27 research outputs found

    Cell Nucleus-Targeting Zwitterionic Carbon Dots

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    An innovative nucleus-targeting zwitterionic carbon dot (CD) vehicle has been developed for anticancer drug delivery and optical monitoring. The zwitterionic functional groups of the CDs introduced by a simple one-step synthesis using beta-alanine as a passivating and zwitterionic ligand allow cytoplasmic uptake and subsequent nuclear translocation of the CDs. Moreover, multicolor fluorescence improves the accuracy of the CDs as an optical code. The CD-based drug delivery system constructed by non-covalent grafting of doxorubicin, exhibits superior antitumor efficacy owing to enhanced nuclear delivery in vitro and tumor accumulation in vivo, resulting in highly effective tumor growth inhibition. Since the zwitterionic CDs are highly biocompatible and effectively translocated into the nucleus, it provides a compelling solution to a multifunctional nanoparticle for substantially enhanced nuclear uptake of drugs and optical monitoring of translocation.open

    Recent progress in marine mycological research in different countries, and prospects for future developments worldwide

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    Early research on marine fungi was mostly descriptive, with an emphasis on their diversity and taxonomy, especially of those collected at rocky shores on seaweeds and driftwood. Subsequently, further substrata (e.g. salt marsh grasses, marine animals, seagrasses, sea foam, seawater, sediment) and habitats (coral reefs, deep-sea, hydrothermal vents, mangroves, sandy beaches, salt marshes) were explored for marine fungi. In parallel, research areas have broadened from micro-morphology to ultrastructure, ecophysiology, molecular phylogenetics, biogeography, biodeterioration, biodegradation, bioprospecting, genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics and metabolomics. Although marine fungi only constitute a small fraction of the global mycota, new species of marine fungi continue to be described from new hosts/substrata of unexplored locations/habitats, and novel bioactive metabolites have been discovered in the last two decades, warranting a greater collaborative research effort. Marine fungi of Africa, the Americas and Australasia are under-explored, while marine Chytridiomycota and allied taxa, fungi associated with marine animals, the functional roles of fungi in the sea, and the impacts of climate change on marine fungi are some of the topics needing more attention. In this article, currently active marine mycologists from different countries have written on the history and current state of marine fungal research in individual countries highlighting their strength in the subject, and this represents a first step towards a collaborative inter- and transdisciplinary research strategy

    The global distribution and diversity of protein vaccine candidate antigens in the highly virulent Streptococcus pnuemoniae serotype 1

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    Serotype 1 is one of the most common causes of pneumococcal disease worldwide. Pneumococcal protein vaccines are currently being developed as an alternate intervention strategy to pneumococcal conjugate vaccines. Pre-requisites for an efficacious pneumococcal protein vaccine are universal presence and minimal variation of the target antigen in the pneumococcal population, and the capability to induce a robust human immune response. We used in silico analysis to assess the prevalence of seven protein vaccine candidates (CbpA, PcpA, PhtD, PspA, SP0148, SP1912, SP2108) among 445 serotype 1 pneumococci from 26 different countries, across four continents. CbpA (76%), PspA (68%), PhtD (28%), PcpA (11%) were not universally encoded in the study population, and would not provide full coverage against serotype 1. PcpA was widely present in the European (82%), but not in the African (2%) population. A multi-valent vaccine incorporating CbpA, PcpA, PhtD and PspA was predicted to provide coverage against 86% of the global population. SP0148, SP1912 and SP2108 were universally encoded and we further assessed their predicted amino acid, antigenic and structural variation. Multiple allelic variants of these proteins were identified, different allelic variants dominated in different continents; the observed variation was predicted to impact the antigenicity and structure of two SP0148 variants, one SP1912 variant and four SP2108 variants, however these variants were each only present in a small fraction of the global population (<2%). The vast majority of the observed variation was predicted to have no impact on the efficaciousness of a protein vaccine incorporating a single variant of SP0148, SP1912 and/or SP2108 from S. pneumoniae TIGR4. Our findings emphasise the importance of taking geographic differences into account when designing global vaccine interventions and support the continued development of SP0148, SP1912 and SP2108 as protein vaccine candidates against this important pneumococcal serotype

    Environmental Effects Dominate the Folding of Oligocholates in Solution, Surfactant Micelles, and Lipid Membranes

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    Oligocholate foldamers with different numbers and locations of guanidinium−carboxylate salt bridges were synthesized. The salt bridges were introduced by incorporating arginine and glutamic acid residues into the foldamer sequence. The conformations of these foldamers were studied by fluorescence spectroscopy in homogeneous solution, anionic and nonionic micelles, and lipid bilayers. Environmental effects instead of inherent foldability were found to dominate the folding. As different noncovalent forces become involved in the conformations of the molecules, the best folder in one environment could turn into the worst in another. Preferential solvation was the main driving force for the folding of oligocholates in solution. The molecules behaved very differently in micelles and lipid bilayers, with the most critical factors controlling the folding−unfolding equilibrium being the solvation of ionic groups and the abilities of the surfactants/lipids to compete for the salt bridge. Because of their ability to fold into helices with a nonpolar exterior and a polar interior, the oligocholates could transport large hydrophilic molecules such as carboxyfluorescein across lipid bilayers. Both the conformational properties of the oligocholates and their binding with the guest were important to the transport efficiency.Reprinted (adapted) with permission from Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (2010): 9890, doi:10.1021/ja103694p. Copyright 2010 American Chemical Society.</p

    Effect of negative expiratory pressure (NEP) on respiratory system flow resistance in awake snorers and non-snorers.

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    Marine Anticancer Agents: An Overview with a Particular Focus on Their Chemical Classes

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    The marine environment is a rich source of biologically active molecules for the treatment of human diseases, especially cancer. The adaptation to unique environmental conditions led marine organisms to evolve different pathways than their terrestrial counterparts, thus producing unique chemicals with a broad diversity and complexity. So far, more than 36,000 compounds have been isolated from marine micro- and macro-organisms including but not limited to fungi, bacteria, microalgae, macroalgae, sponges, corals, mollusks and tunicates, with hundreds of new marine natural products (MNPs) being discovered every year. Marine-based pharmaceuticals have started to impact modern pharmacology and different anti-cancer drugs derived from marine compounds have been approved for clinical use, such as: cytarabine, vidarabine, nelarabine (prodrug of ara-G), fludarabine phosphate (pro-drug of ara-A), trabectedin, eribulin mesylate, brentuximab vedotin, polatuzumab vedotin, enfortumab vedotin, belantamab mafodotin, plitidepsin, and lurbinectedin. This review focuses on the bioactive molecules derived from the marine environment with anticancer activity, discussing their families, origin, structural features and therapeutic use

    MALDI-MS and NanoSIMS imaging techniques to study cnidarian?dinoflagellate symbioses

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    International audienceCnidarian–dinoflagellate photosynthetic symbioses are fundamental to biologically diverse and productive coral reef ecosystems. The hallmark of this symbiotic relationship is the ability of dinoflagellate symbionts to supply their cnidarian host with a wide range of nutrients. Many aspects of this association nevertheless remain poorly characterized, including the exact identity of the transferred metabolic compounds, the mechanisms that control their exchange across the host–symbiont interface, and the precise subcellular fate of the translocated materials in cnidarian tissues. This lack of knowledge is mainly attributed to difficulties in investigating such metabolic interactions both in situ, i.e. on intact symbiotic associations, and at high spatial resolution. To address these issues, we illustrate the application of two in situ and high spatial resolution molecular and ion imaging techniques–matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI-MSI) and the nano-scale secondary-ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS) ion microprobe. These imaging techniques provide important new opportunities for the detailed investigation of many aspects of cnidarian–dinoflagellate associations, including the dynamics of cellular interactions