900 research outputs found

    Giant Intrinsic Carrier Mobilities in Graphene and Its Bilayer

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    We have studied temperature dependences of electron transport in graphene and its bilayer and found extremely low electron-phonon scattering rates that set the fundamental limit on possible charge carrier mobilities at room temperature. Our measurements have shown that mobilities significantly higher than 200,000 cm2/Vs are achievable, if extrinsic disorder is eliminated. A sharp (threshold-like) increase in resistivity observed above approximately 200K is unexpected but can qualitatively be understood within a model of a rippled graphene sheet in which scattering occurs on intra-ripple flexural phonons

    Two Dimensional Electron and Hole Gases at the Surface of Graphite

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    We report high-quality two-dimensional (2D) electron and hole gases induced at the surface of graphite by the electric field effect. The 2D carriers reside within a few near-surface atomic layers and exhibit mobilities up to 15,000 and 60,000 cm2/Vs at room and liquid-helium temperatures, respectively. The mobilities imply ballistic transport at micron scale. Pronounced Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations reveal the existence of two types of carries in both 2D electron and hole gases.Comment: related to cond-mat/0410631 where preliminary data for this experimental system were reporte

    On resonant scatterers as a factor limiting carrier mobility in graphene

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    We show that graphene deposited on a substrate has a non-negligible density of atomic scale defects. This is evidenced by a previously unnoticed D peak in the Raman spectra with intensity of about 1% with respect to the G peak. We evaluated the effect of such impurities on electron transport by mimicking them with hydrogen adsorbates and measuring the induced changes in both mobility and Raman intensity. If the intervalley scatterers responsible for the D peak are monovalent, their concentration is sufficient to account for the limited mobilities achievable in graphene on a substrate.Comment: version 2: several comments are taken into account and refs adde

    Strong suppression of weak (anti)localization in graphene

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    Low-field magnetoresistance is ubiquitous in low-dimensional metallic systems with high resistivity and well understood as arising due to quantum interference on self-intersecting diffusive trajectories. We have found that in graphene this weak-localization magnetoresistance is strongly suppressed and, in some cases, completely absent. This unexpected observation is attributed to mesoscopic corrugations of graphene sheets which cause a dephasing effect similar to that of a random magnetic field.Comment: improved presentation of the theory part after referees comments; important experimental info added (see "note added in proof"

    Singular-phase nanooptics: towards label-free single molecule detection

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    Non-trivial topology of phase is crucial for many important physics phenomena such as, for example, the Aharonov-Bohm effect 1 and the Berry phase 2. Light phase allows one to create "twisted" photons 3, 4 , vortex knots 5, dislocations 6 which has led to an emerging field of singular optics relying on abrupt phase changes 7. Here we demonstrate the feasibility of singular visible-light nanooptics which exploits the benefits of both plasmonic field enhancement and non-trivial topology of light phase. We show that properly designed plasmonic nanomaterials exhibit topologically protected singular phase behaviour which can be employed to radically improve sensitivity of detectors based on plasmon resonances. By using reversible hydrogenation of graphene 8 and a streptavidin-biotin test 9, we demonstrate areal mass sensitivity at a level of femto-grams per mm2 and detection of individual biomolecules, respectively. Our proof-of-concept results offer a way towards simple and scalable single-molecular label-free biosensing technologies.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    A self-consistent theory for graphene transport

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    We demonstrate theoretically that most of the observed transport properties of graphene sheets at zero magnetic field can be explained by scattering from charged impurities. We find that, contrary to common perception, these properties are not universal but depend on the concentration of charged impurities nimpn_{\rm imp}. For dirty samples (250×1010cm2<nimp<400×1010cm2250 \times 10^{10} {\rm cm}^{-2} < n_{\rm imp} < 400 \times 10^{10} {\rm cm}^{-2}), the value of the minimum conductivity at low carrier density is indeed 4e2/h4 e^2/h in agreement with early experiments, with weak dependence on impurity concentration. For cleaner samples, we predict that the minimum conductivity depends strongly on nimpn_{\rm imp}, increasing to 8e2/h8 e^2/h for nimp20×1010cm2n_{\rm imp} \sim 20 \times 10^{10}{\rm cm}^{-2}. A clear strategy to improve graphene mobility is to eliminate charged impurities or use a substrate with a larger dielectric constant.Comment: To be published in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. US

    Two Dimensional Atomic Crystals

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    We report free-standing atomic crystals that are strictly 2D and can be viewed as individual atomic planes pulled out of bulk crystals or as unrolled single-wall nanotubes. By using micromechanical cleavage, we have prepared and studied a variety of 2D crystals, including single layers of boron nitride, graphite, several dichalcogenides and complex oxides. These atomically-thin sheets (essentially gigantic 2D molecules unprotected from the immediate environment) are stable under ambient conditions, exhibit high crystal quality and are continuous on a macroscopic scale.Comment: 4 page

    Unconventional quantum Hall effect and Berry’s phase 2pi in bilayer graphene.

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    There are known two distinct types of the integer quantum Hall effect. One is the conventional quantum Hall effect, characteristic of two-dimensional semiconductor systems, and the other is its relativistic counterpart recently observed in graphene, where charge carriers mimic Dirac fermions characterized by Berry’s phase pi, which results in a shifted positions of Hall plateaus. Here we report a third type of the integer quantum Hall effect. Charge carriers in bilayer graphene have a parabolic energy spectrum but are chiral and exhibit Berry’s phase 2pi affecting their quantum dynamics. The Landau quantization of these fermions results in plateaus in Hall conductivity at standard integer positions but the last (zero-level) plateau is missing. The zero-level anomaly is accompanied by metallic conductivity in the limit of low concentrations and high magnetic fields, in stark contrast to the conventional, insulating behavior in this regime. The revealed chiral fermions have no known analogues and present an intriguing case for quantum-mechanical studies

    Modeling electrolytically top gated graphene

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    We investigate doping of a single-layer graphene in the presence of electrolytic top gating. The interfacial phenomena is modeled using a modified Poisson-Boltzmann equation for an aqueous solution of simple salt. We demonstrate both the sensitivity of graphene's doping levels to the salt concentration and the importance of quantum capacitance that arises due to the smallness of the Debye screening length in the electrolyte.Comment: 7 pages, including 4 figures, submitted to Nanoscale Research Letters for a special issue related to the NGC 2009 conference (http://asdn.net/ngc2009/index.shtml

    Impurity-assisted tunneling in graphene

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    The electric conductance of a strip of undoped graphene increases in the presence of a disorder potential, which is smooth on atomic scales. The phenomenon is attributed to impurity-assisted resonant tunneling of massless Dirac fermions. Employing the transfer matrix approach we demonstrate the resonant character of the conductivity enhancement in the presence of a single impurity. We also calculate the two-terminal conductivity for the model with one-dimensional fluctuations of disorder potential by a mapping onto a problem of Anderson localization.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, final version, typos corrected, references adde