermedad prevalente, con casos en aumento en todo el mundo, y se relaciona de forma directa con otras condiciones entre ellas la obesidad. Así, la diabetes supone un riesgo cardiovascular mayor en aquellos pacientes que la padecen y una vez se manifiesta es la causa más importante de morbimortalidad. A lo largo de los últimos años, hemos tenido un cambio en el paradigma del manejo de esta condición, razón por la cual se ha soslayado el enfoque glucocéntrico para hacer una aproximación integral al riesgo global y los demás factores asociados. Los estudios recientes han aportado una valiosa información de seguridad cardiovascular, pero lo más interesante es que han demostrado que algunos grupos farmacológicos generan un beneficio adicional en la población con condición cardiovascular. Es tan fuerte el impacto de estos medicamentos que se están posesionando como la estrategia de manejo inicial para la diabetes

    Lixiviación de nitratos en dos suelos al alterar sus propiedades físicas

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    Se realizaron dos experimentos en los cuales, mediante la mezcla de horizontes A y B o arena y horizontes B, se alteraron los contenidos de materia orgánica en un grupo y arena en otro, en dos suelos diferentes del departamento de Antioquia: un Andisol y un Oxisol, con el propósito de determinar cómo los cambios inducidos artificialmente en estas propiedades afectan la capacidad del suelo para retener nitratos. Los incrementos en el contenido de arena aumentaron significativamente las cantidades de nitrógeno recuperado en columnas de lixiviación, en tanto que las alteraciones en el contenido de materia orgánica sólo afectaron la capacidad para retener nitratos en el Andisol. El experimento permitió identificar los suelos estudiados como altos retenedores de nitratos, no obstante, existen otros factores adicionales a las características estudiadas que no fueron considerados en este experimento, igualmente importantes en la retención del ion.Two experiments in columns were carried out, to study how changes in organic matter and sand content of soil could affect its ability to retain added nitric nitrogen. Mixtures of A and B horizons or quartz sand and B horizon taken from soils belonging to Andisol and Oxisol orders, let us artificially change organic matter and sand content in each soil before a nitrate leaching test. Changes in sand content significantly reduce the ability to retain nitric nitrogen in both soils, and organic matter reduction accounted for a increase in nitrate leaching only in the Andisol. A brief discussion is shown, about the possible role of another conditions influencing nitrate leaching in this soils

    Ears of the Armadillo: Global Health Research and Neglected Diseases in Texas

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    Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) have\ud been recently identified as significant public\ud health problems in Texas and elsewhere in\ud the American South. A one-day forum on the\ud landscape of research and development and\ud the hidden burden of NTDs in Texas\ud explored the next steps to coordinate advocacy,\ud public health, and research into a\ud cogent health policy framework for the\ud American NTDs. It also highlighted how\ud U.S.-funded global health research can serve\ud to combat these health disparities in the\ud United States, in addition to benefiting\ud communities abroad

    Air monitoring for illegal drugs including new psychoactive substances: A review of trends, techniques and thermal degradation products

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    The detection of illicit psychotropic substances in both indoor and outdoor air is a challenging analytical discipline and the data from such investigation may provide intelligence in a variety of fields. Applications of drug monitoring in air include providing data on national and international drug consumption trends, as monitored by organisations such as the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Air monitoring enables mapping of illicit drug manufacturing, dealing or consumption in cities and the identification of emergent compounds including the recent proliferation of new psychoactive substances (NPS). The rapid spread of NPS has changed the global drug market with greater diversity and dynamic spread of such compounds over several nations. This review provides an up to date analysis of key thematic areas within this analytical discipline. The process of how illicit psychotropic substances spread from emission sources to the atmosphere is considered alongside the sampling and analytical procedures involved. Applications of the technique applied globally are reviewed with studies ranging from the analysis of individual dwellings through to major international air monitoring campaigns providing evidence on global drug trends. Finally, we consider thermal breakdown products of illicit psychotropic substances including NPS that are released upon heating, combustion or vaping and related potential for exposure to these compounds in the air

    Anthropometric and Lipid Profile in Medical Students. Influence of a Physical Exercise Program

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    Introduction: Most students in health programs do not practice physical exercise due to the high level of stress involved in their curriculum, a condition that makes them a population at high cardiovascular risk.Objective: Determine the influence of an exercise program on anthropometric and lipid profile of medical students.Methods: Acommunity trial type quasi-experimental study, through a 12-week exercise intervention, was made. Athletes and people doing regular exercise, or with altered lipid profile results were excluded. The anthropometric assessment was performed as directed by the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry.Results: We studied 50 subjects, distributed in 33 women, 17 men, and average age 20 ± 2.7 years. Weight, waist circumference, bone percentage, residual percentage and BMI were not significantly different after exercise. While the waist-hip ratio, muscle percentage, skin percentage and fat percentage were significantly different after exercise. High-density lipoproteins decreased and other profile variables increased significantly.Conclusion: This study showed that the exercise program positively influences physical structure, given that it increased muscle percentage and decreased fat percentage, but not enough to positively change the lipid profile of the studied population. Further it suggests the need for intervention programs on healthy habits (healthy foods, appropriate rest and sleep intervals) for medical students