295 research outputs found

    Oriented right-angled Artin pro-\ell groups and maximal pro-\ell Galois groups

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    For a prime number \ell we introduce and study oriented right-angled Artin pro-\ell groups GΓ,λG_{\Gamma,\lambda}(oriented pro-\ell RAAGs for short) associated to a finite oriented graph Γ\Gamma and a continuous group homomorphism λ ⁣:ZZ×\lambda\colon\mathbb Z_\ell\to\mathbb Z_\ell^\times. We show that an oriented pro-\ell RAAG GΓ,λG_{\Gamma,\lambda} is a Bloch-Kato pro-\ell group if, and only if, (GΓ,λ,θΓ,λ)(G_{\Gamma,\lambda},\theta_{\Gamma,\lambda}) is an oriented pro-\ell group of elementary type generalizing a recent result of I. Snopche and P. Zalesskii. Here θΓ,λ ⁣:GΓ,λZp×\theta_{\Gamma,\lambda}\colon G_{\Gamma,\lambda}\to\mathbb Z_p^\times denotes the canonical \ell-orientation on GΓ,λG_{\Gamma,\lambda}. We invest some effort in order to show that oriented right-angled Artin pro-\ell groups share many properties with right-angled Artin pro-\ell-groups or even discrete RAAG's, e.g., if Γ\Gamma is a specially oriented chordal graph, then GΓ,λG_{\Gamma,\lambda} is coherent, generalizing a result of C. Droms. Moreover, in this case (GΓ,λ,θΓ,λ)(G_{\Gamma,\lambda},\theta_{\Gamma,\lambda}) has the Positselski-Bogomolov property generalizing a result of H. Servatius, C. Droms and B. Servatius for discrete RAAG's. If Γ\Gamma is a specially oriented chordal graph and Im(λ)1+4Z2{\rm Im}(\lambda)\subseteq 1+4\mathbb Z_2 in case that =2\ell=2, then H(GΓ,λ,F)Λ(Γ¨op){\rm H}^\bullet(G_{\Gamma,\lambda},\mathbb F_\ell) \simeq \Lambda^\bullet(\ddot{\Gamma}^{\rm op}) generalizing a well known result of M. Salvetti.Comment: The differences between the 1st version (Apr'23) and the 2nd are: correction of a couple of minor misprints, dedication to the memory of Avinoam Man

    Optimal strategies to steer and control water waves

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    In this paper, we propose a new method for controlling surface water waves and their interaction with floating bodies. A floating target rigid body is surrounded by a control region where we design three control strategies of increasing complexity: an active strategy based on controlling the pressure at the air–water interface and two passive strategies where an additional controlled floating device is designed. Such device is modeled both as a membrane and as a thin plate and the effect of this modeling choice on the performance of the overall controlled system is analyzed. We frame this problem as an optimal control problem where the underlying state dynamics is represented by a system of coupled partial differential equations describing the interaction between the surface water waves and the floating target body in the frequency domain. An additional intermediate coupling is then added when considering the control floating device. The optimal control problem then aims at minimizing a cost functional which weights the unwanted motions of the floating body. A system of first-order necessary optimality conditions is derived and numerically solved using the finite element method. The efficacy of this new method for reducing hydrodynamic loads on floating objects has been shown through numerical simulations

    9-Anthraldehyde oxime: a synthetic tool for variable applications

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    Abstract Oximes are one of the most important and prolific functional groups in organic chemistry; among them, 9-anthraldehyde oxime represents a valuable example both from the preparative side and the synthetic applications. There are many strategies to prepare 9-anthraldehyde oxime from different functional groups that were summarized in the present review, focusing on the most recent and innovative. The main synthetic applications of 9-anthraldehyde oxime are presented and thoroughly discussed, focusing on the most recent and innovative synthetic strategies. Graphic abstrac

    Clinical Characteristics and Prognosis of Incidentally Detected Lung Cancers

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    Objective. To evaluate clinical characteristics and outcomes in incidentally detected lung cancer and in symptomatic lung cancer. Material and Methods. We designed a retrospective study including all patients undergoing pulmonary resection with a curative intention for NSCLC. They were classified into two groups according to the presence or absence of cancer-related symptoms at diagnosis in asymptomatic (ASX)—incidental diagnosis—or symptomatic. Results. Of the 593 patients, 320 (53.9%) were ASX. In 71.8% of these, diagnosis was made by chest X-ray. Patients in the ASX group were older (P=0.007), had a higher prevalence of previous malignancy (P=0.002), presented as a solitary nodule more frequently (P<0.001), and were more likely to have earlier-stage disease and smaller cancers (P=0.0001). A higher prevalence of incidental detection was observed in the last ten years (P=0.008). Overall 5-year survival was higher for ASX (P=0.001). Median survival times in pathological stages IIIB-IV were not significantly different. Conclusion. Incidental finding of NSCLC is not uncommon even among nonsmokers. It occurred frequently in smokers and in those with history of previous malignancy. Mortality of incidental diagnosis group was lower, but the better survival was related to the greater number of patients with earlier-stage disease

    Obscuring clouds playing hide-and-seek in the Active Nucleus H0557-385

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    This paper reports on two XMM-Newton observations of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy H0557-385 obtained in 2006, which show the source at an historical low flux state, more than a factor of 10 lower than a previous XMM-Newton look in 2002. The low flux spectrum presents a strong Fe Kalpha line associated to a Compton reflection continuum. An additional spectral line around 6.6 keV is required to fit Kalpha emission from Fe XXV. The spectral curvature below 6 keV implies obscuration by neutral gas with a column density of 8*10^{23}cm^{-2} partially covering the primary emission, which still contributes for a few percent of the soft X-ray emission. Absorption by ionised material on the line of sight is required to fit the deep trough below 1 keV. The comparison of the two spectral states shows that the flux transition is to be ascribed entirely to intervening line-of-sight clouds with high column density.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication on MNRAS Letter

    Cytokinin response factors integrate auxin and cytokinin pathways for female reproductive organ development

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    The developmental programme of the pistil is under the control of both auxin and cytokinin. Crosstalk between these factors converges on regulation of the auxin carrier PIN-FORMED 1 (PIN1). Here, we show that in the triple transcription factor mutant cytokinin response factor 2 (crf2) crf3 crf6 both pistil length and ovule number were reduced. PIN1 expression was also lower in the triple mutant and the phenotypes could not be rescued by exogenous cytokinin application. pin1 complementation studies using genomic PIN1 constructs showed that the pistil phenotypes were only rescued when the PCRE1 domain, to which CRFs bind, was present. Without this domain, pin mutants resemble the crf2 crf3 crf6 triple mutant, indicating the pivotal role of CRFs in auxin-cytokinin crosstalk

    4U 1344-60: a bright intermediate Seyfert galaxy at z=0.012 with a relativistic Fe Kalpha emission line

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    We present analysis of the optical and X-ray spectra of the low Galactic latitude bright (F(2-10) = 3.6 10^{-11} erg/cm2/s) source 4U 1344-60. On the basis of the optical data we propose to classify 4U 1344-60 as an intermediate type Seyfert galaxy and we measure a value of z=0.012+/-0.001 for its redshift. From the XMM-Newton observation we find that the overall X-ray spectral shape of 4U 1344-60 is complex and can be described by a power-law continuum (Gamma ~ 1.55) obscured by two neutral absorption components (Nh(f) ~ 10^{22} cm^{-2} and Nh(p) ~ 4 10^{22} cm^{-2}), the latter covering only the ~50% of the primary X-ray source. The X-ray data therefore lend support to our classification of 4U 1344-60. It exhibits a broad and skewed Fe Kalpha line at 6.4 keV, which suggests the existence of an accretion disk that is able to reprocess the primary continuum down to a few gravitational radii. Such a line represents one of the clearest examples of a relativistic line observed by XMM-Newton so far. Our analysis has also revealed the marginal presence of two narrow line-like emission features at ~4.9 and ~5.2 keV.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Palliative care in interstitial lung disease: living well

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    Progressive fibrotic interstitial lung diseases (ILDs) are characterised by major reductions in quality of life and survival and have similarities to certain malignancies. However, palliative care expertise is conspicuously inaccessible to many patients with ILD. Unmet patient and caregiver needs include effective pharmacological and psychosocial interventions to improve quality of life throughout the disease course, sensitive advanced care planning, and timely patient-centred end-of-life care. The incorrect perception that palliative care is synonymous with end-of-life care, with no role earlier in the course of ILD, has created a culture of neglect. Interventions that aim to improve life expectancy are often prioritised without rigorous assessment of the individual's health and psychosocial needs, thereby inadvertently reducing quality of life. As in malignant disorders, radical interventions to slow disease progression and palliative measures to improve quality of life should both be prioritised. Efficient patient-centred models of palliative care must be validated, taking into account religious and cultural differences, as well as variability of resources. Effective implementation of palliative care for ILD will require multidisciplinary participation from clinicians, specialist nurses, psychologists, social workers, and, in some countries, non-governmental faith and community-based organisations with access to palliative care expertise

    Upgraded Pulsating Heat Pipe Only For Space (U-Phos): Results of the 22nd Rexus Sounding Rocket Campaign

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    A large tube may still behave, to a certain extent, as a capillary in a micro-gravity environment. This very basic concept is here applied to a two-phase passive heat transfer devices in order to obtain a new family of hybrid wickless heat pipes. Indeed, a Loop Thermosyphon, which usually consists of a large tube, closed end to end in a loop, evacuated and partially filled with a working fluid and intrinsically gravity assisted, may become a capillary tube in space condition and turn its thermo-fluidic behavior into a so called Pulsating Heat Pipe (PHP), or better, a Space Pulsating Heat Pipe (SPHP). Since the objective of the present work is to experimentally demonstrate the feasibility of such a hybrid device, a SPHP has been designed, built, instrumented and tested both on ground and microgravity conditions on the 22nd ESA REXUS Sounding Rocket Campaign. Ground tests demonstrate that the device effectively work as a gravity assisted loop thermosyphon, whether the sounding rocket data clearly reveal a change in the thermal hydraulic behavior very similar to the PHP. Since a microgravity period of approximately 120s is not sufficient to reach a pseudo steady state regime, further investigation on a longer term weightless condition is mandatory