20 research outputs found

    The role of mesoscale hydrography on microbial dynamics in the northeast Atlantic: Results of a spring bloom experiment

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    During RV Meteor cruise No. 10 from May to June 1989 (JGOFS pilot study) bacterial and picocyanobacterial abundance, biomass, and bacterial production were estimated at two drift stations close to 47N, 20W and 58N, 20W in the northeast Atlantic. At 47N two different mesoscale hydrographic structures were sampled which divided the drift experiment into a cyclonic and an anticyclonic circulation phase. Transition from one phase to the next was clearly reflected by changes of the biological structure in the upper water column. Phytoplankton stocks maintained during the cyclonic phase were about 1.8 times higher than those of the anticyclonic phase (1552 mg C m−2 and 880 mg C m−2, resp., integrated over the mixed layer, Deckers, 1991). Integrated stocks of bacteria showed an opposite pattern of distribution. Picocyanobacterial biomass (PCB) was 3.4 times higher during the anticyclonic phase than during the cyclonic phase (96 mg C m−2 and 28 mg C m−2, resp.), and the respective factor for total bacterial biomass (TBB) was 3.7 (830 mg C m−2 and 225 mg C m−2, resp.). Our analysis indicates that the combined bacterial biomass dominated within the mixed layer during the anticyclonic phase, while the cyclonic phase was clearly dominated by eucaryotic phytoplankton. Additional evidence for a shift of biology toward the microbial food web was indicated by a strong increase of bacteria during the anticyclonic phase. Thus, simultaneously and side by side, an autotrophic and a heterotrophic system were supported by the prevailing hydrographic conditions. At 58N within an anticyclonic mesoscale hydrographic structure the phytoplankton bloom was at a developing stage, characterized by low biomass (730 mg C m−2 in the mixed layer, Deckers, 1991) but relatively high primary production. In contrast, bacterial stocks were quite high, but bacterial production was low in comparison to the anticyclonic phase at 47N (90 mg C m−2 d−1 and 153 mg C m−2 d−1, resp., integrated from 0–300 m). It was calculated that bacterial gross production averaged 42% (47N, anticyclonic phase) and 25% (58N) of primary production. These results suggest that within a specific type of hydrographic structure either a heterotrophic or an autotrophic system can be established, depending on the stage of bloom development. In conclusion: Depending on their origin and age, mesoscale hydrographic structures can be correlated with different stages of biological development. This leads to the mesoscale patchiness of biological measurements, which is a characteristic feature of the northeast Atlantic

    An unexpected nitrate distribution in the tropical North Atlantic at 18°N, 30°W—implications for new production

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    During a R.V. Meteor JGOFS-NABE cruise to a tropical site in the northeast Atlantic in spring 1989, three different vertical regimes with respect to nitrate distribution and availability within the euphotic zone were observed. Besides dramatic variations in the depth of the nitracline, a previously undescribed nose-like nitrate maximum within the euphotic zone was the most prominent feature during this study. Both the vertical structure of phytoplankton biomass and the degree of absolute and relative new production were related to the depth of the nitracline, which in turn was dependent on the occurrence/non-occurrence of the subsurface subtropical salinity maximum (S(max)). The mesoscale variability of the nitracline depth, as indicated from a pre-survey grid, and published data on the frequent occurrence of the S(max) in tropical waters suggest higher variability of new production and F-ratio than usually expected for oligotrophic oceans. The importance of salt fingering and double diffusion for nitrate transport into the euphotic zone is discussed

    Inhibition of permeability transition pore opening by mitochondrial STAT3 and its role in myocardial ischemia/reperfusion

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    The signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) contributes to cardioprotection by ischemic pre- and postconditioning. Mitochondria are central elements of cardioprotective signaling, most likely by delaying mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP) opening, and STAT3 has recently been identified in mitochondria. We now characterized the mitochondrial localization of STAT3 and its impact on respiration and MPTP opening. STAT3 was mainly present in the matrix of subsarcolemmal and interfibrillar cardiomyocyte mitochondria. STAT1, but not STAT5 was also detected in mitochondria under physiological conditions. ADP-stimulated respiration was reduced in mitochondria from mice with a cardiomyocyte-specific deletion of STAT3 (STAT3-KO) versus wildtypes and in rat mitochondria treated with the STAT3 inhibitor Stattic (STAT3 inhibitory compound, 6-Nitrobenzo[b]thiophene 1,1-dioxide). Mitochondria from STAT3-KO mice and Stattic-treated rat mitochondria tolerated less calcium until MPTP opening occurred. STAT3 co-immunoprecipitated with cyclophilin D, the target of the cardioprotective agent and MPTP inhibitor cyclosporine A (CsA). However, CsA reduced infarct size to a similar extent in wildtype and STAT3-KO mice in vivo. Thus, STAT3 possibly contributes to cardioprotection by stimulation of respiration and inhibition of MPTP opening

    Transcriptomic alterations in the heart of non-obese type 2 diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rats

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    BACKGROUND: There is a spectacular rise in the global prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) due to the worldwide obesity epidemic. However, a significant proportion of T2DM patients are non-obese and they also have an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. As the Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rat is a well-known model of non-obese T2DM, the goal of this study was to investigate the effect of non-obese T2DM on cardiac alterations of the transcriptome in GK rats. METHODS: Fasting blood glucose, serum insulin and cholesterol levels were measured at 7, 11, and 15 weeks of age in male GK and control rats. Oral glucose tolerance test and pancreatic insulin level measurements were performed at 11 weeks of age. At week 15, total RNA was isolated from the myocardium and assayed by rat oligonucleotide microarray for 41,012 genes, and then expression of selected genes was confirmed by qRT-PCR. Gene ontology and protein-protein network analyses were performed to demonstrate potentially characteristic gene alterations and key genes in non-obese T2DM. RESULTS: Fasting blood glucose, serum insulin and cholesterol levels were significantly increased, glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity were significantly impaired in GK rats as compared to controls. In hearts of GK rats, 204 genes showed significant up-regulation and 303 genes showed down-regulation as compared to controls according to microarray analysis. Genes with significantly altered expression in the heart due to non-obese T2DM includes functional clusters of metabolism (e.g. Cyp2e1, Akr1b10), signal transduction (e.g. Dpp4, Stat3), receptors and ion channels (e.g. Sln, Chrng), membrane and structural proteins (e.g. Tnni1, Mylk2, Col8a1, Adam33), cell growth and differentiation (e.g. Gpc3, Jund), immune response (e.g. C3, C4a), and others (e.g. Lrp8, Msln, Klkc1, Epn3). Gene ontology analysis revealed several significantly enriched functional inter-relationships between genes influenced by non-obese T2DM. Protein-protein interaction analysis demonstrated that Stat is a potential key gene influenced by non-obese T2DM. CONCLUSIONS: Non-obese T2DM alters cardiac gene expression profile. The altered genes may be involved in the development of cardiac pathologies and could be potential therapeutic targets in non-obese T2DM

    Inkontinenz und Kontinenzförderung - Diskurs zu Leitlinien und Expertenstandards und deren praktischer Umsetzung

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    JGOFS. Langzeitstudie zur Variabilitaet des Partikelflusses im Nordatlantik. Planktologisches Teilvorhaben: Quantifizierung der Bildung, Umsetzung und Sedimentation biogener Partikel Abschlussbericht

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    Available from TIB Hannover: F95B1007+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technologie (BMFT), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Quantifizierung der Bildung, Umsetzung und Sedimentation biogener Partikel. Langzeitstudie zur Varibilitaet des Partikelflusses im Nordatlantik Abschlussbericht

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    SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F96B1452+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    The MCP2 and the wrist plus two extensor compartments are the most affected and responsive joints/tendons out of the US7 score in patients with rheumatoid arthritis-an observational study

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    Background There is no international consensus on an optimal ultrasound score for monitoring of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) on patient-level yet. Our aim was to reassess the US7 score for the identification of the most frequently pathologic and responsive joint/tendon regions, to optimize it and contribute to an international consensus. Furthermore, we aimed to evaluate the impact of disease duration on the performance of the score. Methods RA patients were assessed at baseline and after 3 and 6 months of starting/changing DMARD therapy by the US7 score in greyscale (GS) and power Doppler (PD). The frequency of pathologic joint/tendon regions and their responsiveness to therapy were analyzed by Friedman test and Cochrane-Q test respectively, including the comparison of palmar vs. dorsal regions (chi-square test). The responsiveness of different reduced scores and the amount of information retained from the original US7 score were assessed by standardized response means (SRM)/linear regression. Analyses were also performed separately for early and established RA. Results A total of 435 patients (N = 138 early RA) were included (56.5 (SD 13.1) years old, 8.2 (9.1) years disease duration, 80% female). The dorsal wrist, palmar MCP2, extensor digitorum communis (EDC) and carpi ulnaris (ECU) tendons were most frequently affected by GS/PD synovitis/tenosynovitis (wrist: 45%/43%; MCP2: 35%/28%; EDC: 30%/11% and ECU: 25%/11%) and significantly changed within 6 months of therapy (all p ≀0.003 by GS/PD). The dorsal vs. palmar side of the wrist by GS/PD (p < 0.001) and the palmar side of the finger joints by PD (p < 0.001) were more frequently pathologic. The reduced US7 score (GS/PD: palmar MCP2, dorsal wrist, EDC and ECU, only PD: dorsal MCP2) showed therapy response (SRM 0.433) after 6 months and retained 76% of the full US7 score’s information. No major differences between the groups of early and established RA could be detected. Conclusions The wrist, MCP2, EDC, and ECU tendons were most frequently pathologic and responsive to therapy in both early and established RA and should therefore be included in a comprehensive score for monitoring RA patients on patient-level