627 research outputs found

    M31 Transverse Velocity and Local Group Mass from Satellite Kinematics

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    We present several different statistical methods to determine the transverse velocity vector of M31. The underlying assumptions are that the M31 satellites on average follow the motion of M31 through space, and that the galaxies in the outer parts of the Local Group on average follow the motion of the Local Group barycenter through space. We apply the methods to the line-of-sight velocities of 17 M31 satellites, to the proper motions of the 2 satellites M33 and IC 10, and to the line-of-sight velocities of 5 galaxies near the Local Group turn around radius, respectively. This yields 4 independent but mutually consistent determinations of the heliocentric M31 transverse velocities in the West and North directions, with weighted averages = -78+/-41 km/s and = -38+/-34 km/s. The Galactocentric tangential velocity of M31 is 42 km/s, with 1-sigma confidence interval V_tan <= 56 km/s. The implied M31-Milky Way orbit is bound if the total Local Group mass M exceeds 1.72^{+0.26}_{-0.25}x10^{12} solar masses. If indeed bound, then the timing argument combined with the known age of the Universe implies that M = 5.58^{+0.85}_{-0.72}x10^{12} solar masses. This is on the high end of the allowed mass range suggested by cosmologically motivated models for the individual structure and dynamics of M31 and the Milky Way, respectively. It is therefore possible that the timing mass is an overestimate of the true mass, especially if one takes into account recent results from the Millennium Simulation that show that there is also a theoretical uncertainty of 41 percent (Gaussian dispersion) in timing mass estimates. The M31 transverse velocity implies that M33 is in a tightly bound orbit around M31. This may have led to some tidal deformation of M33. It will be worthwhile to search for observational evidence of this.Comment: ApJ in press, 14 pages, including 3 figures (has minor revisions with respect to previously posted version to address referee comments

    Density dependent movement of South African sardine

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    A hypothesis that the movement of South Africa sardine from the west to the south coast is dependent on west coast biomass is revisited and a relationship proposed for use in future projections

    HST Imaging of Globular Clusters in the Edge--on Spiral Galaxies NGC 4565 and NGC 5907

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    We present a study of the globular cluster systems of two edge-on spiral galaxies, NGC4565 and NGC5907, from WFPC2 images in the F450W and F814W filters. The globular cluster systems of both galaxies appear to be similar to the Galactic globular cluster system. In particular, we derive total numbers of globular clusters of N_{GC}(4565)= 204+/-38 {+87}{-53} and N_{GC}(5907)=170+/-41 {+47}{-72} (where the first are statistical, the second potential systematic errors) for NGC4565 and NGC5907, respectively. This determination is based on a comparison to the Milky Way system, for which we adopt a total number of globular clusters of 180+/-20. The specific frequency of both galaxies is S_N~0.6: indistinguishable from the value for the Milky Way. The similarity in the globular cluster systems of the two galaxies is noteworthy since they have significantly different thick disks and bulge-to-disk ratios. This would suggest that these two components do not play a major role in the building up of a globular cluster system around late-type galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal, 17 pages incl 5 figures, AAS style two columns. Also available at http://www.eso.org/~mkissler, Color version of figure 1 only available at http://www.eso.org/~mkissler (B/W version included

    The eclipsing X-ray pulsar X-7 in M33

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    Using our extensive ROSAT X-ray observations of M33, we confirm a 3.45 day eclipse period for the Einstein source X-7 (Larson & Schulman, 1997) and discover evidence for a 0.31-s pulse period. The orbital period, pulse period and observed X-ray luminosity are remarkably similar to SMC X-1. We therefore suggest M33 X-7 is a neutron star high mass X-ray binary with a 15-40 Msol O/B companion and a binary separation of 25-33 Rsol if the companion is almost filling its Roche lobe.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    Binding Energy and the Fundamental Plane of Globular Clusters

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    A physical description of the fundamental plane of Galactic globular clusters is developed which explains all empirical trends and correlations in a large number of cluster observables and provides a small but complete set of truly independent constraints on theories of cluster formation and evolution in the Milky Way. Within the theoretical framework of single-mass, isotropic King models, it is shown that (1) 39 regular (non--core-collapsed) globulars with measured core velocity dispersions share a common V-band mass-to-light ratio of 1.45 +/- 0.10, and (2) a complete sample of 109 regular globulars reveals a very strong correlation between cluster binding energy and total luminosity, regulated by Galactocentric position: E_b \propto (L^{2.05} r_{\rm gc}^{-0.4}). The observational scatter about either of these two constraints can be attributed fully to random measurement errors, making them the defining equations of a fundamental plane for globular clusters. A third, weaker correlation, between total luminosity and the King-model concentration parameter, c, is then related to the (non-random) distribution of globulars on the plane. The equations of the FP are used to derive expressions for any cluster observable in terms of only L, r_{\rm gc}, and c. Results are obtained for generic King models and applied specifically to the globular cluster system of the Milky Way.Comment: 60 pages with 19 figures, submitted to Ap

    Slow recruitment in the HIMALAIA study:lessons for future clinical trials in patients with delayed cerebral ischemia after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage based on feasibility data

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    Background : Our randomized clinical trial on induced hypertension in patients with delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI) after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) was halted prematurely due to unexpected slow recruitment rates. This raised new questions regarding recruitment feasibility. As our trial can therefore be seen as a feasibility trial, we assessed the reasons for the slow recruitment, aiming to facilitate the design of future randomized trials in aSAH patients with DCI or other critically ill patient categories. Methods : Efficiency of recruitment and factors influencing recruitment were evaluated, based on the patient flow in the two centers that admitted most patients during the study period. We collected numbers of patients who were screened for eligibility, provided informed consent, and developed DCI and who eventually were randomized. Results : Of the 862 aSAH patients admitted in the two centers during the course of the trial, 479 (56%) were eligible for trial participation of whom 404 (84%) were asked for informed consent. Of these, 188 (47%) provided informed consent, of whom 50 (27%) developed DCI. Of these 50 patients, 12 (24%) could not be randomized due to a logistic problem or a contraindication for induced hypertension emerging at the time of randomization, and four (8%) were missed for randomization. Eventually, 34 patients were randomized and received intervention or control treatment. Conclusions : Enrolling patients in a randomized trial on a treatment strategy for DCI proved unfeasible: only 1 out of 25 admitted and 1 out of 14 eligible patients could eventually be randomized. These rates, caused by a large proportion of ineligible patients, a small proportion of patients providing informed consent, and a large proportion of patients with contraindications for treatment, can be used to make sample size calculations for future randomized trials in DCI or otherwise critically ill patients. Facilitating informed consent through improved provision of information on risks, possible benefits, and study procedures may result in improved enrolment

    Globular cluster systems in elliptical galaxies of Coma

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    Globular cluster systems of 17 elliptical galaxies have been studied in the Coma cluster of galaxies. Surface-brightness fluctuations have been used to determine total populations of globular clusters and specific frequency (S_N) has been evaluated for each individual galaxy. Enormous differences in S_N between similar galaxies are found. In particular, S_N results vary by an order of magnitude from galaxy to galaxy. Extreme cases are the following: a) at the lower end of the range, NGC 4673 has S_N = 1.0 +/- 0.4, a surprising value for an elliptical galaxy, but typical for spiral and irregular galaxies; b) at the upper extreme, MCG +5 -31 -063 has S_N = 13.0 +/- 4.2 and IC 4051 S_N = 12.7 +/- 3.2, and are more likely to belong to supergiant cD galaxies than to "normal" elliptical galaxies. Furthermore, NGC 4874, the central supergiant cD galaxy of the Coma cluster, also exhibits a relatively high specific frequency (S_N = 9.0 +/- 2.2). The other galaxies studied have S_N in the range [2, 7], the mean value being S_N = 5.1. No single scenario seems to account for the observed specific frequencies, so the history of each galaxy must be deduced individually by suitably combining the different models (in situ, mergers, and accretions). The possibility that Coma is formed by several subgroups is also considered. If only the galaxies of the main subgroup defined by Gurzadyan & Mazure (2001) are used, a trend in S_N arises in the sense of S_N being bigger in higher density regions. This result needs further confirmation.Comment: 43 pages including 12 .ps figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Globular cluster system and Milky Way properties revisited

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    Updated data of the 153 Galactic globular clusters are used to readdress fundamental parameters of the Milky Way. We build a reduced sample, decontaminated of the clusters younger than 10Gyr, those with retrograde orbits and/or evidence of relation to dwarf galaxies. The 33 metal-rich globular clusters of the reduced sample extend basically to the Solar circle and distribute over a region with projected axial-ratios typical of an oblate spheroidal, Δx:Δy:Δz≈1.0:0.9:0.4\rm\Delta x:\Delta y:\Delta z\approx1.0:0.9:0.4. The 81 metal-poor globular clusters span a nearly spherical region of axial-ratios ≈1.0:1.0:0.8\approx1.0:1.0:0.8 extending from the central parts to the outer halo. A new estimate of the Sun's distance to the Galactic center is provided, RO=7.2±0.3kpc\rm R_O=7.2\pm0.3 kpc. The metal-rich and metal-poor radial-density distributions flatten for RGC≀2kpc\rm R_{GC}\leq2 kpc and are well represented both by a power-law with a core-like term and S\'ersic's law; at large distances they fall off as ∌R−3.9\rm\sim R^{-3.9}. Both metallicity components appear to have a common origin, which is different from that of the dark matter halo. Structural similarities of the metal-rich and metal-poor radial distributions with the stellar halo are consistent with a scenario where part of the reduced sample was formed in the primordial collapse, and part was accreted in an early period of merging. This applies to the bulge as well, suggesting an early merger affecting the central parts of the Galaxy. We estimate that the present globular cluster population corresponds to ≀23±6\rm\leq23\pm6% of the original one. The fact that the volume-density radial distributions of the metal-rich and metal-poor globular clusters of the reduced sample follow both a core-like power-law and S\'ersic's law indicates that we are dealing with spheroidal subsystems in all scales.Comment: 14 pages and 6 figures. Astronomy & Astrophysics, accepted on NOv. 2

    The Origins of Bagan: The archaeological landscape of Upper Burma to AD 1300.

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    The archaeological landscape of Upper Burma from the middle of the first millennium BC to the Bagan period in the 13th-14th century AD is a landscape of continuity. Finds of polished stone and bronze artifacts suggest the existence of early metal-using cultures in the Chindwin and Samon River Valleys, and along parts of the Ayeyarwady plain. Increasing technological and settlement complexity in the Samon Valley suggests that a distinctive culture whose agricultural and trade success can be read in the archaeological record of the Late Prehistoric period developed there. The appearance of the early urban "Pyu" system of walled central places during the early first millennium AD seems to have involved a spread of agricultural and management skills and population from the Samon. The leaders of the urban centres adopted Indic symbols and Sanskrit modes of kingship to enhance and extend their authority. The early urban system was subject over time to a range of stresses including siltation of water systems, external disruption and social changes as Buddhist notions of leadership eclipsed Brahmanical ones. The archaeological evidence indicates that a settlement was forming at Bagan during the last centuries of the first millennium AD. By the mid 11th century Bagan began to dominate Upper Burma, and the region began a transition from a system of largely autonomous city states to a centralised kingdom. Inscriptions of the 11th to 13th centuries indicate that as the Bagan Empire expanded it subsumed the agricultural lands that had been developed by the Pyu
