541 research outputs found

    Osteomielite Crónica de Metatarsico por Pseudomonas após Ferida Perfurante Plantar

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    As feridas perfurantes dos pés são relativamente comuns e as complicações ósseas e articulares ocorrem em aproximadamente 2% dos casos. Estas infeções são na grande maioria provocadas pela Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A elevada apetência desta bactéria para o tecido cartilagíneo e a utilização frequente de calçado desportivo no grupo etário infantil constituem os dois principais fatores que contribuem para o aumento da incidência desta patologia no pé imaturo da criança. Vários artigos têm chamado a atenção para esta entidade na sua forma aguda. Neste estudo os autores pretende alertar para a evolução subaguda e crónica, cursos menos frequentes da doença. As feridas perfurantes do pé continuam a ser desvalorizadas pelos profissionais de saúde e, muitas vezes, são menosprezadas pelo próprio doente. Como consequência da falta de avaliação e de seguimento no período pós ferida, podem desenvolver-se lesões com repercussões futuras como aconteceu no caso clínico apresentado

    Characterisation of Hybrid Pixel Detectors with capacitive charge division

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    In order to fully exploit the physics potential of the future high energy e+ e- linear collider, a Vertex Tracker providing high resolution track reconstruction is required. Hybrid pixel sensors are an attractive technology due to their fast read-out capabilities and radiation hardness. A novel pixel detector layout with interleaved cells between the readout nodes has been developed to improve the single point resolution. The results of the characterisation of the first processed prototypes are reported.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, presented at LCWS2000, Linear Collider Workshop, October 24-28 2000, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois, U.S.A. Proceedings to be published by the American Institute of Physic

    Hybrid Pixel Detector Development for the Linear Collider Vertex Tracker

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    In order to fully exploit the physics potential of the future high energy e+e- linear collider, a Vertex Tracker able to provide particle track extrapolation with very high resolution is needed. Hybrid Si pixel sensors are an attractive technology due to their fast read-out capabilities and radiation hardness. A novel pixel detector layout with interleaved cells has been developed to improve the single point resolution. Results of the characterisation of the first processed prototypes by electrostatic measurements and charge collection studies are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the Proceedings of the 9th Int. Workshop on Vertex Detectors, Lake Michigan MI (USA), September~200

    Computability with polynomial differential equations

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    In this paper, we show that there are Initial Value Problems de ned with polynomial ordinary di erential equations that can simulate univer- sal Turing machines in the presence of bounded noise. The polynomial ODE de ning the IVP is explicitly obtained and the simulation is per- formed in real time

    Fatigue strength of austempered ductile iron-to-steel dissimilar arc-welded joints

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    Nowadays, the use of different classes of materials in the same structure is increased to keep pace with innovation and high structural performances. In this context, structural components made of different materials need to be joined together and a possible solution is given by arc welding. Dissimilar welded joints must often be able to withstand fatigue loads; however, Design Standards provide fatigue strength categories only for homogeneous welded joints. The aim of the present paper is to compare the fatigue behaviour of EN-GJS-1050 austempered ductile iron-to-S355J2 steel dissimilar joints to the categories of the corresponding homogeneous steel welded joints, as suggested in International Standards and Recommendations. For this purpose, experimental fatigue tests were performed on a selection of dissimilar welded details. First, the microstructure was identified by metallographic analysis; micro-hardness measurements were collected and residual stress profiles were obtained by using the X-ray diffraction technique on a selection of joints. Misalignments were quantified for all specimens. Then, experimental fatigue tests have been performed on a number of joint geometries subject to axial or bending fatigue loadings and tested in the as-welded conditions. The fracture surfaces of the joints have been analysed to locate fatigue crack nucleation sites

    Computational bounds on polynomial differential equations

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    In this paper we study from a computational perspective some prop-erties of the solutions of polynomial ordinary di erential equations. We consider elementary (in the sense of Analysis) discrete-time dynam-ical systems satisfying certain criteria of robustness. We show that those systems can be simulated with elementary and robust continuous-time dynamical systems which can be expanded into fully polynomial ordinary diferential equations with coe cients in Q[ ]. This sets a computational lower bound on polynomial ODEs since the former class is large enough to include the dynamics of arbitrary Turing machines. We also apply the previous methods to show that the problem of de-termining whether the maximal interval of defnition of an initial-value problem defned with polynomial ODEs is bounded or not is in general undecidable, even if the parameters of the system are computable and comparable and if the degree of the corresponding polynomial is at most 56. Combined with earlier results on the computability of solutions of poly-nomial ODEs, one can conclude that there is from a computational point of view a close connection between these systems and Turing machines

    A Pixel Vertex Tracker for the TESLA Detector

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    In order to fully exploit the physics potential of a e+e- linear collider, such as TESLA, a Vertex Tracker providing high resolution track reconstruction is required. Hybrid Silicon pixel sensors are an attractive sensor technology option due to their read-out speed and radiation hardness, favoured in the high rate TESLA environment, but have been so far limited by the achievable single point space resolution. A novel layout of pixel detectors with interleaved cells to improve their spatial resolution is introduced and the results of the characterisation of a first set of test structures are discussed. In this note, a conceptual design of the TESLA Vertex Tracker, based on hybrid pixel sensors is presentedComment: 20 pages, 11 figure

    Wind shear estimation and wake detection by rotor loads - First wind tunnel verification

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    The paper describes a simple method for detecting presence and location of a wake affecting a downstream wind turbine operating in a wind power plant. First, the local wind speed and shear experienced by the wind turbine are estimated by the use of rotor loads and other standard wind turbine response data. Then, a simple wake deficit model is used to determine the lateral position of the wake with respect to the affected rotor. The method is verified in a boundary layer wind tunnel using two instrumented scaled wind turbine models, demonstrating its effectiveness

    Relevance of the Lin's and Host hydropedological models to predict grape yield and wine quality

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    The adoption of precision agriculture in viticulture could be greatly enhanced by the diffusion of straightforward and easy to be applied hydropedological models, able to predict the spatial variability of available soil water. The Lin's and Host hydropedological models were applied to standard soil series descriptions and hillslope position, to predict the distribution of hydrological functional units in two vineyard and their relevance for grape yield and wine quality. A three-years trial was carried out in Chianti (Central Italy) on Sangiovese. The soils of the vineyards differentiated in structure, porosity and related hydropedological characteristics, as well as in salinity. Soil spatial variability was deeply affected by earth movement carried out before vine plantation. Six plots were selected in the different hydrological functional units of the two vineyards, that is, at summit, backslope and footslope morphological positions, to monitor soil hydrology, grape production and wine quality. Plot selection was based upon a cluster analysis of local slope, topographic wetness index (TWI), and cumulative moisture up to the root limiting layer, appreciated by means of a detailed combined geophysical survey. Water content, redox processes and temperature were monitored, as well as yield, phenological phases, and chemical analysis of grapes. The isotopic ratio δ<sup>13</sup>C was measured in the wine ethanol upon harvesting to evaluate the degree of stress suffered by vines. The grapes in each plot were collected for wine making in small barrels. The wines obtained were analysed and submitted to a blind organoleptic testing. <br></br> The results demonstrated that the combined application of the two hydropedological models can be used for the prevision of the moisture status of soils cultivated with grape during summertime in Mediterranean climate. As correctly foreseen by the models, the amount of mean daily transpirable soil water (TSW) during the growing season differed considerably between the vineyards and increased significantly along the three positions on slope in both vineyards. The water accumulation along slope occurred in every year, even during the very dry 2006. The installation of indicators of reduction in soils (IRIS) tubes allowed confirmation of the occurrence of reductive processes in the most shallow soil. <br></br> Both Sangiovese grape yield and quality of wine were influenced by the interaction between TSW content and salinity, sometimes contrary to expectations. Therefore, the studied hydropedological models were not relevant to predict grape yield and wine quality in all the hydrological functional units. The diffusion of hydropedological models in precision viticulture could be boosted considering salinity along with topography and soil hydrological characteristics

    High resolution pixel detectors for e+e- linear colliders

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    The physics goals at the future e+e- linear collider require high performance vertexing and impact parameter resolution. Two possible technologies for the vertex detector of an experimental apparatus are outlined in the paper: an evolution of the Hybrid Pixel Sensors already used in high energy physics experiments and a new detector concept based on the monolithic CMOS sensors.Comment: 8 pages, to appear on the Proceedings of the International Workshop on Linear Colliders LCWS99, Sitges (Spain), April 28 - May 5, 199