251 research outputs found

    One‐Pot Covalent Functionalization of 2D Black Phosphorus by Anionic Ring Opening Polymerization

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    In this work, a one‐pot approach for the covalent functionalization of few‐layer black phosphorus (BP) by anionic ring opening polymerization of glycidol to obtain multifunctional BP‐polyglycerol (BP‐PG) with high amphiphilicity for near‐infrared‐responsive drug delivery and biocompatibility is reported. Straightforward synthesis in combination with exceptional biological and physicochemical properties designates functionalized BP‐PG as a promising candidate for a broad range of biomedical applications

    Entangling gates on degenerate spin qubits dressed by a global field

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    Coherently dressed spins have shown promising results as building blocks for future quantum computers owing to their resilience to environmental noise and their compatibility with global control fields. This mode of operation allows for more amenable qubit architecture requirements and simplifies signal routing on the chip. However, multi-qubit operations, such as qubit addressability and two-qubit gates, are yet to be demonstrated to establish global control in combination with dressed qubits as a viable path to universal quantum computing. Here we demonstrate simultaneous on-resonance driving of degenerate qubits using a global field while retaining addressability for qubits with equal Larmor frequencies. Furthermore, we implement SWAP oscillations during on-resonance driving, constituting the demonstration of driven two-qubit gates. Significantly, our findings highlight the fragility of entangling gates between superposition states and how dressing can increase the noise robustness. These results represent a crucial milestone towards global control operation with dressed qubits. It also opens a door to interesting spin physics on degenerate spins

    Functionalized Fullerene for Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 Variants

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    As virus outbreaks continue to pose a challenge, a nonspecific viral inhibitor can provide significant benefits, especially against respiratory viruses. Polyglycerol sulfates recently emerge as promising agents that mediate interactions between cells and viruses through electrostatics, leading to virus inhibition. Similarly, hydrophobic C60 fullerene can prevent virus infection via interactions with hydrophobic cavities of surface proteins. Here, two strategies are combined to inhibit infection of SARS-CoV-2 variants in vitro. Effective inhibitory concentrations in the millimolar range highlight the significance of bare fullerene's hydrophobic moiety and electrostatic interactions of polysulfates with surface proteins of SARS-CoV-2. Furthermore, microscale thermophoresis measurements support that fullerene linear polyglycerol sulfates interact with the SARS-CoV-2 virus via its spike protein, and highlight importance of electrostatic interactions within it. All-atom molecular dynamics simulations reveal that the fullerene binding site is situated close to the receptor binding domain, within 4 nm of polyglycerol sulfate binding sites, feasibly allowing both portions of the material to interact simultaneously

    The Impact of the Physical Environment on Intrapartum Maternity Care: Identification of Eight Crucial Building Spaces.

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    OBJECTIVES, PURPOSE, OR AIM: This article investigates whether the physical environment in which childbirth occurs impacts the intrapartum intervention rates and how this might happen. The study explores the spatial physical characteristics that can support the design of spaces to promote the health and well-being of women, their supporters, and maternity care professionals. BACKGROUND: Medical interventions during childbirth have consequences for the health of women and babies in the immediate and long term. The increase in interventions is multifactorial and may be influenced by the model of care adopted, the relationships between caregivers and the organizational culture, which is made up of many factors, including the built environment. In the field of birth architecture research, there is a gap in the description of the physical characteristics of birth environments that impact users' health. METHOD: A scoping review on the topic was performed to understand the direct and indirect impacts of the physical environment on birth intervention rates. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The findings are organized into three tables reporting the influence that the physical characteristics of a space might have on people's behaviors, experiences, practices and birth health outcomes. Eight building spaces that require further investigation and research were highlighted: unit layout configuration, midwives' hub/desk, social room, birth philosophy vectors, configuration of the birth room, size and shape of the birth room, filter, and sensory elements. CONCLUSIONS: The findings show the importance of considering the physical environment in maternity care and that further interdisciplinary studies focused on architectural design are needed to enrich the knowledge and evidence on this topic and to develop accurate recommendations for designers

    Concentration Inequalities and Confidence Bands for Needlet Density Estimators on Compact Homogeneous Manifolds

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    Let X1,...,XnX_1,...,X_n be a random sample from some unknown probability density ff defined on a compact homogeneous manifold M\mathbf M of dimension d≥1d \ge 1. Consider a 'needlet frame' {ϕjη}\{\phi_{j \eta}\} describing a localised projection onto the space of eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator on M\mathbf M with corresponding eigenvalues less than 22j2^{2j}, as constructed in \cite{GP10}. We prove non-asymptotic concentration inequalities for the uniform deviations of the linear needlet density estimator fn(j)f_n(j) obtained from an empirical estimate of the needlet projection ∑ηϕjη∫fϕjη\sum_\eta \phi_{j \eta} \int f \phi_{j \eta} of ff. We apply these results to construct risk-adaptive estimators and nonasymptotic confidence bands for the unknown density ff. The confidence bands are adaptive over classes of differentiable and H\"{older}-continuous functions on M\mathbf M that attain their H\"{o}lder exponents.Comment: Probability Theory and Related Fields, to appea

    On strong causal binomial approximation for stochastic processes

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    This paper considers binomial approximation of continuous time stochastic processes. It is shown that, under some mild integrability conditions, a process can be approximated in mean square sense and in other strong metrics by binomial processes, i.e., by processes with fixed size binary increments at sampling points. Moreover, this approximation can be causal, i.e., at every time it requires only past historical values of the underlying process. In addition, possibility of approximation of solutions of stochastic differential equations by solutions of ordinary equations with binary noise is established. Some consequences for the financial modelling and options pricing models are discussed

    The Many Virtues of Second Nature : Habitus in Latin Medieval Philosophy

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    This chapter consists of a systematic introduction to the nature and function of habitus in Latin medieval philosophy. Over the course of this introduction, several topics are treated: the theoretical necessity to posit habitus; their nature; their causal contribution to the production of internal and external acts; how and why habitus can grow and decay; what makes their unity when they can have multiple objects and work in clusters. Finally we examine two specific questions: why intellectual habitus represent a special case that triggered considerable debate; how human beings can be said to be free if their actions are determined by moral habitus

    The role of versican isoforms V0/V1 in glioma migration mediated by transforming growth factor-β2

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    Versican is a large chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan produced by several tumour cell types, including high-grade glioma. The increased expression of certain versican isoforms in the extracellular matrix (ECM) plays a role in tumour cell growth, adhesion and migration. Transforming growth factor-β2 (TGF-β2) is an important modulator of glioma invasion, partially by remodeling the ECM. However, it is unknown whether it interacts with versican during malignant progression of glioma cells. Here, we analysed the effect of TGF-β2 on the expression of versican isoforms. The expression of versican V0/V1 was upregulated by TGF-β2 detected by quantitative polymerase chain reaction and immunoprecipitation, whereas V2 was not induced. Using time-lapse scratch and spheroid migration assays, we observed that the glioma migration rate is significantly increased by exogenous TGF-β2 and inhibited by TGF-β2-specific antisense oligonucleotides. Interestingly, an antibody specific for the DPEAAE region of glycosaminoglycan-β domain of versican was able to reverse the effect of TGF-β2 on glioma migration in a dose-dependent manner. Taken together, we report here that TGF-β2 triggers the malignant phenotype of high-grade gliomas by induction of migration, and that this effect is, at least in part, mediated by versican V0/V1

    Neuroanatomical and Neuropsychological Markers of Amnestic MCI: A Three-Year Longitudinal Study in Individuals Unaware of Cognitive Decline

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    Structural brain changes underlying mild cognitive impairment (MCI) have been well-researched, but most previous studies required subjective cognitive complaints (SCC) as a diagnostic criterion, diagnosed MCI based on a single screening test or lacked analyses in relation to neuropsychological impairment. This longitudinal voxel-based morphometry study aimed to overcome these limitations: The relationship between regional gray matter (GM) atrophy and behavioral performance was investigated over the course of 3 years in individuals unaware of cognitive decline, identified as amnestic MCI based on an extensive neuropsychological test battery. Region of interest analyses revealed GM atrophy in the left amygdala, hippocampus, and parahippocampus in MCI individuals compared to normally aging participants, which was specifically related to verbal memory impairment and evident already at the first measurement point. These findings demonstrate that GM atrophy is detectable in individuals with amnestic MCI despite unawareness of beginning cognitive decline. Thus, individuals with GM atrophy in regions associated with verbal memory impairment do not necessarily need to experience SCC before meeting neuropsychological criteria for MCI. These results have important implications for future research and diagnostic procedures of MCI

    Eigenständige Analgesie mit Piritramid durch Notfallsanitäter – retrospektive Auswertung der elektronischen Einsatzdokumentation

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    Hintergrund Schmerzen sind ein häufiger Behandlungsgrund in der prähospitalen Notfallmedizin. In Bayern delegieren die Ärztlichen Leiter Rettungsdienst (ÄLRD) bei subjektiv nichttolerablen Schmerzen nach isoliertem Extremitätentrauma an Notfallsanitäter (NotSan) landesweit einheitlich die Kurzinfusion von 7,5 mg des Opioidanalgetikums Piritramid. Methode Die Routineeinsatzdokumentation aller Einsätze im bayerischen Rettungsdienst mit Heranziehungen des Delegationsalgorithmus „Isolierte Extremitätenverletzung“ der ÄLRD nach § 4 Abs. 2 Nr. 2c Notfallsanitätergesetz wurde über einen 2‑Jahres-Zeitraum ausgewertet. Evaluiert wurden der Effekt auf die Schmerzintensität nach der numerischen Rating-Skala (NRS) und dem Vorliegen nichttolerabler Schmerzen, Auswirkungen auf die Vitalfunktionen sowie die Notwendigkeit von bestimmten weitergehenden Interventionen. Ergebnisse Bei 7151 identifizierten Einsätzen erfolgte in 6097 Fällen eine eigenständige Analgesie durch NotSan entlang der Delegation der ÄLRD. Die Schmerzintensität nach der NRS konnte von im Median 7 (Interquartilsabstand [IQR] 2) auf 3 (IQR 2, p < 0,001) gesenkt und in 96,9 % ein aus Patientensicht tolerables Niveau erreicht werden. In 9,4 % der Fälle wurde ein Notarzt nachgefordert und in 5,0 % eine ergänzende Analgesie verabreicht. Etwa jeder zehnte Patient erhielt Sauerstoff. Atemwegsinterventionen waren in wenigen Einzelfällen notwendig, eine Antagonisierung nur nach höheren als den delegierten Opiatdosen. Schlussfolgerung Eine vom ÄLRD delegierte und von NotSan eigenständig durchgeführte Opiatgabe senkt das Schmerzniveau relevant. Wesentliche Hinweise auf eine Patientengefährdung fanden sich nicht. Durch dieses Verfahren konnten in Bayern jährlich geschätzt ca. 2500 Notarzteinsätze vermieden werden
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