164 research outputs found

    Tietoturva auton sisäisissä CAN-verkoissa

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämä tutkielma käsittelee autojen sisäisten CAN-verkkoja sekä niihin liittyviä tietoturvakysymyksiä. Tutkielmassa käsitellään autoissa yleisesti käytetyn CAN-väyläjärjestelmän perusteita, historiaa sekä myös autojen tietoturvaan liittyviä periaatteita teoreettisella tasolla tasolla. Tämän jälkeen tarkastellaan jo olemassa olevan kirjallisuuden ja tutkimuksen pohjalta CAN-väylään liittyviä konkreettisia tietoturvaongelmia, sekä joissain tapauksissa myös tapoja, joilla niitä voidaan poistaa tai vähentää. Tutkielmassa pohditaan myös tietoturvan merkitystä autoissa, sekä sen mahdollisia suuntauksia autoteollisudessa tulevaisuudessa

    First-principles study of the atomic and electronic structure of the Si(111)-(5x2-Au surface reconstruction

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    We present a systematic study of the atomic and electronic structure of the Si(111)-(5x2)-Au reconstruction using first-principles electronic structure calculations based on the density functional theory. We analyze the structural models proposed by Marks and Plass [Phys. Rev. Lett.75, 2172 (1995)], those proposed recently by Erwin [Phys. Rev. Lett.91, 206101 (2003)], and a completely new structure that was found during our structural optimizations. We study in detail the energetics and the structural and electronic properties of the different models. For the two most stable models, we also calculate the change in the surface energy as a function of the content of silicon adatoms for a realistic range of concentrations. Our new model is the energetically most favorable in the range of low adatom concentrations, while Erwin's "5x2" model becomes favorable for larger adatom concentrations. The crossing between the surface energies of both structures is found close to 1/2 adatoms per 5x2 unit cell, i.e. near the maximum adatom coverage observed in the experiments. Both models, the new structure and Erwin's "5x2" model, seem to provide a good description of many of the available experimental data, particularly of the angle-resolved photoemission measurements

    The relationship between interhemispheric synchrony, morphine and microstructural development of the corpus callosum in extremely preterm infants

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Authors. Human Brain Mapping published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.The primary aim of this study is to examine whether bursting interhemispheric synchrony (bIHS) in the first week of life of infants born extremely preterm, is associated with microstructural development of the corpus callosum (CC) on term equivalent age magnetic resonance imaging scans. The secondary aim is to address the effects of analgesics such as morphine, on bIHS in extremely preterm infants. A total of 25 extremely preterm infants (gestational age [GA] .5). ASI was positively associated with the administration of morphine (p <.05). Early cortical synchrony may be affected by morphine and is not associated with the microstructural development of the CC. More studies are needed to evaluate the long-term effects of neonatal morphine treatment to optimize sedation in this high-risk population.Peer reviewe

    Early Brain Activity Relates to Subsequent Brain Growth in Premature Infants

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    Recent experimental studies have shown that early brain activity is crucial for neuronal survival and the development of brain networks; however, it has been challenging to assess its role in the developing human brain. We employed serial quantitative magnetic resonance imaging to measure the rate of growth in circumscribed brain tissues from preterm to term age, and compared it with measures of electroencephalographic (EEG) activity during the first postnatal days by 2 different methods. EEG metrics of functional activity were computed: EEG signal peak-to-peak amplitude and the occurrence of developmentally important spontaneous activity transients (SATs). We found that an increased brain activity in the first postnatal days correlates with a faster growth of brain structures during subsequent months until term age. Total brain volume, and in particular subcortical gray matter volume, grew faster in babies with less cortical electrical quiescence and with more SAT events. The present findings are compatible with the idea that (1) early cortical network activity is important for brain growth, and that (2) objective measures may be devised to follow early human brain activity in a biologically reasoned way in future research as well as during intensive care treatmen

    Therapeutic targets for HIV-1 infection in the host proteome

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the success of HAART, patients often stop treatment due to the inception of side effects. Furthermore, viral resistance often develops, making one or more of the drugs ineffective. Identification of novel targets for therapy that may not develop resistance is sorely needed. Therefore, to identify cellular proteins that may be up-regulated in HIV infection and play a role in infection, we analyzed the effects of Tat on cellular gene expression during various phases of the cell cycle. RESULTS: SOM and k-means clustering analyses revealed a dramatic alteration in transcriptional activity at the G1/S checkpoint. Tat regulates the expression of a variety of gene ontologies, including DNA-binding proteins, receptors, and membrane proteins. Using siRNA to knock down expression of several gene targets, we show that an Oct1/2 binding protein, an HIV Rev binding protein, cyclin A, and PPGB, a cathepsin that binds NA, are important for viral replication following induction from latency and de novo infection of PBMCs. CONCLUSION: Based on exhaustive and stringent data analysis, we have compiled a list of gene products that may serve as potential therapeutic targets for the inhibition of HIV-1 replication. Several genes have been established as important for HIV-1 infection and replication, including Pou2AF1 (OBF-1), complement factor H related 3, CD4 receptor, ICAM-1, NA, and cyclin A1. There were also several genes whose role in relation to HIV-1 infection have not been established and may also be novel and efficacious therapeutic targets and thus necessitate further study. Importantly, targeting certain cellular protein kinases, receptors, membrane proteins, and/or cytokines/chemokines may result in adverse effects. If there is the presence of two or more proteins with similar functions, where only one protein is critical for HIV-1 transcription, and thus, targeted, we may decrease the chance of developing treatments with negative side effects

    Unexpectedly High Prevalence of Common Variable Immunodeficiency in Finland

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    Background: Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is the most common primary immunodeficiency. Prevalence varies greatly between countries and studies. Most diagnostic criteria include hypogammaglobulinemia and impaired vaccine response. Aim: To evaluate the minimum prevalence as well as the clinical and immunological phenotypes of CVID in Southern Finland. Methods: We performed a cross-sectional study to assess all adult CVID patients followed up in three hospital districts in Southern and South-Eastern Finland between April 2007 and August 2015. CVID diagnosis was based, with a minor modification, on the ESID/PAGID criteria for primary CVID. Antipolysaccharide responses to Pneumovax (R) were defined as impaired only if 50% or more of the serotypes did not reach a level of 0.35 mu g/mL after vaccination. We further characterized the patients' B cell phenotypes and complications associated with CVID. Results: In total, 9 patients were excluded due to potential secondary causes before diagnosis. ESID/PAGID criteria were met by 132 patients (males 52%), of whom, 106 had "probable" and 26 "possible CVID." Based on the population statistics in the three hospital districts, the minimum adult prevalence per 100,000 inhabitants in Finland for all CVID ("probable CVID," respectively) patients was 6.9 (5.5). In the highest prevalence district (Helsinki and Uusimaa), the prevalence was 7.7 (6.1). CVID patients suffer from frequent complications. Ten patients died during follow-up. Of probable CVID patients, 73% had more than one clinical phenotype. Intriguingly, gradual B cell loss from peripheral blood during follow-up was seen in as many as 16% of "Xprobable CVID" patients. Patients with possible CVID displayed somewhat milder clinical and laboratory phenotypes than probable CVID patients. We also confirm that large granular lymphocyte lymphoproliferation is a CVID-associated complication. Conclusion: The prevalence of CVID in Finland appears the highest recorded, likely reflecting the genetic isolation and potential founder effects in the Finnish population. Studies to discover potential gene variants responsible for the high prevalence in Finland thus seem warranted. Increased awareness of CVID among physicians would likely lead to earlier diagnosis and improved quality of care.Peer reviewe

    Origins and Impacts of New Mammalian Exons

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    Mammalian genes are composed of exons, but the evolutionary origins and functions of new internal exons are poorly understood. Here, we analyzed patterns of exon gain using deep cDNA sequencing data from five mammals and one bird, identifying thousands of species-and lineage-specific exons. Most new exons derived from unique rather than repetitive intronic sequence. Unlike exons conserved across mammals, species-specific internal exons were mostly located in 5' UTRs and alternatively spliced. They were associated with upstream intronic deletions, increased nucleosome occupancy, and RNA polymerase II pausing. Genes containing new internal exons had increased gene expression, but only in tissues in which the exon was included. Increased expression correlated with the level of exon inclusion, promoter proximity, and signatures of cotranscriptional splicing. Altogether, these findings suggest that increased splicing at the 5' ends of genes enhances expression and that changes in 5' end splicing alter gene expression between tissues and between species.Peer reviewe

    Automated cot-side tracking of functional brain age in preterm infants

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    Objective A major challenge in the care of preterm infants is the early identification of compromised neurological development. While several measures are routinely used to track anatomical growth, there is a striking lack of reliable and objective tools for tracking maturation of early brain function; a cornerstone of lifelong neurological health. We present a cot-side method for measuring the functional maturity of the newborn brain based on routinely available neurological monitoring with electroencephalography (EEG). Methods We used a dataset of 177 EEG recordings from 65 preterm infants to train a multivariable prediction of functional brain age (FBA) from EEG. The FBA was validated on an independent set of 99 EEG recordings from 42 preterm infants. The difference between FBA and postmenstrual age (PMA) was evaluated as a predictor for neurodevelopmental outcome. Results The FBA correlated strongly with the PMA of an infant, with a median prediction error of less than 1 week. Moreover, individual babies follow well-defined individual trajectories. The accuracy of the FBA applied to the validation set was statistically equivalent to the training set accuracy. In a subgroup of infants with repeated EEG recordings, a persistently negative predicted age difference was associated with poor neurodevelopmental outcome. Interpretation The FBA enables the tracking of functional neurodevelopment in preterm infants. This establishes proof of principle for growth charts for brain function, a new tool to assist clinical management and identify infants who will benefit most from early intervention.Peer reviewe

    Assembly of Silver Nanoparticles into Hollow Spheres Using Eu(III) Compound based on Trifluorothenoyl-Acetone

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    The preparation of luminescent silver hollow spheres using Eu(III) compound based on trifluorothenoyl-acetone is described. The structure and size of silver hollow spheres were determined by TEM images. The result shows the formation of hollow structure and average size of the silver hollow spheres (0.9 μm). The silver hollow spheres were further characterized by UV absorption spectrum, SNOM and SEM images, suggesting them to be formed by self-assemble of some isolated silver nanoparticles. The luminescent properties of them were also investigated and they are shown to be high emission strength; moreover, they offer the distinct advantage of a lower packing density compared with other commercial luminescent products