99 research outputs found

    Submillimetre Transient Science in the Next Decade

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    White paper from the EAO Submillimetre Futures Meeting, 20-23 May 2019, Nanjing, ChinaThis white paper gives a brief summary of the time domain science that has been performed with the JCMT in recent years and highlights the opportunities for continuing work in this field over the next decade. The main focus of this document is the JCMT Transient Survey, a large program initiated in 2015 to measure the frequency and amplitude of variability events associated with protostars in nearby star-forming regions. After summarising the major accomplishments so far, an outline is given for extensions to the current survey, featuring a discussion on what will be possible with the new 850 micron camera that is expected to be installed in late 2022. We also discuss possible applications of submillimetre monitoring to active galactic nuclei, X-ray binaries, asymptotic giant branch stars, and flare stars.Science and Technology Facilities Counci

    The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: Evidence for radiative heating in Serpens MWC 297 and its influence on local star formation

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    We present SCUBA-2 450micron and 850micron observations of the Serpens MWC 297 region, part of the JCMT Gould Belt Survey of nearby star-forming regions. Simulations suggest that radiative feedback influences the star-formation process and we investigate observational evidence for this by constructing temperature maps. Maps are derived from the ratio of SCUBA-2 fluxes and a two component model of the JCMT beam for a fixed dust opacity spectral index of beta = 1.8. Within 40 of the B1.5Ve Herbig star MWC 297, the submillimetre fluxes are contaminated by free-free emission with a spectral index of 1.03+-0.02, consistent with an ultra-compact HII region and polar winds/jets. Contamination accounts for 73+-5 per cent and 82+-4 per cent of peak flux at 450micron and 850micron respectively. The residual thermal disk of the star is almost undetectable at these wavelengths. Young Stellar Objects are confirmed where SCUBA-2 850micron clumps identified by the fellwalker algorithm coincide with Spitzer Gould Belt Survey detections. We identify 23 objects and use Tbol to classify nine YSOs with masses 0.09 to 5.1 Msun. We find two Class 0, one Class 0/I, three Class I and three Class II sources. The mean temperature is 15+-2K for the nine YSOs and 32+-4K for the 14 starless clumps. We observe a starless clump with an abnormally high mean temperature of 46+-2K and conclude that it is radiatively heated by the star MWC 297. Jeans stability provides evidence that radiative heating by the star MWC 297 may be suppressing clump collapse.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures, 7 table

    The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: A First Look at the Auriga–California Molecular Cloud with SCUBA-2

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    We present 850 and 450 μm observations of the dense regions within the Auriga–California molecular cloud using SCUBA-2 as part of the JCMT Gould Belt Legacy Survey to identify candidate protostellar objects, measure the masses of their circumstellar material (disk and envelope), and compare the star formation to that in the Orion A molecular cloud. We identify 59 candidate protostars based on the presence of compact submillimeter emission, complementing these observations with existing Herschel/SPIRE maps. Of our candidate protostars, 24 are associated with young stellar objects (YSOs) in the Spitzer and Herschel/PACS catalogs of 166 and 60 YSOs, respectively (177 unique), confirming their protostellar nature. The remaining 35 candidate protostars are in regions, particularly around LkHα 101, where the background cloud emission is too bright to verify or rule out the presence of the compact 70 μm emission that is expected for a protostellar source. We keep these candidate protostars in our sample but note that they may indeed be prestellar in nature. Our observations are sensitive to the high end of the mass distribution in Auriga–Cal. We find that the disparity between the richness of infrared star-forming objects in Orion A and the sparsity in Auriga–Cal extends to the submillimeter, suggesting that the relative star formation rates have not varied over the Class II lifetime and that Auriga–Cal will maintain a lower star formation efficiency

    First Results from the CHARA Array VII: Long-Baseline Interferometric Measurements of Vega Consistent with a Pole-On, Rapidly Rotating Star

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    We have obtained high-precision interferometric measurements of Vega with the CHARA Array and FLUOR beam combiner in the K' band at projected baselines between 103m and 273m. The measured visibility amplitudes beyond the first lobe are significantly weaker than expected for a slowly rotating star characterized by a single effective temperature and surface gravity. Our measurements, when compared to synthetic visibilities and synthetic spectrophotometry from a Roche-von Zeipel gravity-darkened model atmosphere, provide strong evidence for the model of Vega as a rapidly rotating star viewed very nearly pole-on. Our best fitting model indicates that Vega is rotating at ~91% of its angular break-up rate with an equatorial velocity of 275 km/s. Together with the measured vsin(i), this velocity yields an inclination for the rotation axis of 5 degrees. For this model the pole-to-equator effective temperature difference is 2250 K, a value much larger than previously derived from spectral line analyses. The derived equatorial T_eff of 7900 K indicates Vega's equatorial atmosphere may be convective and provides a possible explanation for the discrepancy. The model has a luminosity of ~37 Lsun, a value 35% lower than Vega's apparent luminosity based on its bolometric flux and parallax, assuming a slowly rotating star. The model luminosity is consistent with the mean absolute magnitude of A0V stars. Our model predicts the spectral energy distribution of Vega as viewed from its equatorial plane; a model which may be employed in radiative models for the surrounding debris disk.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, accepted by Ap

    JCMT POL-2 and BISTRO Survey Observations of Magnetic Fields in the L1689 Molecular Cloud

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    We present 850 μm polarization observations of the L1689 molecular cloud, part of the nearby Ophiuchus molecular cloud complex, taken with the POL-2 polarimeter on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT). We observe three regions of L1689: the clump L1689N which houses the IRAS 16293-2433 protostellar system, the starless clump SMM-16, and the starless core L1689B. We use the Davis–Chandrasekhar–Fermi method to estimate plane-of-sky field strengths of 366 ± 55 μG in L1689N, 284 ± 34 μG in SMM-16, and 72 ± 33 μG in L1689B, for our fiducial value of dust opacity. These values indicate that all three regions are likely to be magnetically transcritical with sub-Alfvénic turbulence. In all three regions, the inferred mean magnetic field direction is approximately perpendicular to the local filament direction identified in Herschel Space Telescope observations. The core-scale field morphologies for L1689N and L1689B are consistent with the cloud-scale field morphology measured by the Planck Space Observatory, suggesting that material can flow freely from large to small scales for these sources. Based on these magnetic field measurements, we posit that accretion from the cloud onto L1689N and L1689B may be magnetically regulated. However, in SMM-16, the clump-scale field is nearly perpendicular to the field seen on cloud scales by Planck, suggesting that it may be unable to efficiently accrete further material from its surroundings

    The JCMT BISTRO-2 Survey: The Magnetic Field in the Center of the Rosette Molecular Cloud

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    We present the first 850 μm polarization observations in the most active star-forming site of the Rosette Molecular Cloud (d ~ 1.6 kpc) in the wall of the Rosette Nebula, imaged with the SCUBA-2/POL-2 instruments of the James Clerk Maxwell telescope, as part of the B-Fields In Star-forming Region Observations 2 (BISTRO-2) survey. From the POL-2 data we find that the polarization fraction decreases with the 850 μm continuum intensity with α = 0.49 ± 0.08 in the p ∝ I−α relation, which suggests that some fraction of the dust grains remain aligned at high densities. The north of our 850 μm image reveals a "gemstone ring" morphology, which is a ~1 pc diameter ring-like structure with extended emission in the "head" to the southwest. We hypothesize that it might have been blown by feedback in its interior, while the B-field is parallel to its circumference in most places. In the south of our SCUBA-2 field the clumps are apparently connected with filaments that follow infrared dark clouds. Here, the POL-2 magnetic field orientations appear bimodal with respect to the large-scale Planck field. The mass of our effective mapped area is ~174 M⊙, which we calculate from 850 μm flux densities. We compare our results with masses from large-scale emission-subtracted Herschel 250 μm data and find agreement within 30%. We estimate the plane-of-sky B-field strength in one typical subregion using the Davis–Chandrasekhar–Fermi technique and find 80 ± 30 μG toward a clump and its outskirts. The estimated mass-to-flux ratio of λ = 2.3 ± 1.0 suggests that the B-field is not sufficiently strong to prevent gravitational collapse in this subregion

    The JCMT BISTRO Survey: Alignment between Outflows and Magnetic Fields in Dense Cores/Clumps

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    We compare the directions of molecular outflows of 62 low-mass Class 0 and I protostars in nearby (<450 pc) star-forming regions with the mean orientations of the magnetic fields on 0.05–0.5 pc scales in the dense cores/clumps where they are embedded. The magnetic field orientations were measured using the JCMT POL-2 data taken by the BISTRO-1 survey and from the archive. The outflow directions were observed with interferometers in the literature. The observed distribution of the angles between the outflows and the magnetic fields peaks between 15° and 35°. After considering projection effects, our results could suggest that the outflows tend to be misaligned with the magnetic fields by 50° ± 15° in three-dimensional space and are less likely (but not ruled out) randomly oriented with respect to the magnetic fields. There is no correlation between the misalignment and the bolometric temperatures in our sample. In several sources, the small-scale (1000–3000 au) magnetic field is more misaligned with the outflow than the large-scale magnetic field, suggesting that the small-scale magnetic field has been twisted by the dynamics. In comparison with turbulent MHD simulations of core formation, our observational results are more consistent with models in which the energy densities in the magnetic field and the turbulence of the gas are comparable. Our results also suggest that the misalignment alone cannot sufficiently reduce the efficiency of magnetic braking to enable formation of the observed number of large Keplerian disks with sizes larger than 30–50 au

    Direct discovery of the inner exoplanet in the HD 206893 system : Evidence for deuterium burning in a planetary-mass companion

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    Aims. HD 206893 is a nearby debris disk star that hosts a previously identified brown dwarf companion with an orbital separation of ∼10 au. Long-term precise radial velocity (RV) monitoring, as well as anomalies in the system proper motion, has suggested the presence of an additional, inner companion in the system. Methods. Using information from ongoing precision RV measurements with the HARPS spectrograph, as well as Gaia host star astrometry, we have undertaken a multi-epoch search for the purported additional planet using the VLTI/GRAVITY instrument. Results. We report a high-significance detection over three epochs of the companion HD 206893c, which shows clear evidence for Keplerian orbital motion. Our astrometry with ∼50−100 μarcsec precision afforded by GRAVITY allows us to derive a dynamical mass of 12.7MJup and an orbital separation of 3.53 au for HD 206893c. Our fits to the orbits of both companions in the system use both Gaia astrometry and RVs to also provide a precise dynamical estimate of the previously uncertain mass of the B component, and therefore allow us to derive an age of 155 ± 15 Myr for the system. We find that theoretical atmospheric and evolutionary models that incorporate deuterium burning for HD 206893c, parameterized by cloudy atmosphere models as well as a “hybrid sequence” (encompassing a transition from cloudy to cloud-free), provide a good simultaneous fit to the luminosity of both HD 206893B and c. Thus, accounting for both deuterium burning and clouds is crucial to understanding the luminosity evolution of HD 206893c. Conclusions. In addition to using long-term RV information, this effort is an early example of a direct imaging discovery of a bona fide exoplanet that was guided in part by Gaia astrometry. Utilizing Gaia astrometry is expected to be one of the primary techniques going forward for identifying and characterizing additional directly imaged planets. In addition, HD 206893c is an example of an object narrowly straddling the deuterium-burning limit but unambiguously undergoing deuterium burning. Additional discoveries like this may therefore help clarify the discrimination between a brown dwarf and an extrasolar planet. Lastly, this discovery is another example of the power of optical interferometry to directly detect and characterize extrasolar planets where they form, at ice-line orbital separations of 2−4 au

    The JCMT Gould Belt Survey: first results from the SCUBA-2 observations of the Ophiuchus molecular cloud and a virial analysis of its prestellar core population

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    In this paper, we present the first observations of the Ophiuchus molecular cloud performed as part of the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) Gould Belt Survey (GBS) with the SCUBA-2 instrument. We demonstrate methods for combining these data with previous HARP CO, Herschel, and IRAM N2H+ observations in order to accurately quantify the properties of the SCUBA-2 sources in Ophiuchus. We produce a catalogue of all of the sources found by SCUBA-2. We separate these into protostars and starless cores. We list all of the starless cores and perform a full virial analysis, including external pressure. This is the first time that external pressure has been included in this level of detail. We find that the majority of our cores are either bound or virialized. Gravitational energy and external pressure are on average of a similar order of magnitude, but with some variation from region to region. We find that cores in the Oph A region are gravitationally bound prestellar cores, while cores in the Oph C and E regions are pressure-confined. We determine that N2H+ is a good tracer of the bound material of prestellar cores, although we find some evidence for N2H+ freeze-out at the very highest core densities. We find that non-thermal linewidths decrease substantially between the gas traced by C18O and that traced by N2H+, indicating the dissipation of turbulence at higher densities. We find that the critical Bonnor-Ebert stability criterion is not a good indicator of the boundedness of our cores. We detect the pre-brown dwarf candidate Oph B-11 and find a flux density and mass consistent with previous work. We discuss regional variations in the nature of the cores and find further support for our previous hypothesis of a global evolutionary gradient across the cloud from south-west to north-east, indicating sequential star formation across the regio