497 research outputs found

    Penerapan Algoritma DES Untuk Enkripsi Dan Dekripsi Pada File Video

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    Security of data, especially on the video file is very important to be kept confidential. This has to do with copyright. For that developed a method that aims to randomize video files, so it can not be accessed by others who are not interested. Encription Data Algorithm Standard (DES), an encryption algorithm with a symmetric key, one of the cryptography method introduced by WL Tuchman in 1972 at the IBM lab. DES algorithm, processed at 64 bit plain. DES algorithm using external keys up to 8 characters or 64 bits. The external keys are processed to produce 16 pieces of internal key with each key length 48 bits. The internal lock is a part in the process of encryption and decryption. In addition the DES algorithm also uses the s-box predefined eight pieces, which will be used in the Feistel system. DES algorithm is quite good with the loop 16 times on the stages of encryption and decryption. This makes plain file encryption function optimally. DES Algorithm felt able to be applied to the cryptographic process on the video files, especially video files to WMV format. This is because the result of encryption of video files is very different from the original video file. WMV video file format is a video format windows, which can be played using a variety of video player

    The Role of Emotion in Elimination of Contribution and Collaboration Dilemma in Citarum River Basin Problem

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    The purposes of the current research are to identify, analyze and simulate the dynamics of interaction and conflicts among agents using drama theory in Citarum river basin problem. To accomplish these purposes, we crate a simulation model that combine drama theory and emotional state model (PAD model). Drama theory was adopted because it able to describe dilemmas and paradox arising from rational goal seeking behavior. It also provides us with rigorous analytical and computational tools for conflict analysis. Our previous model was able to recognize and solve confrontation dilemmas, i.e., persuasion and rejection dilemma among the agents. In this paper, we propose an enhanced simulation model that is able to recognize and solve collaboration dilemmas (trust dilemma) among the agents. In order to obtain some fruitful suggestions for encouraging agent's collaboration, we product agent-based simulation using SOARS (Spot Oriented Agent Role Simulator)

    Manajemen Pemupukan Tanaman Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jacq.) Di Pelantaran Agro Estate, Kalimantan Tengah

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    Penelitian dilakukan di Pelantaran Agro Estate, Kalimantan Pusat mulai 14 Februari sampai 14 Juni 2011. Penelitian belajar dan memahami pengelolaan pembuahan kelapa sawit. Data dikumpulkan dari sumber primer dan sekunder. Data primer dianalisis mengenai keefektifan (waktu tepat, jenis kanan, dosis benar, metode yang benar), efisiensi tenaga kerja, dan kekurangan nutrisi. Pengelolaan pemupukan di Pelantaran Agro Estate (PAGE) pada umumnya telah dilaksanakan sesuai dengan standar pemupukan. Taman tersebut telah memperhatikan ketentuan dan rekomendasi yang telah direkomendasikan pemupukan dan telah mengacu pada prinsip 4 T (waktu yang tepat, jenis hak, dosis tepat, dan metode yang benar) dalam hal mencapai efektivitas dan efisiensi pemupukan. . Namun, dalam penggunaan tenaga kerja belum efisien yang tentunya berdampak pada efisiensi waktu dan biaya. Realisasi pemupukan belum sepenuhnya dilaksanakan sesuai dengan rekomendasi. Hambatan dalam penerapan pemupukan masih ditemukan di daerah berawa dan bergelombang

    Website as Co-Created Decision Support System Towards Enhanced Experience of Solo City Tourism

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    . The linkage among information-intensive era, technology, and tourism industry build inseparable genetic relationship which is supposed to be realized in practice. Let alone in this digital era, the urgency to exploit information to the next level resulted in the need to bring a higher game on the technology in order to manage information effectively and efficiently. Tourism industry is categorized as complex system regarding the components substituted it. The diverse elements which interact with dynamics pace give birth to complex tasks to manage by the responsible parties and consequently enhance experience in tourism industry. Competing with complex situation, computerized decision system is urgently needed to collect and also distribute accurate knowledge of tourism industry, collaborate with both supporting public and private sectors, and gain rationality for all stakeholders in the system. Solo city, known also as Surakarta and located in Central Java (Indonesia), is obliged to do its tourism industry justice as it is an important vehicle for regional development of the city. Tourism industry of Solo city represents the major and significant contributor to the local economy to the point where tourism is the brand of Solo city. Taking the prior research finding, value orchestration platform to promote tourism in batik Solo industrial cluster into the reference, this study improves the model by highlighting the duality function the tourism website supposed to have using hashtag (#) minings principle as the latest user interface technology. This study proposes a collaborative website platform as a co-created decision support system to enhance tourism experience for tourist as consumer and optimize management process for Department of Culture and Tourism of Solo city as provider

    Trik Dan Tips Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan Di Era Industri 4.0 Dalam Mewujudkan Perguruan Tinggi Yang Transformatif

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    Tujuan dalam penulisan artikel ini adalah melihat signifikasi tentang koontribusi dosen dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di era digital. Secara empiris, penulis mengamati bahwa masih ditemukan beberapa perguruan tinggi yang mengalami kesulitan dalam menghadapi era industri 4.0. Hal ini terbukti dalam pelaksanakan pendidikan di era digital dan pandemi. Berdasarkan persoalan tersebut, maka melalui tulisan ini, penulis hendak menjelaskan langkah-langkah penting dalam mengatasi berbagai problem tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif, penulis mengkaji trik dan tips dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di era industri 4.0. Proses analisis yang dilakukan oleh penulis adalah menggunakan berbagai sumber pustaka maupun elektronik yang terpercaya untuk mendukung analisis penulis. Hasil penelitian menemukan beberapa indikator penting, yakni tenaga pendidik/dosen bersahabat dengan teknologi, kemampuan dalam literasi dan kemampuan dalam mempublikasikan karya ilmiah serta kreatif dan inovatif. Dengan temuan seperti ini, maka penulis berkeyakinan bahwa tantangan yang dihadapai oleh perguruan tinggi saat ini dapat teratasi dengan baik sesuai dengan sistem yang telah diterapkan di perguruan tinggi

    Investigating Aggressive Driving Behavior in Reducing Traffic Congestion on Bandung City

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    . Traffic congestion reflects waste of time and energy that must be eliminated. Many methods have been employed by past studies to solve this problem. The approach utilized by those studies is mostly macroscopic that consider vehicles and drivers in aggregate. This study argues that a more microscopic approach is also required to depict and solve the congestion problem. Hence, agent-based simulation is brought forward to help identify the cause of congestion problem. In this study, drivers are assumed to have their own motives that might drive them to resort to aggressive behaviors that ultimately lead to traffic congestion. As a preliminary investigation, this study aims to discover type of aggressive driving behavior on Bandung City. The results demonstrate that aggressive dirivng behaviors on Bandung City can be categorized into five factors namely improper speed, inattentiveness, display of hostility, impatience, and disobedience of traffic sign/signals. This study also found that different composition of driving behaviors leads to different degree of congestion. Impatience behavior is found to be the factor that must be eliminate to remedy congestion on Bandung City

    Involvement of the Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor mGluR5 in NMDA Receptor-Dependent, Learning-Facilitated Long-Term Depression in CA1 Synapses

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    Learning-facilitated synaptic plasticity describes the ability of hippocampal synapses to respond with persistent synaptic plasticity to the coupling of weak afferent stimulation, which is subthreshold for the induction of plasticity, with a spatial learning experience. The metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 (mGluR5) is critically involved in enabling the persistency of multiple forms of hippocampal synaptic plasticity. We compared the effects of pharmacological allosteric antagonism of mGluR5 in learning-facilitated plasticity with plasticity that had been induced solely by patterned afferent stimulation of the Schaffer collateral pathway to the CA1 stratum radiatum of adult freely behaving rats. Intracerebroventricular injection of the selective mGluR5 antagonist 2-methyl-6-(phenylethynyl)pyridine (MPEP) had no effect on basal synaptic transmission but significantly prevented both long-term depression (LTD) elicited by electrical stimulation and LTD facilitated by novel object-place configuration learning. NMDA receptor antagonism also prevented learning-facilitated LTD. Habituation to the objects was prevented by MPEP application. Whereas reexposure to the object-place configuration (after 7 days) failed to facilitate LTD in control animals, those who had been treated previously with MPEP expressed LTD, suggesting that inhibition of learning contributed to the initial prevention of LTD. These data support a pivotal role for mGluR5 in both hippocampal LTD and the acquisition of object-place configurations

    Defective synapse maturation and enhanced synaptic plasticity in Shank2 Δex7(-/-) mice

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    Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are neurodevelopmental disorders with a strong genetic etiology. Since mutations in human SHANK genes have been found in patients with autism, genetic mouse models are used for a mechanistic understanding of ASDs and the development of therapeutic strategies. SHANKs are scaffold proteins in the postsynaptic density of mammalian excitatory synapses with proposed functions in synaptogenesis, regulation of dendritic spine morphology, and instruction of structural synaptic plasticity. In contrast to all studies so far on the function of SHANK proteins, we have previously observed enhanced synaptic plasticity in Shank2 Δex7(-/-) mice. In a series of experiments, we now reproduce these results, further explore the synaptic phenotype, and directly compare our model to the independently generated Shank2 Δex6-7(-/-) mice. Minimal stimulation experiments reveal that Shank2 Δex7(-/-) mice possess an excessive fraction of silent (i.e., α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid, short, AMPA receptor lacking) synapses. The synaptic maturation deficit emerges during the third postnatal week and constitutes a plausible mechanistic explanation for the mutants' increased capacity for long-term potentiation, both in vivo and in vitro. A direct comparison with Shank2 Δex6-7(-/-) mice adds weight to the hypothesis that both mouse models show a different set of synaptic phenotypes, possibly due to differences in their genetic background. These findings add to the diversity of synaptic phenotypes in neurodevelopmental disorders and further support the supposed existence of "modifier genes" in the expression and inheritance of ASDs