3,063 research outputs found

    Catching the fish - Constraining stellar parameters for TX Psc using spectro-interferometric observations

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    Stellar parameter determination is a challenging task when dealing with galactic giant stars. The combination of different investigation techniques has proven to be a promising approach. We analyse archive spectra obtained with the Short-Wavelength-Spectrometer (SWS) onboard of ISO, and new interferometric observations from the Very Large Telescope MID-infrared Interferometric instrument (VLTI/MIDI) of a very well studied carbon-rich giant: TX Psc. The aim of this work is to determine stellar parameters using spectroscopy and interferometry. The observations are used to constrain the model atmosphere, and eventually the stellar evolutionary model in the region where the tracks map the beginning of the carbon star sequence. Two different approaches are used to determine stellar parameters: (i) the 'classic' interferometric approach where the effective temperature is fixed by using the angular diameter in the N-band (from interferometry) and the apparent bolometric magnitude; (ii) parameters are obtained by fitting a grid of state-of-the-art hydrostatic models to spectroscopic and interferometric observations. We find a good agreement between the parameters of the two methods. The effective temperature and luminosity clearly place TX Psc in the carbon-rich AGB star domain in the H-R-diagram. Current evolutionary tracks suggest that TX Psc became a C-star just recently, which means that the star is still in a 'quiet' phase compared to the subsequent strong-wind regime. This is in agreement with the C/O ratio being only slightly larger than 1.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 5 table

    Coplanar stripline antenna design for optically detected magnetic resonance on semiconductor quantum dots

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    We report on the development and testing of a coplanar stripline antenna that is designed for integration in a magneto-photoluminescence experiment to allow coherent control of individual electron spins confined in single self-assembled semiconductor quantum dots. We discuss the design criteria for such a structure which is multi-functional in the sense that it serves not only as microwave delivery but also as electrical top gate and shadow mask for the single quantum dot spectroscopy. We present test measurements on hydrogenated amorphous silicon, demonstrating electrically detected magnetic resonance using the in-plane component of the oscillating magnetic field created by the coplanar stripline antenna necessary due to the particular geometry of the quantum dot spectroscopy. From reference measurements using a commercial electron spin resonance setup in combination with finite element calculations simulating the field distribution in the structure, we obtain an average magnetic field of ~0.2mT at the position where the quantum dots would be integrated into the device. The corresponding pi-pulse time of ~0.3us fully meets the requirements set by the high sensitivity optical spin read-out scheme developed for the quantum dot

    Highly Non-linear Excitonic Zeeman Spin-Splitting in Composition-Engineered Artificial Atoms

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    Non-linear Zeeman splitting of neutral excitons is observed in composition engineered In(x)Ga(1-x)As self-assembled quantum dots and its microscopic origin is explained. Eight-band k.p simulations, performed using realistic dot parameters extracted from cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy, reveal that a quadratic contribution to the Zeeman energy originates from a spin dependent mixing of heavy and light hole orbital states in the dot. The dilute In-composition (x<0.35) and large lateral size (40-50 nm) of the quantum dots investigated is shown to strongly enhance the non-linear excitonic Zeeman gap, providing a blueprint to enhance such magnetic non-linearities via growth engineering

    Genetic Diversity of the Flavohemoprotein Gene of Giardia lamblia: Evidence for High Allelic Heterozygosity and Copy Number Variation

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    Purpose: The flavohemoprotein (gFlHb) in Giardia plays an important role in managing nitrosative and oxidative stress, and potentially also in virulence and nitroimidazole drug tolerance. The aim of this study was to analyze the genetic diversity of gFlHb in Giardia assemblages A and B clinical isolates. Methods: gFlHb genes from 20 cultured clinical Giardia isolates were subjected to PCR amplification and cloning, followed by Sanger sequencing. Sequences of all cloned PCR fragments from each isolate were analyzed for single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and compared to genomic Illumina sequence data. Identical clone sequences were sorted into alleles, and diversity was further analyzed. The number of gFlHb gene copies was assessed by mining PacBio de novo assembled genomes in eight isolates. Homology models for assessment of SNV’s potential impact on protein function were created using Phyre2. Results: A variable copy number of the gFlHb gene, between two and six copies, depending on isolate, was found. A total of 37 distinct sequences, representing different alleles of the gFlHb gene, were identified in AII isolates, and 41 were identified in B isolates. In some isolates, up to 12 different alleles were found. The total allelic diversity was high for both assemblages (> 0.9) and was coupled with a nucleotide diversity of < 0.01. The genetic variation (SNVs per CDS length) was 4.8% in sub-assemblage AII and 5.4% in assemblage B. The number of non-synonymous (ns) SNVs was high in gFIHb of both assemblages, 1.6% in A and 3.0% in B, respectively. Some of the identified nsSNV are predicted to alter protein structure and possibly function. Conclusion: In this study, we present evidence that gFlHb, a putative protective enzyme against oxidative and nitrosative stress in Giardia, is a variable copy number gene with high allelic diversity. The genetic variability of gFlHb may contribute metabolic adaptability against metronidazole toxicity.Peer Reviewe

    The ECLAIRs micro-satellite mission for gamma-ray burst multi-wavelength observations

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    Gamma-ray bursts (GRB), at least those with a duration longer than a few seconds are the most energetic events in the Universe and occur at cosmological distances. The ECLAIRs micro-satellite, to be launched in 2009, will provide multi-wavelength observations of GRB, to study their astrophysics and to use them as cosmological probes. Furthermore in 2009 ECLAIRs is expected to be the only space borne instrument capable of providing a GRB trigger in near real-time with sufficient localization accuracy for GRB follow-up observations with the powerful ground based spectroscopic telescopes available by then. A "Phase A study" of the ECLAIRs project has recently been launched by the French Space Agency CNES, aiming at a detailed mission design and selection for flight in 2006. The ECLAIRs mission is based on a CNES micro-satellite of the "Myriade" family and dedicated ground-based optical telescopes. The satellite payload combines a 2 sr field-of-view coded aperture mask gamma-camera using 6400 CdTe pixels for GRB detection and localization with 10 arcmin precision in the 4 to 50 keV energy band, together with a soft X-ray camera for onboard position refinement to 1 arcmin. The ground-based optical robotic telescopes will detect the GRB prompt/early afterglow emission and localize the event to arcsec accuracy, for spectroscopic follow-up observations.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, proceedings of the conference "New Developments in Photodetection", Beaune (France), June 25005. Submitted to NIM-A (Elsevier Science

    The historical vanishing of the Blazhko effect of RR Lyr from GEOS and Kepler surveys

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    RR Lyr is one of the most studied variable stars. Its light curve has been regularly monitored since the discovery of the periodic variability in 1899. Analysis of all observed maxima allows us to identify two primary pulsation states defined as pulsation over a long (P0 longer than 0.56684 d) and a short (P0 shorter than 0.56682 d) primary pulsation period. These states alternate with intervals of 13-16 yr, and are well defined after 1943. The 40.8 d periodical modulations of the amplitude and the period (i.e. Blazhko effect) were noticed in 1916. We provide homogeneous determinations of the Blazhko period in the different primary pulsation states. The Blazhko period does not follow the variations of P0 and suddenly diminished from 40.8 d to around 39.0 d in 1975. The monitoring of these periodicities deserved and deserves a continuous and intensive observational effort. For this purpose we have built dedicated, transportable and autonomous small instruments, Very Tiny Telescopes (VTTs), to observe the times of maximum brightness of RR Lyr. As immediate results the VTTs recorded the last change of P0 state in mid-2009 and extended the time coverage of the Kepler observations, thus recording a maximum O-C amplitude of the Blazhko effect at the end of 2008, followed by the historically smallest O-C amplitude in late 2013. This decrease is still ongoing and VTT instruments are ready to monitor the expected increase in the next few years.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Contents of appendix B may be requested to first autho
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