28 research outputs found

    Floating stones off El Hierro, Canary Islands: xenoliths of pre-island sedimentary origin in the early products of the October 2011 eruption

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    The eruption that started off the south coast of El Hierro, Canary Islands, in October 2011 has emitted intriguing eruption products found floating in the sea. These specimens appeared as floating volcanic "bombs" that have in the meantime been termed "restingolites" (after the close-by village of La Restinga) and exhibit cores of white and porous pumice-like material. Currently the nature and origin of these "floating stones" is vigorously debated among researchers, with important implications for the interpretation of the hazard potential of the ongoing eruption. The "restingolites" have been proposed to be either (i) juvenile high-silica magma (e.g. rhyolite), (ii) remelted magmatic material (trachyte), (iii) altered volcanic rock, or (iv) reheated hyaloclastites or zeolite from the submarine slopes of El Hierro. Here, we provide evidence that supports yet a different conclusion. We have collected and analysed the structure and composition of samples and compared the results to previous work on similar rocks found in the archipelago. Based on their high silica content, the lack of igneous trace element signatures, and the presence of remnant quartz crystals, jasper fragments and carbonate relicts, we conclude that "restingolites" are in fact xenoliths from pre-island sedimentary rocks that were picked up and heated by the ascending magma causing them to partially melt and vesiculate. They hence represent messengers from depth that help us to understand the interaction between ascending magma and crustal lithologies in the Canary Islands as well as in similar Atlantic islands that rest on sediment/covered ocean crust (e.g. Cape Verdes, Azores). The occurrence of these "restingolites" does therefore not indicate the presence of an explosive high-silica magma that is involved in the ongoing eruption

    Magma mixing enhanced by bubble segregation

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    In order to explore the materials' complexity induced by bubbles rising through mixing magmas, bubble-advection experiments have been performed, employing natural silicate melts at magmatic temperatures. A cylinder of basaltic glass was placed below a cylinder of rhyolitic glass. Upon melting, bubbles formed from interstitial air. During the course of the experimental runs, those bubbles rose via buoyancy forces into the rhyolitic melt, thereby entraining tails of basaltic liquid. In the experimental run products, these plume-like filaments of advected basalt within rhyolite were clearly visible and were characterised by microCT and high-resolution EMP analyses. The entrained filaments of mafic material have been hybridised. Their post-experimental compositions range from the originally basaltic composition through andesitic to rhyolitic composition. Rheological modelling of the compositions of these hybridised filaments yield viscosities up to 2 orders of magnitude lower than that of the host rhyolitic liquid. Importantly, such lowered viscosities inside the filaments implies that rising bubbles can ascend more efficiently through pre-existing filaments that have been generated by earlier ascending bubbles. MicroCT imaging of the run products provides textural confirmation of the phenomenon of bubbles trailing one another through filaments. This phenomenon enhances the relevance of bubble advection in magma mixing scenarios, implying as it does so, an acceleration of bubble ascent due to the decreased viscous resistance facing bubbles inside filaments and yielding enhanced mass flux of mafic melt into felsic melt via entrainment. In magma mixing events involving melts of high volatile content, bubbles may be an essential catalyst for magma mixing. Moreover, the reduced viscosity contrast within filaments implies repeated replenishment of filaments with fresh end-member melt. As a result, complex compositional gradients and therefore diffusion systematics can be expected at the filament-host melt interface, due to the repetitive nature of the process. However, previously magmatic filaments were tacitly assumed to be of single-pulse origin. Consequently, the potential for multi-pulse filaments has to be considered in outcrop analyses. As compositional profiles alone may remain ambiguous for constraining the origin of filaments, and as 3-D visual evidence demonstrates that filaments may have experienced multiple bubbles passages even when featuring standard diffusion gradients, therefore, the calculation of diffusive timescales may be inadequate for constraining timescales in cases where bubbles have played an essential role in magma mixing. Data analysis employing concentration variance relaxation in natural samples can distinguish conventional single-pulse filaments from advection via multiple bubble ascent advection in natural samples, raising the prospect of yet another powerful application of this novel petrological tool

    Topological inversions in coalescing granular media control fluid-flow regimes

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    Sintering鈥攐r coalescence鈥攐f viscous droplets is an essential process in many natural and industrial scenarios. Current physical models of the dynamics of sintering are limited by the lack of an explicit account of the evolution of microstructural geometry. Here, we use high-speed time-resolved x-ray tomography to image the evolving geometry of a sintering system of viscous droplets, and use lattice Boltzmann simulations of creeping fluid flow through the reconstructed pore space to determine its permeability. We identify and characterize a topological inversion, from spherical droplets in a continuous interstitial gas, to isolated bubbles in a continuous liquid. We find that the topological inversion is associated with a transition in permeability-porosity behavior, from Stokes permeability at high porosity, to percolation theory at low porosity. We use these findings to construct a unified physical description that reconciles previously incompatible models for the evolution of porosity and permeability during sintering

    La erupci贸n submarina de La Restinga en la isla de El Hierro, Canarias: Octubre 2011-Marzo 2012

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    The first signs of renewed volcanic activity at El Hierro began in July 2011 with the occurrence of abundant, low-magnitude earthquakes. The increasing seismicity culminated on October 10, 2011, with the onset of a submarine eruption about 2 km offshore from La Restinga, the southernmost village on El Hierro. The analysis of seismic and deformation records prior to, and throughout, the eruption allowed the reconstruction of its main phases: 1) ascent of magma and migration of hypocentres from beneath the northern coast (El Golfo) towards the south rift zone, close to La Restinga, probably marking the hydraulic fracturing and the opening of the eruptive conduit; and 2) onset and development of a volcanic eruption indicated by sustained and prolonged harmonic tremor whose intensity varied with time. The features monitored during the eruption include location, depth and morphological evolution of the eruptive source and emission of floating volcanic bombs. These bombs initially showed white, vesiculated cores (originated by partial melting of underlying pre-volcanic sediments upon which the island of El Hierro was constructed) and black basanite rims, and later exclusively hollow basanitic lava balloons. The eruptive products have been matched with a fissural submarine eruption without ever having attained surtseyan explosiveness. The eruption has been active for about five months and ended in March 2012, thus becoming the second longest reported historical eruption in the Canary Islands after the Timanfaya eruption in Lanzarote (1730-1736). This eruption provided the first opportunity in 40 years to manage a volcanic crisis in the Canary Islands and to assess the interpretations and decisions taken, thereby gaining experience for improved management of future volcanic activity. Seismicity and deformation during the eruption were recorded and analysed by the Instituto Geogr谩fico Nacional (IGN). Unfortunately, a lack of systematic sampling of erupted pyroclasts and lavas, as well as the sporadic monitoring of the depth and growth of the submarine vent by deployment of a research vessel, hampered a comprehensive assessment of hazards posed during volcanic activity. Thus, available scientific data and advice were not as high quality as they could have been, thereby limiting the authorities in making the proper decisions at crucial points during the crisis. The response in 2011-12 to the El Hierro eruption has demonstrated that adequate infrastructure and technical means exist in the Canary Islands for the early detection of potential eruptive hazards. However, it also has taught us that having detailed emergency management plans may be of limited value without an accompanying continuous, well-integrated scientific monitoring effort (open to national and international collaboration) during all stages of an eruption.Los primeros indicios de una posible erupci贸n volc谩nica en El Hierro se percibieron a partir de julio de 2011 en forma de sismos de baja intensidad pero anormalmente numerosos. La intensificaci贸n de la sismicidad culmin贸 con el inicio de la erupci贸n submarina el 10 de octubre de 2011 a unos 2 km al sur de La Restinga. La sismicidad y deformaci贸n del terreno que precedieron y acompa帽aron a esta erupci贸n han permitido reconstruir las principales fases de actividad volc谩nica: 1) generaci贸n y ascenso del magma con migraci贸n de los hipocentros s铆smicos desde el norte, en el Golfo, hasta el rift sur, en La Restinga, marcando la apertura hidr谩ulica del conducto magm谩tico; y 2) inicio y continuidad de la erupci贸n volc谩nica evidenciada por un tremor arm贸nico continuo de intensidad variable en el tiempo. Las caracter铆sticas observadas a lo largo de la erupci贸n, principalmente localizaci贸n, profundidad y evoluci贸n morfol贸gica del foco emisor, as铆 como emisi贸n de materiales volc谩nicos flotantes, inicialmente con un n煤cleo blanco poroso (procedentes de la fusi贸n parcial de sedimentos de la capa superior de la corteza oce谩nica anteriores a la construcci贸n del edificio insular de El Hierro) envuelto por una corteza basan铆tica y despu茅s huecas (lava balloons), se han correspondido con una erupci贸n submarina fisural profunda sin que nunca hayan intervenido mecanismos m谩s explosivos tipo surtseyano. La erupci贸n se mantuvo activa durante unos cinco meses, d谩ndose por finalizada en marzo del 2012, convirti茅ndose de este modo en la segunda erupci贸n hist贸rica m谩s longeva de Canarias despu茅s de la de Timanfaya (1730-36) en Lanzarote. Esta erupci贸n ha supuesto la primera oportunidad en 40 a帽os de gestionar una crisis volc谩nica en Canarias y de analizar las observaciones e interpretaciones y las decisiones adoptadas, con objeto de mejorar la gesti贸n de futuras crisis volc谩nicas. El Instituto Geogr谩fico Nacional (IGN) se encarg贸 de adquirir y analizar la informaci贸n s铆smica y de deformaci贸n durante todo el proceso. Sin embargo, no se dispuso inicialmente de un barco oceanogr谩fico que realizara estudios sistem谩ticos de la profundidad y progresi贸n de la erupci贸n, as铆 como de toma de muestras de los materiales emitidos (piroclastos y lavas), elementos claves para la determinaci贸n de la peligrosidad eruptiva. Estas deficiencias en el seguimiento cient铆fico del proceso eruptivo dificultaron en algunos momentos la toma de decisiones de protecci贸n civil. El an谩lisis de la crisis ha puesto de manifiesto que, aunque se disponga de una infraestructura t茅cnica adecuada para la detecci贸n temprana de crisis eruptivas en el archipi茅lago, de poco valen las medidas administrativas planificadas sin un seguimiento cient铆fico continuo e integrador del proceso eruptivo, abierto a la colaboraci贸n cient铆fica nacional e internacional

    Quantifying Microstructural Evolution in Moving Magma

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    Many of the grand challenges in volcanic and magmatic research are focused on understanding the dynamics of highly heterogeneous systems and the critical conditions that enable magmas to move or eruptions to initiate. From the formation and development of magma reservoirs, through propagation and arrest of magma, to the conditions in the conduit, gas escape, eruption dynamics, and beyond into the environmental impacts of that eruption, we are trying to define how processes occur, their rates and timings, and their causes and consequences. However, we are usually unable to observe the processes directly. Here we give a short synopsis of the new capabilities and highlight the potential insights that in situ observation can provide. We present the XRheo and Pele furnace experimental apparatus and analytical toolkit for the in situ X-ray tomography-based quantification of magmatic microstructural evolution during rheological testing. We present the first 3D data showing the evolving textural heterogeneity within a shearing magma, highlighting the dynamic changes to microstructure that occur from the initiation of shear, and the variability of the microstructural response to that shear as deformation progresses. The particular shear experiments highlighted here focus on the effect of shear on bubble coalescence with a view to shedding light on both magma transport and fragmentation processes. The XRheo system is intended to help us understand the microstructural controls on the complex and non-Newtonian evolution of magma rheology, and is therefore used to elucidate the many mobilization, transport, and eruption phenomena controlled by the rheological evolution of a multi-phase magmatic flows. The detailed, in situ characterization of sample textures presented here therefore represents the opening of a new field for the accurate parameterization of dynamic microstructural control on rheological behavior

    A compositional tipping point governing the mobilization and eruption style of rhyolitic magma

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    International audienceThe most viscous volcanic melts and the largest explosive eruptions on our planet consist of calcalkaline rhyolites. These eruptions have the potential to influence global climate. The eruptive products are commonly very crystal-poor and highly degassed, yet the magma is mostly stored as crystal mushes containing small amounts of interstitial melt with elevated water content. It is unclear how magma mushes are mobilized to create large batches of eruptible crystal-free magma. Further, rhyolitic eruptions can switch repeatedly between effusive and explosive eruption styles and this transition is difficult to attribute to the rheological effects of water content or crystallinity. Here we measure the viscosity of a series of melts spanning the compositional range of the Yellowstone volcanic system and find that in a narrow compositional zone, melt viscosity increases by up to two orders of magnitude. These viscosity variations are not predicted by current viscosity models and result from melt structure reorganization, as confirmed by Raman spectroscopy. We identify a critical compositional tipping point, independently documented in the global geochemical record of rhyolites, at which rhyolitic melts fluidize or stiffen and that clearly separates effusive from explosive deposits worldwide. This correlation between melt structure, viscosity and eruptive behaviour holds despite the variable water content and other parameters, such as temperature, that are inherent in natural eruptions. Thermodynamic modelling demonstrates how the observed subtle compositional changes that result in fluidization or stiffening of the melt can be induced by crystal growth from the melt or variation in oxygen fugacity. However, the rheological effects of water and crystal content alone cannot explain the correlation between composition and eruptive style. We conclude that the composition of calcalkaline rhyolites is decisive in determining the mobilization and eruption dynamics of Earth鈥檚 largest volcanic systems, resulting in a better understanding of how the melt structure controls volcanic processes

    La erupci贸n submarina de La Restinga en la isla de El Hierro, Canarias: Octubre 2011-Marzo 2012

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    The first signs of renewed volcanic activity at El Hierro began in July 2011 with the occurrence of abundant, low-magnitude earthquakes. The increasing seismicity culminated on October 10, 2011, with the onset of a submarine eruption about 2 km offshore from La Restinga, the southernmost village on El Hierro. The analysis of seismic and deformation records prior to, and throughout, the eruption allowed the reconstruction of its main phases: 1) ascent of magma and migration of hypocentres from beneath the northern coast (El Golfo) towards the south rift zone, close to La Restinga, probably marking the hydraulic fracturing and the opening of the eruptive conduit; and 2) onset and development of a volcanic eruption indicated by sustained and prolonged harmonic tremor whose intensity varied with time. The features monitored during the eruption include location, depth and morphological evolution of the eruptive source and emission of floating volcanic bombs. These bombs initially showed white, vesiculated cores (originated by partial melting of underlying pre-volcanic sediments upon which the island of El Hierro was constructed) and black basanite rims, and later exclusively hollow basanitic lava balloons. The eruptive products have been matched with a fissural submarine eruption without ever having attained surtseyan explosiveness. The eruption has been active for about five months and ended in March 2012, thus becoming the second longest reported historical eruption in the Canary Islands after the Timanfaya eruption in Lanzarote (1730-1736). This eruption provided the first opportunity in 40 years to manage a volcanic crisis in the Canary Islands and to assess the interpretations and decisions taken, thereby gaining experience for improved management of future volcanic activity. Seismicity and deformation during the eruption were recorded and analysed by the Instituto Geogr谩fico Nacional (IGN). Unfortunately, a lack of systematic sampling of erupted pyroclasts and lavas, as well as the sporadic monitoring of the depth and growth of the submarine vent by deployment of a research vessel, hampered a comprehensive assessment of hazards posed during volcanic activity. Thus, available scientific data and advice were not as high quality as they could have been, thereby limiting the authorities in making the proper decisions at crucial points during the crisis. The response in 2011-12 to the El Hierro eruption has demonstrated that adequate infrastructure and technical means exist in the Canary Islands for the early detection of potential eruptive hazards. However, it also has taught us that having detailed emergency management plans may be of limited value without an accompanying continuous, well-integrated scientific monitoring effort (open to national and international collaboration) during all stages of an eruption.Los primeros indicios de una posible erupci贸n volc谩nica en El Hierro se percibieron a partir de julio de 2011 en forma de sismos de baja intensidad pero anormalmente numerosos. La intensificaci贸n de la sismicidad culmin贸 con el inicio de la erupci贸n submarina el 10 de octubre de 2011 a unos 2 km al sur de La Restinga. La sismicidad y deformaci贸n del terreno que precedieron y acompa帽aron a esta erupci贸n han permitido reconstruir las principales fases de actividad volc谩nica: 1) generaci贸n y ascenso del magma con migraci贸n de los hipocentros s铆smicos desde el norte, en el Golfo, hasta el rift sur, en La Restinga, marcando la apertura hidr谩ulica del conducto magm谩tico; y 2) inicio y continuidad de la erupci贸n volc谩nica evidenciada por un tremor arm贸nico continuo de intensidad variable en el tiempo. Las caracter铆sticas observadas a lo largo de la erupci贸n, principalmente localizaci贸n, profundidad y evoluci贸n morfol贸gica del foco emisor, as铆 como emisi贸n de materiales volc谩nicos flotantes, inicialmente con un n煤cleo blanco poroso (procedentes de la fusi贸n parcial de sedimentos de la capa superior de la corteza oce谩nica anteriores a la construcci贸n del edificio insular de El Hierro) envuelto por una corteza basan铆tica y despu茅s huecas (lava balloons), se han correspondido con una erupci贸n submarina fisural profunda sin que nunca hayan intervenido mecanismos m谩s explosivos tipo surtseyano. La erupci贸n se mantuvo activa durante unos cinco meses, d谩ndose por finalizada en marzo del 2012, convirti茅ndose de este modo en la segunda erupci贸n hist贸rica m谩s longeva de Canarias despu茅s de la de Timanfaya (1730-36) en Lanzarote. Esta erupci贸n ha supuesto la primera oportunidad en 40 a帽os de gestionar una crisis volc谩nica en Canarias y de analizar las observaciones e interpretaciones y las decisiones adoptadas, con objeto de mejorar la gesti贸n de futuras crisis volc谩nicas. El Instituto Geogr谩fico Nacional (IGN) se encarg贸 de adquirir y analizar la informaci贸n s铆smica y de deformaci贸n durante todo el proceso. Sin embargo, no se dispuso inicialmente de un barco oceanogr谩fico que realizara estudios sistem谩ticos de la profundidad y progresi贸n de la erupci贸n, as铆 como de toma de muestras de los materiales emitidos (piroclastos y lavas), elementos claves para la determinaci贸n de la peligrosidad eruptiva. Estas deficiencias en el seguimiento cient铆fico del proceso eruptivo dificultaron en algunos momentos la toma de decisiones de protecci贸n civil. El an谩lisis de la crisis ha puesto de manifiesto que, aunque se disponga de una infraestructura t茅cnica adecuada para la detecci贸n temprana de crisis eruptivas en el archipi茅lago, de poco valen las medidas administrativas planificadas sin un seguimiento cient铆fico continuo e integrador del proceso eruptivo, abierto a la colaboraci贸n cient铆fica nacional e internacional.Por 煤ltimo, agradecemos a la ULPGC la financiaci贸n de las campa帽as Guayota, a Antonio Gonz谩lez Ramos (SIANI, ULPGC) el apoyo log铆stico y cient铆fico durante la toma de im谩genes del ROV y a la tripulaci贸n del B/O Atlantic Explorer el trato dispensado. Este trabajo forma parte del proyecto SolSubC20081000047 financiado por el Gobierno de Canarias