399 research outputs found

    Exploring the origin of ice-filled craters in the north polar region of Mars

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    We investigate the origins of enigmatic ice-filled craters in the north polar region of Mars. We test several explanations for their origin, namely: (1) as polar cap remnants (2) accumulation independently of the polar cap, and (3) upwelling of subsurface water, analogous to either aufice or pingo formation on Earth. Each of these hypotheses has a significant impact on our understanding of Mars’ recent geological and climatic history and the behaviour of water and water ice at high latitudes. We used several lines of evidence to assess the most likely formation mechanism. We first performed a crater survey based on THEMIS visual data and MOLA elevation data to identify any craters that had domal central lumps which were different from normal central peaks. From this survey we identified 17 craters for further study. These include Louth, Korolev, Dokka and other unnamed craters. Using data from orbiting spectrometers; OMEGA on ESA’s Mars Express and CRISM on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter; we verified that the composition of the exposed central domes was predominantly water ice. We found the domes fell into three groups: (1) those completely covered by dunes, (2) those partially covered by dunes and (3) those with no dunes. We investigated the morphology and the relative position of the domes using MOLA elevation data. We found that the domes are always asymmetrically placed within the craters. However, this asymmetry could not easily be linked to wind directions as revealed by dune slip-faces [2]. The domes often have a moat-like structure and in some cases do not cover the entire crater floor, e.g. Louth Crater. From image data, we identified six craters which possessed internal stratigraphy, in the form of regularly spaced layers, and of these we have inspected three in detail. We found that the layers possess both strong sinuosity and high angle unconformities. We interpret the internal stratigraphy as representing a sequence of regular cyclic accumulations, which produced the layers, followed by asymmetric ablation and subsequent resumption of accumulation, to produce the unconformities. Hence, the present-day shape of the domes indicates that they are in a phase of ablation.We attribute the colour contrasts between layers to different levels of dust, or particulate content. This could form a source for the dunes, which are often located on the summits of these domes. We find that this sequence is best explained by a model of atmospheric condensation. Our measurements of internal layer spacing and observations of layer stratigraphy argues that these deposits are not linked directly to a former, more extensive polar cap

    Dissolution on Saturn's Moon Titan: A 3D Karst Landscape Evolution Model

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    Titan is an Earth-like world possessing a nitrogen-rich atmosphere covering a surface showing signs of lacustrine (lakes and depressions), fluvial (channels, valleys), aeolian (longitudinal dunes) activity. The chemistry implied in the geological processes is, however, strikingly different from that on Earth. Titan’s extremely cold environment (T ~ -180°C) only allows water to exist under the form of an icy “bedrock”. The presence of methane as the second major constituent in the atmosphere, as well as an active nitrogen-methane photochemistry, allows methane and ethane to drive a hydrocarbon cycle similar to the terrestrial hydrological cycle. A plethora of organic solids, more or less soluble in liquid hydrocarbons, is also produced in the atmosphere and can lead, by atmospheric sedimentation over geological timescales, to formation of some kind of organic geological sedimentary layer. [figure_sikun2other] Based on comparisons between Titan’s landscapes seen in the Cassini spacecraft data and terrestrial analogues, karstic-like dissolution and evaporitic crystallization have been suggested in various instances to take part in the landscape development on Titan. Dissolution has been invoked, for instance, for the development of the so-called “labyrinthic terrain”, located at high latitudes and resembling terrestrial cockpit or polygonal karst terrain. In this work, we aim at testing this hypothesis by comparing the natural landscapes visible in the Cassini/RADAR images of Titan’s surface, with those inferred from the use of a 3D Landscape Evolution Model (LEM) based on the Channel-Hillslope Integrated Landscape Development (CHILD), modified to include karstic dissolution as the major geological process. Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) are generated from an initial quasi-planar surface for a set of dissolution rates, diffusion coefficients (solute transport), and sink densities of the mesh. The landscape evolves over millions of years. Synthetic SAR images are generated from these DEMs in order to compare with Titan’s landforms seen in the actual SAR images and infer the possible thickness and degree of maturation of the Titan kars

    Development of labyrinths on Titan: A numerical model based on surface dissolution

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    Titan is an Earth-like world with active erosion processes based on the interaction of liquid methane with solid organics and ices at the surface, which shapes the landscapes over geological timescales. The Cassini mission allowed to discover the so-called “labyrinthic terrain”, heavily dissected regions on Titan located at high latitudes and resembling terrestrial cockpit or polygonal karst terrain developed by rock dissolution, thanks to repeated Cassini/RADAR observations. In this work, we make use of a 3D Landscape Evolution Model (LEM) that includes karstic dissolution as the major geological process, coupled to a radar backscattering model able to generate te associated SAR images of the numerical lansdcapes, in order to infer the possible thickness and degree of maturation of the Titan karst

    Cassini/VIMS hyperspectral observations of the HUYGENS landing site on Titan

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    Titan is one of the primary scientific objectives of the NASA ESA ASI Cassini Huygens mission. Scattering by haze particles in Titan's atmosphere and numerous methane absorptions dramatically veil Titan's surface in the visible range, though it can be studied more easily in some narrow infrared windows. The Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) instrument onboard the Cassini spacecraft successfully imaged its surface in the atmospheric windows, taking hyperspectral images in the range 0.4 5.2 ?m. On 26 October (TA flyby) and 13 December 2004 (TB flyby), the Cassini Huygens mission flew over Titan at an altitude lower than 1200 km at closest approach. We report here on the analysis of VIMS images of the Huygens landing site acquired at TA and TB, with a spatial resolution ranging from 16 to14.4 km/pixel. The pure atmospheric backscattering component is corrected by using both an empirical method and a first-order theoretical model. Both approaches provide consistent results. After the removal of scattering, ratio images reveal subtle surface heterogeneities. A particularly contrasted structure appears in ratio images involving the 1.59 and 2.03 ?m images north of the Huygens landing site. Although pure water ice cannot be the only component exposed at Titan's surface, this area is consistent with a local enrichment in exposed water ice and seems to be consistent with DISR/Huygens images and spectra interpretations. The images show also a morphological structure that can be interpreted as a 150 km diameter impact crater with a central peak

    The Stratigraphy of Central and Western Butte and the Greenheugh Pediment Contact

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    The Greenheugh pediment at the base of Aeolis Mons (Mt. Sharp), which may truncate units in the Murray formation and is capped by a thin sandstone unit, appears to represent a major shift in climate history within Gale crater. The pediment appears to be an erosional remnant of potentially a much more extensive feature. Curiositys traverse through the southern extent of Glen Torridon (south of Vera Rubin ridge) has brought the rover in contact with several new stratigraphic units that lie beneath the pediment. These strata were visited at two outcrop-forming buttes (Central and Western butte- both remnants of the retreating pediment) south of an orbitally defined boundary marking the transition from the Fractured Clay-bearing Unit (fCU) and the fractured Intermediate Unit (fIU). Here we present preliminary interpretations of the stratigraphy within Central and Western buttes and propose the Western butte cap rocks do not match the pediment capping unit

    Geomorphological significance of Ontario Lacus on Titan: Integrated interpretation of Cassini VIMS, ISS and RADAR data and comparison with the Etosha Pan (Namibia)

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    International audienceOntario Lacus is the largest lake of the whole southern hemisphere of Titan, Saturn's major moon. It has been imaged twice by each of the Cassini imaging systems (Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) in 2004 and 2005, Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) in 2007 and 2009 and Radar in 2009 and 2010). In this study, we take advantage of each imaging dataset to establish a global survey of Ontario Lacus' environment from 2005 to 2010. We perform a geomorphological mapping and interpretation of Ontario Lacus, mainly based on a joint analysis of VIMS and Radar SAR datasets, along with the T49 altimetric profile acquired in December 2008. The morphologies observed on Ontario Lacus are compared to landforms of a semi-arid terrestrial analog, which closely resembles Titan's lakes: the pans of the Etosha Basin, located in Namibia. From this comparison, we infer that Ontario Lacus is an extremely flat depression where liquids, only located in the darkest areas in the Radar data, cover topographic lows where the "alkanofer" would raise above the depression floor. The rest of the depression appears rather as a muddy flat surface likely composed of a thick coating of photon-absorbing materials, explaining its still rather dark appearance in the infrared and radar data. We also determined whether surface changes occurred during the 5 years time interval between 2005 and 2010. We found that the depression contour is constant at the resolution of ISS and VIMS data, both being consistent with the depression contour derived from the Radar data. Our interpretation, in which the liquids are located only in some parts of Ontario Lacus, agrees with the lack of significant change of the depression contour between 2007 (and 2005 with more uncertainties) and 2010

    Surface albedo changes with time on Titan’s possible cryovolcanic sites: Cassini/VIMS processing and geophysical implications

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    We present a study on Titan’s possibly cryovolcanic and varying regions as suggested from previous studies [e.g. 1;2;7]. These regions, which are potentially subject to change over time in brightness and are located close to the equator, are Tui Regio, Hotei Regio, and Sotra Patera. We apply two methods on Cassini/VIMS data in order to retrieve their surface properties and monitor any temporal variations. First, we apply a statistical method, the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) [3;4] where we manage to isolate regions of distinct and diverse chemical composition called ‘Region of interest – RoI’. Then, we focus on retrieving the spectral differences (with respect to the Huygens landing site albedo) among the RoIs by applying a radiative transfer code (RT) [5;3]. Hence, we are able to view the dynamical range and evaluate the differences in surface albedo within the RoIs of the three regions. In addition, using this double procedure, we study the temporal surface variations of the three regions witnessing albedo changes with time for Tui Regio from 2005-2009 (darkening) and Sotra Patera from 2005-2006 (brightening) at all wavelengths [3]. The surface albedo variations and the presence of volcanic-like features within the regions in addition to a recent study [6] that calculates Titan's tidal response are significant indications for the connection of the interior with the cryovolcanic candidate features with implications for the satellite’s astrobiological potential

    Igneous mineralogy at Bradbury Rise: The first ChemCam campaign at Gale crater

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    Textural and compositional analyses using Chemistry Camera (ChemCam) remote microimager and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) have been performed on five float rocks and coarse gravels along the first 100 m of the Curiosity traverse at Bradbury Rise. ChemCam, the first LIBS instrument sent to another planet, offers the opportunity to assess mineralogic diversity at grain-size scales (~ 100 ”m) and, from this, lithologic diversity. Depth profiling indicates that targets are relatively free of surface coatings. One type of igneous rock is volcanic and includes both aphanitic (Coronation) and porphyritic (Mara) samples. The porphyritic sample shows dark grains that are likely pyroxene megacrysts in a fine-grained mesostasis containing andesine needles. Both types have magnesium-poor basaltic compositions and in this respect are similar to the evolved Jake Matijevic rock analyzed further along the Curiosity traverse both with Alpha-Particle X-ray Spectrometer and ChemCam instruments. The second rock type encountered is a coarse-grained intrusive rock (Thor Lake) showing equigranular texture with millimeter size crystals of feldspars and Fe-Ti oxides. Such a rock is not unique at Gale as the surrounding coarse gravels (such as Beaulieu) and the conglomerate Link are dominated by feldspathic (andesine-bytownite) clasts. Finally, alkali feldspar compositions associated with a silica polymorph have been analyzed in fractured filling material of Preble rock and in Stark, a putative pumice or an impact melt. These observations document magmatic diversity at Gale and describe the first fragments of feldspar-rich lithologies (possibly an anorthosite) that may be ancient crust transported from the crater rim and now forming float rocks, coarse gravel, or conglomerate clasts

    Singular regional brightening events on Titan as seen by Cassini/VIMS

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    Titan, the largest satellite of Saturn, is the only satellite in the solar system with a dense atmosphere. The close and continuous observations of Titan by the Cassini spacecraft, in orbit around Saturn since July 2004, bring us evidences that Titan tropo-sphere and low stratosphere experience an exotic, but complete meteorological cycle similar to the Earth hy-drological cycle, with hydrocarbons evaporation, con-densation in clouds, and rainfall. Cassini monitoring campaigns also demonstrate that Titan’s cloud cover-age and climate vary with latitude. Titan’s tropics, with globally weak meteorological activity and widespread dune fields, seem to be slightly more arid than the poles, where extensive and numerous liquid reservoirs and sustained cloud activity were discovered. Only a few tropospheric clouds have been observed at Titan’s tropics during the southern summer [2-4]. As equinox was approaching (in August 2009), they oc-curred more frequently and appeared to grow in strength and size [5-7]

    Desiccation cracks provide evidence of lake drying on Mars, Sutton Island member, Murray formation, Gale Crater

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    Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity rover data are used to describe the morphology of desiccation cracks observed in ancient lacustrine strata at Gale crater, Mars, and to interpret their paleoenvironmental setting. The desiccation cracks indicate subaerial exposure of lacustrine facies in the Sutton Island member of the Murray formation. In association with ripple cross-stratification and possible eolian cross-bedding, these facies indicate a transition from longer-lived perennial lakes recorded by older strata to younger lakes characterized by intermittent exposure. The transition from perennial to episodically exposed lacustrine environments provides evidence for local to regional climate change that can help constrain Mars climate models
