10 research outputs found

    Preface: Advances in post-processing and blending of deterministic and ensemble forecasts

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    The special issue on advances in post-processing and blending of deterministic and ensemble forecasts is the outcome of several successful successive sessions organized at the General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union. Statistical post-processing and blending of forecasts are currently topics of important attention and development in many countries to produce optimal forecasts. Ten contributions have been received, covering key aspects of current concerns on statistical post-processing, namely the restoration of inter-variable dependences, the impact of model changes on the statistical relationships and how to cope with it, the operational implementation at forecasting centers, the development of appropriate metrics for forecast verification, and finally two specific applications to snow forecasts and seasonal forecasts of the North Atlantic Oscillation

    Bias adjustment and ensemble recalibration methods for seasonal forecasting: a comprehensive intercomparison using the C3S dataset

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    This work presents a comprehensive intercomparison of diferent alternatives for the calibration of seasonal forecasts, ranging from simple bias adjustment (BA)-e.g. quantile mapping-to more sophisticated ensemble recalibration (RC) methods- e.g. non-homogeneous Gaussian regression, which build on the temporal correspondence between the climate model and the corresponding observations to generate reliable predictions. To be as critical as possible, we validate the raw model and the calibrated forecasts in terms of a number of metrics which take into account diferent aspects of forecast quality (association, accuracy, discrimination and reliability). We focus on one-month lead forecasts of precipitation and temperature from four state-of-the-art seasonal forecasting systems, three of them included in the Copernicus Climate Change Service dataset (ECMWF-SEAS5, UK Met Ofce-GloSea5 and Météo France-System5) for boreal winter and summer over two illustrative regions with diferent skill characteristics (Europe and Southeast Asia). Our results indicate that both BA and RC methods efectively correct the large raw model biases, which is of paramount importance for users, particularly when directly using the climate model outputs to run impact models, or when computing climate indices depending on absolute values/thresholds. However, except for particular regions and/or seasons (typically with high skill), there is only marginal added value-with respect to the raw model outputs-beyond this bias removal. For those cases, RC methods can outperform BA ones, mostly due to an improvement in reliability. Finally, we also show that whereas an increase in the number of members only modestly afects the results obtained from calibration, longer hindcast periods lead to improved forecast quality, particularly for RC methods.This work has been funded by the C3S activity on Evaluation and Quality Control for seasonal forecasts. JMG was partially supported by the project MULTI-SDM (CGL2015-66583-R, MINECO/FEDER). FJDR was partially funded by the H2020 EUCP project (GA 776613)

    Generating Ensemble Streamflow Forecasts: A Review of Methods and Approaches Over the Past 40 Years

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