130 research outputs found

    Metabolic syndrome: review

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    The psychosomatic component of the metabolic syndrome, historical aspect of the problem under study, physiological and biochemical mechanisms of pathogenesis are considered in the article. The symptomatic components of the metabolic syndrome and their interrelation are outlined, the ways of diagnosis and therapy and  directions of modern research in this field are outlined

    ENDOR study of irradiated tooth enamel

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    γ- and x-irradiated tooth enamel has been studied by EPR and ENDOR. Radiation-induced EPR spectrum of tooth enamel was found to be a superposition of signals with dominant contribution determined by CO₂- radicals. Two types of these radicals were observed: ordered and disordered centers. EPR spectra of both CO₂- centers are described by axial g-tensor with g = 1.9975 and g ⊥= 2.0021 with g || c. The ENDOR spectrum of unannealed enamel powder consists of a singlet at Larmor frequency of ³¹P nuclei and doublet at Larmor frequency of ¹H nuclei. Samples annealing at T = 200-250 ⁰C resulted in the destruction of disordered centers and appearence of superhyperfine structure of ENDOR spectra. Its analysis with advanced the powder ENDOR theory allows to determine the superhyperfine constants and to find for the first time that the ordered CO₂- radical is located in B sites (phosphorous position) of bioapatite lattice. This substitution is accompanied by the shift of the nuclei of the first ³¹P shell towards the defects by 0.04 nm and the formation of the OH vacancy in the nearest radical surroundings

    Combined intraarterial/intravenous thrombolysis for acute ischemic stroke

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The intravenous use of recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (rTPA) in acute ischemic stroke has been investigated in three large trials. Limited series have reflected outcome after local intraarterial thrombolysis (LIT) in the cerebral territory. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of combined intraarterial/intravenous thrombolysis using rTPA (actilyse) for acute ischemic stroke. METHODS: Forty-five patients with acute onset of severe hemispheric stroke and without signs of major cerebral infarction on early CT scans were randomized by order of admission. Twelve patients were treated with 50 mg actilyse (maximal dose, 0.7 mg/kg); three had occlusion of the internal carotid artery and nine had occlusion of the middle cerebral artery. Thrombolysis was started by LIT and continued intravenously within 6 hours of stroke onset. Outcome, assessed after 1 and 12 months according to the modified Rankin scale (MRS), was considered good (MRS score, 0-3) for patients who were functionally independent and poor (MRS score, 4-5) for those who were dependent or had died. RESULTS: In the thrombolysis group, outcome was good in eight patients at 1 month and in 10 patients at 12 months; in the control group, outcome was good in seven (21%) and 11 (33%) patients, respectively. Of the eight patients with a good outcome after thrombolysis, four had complete and one had partial recanalization. In the control group, the rate of intracerebral hemorrhage was 6%. Mortality at 1 month in the thrombolysis and control groups was 17% and 48%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Combined intraarterial/intravenous thrombolysis with low-dose rTPA may be a safe and effective treatment for acute ischemic stroke within 6 hours in carefully selected patients.Peer reviewe

    Формування психологічного механізму регуляції поведінки неповнолітніх

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    Ворона, С. В. Формування психологічного механізму регуляції поведінки неповнолітніх / Софія Володимирівна Ворона // Особистість, суспільство, закон : тези доп. учасників міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., присвяч. пам’яті проф. С. П. Бочарової (м. Харків, 25 квіт. 2019 р.) / МВС України, Харк. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. – Харків, 2019. – С. 30-34.Розглянуто морально-правове формування особистості неповнолітніх в процесі їх соціалізації. Проаналізовано психологічний механізм регуляції поведінки підлітків.The moral and legal formation of the personality of minors in the process of their socialization is considered. The psychological mechanism of adolescent behavior regulation is analyzed.Рассмотрено морально-правовое формирование личности несовершеннолетних в процессе их социализации. Проанализирован психологический механизм регуляции поведения подростков

    Феномен агресивної поведінки в підлітковому віці

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    Ворона С. В. Феномен агресивної поведінки в підлітковому віці / С. В. Ворона // Психологічні та педагогічні проблеми професійної освіти та патріотичного виховання персоналу системи МВС України : тези доп. Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Харків, 5 квіт. 2019 р.) / МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. — Харків, 2019. — С. 294 — 296.Визначено поняття, психологічні та соціальні чинники агресивної поведінки. Збільшення інтенсивності проявів агресії спостерігається у підлітковому віці. Агресивна поведінка у більшості випадків характеризується деструктивними наслідками як для самого підлітка, так і для його оточення.Concepts, psychological and social factors of aggressive behavior are defined. An increase in the intensity of manifestations of aggression is observed in adolescence. Aggressive behavior in most cases is characterized by destructive consequences for both the teenager himself and his environment.Определено понятие, психологические и социальные факторы агрессивного поведения. Увеличение интенсивности проявлений агрессии наблюдается в подростковом возрасте. Агрессивное поведение в большинстве случаев характеризуется деструктивными последствиями как для самого подростка, так и его окружения


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    Determining the absolute configuration of biologically active chiral substances is a current issue in drug development since biological properties of enantiomers may greatly vary. The absolute configuration of enantiomers can be determined using crystallography, circular dichroism, or by the method that involves chiral derivatizing agents and analysis of NMR spectra.This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, project no. 16-13-10358

    Improving the Sphere of Customs Administration in Russia Based on the Chinese Experience

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    The widespread use of new technologies based on digitalization has recently intensified, due to the processes associated with changes in business organization. Serious attention is paid to this direction of development by business representatives engaged in economic activities in international trade and governments of the leading economies of the world, including China and Russia. The introduction of digitalization processes in various sectors of the economy has become a conscious necessity. In order to theoretically substantiate and subsequently achieve the necessary level of development of information technologies and communications, analytical studies and testing of changes in this area are being conducted in many countries. The economy based on the introduction of digital technologies determines the vector of development of the economies of countries for the long term.Aim. Analyze the digital transformation of the Chinese economy, identify positive experience in the application of digital solutions and their impact on the simplification of customs procedures and correlate the results with Russia.Tasks. Consider technological trends in digital transformation; to study the results of the policy in carrying out the digitalization of the economy of China and Russia; to consider possible promising areas for the development of cooperation between China and Russia in the field of digital.Methods. Statistical analysis of data and synthesis of the results obtained for comparison purposes.Results. As a result of the study, the following results were obtained: a) a comparative analysis of the changes in the values of indicators on the Global Connectivity Index (GCI) of China and Russia in 2020 compared to 2015 was carried out, the reasons for the changes that occurred were substantiated; b) the dynamics of exports and imports of China, as well as data on trade turnover between China and Russia for the period from 1991 to October 2021; c) the experience of customs administration in China is considered and possible directions of its application in Russia are determined.Conclusion. The positive experience of China’s customs administration in the light of the digitalization of economic processes can be used in Russia, which can certainly improve the current situation in the field of customs administration in our country

    Relative concentration and structure of native defects in GaP

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    The native defects in the compound semiconductor GaP have been studied using a pseudopotential density functional theory method in order to determine their relative concentrations and the most stable charge states. The electronic and atomic structures are presented and the defect concentrations are estimated using calculated formation energies. Relaxation effects are taken into account fully and produce negative-U charge transfer levels for VP and PGa. The concentration of VGa is in good agreement with the results of positron annihilation experiments. The charge transfer levels presented compare qualitatively well with experiments where available. The effect of stoichiometry on the defect concentrations is also described and is shown to be considerable. The lowest formation energies are found for PGa +2 in p-type and VGa −3 in n-type GaP under P-rich conditions, and for GaP −2 in n-type GaP under Ga-rich conditions. Finally, the finite size errors arising from the use of supercells with periodic boundary conditions are examined

    Оценка противоречивости логической структуры учебного плана

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    Purpose of the study. The main purpose of creating a curriculum is to regulate academic disciplines in accordance with the logic of the learning process, defined by the relationship between the basic concepts of the disciplines. Violation of this logic becomes apparent only directly during the training sessions.A large variety of quantitative methods uses indicators that do not reveal structural deficiencies in the curriculum. This makes it difficult to improve the curriculum.The purpose of this work is to demonstrate the application of a general approach to the assessment of the structural inconsistency of systems in relation to the evaluation of the logical structure of the curriculum.Materials and methods. The paper applies a general approach to the assessment of structural integrity, developed on the basis of the provisions of the general theory of systems and graph theory. The approach involves the construction of three interrelated structural models of the system and using them to determine the initial data for calculating the index of inconsistency of the system structure.Results. The overall approach to the assessment of structural integrity is adapted to assess the logical structure of the curriculum. Three models of curriculum structure are developed:Elementary model of interdisciplinary communication;Curriculum network model;Hierarchical curriculum model.Based on the parameters of the hierarchical curriculum model, using three adapted algorithms, the value of the inconsistency index of the curriculum structure in the direction of preparation “Applied Informatics” is calculated. Recommendations on changing the structure of the studied curriculum to reduce the degree of its structural inconsistency are proposed. Conclusion. As a result of the research, the methods were proposed that allow identifying possible contradictions in the structure of the curriculum and evaluating its inconsistency. As the experiments have shown, it is extremely difficult to study the curricula in a manual manner, the number of disciplines in which exceeds 50. In this regard, the development of a complex of computer programs that will automate the assessment of the inconsistency of large curricula is being completed.Цель исследования. Основной целью создания учебного плана является упорядочение учебных дисциплин в соответствии с логикой процесса обучения, определенной взаимосвязями между основными понятиями дисциплин. Нарушение данной логики становится очевидным только непосредственно в ходе проведения учебных занятий.Большое разнообразие количественных методов используют показатели, которые не позволяют выявить структурные недоработки учебного плана. Это затрудняет процесс улучшения учебного плана.Целью данной работы является продемонстрировать применение общего подхода к оценке структурной противоречивости систем применительно к оценке логической структуры учебного плана.Материалы и методы. В работе применен общий подход к оценке структурной целостности, разработанный на основе положений общей теории систем и теория графов. Подход предусматривает построение трех взаимосвязанных структурных моделей системы и определения с их помощью исходных данных для расчета показателя противоречивости структуры системы.Результаты. Общий подход к оценке структурной целостности адаптирован для оценки логической структуры учебного плана. Разработаны три модели структуры учебного плана:– элементарная модель междисциплинарных связей;– сетевая модель учебного плана;– иерархическая модель учебного плана.На основе параметров иерархической модели учебного плана с использованием трех адаптированных алгоритмов рассчитано значение показателя противоречивости структуры учебного плана по направлению подготовки Прикладная информатика. Предложены рекомендации по изменению структуры исследуемого учебного плана для понижения степени его структурной противоречивости.Заключение. В результате проведенных исследований предложена методика, которая позволяет выявить возможные противоречия в структуре учебного плана и дать оценку его противоречивости.Как показали проведенные эксперименты, исследовать ручным способом учебные планы, количество дисциплин в которых превышает 50, крайне сложно. В связи с этим завершается разработка комплекса компьютерных программ, которые позволят автоматизировать оценку противоречивости больших учебных планов