636 research outputs found

    Experimental study on flame propagation in a straight pipe

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    Flame propagation in a closed pipe with diameter 0.1 m and 5.1 m long, as well as length to diameter ratio (L/D) of 51, was studied experimentally. Hydrogen/air, acetylene/air and methane/air with stoichiometric concentration were used to observe the trend of flame propagation throughout the pipe. Experimental work was carried out at operating condition: pressure 1 atm and temperature 273 K. Results showed that all fuels are having a consistent trend of flame propagation in one-half of the total pipe length in which the acceleration is due to the piston-like effect. Beyond the point, fuel reactivity and tulip phenomenon were considered to lead the flame being quenched and decrease the overpressures drastically. The maximum overpressure for all fuels are approximately 1.5, 7, 8.5 barg for methane, hydrogen, and acetylene indicating that acetylene explosion is more severe

    Organizational adaption for AMT implementation in the SMIs

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    Several factors have been identified as important to the implementation of AMT. A key ingredient to the long term benefits of AMT is the implementation of a parallel process of organizational change to match the technological changes taking place. Increased competitiveness and flexibility of the firms can be achieved if there are high levels of integration of the technologies and mutual adaptation of the organization and technology. To analyse the level of AMT integration and the level of adaptation between organization and technology, a study was conducted in the SMIs of Malaysia using survey questionnaires. The use of computers to integrate the various activities and functions in the SMIs were evaluated to determine the levels of automation practiced in the companies. The adaptation between technology and organization for the small and medium scale industries (SMIs) of Malaysia was determined by identifying the organizational factors important for AMT implementation. Using aggregated index of organizational and technological parameters developed from the questionnaire, a Technology (T)-Organization (O) map was drawn. The T-O map describes the patterns of technology and organizations for the companies and used to classify the position of the companies on the T-O map. Results of the study showed that the level of computer usage in integrating the functions were rather low. The regression analysis carried out to establish the ‘best-fit’ model for the aggregated index showed that the best-fit model for T-O is a polynomial regression model of the 4th order with R2 =0.38766. The result indicates that the variability in the organization has been explained by only 39% in the model developed. A greater fit between organization and technology will be achieved only with higher R2 values. Using the T-O map, only seven companies can be classified as high technology, high organization (HT-HO) whereas almost 83% or 113 companies are in the low technology, low organization (LT-LO) classification. The results clearly indicate that there is lack of integration between the technologies and that the companies are practicing the old methods of management not suitable for AMT implementation

    Effects of gamma irradiation on egg hatchability, pupation, and adult emergence of the immature stages of the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (hendel) (diptera: tephritidae) from Malaysia

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    Studies on the effect of irradiation on egg hatchability, pupation and adult emergence of the immature stages of the Oriental Fruit Fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) was conducted in Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Dengkil, Selangor, Malaysia using a Co-60 source. Eggs, 1st instars to 3rd instars larvae and pupae stages were treated separately with dosages 50Gy to 400Gy to determine the most tolerance stage and the optimum dose for provide quarantine security. Each treatment involves a minimum of 100 individuals for each dose with four replications. The hatch from eggs to 1st instar larvae, pupation from eggs and all of three instars larvae to pupae, and eclosion from pupae to adult, were used as criteria to determine the effect of irradiation. Egg hatch was completely inhibited by 100Gy for early egg and 300Gy for late eggs. Dose of 200Gy and 250Gy were able to prevent completely pupation when treated from egg stage and 1st instar larvae, respectively. Unfortunately, those dosages did not affect pupation when applied to 2nd and 3rd instars, but it did prevent any from emerging as adults. Adult emergence was 100% prevented when eggs and all larvae were treated at 100Gy as compared to pupae was not completely prevented even by 400Gy. Among the four immature stages of B. dorsalis, the 3rd instar larvae (inside fruits) and pupae (outside fruits) were found to be the most tolerance stage and the early eggs are the most susceptible stage to irradiation. Our results suggest that minimum dose 100 to 150Gy is sufficient to provide a high level of quarantine security against this important pest and the dose might allow for irradiation be accepted as a quarantine treatment for most tropical fruits from Malaysia

    Analisa Situasi Kini Tentang Isi Dan Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Gizi Dalam "Primary Health Care"

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    Dalam USAha untuk meningkatkan keadaan gizi masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah diberbagai negara di kawasan Asia Tenggara, termasuk Indonesia, langkah pertama ialah mengadakan penelitian mengenai isi dan pelaksanaan kegiatan gizi dengan pendekatan PHC yang telah dijalankan oleh negara bersangkutan. Penelitian ini mendapat bantuan dari WHO-SEARO.Sehubungan dengan itu telah dilakukan penelitian, dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh data saat ini, tentang isi dan pelaksanaan kegiatan gizi dengan pendekatan PHC pada organisasi kesehatan (Puskesmas-UKIA, UPGK-Kes, KB-Gizi dan PKMD) di berbagai daerah, agar hasilnya dapat digunakan dalam meningkatkan pelaksanaan kegiatan gizi.Daerah terpilih ialah propinsi Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah dan Sumatera Barat

    Functionalized Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Epoxy-Composites: Electrical And Mechanical Characterization

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    Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) got great attention because of their interesting physical and mechanical properties. Due to these interesting properties observed at the nanoscale have motivated scientific community to utilize CNTs as reinforcement in composite materials. In the present study, different CNTs and epoxy nano-composites with different wt% (1, 2, 3, and 4%) of f-MWCNTs were prepared and their surface morphology and orientation has been investigated in detail. Further, the surface investigation, electrical and mechanical tests were carried out on CNTs-filled and unfilled epoxy at maximum sonication time 30 minute to identify the loading effect on the properties of the materials. Experimental results depicts well dispersion of f-MWCNTs, significant improvement that the resistivity of pure epoxy decreased from 108 .m to average value 103 .m with 1, 2, 3, and 4wt% f-MWCNTs. The 4.5wt% CNTs/epoxy was attributed to poor dispersion of f-MWCNTs in the nanocomposte. The hardness of nanocomposite loading 1, 2, 3, 4wt% of CNTs, increased 20.7%, 23.02%, 25.62%, 29.09% respectively as compared to pure epoxy. We believe that our strategy for obtaining CNT–reinforced epoxy nanocomposites is a very promising technology and will open a new doors in fields of aviation, aerospace, marine and sporting goods

    Sumber Daya Keluarga Miskin Sadar Gizi dan Pola Hidup Bersih Sehat di Colomadu, Kabupaten Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah

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    This research was an analytical and cross sectional design which conducted in Colomadu Subdistrict, Karanganyar, Central Java. Samples were choosen with purposive and cluster random sampling from poor family who had undernutrition children. Sample size were 260 mothers. The intervention were done by giving education/short course about nutrition awareness and clean and healthy living pattern which were done at posyandu. Education for cadre were done at house of villages at every cadre meeting and short course were done to increase the nutritional knowledge and comprehensive management for sick toddler (MTBS) for four days a week. Data collecting were about feeding custom, food consumption three times per day in aspect of family nutrition awareness level. Two aspects of dependent variables were family nutrition knowledge and clean and healthy living pattern (PHBS). Data were collected by questionnaire and interview then they were analized with Chi-Square and logistic regretion model by SPSS version of 12 software. Result determined that there were negative relation between three times per day feeding custom in aspect of nutrition awareness level and clean and healthy living pattern. Family with low nutrition awareness level had less probability to have clean and healthy living pattern than family with high nutrition awareness level. This relation was statistically significant (p<0.05). In Conclution that there were negative relation between three times per day feeding custom in aspect of family nutrition awareness and family control to clean and healthy living pattern. It need an effort for empowering family nutrition awareness resource to develop the value of family economic contribution.Key words: three times per day feeding custom, nutrition awareness level, clean and healthy living patter

    Flood risk assessment: a review of flood damage estimation model for Malaysia

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    Flood damage assessment is important in flood risk management for the assessment of flood vulnerability, development of flood risk map and flood management financial appraisal. In Malaysia, there is a lack of studies on flood damages estimation. In addition, the needed data for the assessment of flood damages is scarce. This review identified the approaches and problems in flood damage assessment. For Malaysia, the combination of four elements namely; flood characteristics (flood depth and flood duration), characteristic of exposed elements, value of exposed element and flood damage function curve are recommended. The scarcity of data for developing flood damage curve could partly be overcome by applying synthetic method to generate additional data from the existing flood damage data

    Cholic acid resistance and the adherence ability of Bifidobacterium pseudocaenulatum G4

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    The adherence capacity of Bifidobacterium longum BB536 and Bifidobacterium pseudocatenulatum G4 on HT-29 human epithelium cell line with the presence of cholic acid were assessed. B. longum BB536 showed a higher adhesion level on HT-29 human epithelium cell line compared to B. psudocatenulatumG4. However, in the presence of physiological concentration (0.094 and 0.94 ìM) of cholic acid, the adhesion level of Bifidobacterium strains dropped between 5 and 55% respectively, depending on pH, time and strain. The adaptation of Bifidobacterium strains to cholic acid was shown to be increasedwith time. It was concluded that the acquisition of cholic acid resistance by those Bifidobacterium strains promoted changes in the adhesion ability on HT-29 human epithelium cell line

    Air cavity-based vibrational piezoelectric energy harvesters

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    Introduction. Known vibrational energy harvesting methods use a source of vibration to harvest electric energy. Piezoelectric material works as a sensing element converted mechanical energy (vibration) to electrical energy (electric field). The existing piezoelectric energy harvesting (PEHs) devices have low sensitivity, low energy conversion, and low bandwidth. The novelty of the proposed work consists of the design of PEH’s structure. Air cavity was implemented in the design where it is located under the sensing membrane to improve sensitivity. Another novelty is also consisting in the design structure where the flexural membrane was located at the top of electrodes. The third novelty is a new design structure of printed circuit board (PCB). The purpose of improvised design is to increase the stress in between the edges of PEH and increase energy conversion. With the new structure of PCB, it will work as a substrate that absorbs surrounding vibration energy and transfers it to sensing element. Methods. Three techniques were successfully designed in PEH and fabricated namely PEH A, PEH B, and PEH C were characterized by two experiments: load and vibration. The load experiment measured load pressure towards the PEH, whereas the vibration experiment measured stress towards the PEH. Results. PEH C has the highest induced voltage for a weight of 5.2 kg at the frequency of 50 Hz and the highest stored voltage for a period of 4 min. The three techniques applied in PEHs were showed improvement in transducer sensitivity and energy conversion. Practical value. A piezoelectric acoustic generator was used in the experiment to compare the performance of the designed PEH with available piezoelectric transducers in the market. The new flexible membrane worked as a sensing element was worked as a cantilever beam. PVDF was used as a sensing element due to the flexibility of the polymer material, which is expected to improve sensitivity and operating bandwidth.Вступ. Відомі методи збору вібраційної енергії використовують джерело вібрації для збору електричної енергії. П’єзоелектричний матеріал працює як чутливий елемент, перетворюючи механічну енергію (вібрацію) в електричну енергію (електричне поле). Існуючі пристрої збору п’єзоелектричної енергії (ЗПЕ) мають низьку чутливість, низьке перетворення енергії і малу смугу пропускання. Новизна запропонованої роботи полягає в проектуванні конструкції ЗПЕ. У конструкції реалізована повітряна порожнина, яка розташована під чутливої мембраною для підвищення чутливості. Ще один елемент новизни полягає в конструкції, в якій вигиниста мембрана розташована у верхній частині електродів. Третя новизна - це нова конструкція друкованої плати. Мета запропонованої конструкції - збільшити механічну напругу між краями ЗПЕ і підвищити перетворення енергії. Завдяки новій конструкції друкованої плати вона буде працювати як підкладка, яка поглинає навколишню енергію вібрації і передає її на чутливий елемент. Методи. Три методи були успішно використані для проектування ЗПЕ,  і відповідно названі виготовлені ЗПЕ A, ЗПЕ Б і ЗПЕ В були описані двома експериментальними характеристиками: навантаження і вібрація. В експерименті з навантаженням вимірювався тиск навантаження на ЗПЕ, в той час як в експерименті з вібрацією вимірювалася механічна напруга на ЗПЕ. Результати. ЗПЕ В має найвищу індуковану напругу для ваги 5,2 кг при частоті 50 Гц і найвищу збережену напругу протягом 4 хвилин. Три методи, що застосовуються для ЗПЕ, показали поліпшення чутливості перетворювача і перетворення енергії. Практична цінність. В експерименті використовувався п’єзоелектричний акустичний генератор для порівняння характеристик розробленого ЗПЕ з доступними на ринку п’єзоелектричними перетворювачами. Нова гнучка мембрана працювала як чутливий елемент, що представляв собою консольну балка. В якості чутливого елемента використовувався полівініліден фторид завдяки гнучкості полімерного матеріалу, який, як очікується, поліпшить чутливість і робочу смугу пропускання