140 research outputs found

    Indoor PM2.5 exposure in London's domestic stock: Modelling current and future exposures following energy efficient refurbishment

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    Simulations using CONTAM (a validated multi-zone indoor air quality (IAQ) model) are employed to predict indoor exposure to PM2.5 in London dwellings in both the present day housing stock and the same stock following energy efficient refurbishments to meet greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets for 2050. We modelled interventions that would contribute to the achievement of these targets by reducing the permeability of the dwellings to 3 m3 m−2 h−1 at 50 Pa, combined with the introduction of mechanical ventilation and heat recovery (MVHR) systems. It is assumed that the current mean outdoor PM2.5 concentration of 13 μg m−3 decreased to 9 μg m−3 by 2050 due to emission control policies. Our primary finding was that installation of (assumed perfectly functioning) MVHR systems with permeability reduction are associated with appreciable reductions in PM2.5 exposure in both smoking and non-smoking dwellings. Modelling of the future scenario for non-smoking dwellings show a reduction in annual average indoor exposure to PM2.5 of 18.8 μg m−3 (from 28.4 to 9.6 μg m−3) for a typical household member. Also of interest is that a larger reduction of 42.6 μg m−3 (from 60.5 to 17.9 μg m−3) was shown for members exposed primarily to cooking-related particle emissions in the kitchen (cooks). Reductions in envelope permeability without mechanical ventilation produced increases in indoor PM2.5 concentrations; 5.4 μg m−3 for typical household members and 9.8 μg m−3 for cooks. These estimates of changes in PM2.5 exposure are sensitive to assumptions about occupant behaviour, ventilation system usage and the distributions of input variables (±72% for non-smoking and ±107% in smoking residences). However, if realised, they would result in significant health benefits

    Indoor pm2.5 exposure in London's domestic stock: Modeling current and future exposures following energy efficient refurbishment

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    Simulations using CONTAM (a validated multi-zone indoor air quality (IAQ) model) are employed to predict indoor exposure to PM2.5 in London dwellings in both the present day housing stock and the same stock following energy efficient refurbishments to meet greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets for 2050. We modelled interventions that would contribute to the achievement of these targets by reducing the permeability of the dwellings to 3m3m-2hr-1 at 50 Pa, combined with the introduction of mechanical ventilation and heat recovery (MVHR) systems. It is assumed that the current mean outdoor PM2.5 concentration of 13?g.m-3 decreased to 9?g.m-3 by 2050 due to emission control policies. Our primary finding was that installation of (assumed perfectly functioning) MVHR systems with permeability reduction are associated with appreciable reductions in PM2.5 exposure in both smoking and non-smoking dwellings. Modelling of the future scenario for non-smoking dwellings show a reduction in annual average indoor exposure to PM2.5 of 18.8?g.m-3 (from 28.4 to 9.6?g.m-3) for a typical household member. Also of interest is that a larger reduction of 42.6?g.m-3 (from 60.5 to 17.9?g.m-3) was shown for members exposed primarily to cooking-related particle emissions in the kitchen (cooks). Reductions in envelope permeability without mechanical ventilation produced increases in indoor PM2.5 concentrations; 5.4?g.m-3 for typical household members and 9.8?g.m-3 for cooks. These estimates of changes in PM2.5 exposure are sensitive to assumptions about occupant behaviour, ventilation system usage and the distributions of input variables (±72% for non-smoking and ±107% in smoking residences). However, if realised, they would result in significant health benefits

    Measuring the built environment in studies of child health – a meta-narrative review of associations

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    Although the built environment (BE) is important for children’s health there is little consensus about which features are most important due to differences in measurement and outcomes across disciplines. This meta-narrative re-view was undertaken by a multi-disciplinary team of researchers to summarise ways in which BE are measured, and how these link to children’s health. A structured search of four databases across the relevant disciplines retrieved 108 relevant references. The health-related outcomes most commonly addressed were active travel, physical activ-ity and play, and obesity. Many studies used objective (GIS and street audits) or standardised subjective (per-ceived), measurements of the built environment. However, there was a wide variety, and sometimes inconsistency, in their use. There were clear associations between the BE and health. Objective physical activity and self-reported active travel were positively associated with higher street connectivity or walkability measures; while self-reported physical activity and play had the strongest association with reduced street connectivity, indicated by quieter, one-way streets. Future research should implement consistent BE measures to ensure key features are explored. A systems approach will be particularly relevant for addressing place-based health inequalities, given potential un-intended health consequences of making changes to the built environment

    The role of neopterin in cardiovascular disease.

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    Inflammation plays a key role in the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis but also in the pathophysiology of atheromatous plaque disruption and the development of acute coronary syndromes. Neopterin is a marker of inflammation and of immune system activation, it is synthesized by macrophages, that, once activated, release this substance. Indeed, in clinical evaluation of patients, measurements of plasma levels of neopterin are usually used to evaluate progression of viral infections, renal transplant rejection, severe systemic inflammatory diseases, nephritic syndrome and several autoimmune diseases. This mediator is able to induce a pro-atherothrombotic phenotype in cells of the coronary circulation. Recent data indicate that serum levels of neopterin are elevated in patients with coronary and peripheral artery disease and seem to be a prognostic marker for major adverse cardiovascular events. In particular, neopterin levels predict future major cardiac and vascular adverse events in patients presenting with chronic coronary artery disease, with acute coronary syndromes, and in those with critical limb ischemia. This renders this molecule a useful marker of atherosclerotic plaque activity, permitting the identification of the subjects at highest risk for major adverse cardiovascular events. In line with the above mentioned evidences, patients with high neopterin levels may require aggressive risk factor modification and intensive medical treatment irrespective of the severity of their coronary artery disease. This data suggest a potential clinical use of neopterin as a marker for disease activity in patients with cardiovascular disease

    ActEarly: a City Collaboratory approach to early promotion of good health and wellbeing

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    Economic, physical, built, cultural, learning, social and service environments have a profound effect on lifelong health. However, policy thinking about health research is dominated by the ‘biomedical model’ which promotes medicalisation and an emphasis on diagnosis and treatment at the expense of prevention. Prevention research has tended to focus on ‘downstream’ interventions that rely on individual behaviour change, frequently increasing inequalities. Preventive strategies often focus on isolated leverage points and are scattered across different settings. This paper describes a major new prevention research programme that aims to create City Collaboratory testbeds to support the identification, implementation and evaluation of upstream interventions within a whole system city setting. Prevention of physical and mental ill-health will come from the cumulative effect of multiple system-wide interventions. Rather than scatter these interventions across many settings and evaluate single outcomes, we will test their collective impact across multiple outcomes with the goal of achieving a tipping point for better health. Our focus is on early life (ActEarly) in recognition of childhood and adolescence being such critical periods for influencing lifelong health and wellbeing

    Normal, dust-obscured galaxies in the epoch of reionization

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    Two serendipitously detected dust-obscured galaxies are reported at z = 6.7 and 7.4, with estimates that such galaxies provide an additional 10-25% contribution to the total star formation rate density at z > 6.Over the past decades, rest-frame ultraviolet (UV) observations have provided large samples of UV luminous galaxies at redshift (z) greater than 6 (refs. (1-3)), during the so-called epoch of reionization. While a few of these UV-identified galaxies revealed substantial dust reservoirs(4-7), very heavily dust-obscured sources at these early times have remained elusive. They are limited to a rare population of extreme starburst galaxies(8-12) and companions of rare quasars(13,14). These studies conclude that the contribution of dust-obscured galaxies to the cosmic star formation rate density at z > 6 is sub-dominant. Recent ALMA and Spitzer observations have identified a more abundant, less extreme population of obscured galaxies at z = 3-6 (refs. (15,16)). However, this population has not been confirmed in the reionization epoch so far. Here, we report the discovery of two dust-obscured star-forming galaxies at z = 6.6813 +/- 0.0005 and z = 7.3521 +/- 0.0005. These objects are not detected in existing rest-frame UV data and were discovered only through their far-infrared [C ii] lines and dust continuum emission as companions to typical UV-luminous galaxies at the same redshift. The two galaxies exhibit lower infrared luminosities and star-formation rates than extreme starbursts, in line with typical star-forming galaxies at z approximate to 7. This population of heavily dust-obscured galaxies appears to contribute 10-25% to the z > 6 cosmic star formation rate density

    Cross-sectional interactions between quality of the physical and social environment and self-reported physical activity in adults living in income-deprived communities

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    Background: Understanding the environmental determinants of physical activity in populations at high risk of inactivity could contribute to the development of effective interventions. Socioecological models of activity propose that environmental factors have independent and interactive effects of physical activity but there is a lack of research into interactive effects. Objectives: This study aimed to explore independent and interactive effects of social and physical environmental factors on self-reported physical activity in income-deprived communities. Methods: Participants were 5,923 adults in Glasgow, United Kingdom. Features of the social environment were self-reported. Quality of the physical environment was objectively-measured. Neighbourhood walking and participation in moderate physical activity [MPA] on ≥5 days/week was self-reported. Multilevel multivariate logistic regression models tested independent and interactive effects of environmental factors on activity. Results: ‘Social support’ (walking: OR:1.22,95%CI=1.06-1.41,p<0.01; MPA: OR:0.79,95%CI=0.67-0.94,p<0.01), ‘social interaction’ (walking: OR:1.25,95%CI=1.10-1.42,p<0.01; MPA: OR:6.16,95%CI=5.14-7.37,p<0.001) and ‘cohesion and safety’ (walking: OR:1.78,95%CI=1.56-2.03,p<0.001; MPA: OR:1.93,95%CI=1.65-2.27,p<0.001), but not ‘trust and empowerment’, had independent effects on physical activity. ‘Aesthetics of built form’ (OR:1.47,95%CI=1.22-1.77,p<0.001) and ‘aesthetics and maintenance of open space’ (OR:1.32, 95%CI=1.13-1.54,p<0.01) were related to walking. ‘Physical disorder’ (OR:1.63,95%CI=1.31-2.03,p<0.001) had an independent effect on MPA. Interactive effects of social and physical factors on walking and MPA were revealed. Conclusions: Findings suggest that intervening to create activity-supportive environments in deprived communities may be most effective when simultaneously targeting the social and physical neighbourhood environment
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