645 research outputs found

    Optimizing designs of two-level factorial experiments given partial prior information (NAMER)

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    NAMER is used to find Bayes procedure for designing two level, fractional factorial experiments when given partial prior information. Program is written in FORTRAN 4 for IBM 7094 computer

    An algorithm for generating all possible 2(p-q) fractional factorial designs and its use in scientific experimentation

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    An algorithm and computer program are presented for generating all the distinct 2(p-q) fractional factorial designs. Some applications of this algorithm to the construction of tables of designs and of designs for nonstandard situations and its use in Bayesian design are discussed. An appendix includes a discussion of an actual experiment whose design was facilitated by the algorithm

    Two-dimensional Gaussian processes applied to the determination of contact between lubricated rolling surfaces

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    The effectiveness of a lubricant film preventing metallic contact between two rolling surfaces (such as in ball bearings) as a function of surface roughness parameters was investigated. The parameters considered are the spectral moments of the two-dimensional surface obtained by superposition of the two rolling surfaces. The peak height distribution, estimation of one-dimensional profile spectral moments, and the estimation of two-dimensional surface moments from several profile measurements were considered. Also given is an asymptotic relation between the mean film thickness and contact occurrences

    Maximum likelihood estimation for life distributions with competing failure modes

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    Systems which are placed on test at time zero, function for a period and die at some random time were studied. Failure may be due to one of several causes or modes. The parameters of the life distribution may depend upon the levels of various stress variables the item is subject to. Maximum likelihood estimation methods are discussed. Specific methods are reported for the smallest extreme-value distributions of life. Monte-Carlo results indicate the methods to be promising. Under appropriate conditions, the location parameters are nearly unbiased, the scale parameter is slight biased, and the asymptotic covariances are rapidly approached

    NAMER: A FORTRAN 4 program for use in optimizing designs of two-level factorial experiments given partial prior information

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    Under certain specified conditions, the Bayes procedure for designing two-level fractional factorial experiments is that which maximizes the expected utility over all possible choices of parameter-estimator matchings, physical-design variable matchings, defining parameter groups, and sequences of telescoping groups. NAMER computes the utility of all possible matchings of physical variables to design variables and parameters to estimators for a specified choice of defining parameter group or groups. The matching yielding the maximum expected utility is indicated, and detailed information is provided about the optimal matchings and utilities. Complete documentation is given; and an example illustrates input, output, and usage

    Desain Media Edukasi Animasi Interaktif Cara Pemanfaatan Limbah Sampah Berbasis Macromedia Flash 8

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    Garbage is a problem that will always exist and will accompany the increasing population growth in the region. Indifference to the problems of waste management results in the degradation of environmental quality that does not give comfort to live, so it will degrade the quality of public health. Subjects in this study is the design of educational media (learning) based on how the use of interactive animations using Macromedia Flash 8 bins. The object of research is addressed to students grade IV to VI. With each of the 15 students assigned per class to be used as samples taken at random, so there are a total of 45 respondents. The frequency distribution tables and histograms show the categorization of students' views in 4 aspects are very well located at intervals of> 86. Both categories are in the interval 76-85. Less category is in the interval 56-75. Category sorely lacking is in the interval <55. From these results it can be said that the students have a positive outlook on Media Education Animation Waste Utilization Method Based Interactive Macromedia Flash 8 with the option to be in the range of categories of good and very goo

    Implementasi Konsep Arsitektur Ekologi pada Rancang Bangun Rumah Minimalis

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    — The need for housing for everyone is increasing, making the property developers need various innovations in the provision of housing facilities. Additionally, pemanfaataan natural resources are no longer counted how much impact it will have, add to the damage of this nature. In this study, the authors analyzed the problem of materials, technology, structure, lighting, building orientation, for building both traditional and modern minimalist as well as design application that can be applied in developing ecological architecture and environmentally friendly in terms of the health of its inhabitants. In order to look more real and interesting, the authors make a minimalist home architecture design ecologically oriented interactive animations. The method used in this paper is a qualitative method with descriptive approach. The results of this study indicate that the ecological building, especially in terms of the science of architecture. In terms of lighting and choosing the material does not cause the nature, the location of the building facing south is the most excellent in the ability to withstand heat

    Implementasi Konsep Arsitektur Ekologi pada Rancang Bangun Rumah Minimalis

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    — The need for housing for everyone is increasing, making the property developers need various innovations in the provision of housing facilities. Additionally, pemanfaataan natural resources are no longer counted how much impact it will have, add to the damage of this nature. In this study, the authors analyzed the problem of materials, technology, structure, lighting, building orientation, for building both traditional and modern minimalist as well as design application that can be applied in developing ecological architecture and environmentally friendly in terms of the health of its inhabitants. In order to look more real and interesting, the authors make a minimalist home architecture design ecologically oriented interactive animations. The method used in this paper is a qualitative method with descriptive approach. The results of this study indicate that the ecological building, especially in terms of the science of architecture. In terms of lighting and choosing the material does not cause the nature, the location of the building facing south is the most excellent in the ability to withstand heat

    Animasi Interaktif Pengetahuan Dasar Bahasa dan Matematika Berbasis Multimedia

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    Currently there are many kindergartens that way of delivering lessons with the method of lectures / conventional. Sometimes explaining learning materials to children aged 5-6 (five-six) years or below kindergarten students is not easy. Such as Tadika Puri kindergarten which was established in 1977 and to this day still use the method of mirror. The process of understanding students who are slow in capturing learning materials in because lessons taught less interesting. Therefore required a new media and support methods for the learning process becomes more effective teaching with interactive multimedia-based learning applications. The research method used in this writing is a qualitative method with descriptive approach that is equipped with research using questionnaires and interviews to the respondents who have been predetermined. The result of the interactive animation design of basic knowledge of language and mathematics can help students in understanding the vocabulary of language and mathematics easily because it is conveyed with an interesting accompanied by interactive pictures and sounds

    Animasi Interaktif Pengetahuan Dasar Bahasa dan Matematika Berbasis Multimedia

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    Currently there are many kindergartens that way of delivering lessons with the method of lectures / conventional. Sometimes explaining learning materials to children aged 5-6 (five-six) years or below kindergarten students is not easy. Such as Tadika Puri kindergarten which was established in 1977 and to this day still use the method of mirror. The process of understanding students who are slow in capturing learning materials in because lessons taught less interesting. Therefore required a new media and support methods for the learning process becomes more effective teaching with interactive multimedia-based learning applications. The research method used in this writing is a qualitative method with descriptive approach that is equipped with research using questionnaires and interviews to the respondents who have been predetermined. The result of the interactive animation design of basic knowledge of language and mathematics can help students in understanding the vocabulary of language and mathematics easily because it is conveyed with an interesting accompanied by interactive pictures and sounds
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