325 research outputs found

    Palestinian Clusters: From Agglomeration to Innovation

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    This study identifies the advantages, the constraints, as well as the right promotion policies necessary to foster the development of clusters. After a literature review, data were collected through field visits on five important clusters. Fifty cluster firms were surveyed to assess their performance. Semi-structured interviews were held with ten key policy decision makers. Focus group discussions were held, discussing with a group of 10 participants an assessment of the five clusters. The research shows important differences between the five clusters studied. It points to constraining factors, such as a lack of closer collaboration between firms themselves and between firms and universities, which could lead to innovation. As the size of most of the Palestinian economic entities are micro to small and medium, clustering can help these entities to increase their productivity and thus help in reducing the high unemployment rate among Palestinian youth

    Patient-reported causes of heart failure in a large European sample

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    Background:  Patients diagnosed with chronic diseases develop perceptions about their disease and its causes, which may influence health behavior and emotional well-being. This is the first study to examine patient-reported causes and their correlates in patients with heart failure. Methods:  European heart failure patients (N = 595) completed questionnaires, including the Brief Illness Perceptions Questionnaire. Using deductive thematic analysis, patient-reported causes were categorized into physical, natural, behavioral, psychosocial, supernatural and other. Clinical data were collected from medical records. Results:  Patients who did not report any cause (11%) were on average lower educated and participated less often in cardiac rehabilitation. The majority of the remaining patients reported physical causes (46%, mainly comorbidities), followed by behavioral (38%, mainly smoking), psychosocial (35%, mainly (work-related) stress), and natural causes (32%, mainly heredity). There were socio-demographic, clinical and psychological group differences between the various categories, and large discrepancies between prevalence of physical risk factors according to medical records and patient-reported causes; e.g. 58% had hypertension, while only 5% reported this as a cause. Multivariable analyses indicated trends towards associations between physical causes and poor health status (Odds ratio (OR) = 1.41, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) = 0.95-2.09, p = 0.09), psychosocial causes and psychological distress (OR = 1.54, 95% CI = 0.94-2.51, p = 0.09), and behavioral causes and a less threatening view of heart failure (OR = 0.64, 95% CI = 0.40-1.01, p = 0.06). Conclusion:  European patients most frequently reported comorbidities, smoking, stress, and heredity as heart failure causes, but their causal understanding may be limited. There were trends towards associations between patient-reported causes and health status, psychological distress, and illness perceptions

    Distinct trajectories of disease-specific health status in heart failure patients undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy

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    Purpose: It is well known that a significant proportion of heart failure patients (10–44 %) do not show improvement in symptoms or functioning from cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT), yet no study has examined patient-reported health status trajectories after implantation. Methods: A cohort of 139 patients with a CRT-defibrillator (70 % men; age 65.7 ± 10.1 years) completed the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ) prior to implantation (baseline) and at 2, 6, and 12–14 months post-implantation. Latent class analyses were used to identify trajectories and associates of disease-specific health status over time. Results: All health status trajectories showed an initial small to large improvement from baseline to 2-month follow-up, whereafter most trajectories displayed a stable pattern between short- and long-term follow-up. Low educational level, NYHA class III/IV, smoking, no use of beta-blockers, use of psychotropic medication, anxiety, depression, and type D personality were found to be associated with poorer health status in unadjusted analyses. Interestingly, subgroups of patients (12–20 %) who experienced poor health status at baseline improved to stable good health status levels after implantation. Conclusions: Levels of disease-specific health status vary considerably across subgroups of CRT-D patients. Classification into poorer disease-specific health status trajectories was particularly associated with patients’ psychological profile and NYHA classification. The timely identification of CRT-D patients who present with poor disease-specific health status (i.e., KCCQ score < 50) and a distressed psychological profile (i.e., anxiety, depression, and/or type D personality) is paramount, as they may benefit from cardiac rehabilitation in combination with psychological intervention

    Tree Species Composition of 1.8 Ha Plot Samboja Research Forest: 28 Years After Initial Fire

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    Repeated forest fires highly impact on tree species composition. Forest planning requires information about the current condition of species composition. This paper investigates the current tree composition of natural regeneration after repeated forest fires, regeneration process after repeated fires, and strategy of secondary growth related to ecological restoration issues. Re-observation of the 1.8 hectares permanent plot in Samboja Research Forest was conducted in 2011. All trees with diameters above 10 cm at breast height (DBH) were re-numbered and mapped. Herbarium specimen was collected for species identification. Number of taxon was determined, Important Value Index was calculated, species trait of light response was identified based on the references and dispersion index species was calculated. Results show after twenty eight years initial forest fire, 191 species naturally regenerated in the burnt area. Macaranga gigantea, a light demanding pioneer species of Euphorbiaceae was the most dominant species, followed by Vernonia arborea belonging to Asteraceae. Both, M. gigantea and V. arborea had clumped distribution. Eight species identified survived from repeated fires, are Anthocephalus chinensis, Dipterocarpus cornutus, Diospyros borneensis, Eusideroxylon zwageri, Shorea ovalis, Syzygium borneensis, Pholidocarpus majadum and Vatica umbonata. All surviving species was distributed uniformly in the plot. Dominant pioneer species which has grown after repeated fires indicates that the current condition of burnt forest is in the early succession. Protecting forest, assisting natural regeneration and monitoring dominant species are suggested as activities for the ecological restoration

    Postpartum incidental solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas : case report

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    Solid pseudopapillary tumors of the pancreas are usually described as rare lesions with low malignant potential and unpredictable behavior. The prognosis may be favorable even with local or distant dissemination. Despite the steady increase of cases diagnosed, the pathogenesis of this neoplasm remains unclear. We present a case of an incidental tumor discovered because of an acute abdomen in a postpartum woman without previous evidence of a tumor during the pregnancy

    Йосиф Конрадович Пачоський: історіографія проблеми

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    Проаналізовано наукові, науково-популярні, публіцистичні, літературні джерела щодо біографії і наукової діяльності Й.К. Почоського, розділені на три періоди: перший — дореволюційний період вивчення життєвого шляху та наукової діяльності вченого (1882—1917), другий — радянський (1917—1989), третій — сучасний (1989 р.). Окрім вітчизняних, висвітлено праці дослідників із Польщі.Проанализированы научные, научно-популярные, публицистические, литературные источники по биографии и научной деятельности И.К.Пачоского, разделенные на три периода: первый — дореволюционный период изучения жизненного пути и научной деятельности ученого (1882—1917), второй советский (1917—1989), третий — современный (с 1989 г. ). Кроме отечественных, освещены работы исследователей из Польши.The paper contains analysis of scientific, popular-scientific, publicistic and literary sources on the scientific biography of I.K. Pachosky, divided in the three periods: first — pre-revolutionary (1882—1917), second — soviet (1917—1989), third — contemporary (1989 and on). Apart from national scientists, works of scientists from Poland also included

    Flooding tolerance of four tropical peatland tree species in a nursery trial

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    In order to facilitate hydrological restoration, initiatives have been conducted to promote tree growth in degraded and rewetted peatlands in Indonesia. For these initiatives to be successful, tree seedlings need to be able to survive flooding episodes, with or without shade. We investigated the survival rates and the formation of adventitious roots in the case of four tree species exposed to combinations of different shading and water levels under controlled conditions in a nursery, with artificial rainwater and with peat soil as the medium. The research focused on the following questions (i) whether trees can grow on flooded peat soils; and (ii) which plant traits allow plants to cope with inundation, with or without shade. The four tree species compared (Shorea balangeran, Cratoxylum arborescens, Nephelium lappaceum and Durio zibethinus) include two natural pioneer and two farmer-preferred fruit trees. The experiment used a split-split plot design with 48 treatment combinations and at least 13 tree-level replicates. The study found that S. balangeran and C. arborescens had relatively high survival rates and tolerated saturated condition for 13 weeks, while N. lappaceum and D. zibethinus required non-saturated peat conditions. S. balangeran and C. arborescens developed adventitious roots to adapt to the inundated conditions. D. zibethinus, S. balangeran and N. lappaceum grew best under moderate (30%) shading levels, while C. arborescent grew best in full sunlight

    The emergence of a commercial trade in pangolins from Gabon

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    Recent seizures of illegally-held wildlife indicate a mounting global trade in pangolins involving all eight species. Seizures of illegally-traded African pangolins are increasing as wild populations of Asian species decline. We investigated trade in pangolins and law enforcement efforts in Gabon; a country likely to have intact wild populations of three of the four species of African pangolin. We compared village sales and trade chains between 2002-3 and 2014. Hunters reported pangolins to be the most frequently requested species in 2014 and the value of pangolins had increased at every point along their trade chain. In Libreville, giant pangolin prices increased 211% and arboreal pangolin prices 73% whilst inflation rose only 4.6% over the same period. We documented a low rate of interception of illegally-traded pangolins despite increased law enforcement. Surveys of potential export routes detected exports across forest borders, in conjunction with ivory, but not through public transport routes. We conclude that whilst there is clear potential and ikelihood that a wild pangolin export trade is emerging from Gabon, traditional bushmeat trade chains may not be the primary supply route. We recommend adjusting conservation policies and actions to impede further development of illegal trade within and from Gabon

    Satisfaction of staff of Swiss insurance companies with medical appraisals: a cross sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A high quality of timely delivered medical appraisals is crucial for social and other insurances to judge possible occupational reintegration measures for patients with medical conditions who are in danger to lose their job. However, little is known about the satisfaction of staff of insurance companies with medical appraisals that they have commissioned.</p> <p>Our questionnaire survey prospectively included all medical appraisals arriving at Swiss insurances from FEB to APR 2008. We assessed the satisfaction of the commissioner with medical appraisals performed by medical assessors. In addition, we evaluated the contribution of several factors to overall satisfaction. The unit of sample was the medical appraisal.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>We analysed 3165 medical appraisals, 2444 (77%) of them from the public disability insurance, 678 (22%) from private accident, liability and loss of income insurances and 43 (1%) from other insurances. Overall satisfaction of staff of insurance companies in Switzerland was high, but satisfaction of the disability insurance with appraisals was generally lower compared to satisfaction of private insurances. The staff of the disability insurance judged time for preparation as too long in 30%. For staff of private insurance companies 20% of appraisals were not "worth its price". Well-grounded and comprehensible conclusions were the single most important factor for high overall satisfaction (OR 10.1; 95%-CI: 1.1-89.3).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>From the viewpoint of staff of insurance companies, a relevant part of medical appraisals arrives too late. Medical assessors have to take the specific needs of insurances into account, to perform more appraisals with sound conclusions in due time.</p

    Klassische Moderne. Un paradigma del Novecento

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    Il libro, che pubblica gli atti del convegno internazionale, svoltosi a Roma nel maggio del 2007 nell’ambito della ricerca PRIN-2005 (Università di Roma La Sapienza, Trento, Bari e Urbino), analizza il periodo della cultura tedesca della fine-secolo con particolare attenzione ai personaggi e ai movimenti che si sono collocati negli “spazi intermedi”, intesi non solo e non tanto come zone di confine in senso territoriale, quanto piuttosto come zone di interscambio culturale e disciplinare, come tentativi di “superamento” degli ordini mentali e culturali costituiti. L’ambito cronologico che il gruppo di ricerca prende in esame va da 1888 al 1933. La periodizzazione proposta vuole rinviare a quella serie di movimenti e di pensatori che hanno dato il via alla messa in discussione di quei valori costituiti, dalla cui frammentazione è nata la cultura del “secolo breve”. In questo periodo, a partire dalla Jahrhundertwende, sono state elaborate e sperimentate nella prassi letteraria e artistica, una serie di teorie, una serie di “visioni del mondo” che implicavano tanto una pratica produttiva quanto un ruolo dell’artista e dell’arte quanto una visione più generale dei cambiamenti epocali e dell’epoca moderna. Tali teorie e pratiche artistiche, di vario genere e di vario livello, costituiscono un patrimonio concettuale perché in esse si trovano sperimentate e a volte anticipate molte questioni che oggi sono di estrema attualità: dal rapporto uomo-macchina al rapporto parola-immagine, dalla definizione degli spazi urbani alla questione della guerra, dalla ricerca della identità monoculturale alla presa d’atto dell’esistenza dell’estraneo. Queste varie problematiche sono state espresse in termini linguistici nuovi giacché gli autori si sono posti – teoricamente e praticamente – il problema del linguaggio artistico e ne hanno modificato (a volte radicalmente) i codici espressivi. Il libro di divide in tre parti: I: Per una definizione della Klassische Moderne che presenta l’ampia e animata discussione sulla stessa definizione teorica del movimento artistico-culturale, sia sui termini cronologici di questa nuova periodizzazione. Questa parte raccoglie i contributi di Aldo Venturelli, Helmut Kiesel e Fabrizio Cambi. II: La rivoluzione delle forme, che analizza la produzione delle avanguardie (sia pure definite “marginali” ) e prende in considerazione anche aspetti della produzione musicale, nonché forme di narratologia e nuove forme di scrittura. Questa seconda parte pubblica i saggi di Mauro Ponzi, Rosmarie Keller, Silvio Vietta, Hans Dieter Zimmermann, Elio Matassi e Sabine Meine. III: La fucina dei nuovi linguaggi che analizza l’innovazione dei linguaggi artistici sull’esempio di autori meno radicali che quelli delle avanguardie storiche. Questi autori, tipici esponenti della Klassische Moderne, hanno cercato di coniugare l’innovazione dei linguaggi con il recupero di alcuni aspetti della tradizione. Nella terza parte del volume vengono pubblicati i saggi di Alain Montandon, Giovanni Tateo, Gouseppe Farese, Gabriella Rovagnati, Sabine Schneider e Alessandro Fambrini