221 research outputs found

    Comparing Phrase-based and Syntax-based Paraphrase Generation

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    Bringing Blue Ocean Strategy to FMCG Markets

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    An emerging concept in strategic management directed at finding new business and value propositions is the framework coined ‘Blue Ocean Strategy’ (BOS) by Kim and Mauborgne, from INSEAD, Fontainebleau. The authors developed the BOS-framework, which comprises of a set of tools, on the basis of ex post studies of over 150 cases from 30 industries. The results were most extensively covered in the book ‘Blue Ocean Strategy’, published in 2004. The success of their work may be illustrated by, for example, Deloitte, Procter & Gamble, and HP, who use this strategic management concept.This scientific paper is one of the first that tests the applicability of BOS in Fast-Moving-Consumer-Good Markets (FMCG). Our prime objective is to investigate whether the application of BOS enables the identification of an uncontested market, or not. The second objective concerns the adaptations required to make the BOS applicable to the FMCG Industry. The field of research is the European fruit and vegetables industry (EFVI), which is one the most competitive industries in Europe, lacking fundamental innovations. The complexity of bringing BOS to FMCG Markets required a two-stage research strategy; the first stage comprises of the combination of desk research with orientational case study research, followed by a second stage comprising of a large survey. In the first stage, six CEOs, chairmen and consultants, were interviewed to tailor the research to the insider perspective. In the second stage, a quantitative questionnaire was send to 299 fruit and vegetable companies, active in Europe. The realized response was 24 (response rate: 8%). Although not high, the response may be understood as sufficient, because the research was primarily intended to learn whether the BOS-framework is strong enough to identify uncontested market spaces even in very competitive industries

    Network structure in sustainable agro-industrial parks

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordRecently several agro-industrial parks have been developed as applications of industrial ecology to agriculture, aiming at improved sustainability performance. Grounded in industrial ecology and the literature on inter-organizational networks, this study explores the social structure of sustainability oriented collaborations in agro-industrial parks. Empirical data from sixty four organizations in three Dutch agro-industrial parks are analyzed at network and at organizational level. At network level, the results show that network decentralization comes along with a high density of formal ties. At organizational level, the results show that the organizations in agro-industrial parks are more efficiently positioned (i.e. more positively perceive sustainability performance) in the network of formal ties if they can build ties with other organizations via a small number of intermediary partners (i.e. high closeness centrality) instead of having a large number of direct ties. A decentralized structure of formal ties in combination with sparse interdependency has a relatively positive influence on sustainability improvement perceptions. In conclusion, network decentralization is important for the organizations that avoid dependency on one (or a small number of) central and/or powerful actor(s). The preferable decentralized formal ties and sparse interdependencies were (quantitatively and qualitatively) most evident in the self-organized parks, confirming that, for the sake of sustainability improvements, a self-organized agro-industrial park is preferable to a planned park. With regard to the theoretical contribution, this study opened up a new area of research for waste streams exchanges among co-located heterogeneous companies by examining them as inter-organizational networks in agro-industrial parks. With regard to the practical implications, the study suggests that organizations seeking advanced environmental performance should build ties by optimizing the number of intermediary partners.European Regional Development Fun

    Severe oxidative stress in an acute inflammatory demyelinating model in the rhesus monkey

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    Oxidative stress is increasingly implicated as a co-factor of tissue injury in inflammatory/demyelinating disorders of the central nervous system (CNS), such as multiple sclerosis (MS). While rodent experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) models diverge from human demyelinating disorders with respect to limited oxidative injury, we observed that in a non-human primate (NHP) model for MS, namely EAE in the common marmoset, key pathological features of the disease were recapitulated, including oxidative tissue injury. Here, we investigated the presence of oxidative injury in another NHP EAE model, i.e. in rhesus macaques, which yields an acute demyelinating disease, which may more closely resemble acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) than MS. Rhesus monkey EAE diverges from marmoset EAE by abundant neutrophil recruitment into the CNS and destructive injury to white matter. This difference prompted us to investigate to which extent the oxidative pathway features elicited in MS and marmoset EAE are reflected in the acute rhesus monkey EAE model. The rhesus EAE brain was characterized by widespread demyelination and active lesions containing numerous phagocytic cells and to a lesser extent T cells. We observed induction of the oxidative stress pathway, including injury, with a predilection of p22phox expression in neutrophils and macrophages/microglia. In addition, changes in iron were observed. These results indicate that pathogenic mechanisms in the rhesus EAE model may differ from the marmoset EAE and MS brain due to the neutrophil involvement, but may in the end lead to similar induction of oxidative stress and injury.</p

    Gel mobility shift scanning of pectin-inducible promoter from Penicillium griseoroseum reveals the involvement of a CCAAT element in the expression of a polygalacturonase gene

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    Previous reports have described pgg2, a polygalacturonase-encoding gene of Penicillium griseoroseum, as an attractive model for transcriptional regulation studies, due to its high expression throughout several in vitro growth conditions, even in the presence of non-inducing sugars such as sucrose. A search for regulatory motifs in the 5' upstream regulatory sequence of pgg2 identified a putative CCAAT box that could justify this expression profile. This element, located 270 bp upstream of the translational start codon, was tested as binding target for regulatory proteins. Analysis of a 170 bp promoter fragment by electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) with nuclear extracts prepared from mycelia grown in pectin-containing culture medium revealed a high mobility complex that was subsequently confirmed by analyzing it with a double-stranded oligonucleotide spanning the CCAAT motif. A substitution in the core sequence for GTAGG partially abolished the formation of specific complexes, showing the involvement of the CCAAT box in the regulation of the polygalacturonase gene studied

    A genomic resource for the sedentary semi-endoparasitic reniform nematode, Rotylenchulus reniformis Linford & Oliveira.

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    The reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis) is a sedentary semi-endoparasitic species that is pathogenic on many row crops, fruits, and vegetables. Here, the authors present a draft genome assembly of R. reniformis using small- and large-insert libraries sequenced on the Illumina GAIIx and MiSeq platforms. The reniform nematode (Rotylenchulus reniformis) is a sedentary semi-endoparasitic species that is pathogenic on many row crops, fruits, and vegetables. Here, the authors present a draft genome assembly of R. reniformis using small- and large-insert libraries sequenced on the Illumina GAIIx and MiSeq platforms

    Transgenic tobacco plants constitutively expressing Arabidopsis NPR1 show enhanced resistance to root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita

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    In Arabidopsis, non-expressor of pathogenesis related genes-1, NPR1 has been shown to be a positive regulator of the salicylic acid controlled systemic acquired resistance pathway and modulates the cross talk between SA and JA signaling. Transgenic plants expressing AtNPR1 constitutively exhibited resistance against pathogens as well as herbivory. In the present study, tobacco transgenic plants expressing AtNPR1 were studied further for their response to infection by the sedentary endoparasitic root knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita. Transgenic plants showed enhanced resistance against the root-knot nematode infection. Prominent differences in the shoot and root weights of wild type and transgenic plants were observed post-inoculation with M. incognita. This was associated with a decrease in the number of root galls and egg masses in transgenic plants compared to WT. The transgenic plants also showed constitutive and induced expression of some PR protein genes, when challenged with M. incognita