1,747 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the causes of error in the MCD45 burned-area product for the savannas of northern South America [Evaluación de las causas de error en el producto de área quemada MCD45 para las sabanas del norte de Suramérica]

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    Forest fires contribute to deforestation and have been considered a significant source of CO2 emissions. There are global maps that estimate the area affected by a fire using the reflectance variation of the surface. In this study, we evaluated the reliability and the causes of error of the MCD45 Burned Area Product, by applying the confusion matrix method to the Orinoco River Basin. This basin is located in the northern zone of South America, and consists mainly of savanna ecosystems. For the evaluation, we used as reference data five pairs of Landsat images, covering 165,000 km2. The Burned Area Product estimated a burned area of 7,576.43 km2, which is lower than the area of 12,100.16 km2 found with Landsat images, leading to an overall underestimation. The causes of error are associated to the spatial resolution of the map, and to some structures of the algorithm that generates the map

    Collective vs Individual Sale of TV Rights in League Sports

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    In many countries, the collective sale of TV rights by sports leagues has been challenged by the antitrust authorities.In several cases, however, leagues won in court, on the ground that sport cannot be considered a standard good.In this paper, we investigate the conditions under which the sale of TV rights collectively by sports leagues, rather than individually by teams, is preferred from a social welfare viewpoint.We find that collective sale is socially preferable when leagues are small, relatively homogeneous in terms of clout and where teams get little performance-related revenues.broadcasting industry;sport;broadcasting rights

    High-Q Gold and Silicon Nitride Bilayer Nanostrings

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    Low-mass, high-Q, silicon nitride nanostrings are at the cutting edge of nanomechanical devices for sensing applications. Here we show that the addition of a chemically functionalizable gold overlayer does not adversely affect the Q of the fundamental out-of-plane mode. Instead the device retains its mechanical responsiveness while gaining sensitivity to molecular bonding. Furthermore, differences in thermal expansion within the bilayer give rise to internal stresses that can be electrically controlled. In particular, an alternating current excites resonant motion of the nanostring. This AC thermoelastic actuation is simple, robust, and provides an integrated approach to sensor actuation.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures + supplementary materia

    Collective vs Individual Sale of TV Rights in League Sports

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    In many countries, the collective sale of TV rights by sports leagues has been challenged by the antitrust authorities.In several cases, however, leagues won in court, on the ground that sport cannot be considered a standard good.In this paper, we investigate the conditions under which the sale of TV rights collectively by sports leagues, rather than individually by teams, is preferred from a social welfare viewpoint.We find that collective sale is socially preferable when leagues are small, relatively homogeneous in terms of clout and where teams get little performance-related revenues.

    The Online Dissemination of Nature–Health Concepts: Lessons from Sentiment Analysis of Social Media Relating to “Nature-Deficit Disorder”

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    Evidence continues to grow supporting the idea that restorative environments, green exercise, and nature-based activities positively impact human health. Nature-deficit disorder, a journalistic term proposed to describe the ill effects of people's alienation from nature, is not yet formally recognized as a medical diagnosis. However, over the past decade, the phrase has been enthusiastically taken up by some segments of the lay public. Social media, such as Twitter, with its opportunities to gather "big data" related to public opinions, offers a medium for exploring the discourse and dissemination around nature-deficit disorder and other nature-health concepts. In this paper, we report our experience of collecting more than 175,000 tweets, applying sentiment analysis to measure positive, neutral or negative feelings, and preliminarily mapping the impact on dissemination. Sentiment analysis is currently used to investigate the repercussions of events in social networks, scrutinize opinions about products and services, and understand various aspects of the communication in Web-based communities. Based on a comparison of nature-deficit-disorder "hashtags" and more generic nature hashtags, we make recommendations for the better dissemination of public health messages through changes to the framing of messages. We show the potential of Twitter to aid in better understanding the impact of the natural environment on human health and wellbeing.Tim Taylor and Marco Palomino acknowledge funding from the European Centre for Environment and Human Health, part of the University of Exeter Medical School, which was partially financed by the European Regional Development Fund Programme 2007 to 2013 and European Social Fund Convergence Programme for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly during the course of this study. Funding for Sara Warber was provided in part through a UK-US Fulbright Commission Scholarship that supported her studies at the European Centre for Environment and Human Health, University of Exeter Medical School

    Evaluation of Mandibular Asymmetry in Unilateral and Bilateral Posterior Crossbite Patients

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloEl objetivo fue determinar la existencia de asimetría vertical mandibular, en pacientes con mordida cruzada posterior uni y bilateral, tanto en dentición mixta primera fase como en permanente completa. Se recolectaron radiografías panorámicas correspondientes a 121 pacientes con dentición mixta primera fase y permanente completa, 57 de los cuales, presentaba mordida cruzada unilateral, 21 mordida cruzada bilateral y 43 individuos con oclusión normal, que sirvieron como grupo control. En las radiografías, se cuantificaron medidas lineales de altura condilar, coronoidea, de rama, cóndilo-más-rama y la diferencia entre las alturas de cóndilo y coronoides. Además, se calcularon los índices de asimetría para cada una de dichas estructuras. Se determinó la existencia de diferencias significativas entre los grupos, mediante el cálculo de los test Mann-Whitney y Kruskal-Wallis, dada la distribución de las variables y un test de chi cuadrado para evaluar asociación entre las mismas, con un intervalo de confianza de 95% (p<,05). Existen diferencias significativas entre los índices de rama y de cóndilo-más-rama, entre el grupo control y el grupo con mordida cruzada unilateral (MCU), al igual que en el índice coronoideo, entre el grupo control y el grupo con mordida cruzada bilateral. El grupo con MCU, presentó un mayor porcentaje de pacientes con asimetría de cóndilo y rama, encontrándose una leve asociación entre la condición de mordida cruzada unilateral y la asimetría de dichas estructuras. Dados los resultados, se puede concluir que existe asimetría en el cóndilo, coronoides y en cóndilo-menos-coronoides y coronoides, tanto en pacientes con mordida cruzada uni como bilateral. Sin embargo, el grupo con MCU presenta un mayor porcentaje de pacientes con asimetría de cóndilo y rama, existiendo una leve asociación entre MCU y asimetría de dichas estructuras.SUMMARY: The aim was to evaluate the mandibular vertical asymmetry, in unilateral and bilateral posterior crossbite patients both in permanent and mixed dentition. One hundred twenty one panoramic radiographs were collected, 57 from patients with unilateral posterior crossbite, 21 patients with bilateral posterior crossbite and 43 with normal occlusion that were used as a control group. Subsequently, reference points and cephalometric traces were drawn manually by a calibrated examiner in order to register the condylar, coronoideal, and ramal heigths. This data was used to calculate an asymmetry index for each structure. According to the distribution of the variables, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare the data between groups of patients and chi square was used to evaluate association between them, at the 95% confidence interval (p<.05). Statistically significant differences were found in the ramal and condylar-plus-ramal asymmetry index values, between the control and the unilateral posterior crossbite group, also statistical differences were found in the coronoideal index values, between the control and the bilateral posterior crossbite groups. On the other hand, the bilateral crossbite group, presented a higher percentage of patients with condylar and ramal asymmetry, finding a mild statistically significant association between this condition and those with asymmetry. Condylar and coronoideal asymmetry was found both in the unilateral as in the unilateral posterior crossbite patients. The bilateral crossbite group, presented a major percentage of patients with asymmetry, with a mild association between those conditions. KEY WORDS: Crossbite; Condylar asymmetry; Mandibular asymmetry; Orthopantomograph.http://ref.scielo.org/bzdg5

    Conference Proceedings of the 1st Conference in Business Research and Management

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    This edited book contains the conference proceedings of the “1st Conference in Business Research and Management”, organized by the University of Castilla – La Mancha and the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. The Conference took place on May 26th and 27th 2022, at the University of Castilla – La Mancha in Toledo. The aim of the Conference was to discuss the most important managerial and organizational implications of the pandemic and the future challenges that public and private organizations will have to face in the coming years, the so–called “New Normal”. The volume contains all the 49 extended abstracts presented during the Conference

    Increased prevalence of val(66)met BDNF genotype among subjects with cervical dystonia

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    Abnormalities of cortical representational maps and their plasticity have been described in dystonia. A common polymorphism for BDNF has been associated with abnormal cortical plasticity, and thus might contribute to pathogenesis of dystonia in some subjects. As a first step towards this suggestion, the current study examined the prevalence of this polymorphism. BDNF genotype was examined in 34 subjects with cervical dystonia, 54 age-matched healthy controls, and 53 subjects with a different movement disorder, Parkinson\u27s disease. ApoE genotype, known to influence neurological outcome in some conditions, was also examined as a control. In subjects with cervical dystonia, the val(66)met polymorphism was approximately twice as prevalent when compared to either control group. This was not true of ApoE genotype, which was similarly distributed across subject groups. The current findings suggest that the BDNF val(66)met polymorphism might play a role in the pathogenesis of cervical dystonia in some subjects

    Effect of boron addition on the electrochemical properties of LiFePO4

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    III Encuentro sobre Nanociencia y Nanotecnología de Investigadores y Tecnólogos Andaluce