This research was an analytical and cross sectional design which conducted in Colomadu Subdistrict, Karanganyar, Central Java. Samples were choosen with purposive and cluster random sampling from poor family who had undernutrition children. Sample size were 260 mothers. The intervention were done by giving education/short course about nutrition awareness and clean and healthy living pattern which were done at posyandu. Education for cadre were done at house of villages at every cadre meeting and short course were done to increase the nutritional knowledge and comprehensive management for sick toddler (MTBS) for four days a week. Data collecting were about feeding custom, food consumption three times per day in aspect of family nutrition awareness level. Two aspects of dependent variables were family nutrition knowledge and clean and healthy living pattern (PHBS). Data were collected by questionnaire and interview then they were analized with Chi-Square and logistic regretion model by SPSS version of 12 software. Result determined that there were negative relation between three times per day feeding custom in aspect of nutrition awareness level and clean and healthy living pattern. Family with low nutrition awareness level had less probability to have clean and healthy living pattern than family with high nutrition awareness level. This relation was statistically significant (p<0.05). In Conclution that there were negative relation between three times per day feeding custom in aspect of family nutrition awareness and family control to clean and healthy living pattern. It need an effort for empowering family nutrition awareness resource to develop the value of family economic contribution.Key words: three times per day feeding custom, nutrition awareness level, clean and healthy living patter